Difference between boundedElastic() vs parallel() scheduler - spring

I'm new to Project reactor and trying to understand difference between boundedElastic() vs parallel() scheduler. Documentation says that boundedElastic() is used for blocking tasks and parallel() for non-blocking tasks.
Why do Project reactor need to address blocking scenario as they are non-blocking in nature. Can someone please help me out with some real world use case for boundedElastic() vs parallel() scheduler

The parallel flavor is backed by N workers (according to the N cpus) each based on a ScheduledExecutorService. If you submit N long lived tasks to it, no more work can be executed, hence the affinity for short-lived tasks.
The elastic flavor is also backed by workers based on ScheduledExecutorService, except it creates these workers on demand and pools them.
BoundedElastic is same as elastic, difference is that you can limit the total no. of threads.

Reactor executes non-blocking/async tasks on a small number of threads. In case task is blocking - thread would be blocked and all other tasks would be waiting for it.
parallel should be used for fast non-blocking operation (default option)
boundedElastic should be used to "offload" blocking tasks
In general Reactor API is concurrency-agnostic that use Schedulers abstraction to execute tasks. Schedulers have responsibilities very similar to ExecutorService.
Should be a default option and used for fast non-blocking operation on a small number of threads. By default, number of threads is equal to number of CPU cores. It could be controlled by reactor.schedulers.defaultPoolSize system property.
Used to execute longer operations (blocking tasks) as a part of the reactive flow. It will use thread pool with a default number of threads number of CPU cores x 10 (could be controlled by reactor.schedulers.defaultBoundedElasticSize) and default queue size of 100000 per thread (reactor.schedulers.defaultBoundedElasticSize).
subscribeOn or publishOn could be used to change the scheduler.
The following code shows how to wrap blocking operation
Mono.fromCallable(() -> {
// blocking operation
}).subscribeOn(Schedulers.boundedElastic()); // run on a separate scheduler because code is blocking
Similar to Schedulers.boundedElastic() but is useful when you need to create a separate thread pool for some operation.
Sometimes it's not obvious what code is blocking. One very useful tool while testing reactive code is BlockHound

Schedulers provides various Scheduler flavors usable by publishOn or subscribeOn :
1)parallel(): Optimized for fast Runnable non-blocking executions
2)single(): Optimized for low-latency Runnable one-off executions
3)elastic(): Optimized for longer executions, an alternative for blocking tasks where the number of active tasks (and threads) can grow indefinitely
4)boundedElastic(): Optimized for longer executions, an alternative for
fromExecutorService(ExecutorService) to create new instances around Executors


Does the Windows scheduler sometimes fail to preempt a running thread immediately to let a higher-priority thread run?

My application operates on pairs of long vectors - say it adds them together to produce a vector result. Its rules state that it must completely finish with one pair before it can be given another. I would like to use multiple threads to speed things up. I am running Windows 10.
I created an OpenMP parallel for construct and divided the vector among all the threads of the team. All threads start, all threads run pretty fast, so the multithreading is effective.
But the speedup is slight, and the reason is that some of the time, one of the worker threads takes way longer than usual. I have instrumented the operation, and I see that sometimes the worker threads take a long time to start - delay varies from 20 microseconds on average to dozens of milliseconds depending on system load. The master thread does not show this delay.
That makes me think that the scheduler is taking some time to start the worker threads. The master thread is already running, so it doesn't have to wait to be started.
But here is the nub of the question: raising the priority of the process doesn't make any difference. I can raise it to high priority or even realtime priority, and I still see that startup of the worker threads is often delayed. It looks like the Windows scheduler is not fully preemptive, and sometimes lets a lower-priority thread run when a higher-priority one is eligible. Can anyone confirm this?
I have verified that the worker threads are created with the default OS priority, namely the base priority of the class of the master process. This should be higher that the priority of any running thread, I think. Or is it normal for there to be some thread with realtime priority that might be blocking my workers? I don't see one with Task Manager.
I guess one last possibility is that the task switch might take 20 usec. Is that plausible?
I have a 4-core system without hyperthreading.

How to control how many tasks to run per executor in PySpark [duplicate]

I don't quite understand spark.task.cpus parameter. It seems to me that a “task” corresponds to a “thread” or a "process", if you will, within the executor. Suppose that I set "spark.task.cpus" to 2.
How can a thread utilize two CPUs simultaneously? Couldn't it require locks and cause synchronization problems?
I'm looking at launchTask() function in deploy/executor/Executor.scala, and I don't see any notion of "number of cpus per task" here. So where/how does Spark eventually allocate more than one cpu to a task in the standalone mode?
To the best of my knowledge spark.task.cpus controls the parallelism of tasks in you cluster in the case where some particular tasks are known to have their own internal (custom) parallelism.
In more detail:
We know that spark.cores.max defines how many threads (aka cores) your application needs. If you leave spark.task.cpus = 1 then you will have #spark.cores.max number of concurrent Spark tasks running at the same time.
You will only want to change spark.task.cpus if you know that your tasks are themselves parallelized (maybe each of your task spawns two threads, interacts with external tools, etc.) By setting spark.task.cpus accordingly, you become a good "citizen". Now if you have spark.cores.max=10 and spark.task.cpus=2 Spark will only create 10/2=5 concurrent tasks. Given that your tasks need (say) 2 threads internally the total number of executing threads will never be more than 10. This means that you never go above your initial contract (defined by spark.cores.max).

