Everything is done according to your guide, re-read several times, looked at a bunch of answers on Google, but my error is not fixed! Here is a mistake:
enter image description here
enclose code:
use BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Dashboard\Http\Middleware\Authorize;
return [
* Set a custom dashboard configuration
'dashboard' => [
'port' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_PORT', 6001),
* This package comes with multi tenancy out of the box. Here you can
* configure the different apps that can use the webSockets server.
* Optionally you specify capacity so you can limit the maximum
* concurrent connections for a specific app.
* Optionally you can disable client events so clients cannot send
* messages to each other via the webSockets.
'apps' => [
'id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'name' => env('APP_NAME'),
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'path' => env('PUSHER_APP_PATH'),
'capacity' => null,
'enable_client_messages' => true,
'enable_statistics' => true,
* This class is responsible for finding the apps. The default provider
* will use the apps defined in this config file.
* You can create a custom provider by implementing the
* `AppProvider` interface.
'app_provider' => BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Apps\ConfigAppProvider::class,
* This array contains the hosts of which you want to allow incoming requests.
* Leave this empty if you want to accept requests from all hosts.
'allowed_origins' => [
* The maximum request size in kilobytes that is allowed for an incoming WebSocket request.
'max_request_size_in_kb' => 250,
* This path will be used to register the necessary routes for the package.
'path' => 'laravel-websockets',
* Dashboard Routes Middleware
* These middleware will be assigned to every dashboard route, giving you
* the chance to add your own middleware to this list or change any of
* the existing middleware. Or, you can simply stick with this list.
'middleware' => [
'statistics' => [
* This model will be used to store the statistics of the WebSocketsServer.
* The only requirement is that the model should extend
* `WebSocketsStatisticsEntry` provided by this package.
'model' => \BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Statistics\Models\WebSocketsStatisticsEntry::class,
* Here you can specify the interval in seconds at which statistics should be logged.
'interval_in_seconds' => 60,
* When the clean-command is executed, all recorded statistics older than
* the number of days specified here will be deleted.
'delete_statistics_older_than_days' => 60,
* Use an DNS resolver to make the requests to the statistics logger
* default is to resolve everything to
'perform_dns_lookup' => false,
* Define the optional SSL context for your WebSocket connections.
* You can see all available options at: http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php
'ssl' => [
* Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which
* contains your certificate and private key. It can optionally contain the
* certificate chain of issuers. The private key also may be contained
* in a separate file specified by local_pk.
'local_cert' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_CERT', null),
* Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for
* certificate (local_cert) and private key.
'local_pk' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_PK', null),
* Passphrase for your local_cert file.
'passphrase' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_PASSPHRASE', null),
* Channel Manager
* This class handles how channel persistence is handled.
* By default, persistence is stored in an array by the running webserver.
* The only requirement is that the class should implement
* `ChannelManager` interface provided by this package.
'channel_manager' => \BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\WebSockets\Channels\ChannelManagers\ArrayChannelManager::class,
return [
| Default Broadcaster
| This option controls the default broadcaster that will be used by the
| framework when an event needs to be broadcast. You may set this to
| any of the connections defined in the "connections" array below.
| Supported: "pusher", "redis", "log", "null"
'default' => env('BROADCAST_DRIVER', 'null'),
| Broadcast Connections
| Here you may define all of the broadcast connections that will be used
| to broadcast events to other systems or over websockets. Samples of
| each available type of connection are provided inside this array.
'connections' => [
'pusher' => [
'driver' => 'pusher',
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'options' => [
'cluster' => env('PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER'),
'useTLS' => true,
'host' => '',
'post' => 6001,
'scheme' => 'https'
'redis' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'connection' => 'default',
'log' => [
'driver' => 'log',
'null' => [
'driver' => 'null',
import Echo from 'laravel-echo'
window.Pusher = require('pusher-js');
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
cluster: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
wsHost: window.location.hostname,
wsPort: 6001,
My site has https, maybe you need to configure it somehow? Therefore, an error occurs, before a “message” was sent to me, but after my manipulations everything again broke down.
Here is the url: http://smart-php.design
I will be extremely grateful for the support!
Thanks in advance!
You need to setup ssl certificate (refer to their document on ssl) otherwise just turn off the encryption and serve over WS.
I am using dockerized environment for laravel project.
Everything is glued by nginx proxy.
There is additional docker container to run laravel-websockets server.
It works when I try to connect to it using postman. It connects, I cand send message to subscribe, it even receives broadcasted events. The issue is both firefox and vivaldi (chromium based) cant connect to it.
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://****:6001/app/pusher-key?protocol=7&client=js&version=4.3.1&flash=false.
Apart from laravel websockets I tried soketi but same thing.
Nginx proxy I used https://github.com/nginx-proxy/nginx-proxy
Websockets are handled by https://github.com/beyondcode/laravel-websockets
Certificates are self signed but they do work in Postman, no idea why browser has issues D :
Here is addition to nginx proxy template
location /app {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_read_timeout 60;
proxy_connect_timeout 60;
proxy_redirect off;
# Allow the use of websockets
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Packages used
"beyondcode/laravel-websockets": "^1.13",
"pusher/pusher-php-server": "~7.0.2",
"pusher-js": "^5.1.1",
'connections' => [
'pusher' => [
'driver' => 'pusher',
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY','app-key'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET','app-secret'),
'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID','app-id'),
'options' => [
'host' => env('PUSHER_HOST', ''),
'port' => env('PUSHER_PORT', 6001),
'scheme' => 'http',
'encrypted' => false,
'useTLS' => false,
'cluster' => 'mt1',
'curl_options' => [
return [
* This package comes with multi tenancy out of the box. Here you can
* configure the different apps that can use the webSockets server.
* Optionally you can disable client events so clients cannot send
* messages to each other via the webSockets.
'apps' => [
'id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'name' => env('APP_NAME'),
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'enable_client_messages' => false,
'enable_statistics' => true,
* This class is responsible for finding the apps. The default provider
* will use the apps defined in this config file.
* You can create a custom provider by implementing the
* `AppProvider` interface.
'app_provider' => BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Apps\ConfigAppProvider::class,
* This array contains the hosts of which you want to allow incoming requests.
* Leave this empty if you want to accept requests from all hosts.
'allowed_origins' => [
* The maximum request size in kilobytes that is allowed for an incoming WebSocket request.
'max_request_size_in_kb' => 250,
* This path will be used to register the necessary routes for the package.
'path' => 'laravel-websockets',
'statistics' => [
* This model will be used to store the statistics of the WebSocketsServer.
* The only requirement is that the model should extend
* `WebSocketsStatisticsEntry` provided by this package.
'model' => \BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Statistics\Models\WebSocketsStatisticsEntry::class,
* Here you can specify the interval in seconds at which statistics should be logged.
'interval_in_seconds' => 60,
* When the clean-command is executed, all recorded statistics older than
* the number of days specified here will be deleted.
'delete_statistics_older_than_days' => 60,
* Use an DNS resolver to make the requests to the statistics logger
* default is to resolve everything to
'perform_dns_lookup' => false,
* Define the optional SSL context for your WebSocket connections.
* You can see all available options at: http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php
'ssl' => [
* Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which
* contains your certificate and private key. It can optionally contain the
* certificate chain of issuers. The private key also may be contained
* in a separate file specified by local_pk.
'local_cert' => storage_path