Optimal size of worker pool

I'm building a Go app which uses a "worker pool" of goroutines, initially I start the pool creating a number of workers. I was wondering what would be the optimal number of workers in a mult-core processor, for example in a CPU with 4 cores ? I'm currently using the following aproach:
// init pool
numCPUs := runtime.NumCPU()
runtime.GOMAXPROCS(numCPUs + 1) // numCPUs hot threads + one for async tasks.
maxWorkers := numCPUs * 4
jobQueue := make(chan job.Job)
module := Module{
Dispatcher: job.NewWorkerPool(maxWorkers),
JobQueue: jobQueue,
Router: router,
// A buffered channel that we can send work requests on.
The complete implementation is under
My use-case for using a worker pool: I have a service which accepts requests and calls multiple external APIs and aggregate their results into a single response. Each call can be done independently from others as the order of results doesn't matter. I dispatch the calls to the worker pool where each call is done in one available goroutine in an asynchronous way. My "request" thread keeps listening to the return channels while fetching and aggregating results as soon as a worker thread is done. When all are done the final aggregated result is returned as a response. Since each external API call may render variable response times some calls can be completed earlier than others. As per my understanding doing it in a parallel way would be better in terms of performance as if compared to doing it in a synchronous way calling each external API one after another
The comments in your sample code suggest you may be conflating the two concepts of GOMAXPROCS and a worker pool. These two concepts are completely distinct in Go.
GOMAXPROCS sets the maximum number of CPU threads the Go runtime will use. This defaults to the number of CPU cores found on the system, and should almost never be changed. The only time I can think of to change this would be if you wanted to explicitly limit a Go program to use fewer than the available CPUs for some reason, then you might set this to 1, for example, even when running on a 4-core CPU. This should only ever matter in rare situations.
TL;DR; Never set runtime.GOMAXPROCS manually.
Worker pools in Go are a set of goroutines, which handle jobs as they arrive. There are different ways of handling worker pools in Go.
What number of workers should you use? There is no objective answer. Probably the only way to know is to benchmark various configurations until you find one that meets your requirements.
As a simple case, suppose your worker pool is doing something very CPU-intensive. In this case, you probably want one worker per CPU.
As a more likely example, though, lets say your workers are doing something more I/O bound--such as reading HTTP requests, or sending email via SMTP. In this case, you may reasonably handle dozens or even thousands of workers per CPU.
And then there's also the question of if you even should use a worker pool. Most problems in Go do not require worker pools at all. I've worked on dozens of production Go programs, and never once used a worker pool in any of them. I've also written many times more one-time-use Go tools, and only used a worker pool maybe once.
And finally, the only way in which GOMAXPROCS and worker pools relate is the same as how goroutines relates to GOMAXPROCS. From the docs:
The GOMAXPROCS variable limits the number of operating system threads that can execute user-level Go code simultaneously. There is no limit to the number of threads that can be blocked in system calls on behalf of Go code; those do not count against the GOMAXPROCS limit. This package's GOMAXPROCS function queries and changes the limit.
From this simple description, it's easy to see that there could be many more (potentially hundreds of thousands... or more) goroutines than GOMAXPROCS--GOMAXPROCS only limits how many "operating system threads that can execute user-level Go code simultaneously"--goroutines which aren't executing user-level Go code at the moment don't count. And in I/O-bound goroutines (such as those waiting for a network response) aren't executing code. So you have a theoretical maximum number of goroutines limited only by your system's available memory.

How to change number of worker threads in finch/finagle?

I have a finch endpoint that works fine when sequential calls are made.in case of concurrent requests, service latency is increasing in the proportion of the number of concurrent requests.I have two questions regarding this.
Is blocking of thread causing latency problem?
How many worker threads are present in finch?
How to increase the number of worker threads?
How will the system affect after changing default worker thread count?
Blocking a Finagle thread is never a good idea. Normally you get 2 * CPU cores threads in your thread-pool. You can try overriding it with the -Dcom.twitter.finagle.netty4.numWorkers=48 flag.
Before tweaking the thread pool, I'd recommend looking into FuturePools for means to offload your blocking code from a Finagle thread.

Is out of order command queue useful on AMD GPU?

It seems to me that one opencl command queue won't dispatch commands to more than one hardware queue. So commands in an out of order command queue are still executed one by one, just not in the order they were enqueued?
So if I want to make use of multiple hardware queues all I can do is to create multiple opencl command queues?
OOO (out of order) queues are available to meet the needs of user event dependency. Having a single queue in this type of applications can lead to a blocked queue waiting to a user event that never comes. And creating one queue per job is also non optimal.
If you want parallelism int the execution, OOO is NOT what you need. But multiple queues.
A common approach is to use a Queue for IO, and a queue for running kernels.
But you can also use a queue per thread, in a multi-thread processing scheme. IO of each thread will overlap the execution of other threads.
NOTE: nVIDIA does support parallel execution of jobs in a single queue, but that is out of the standard.
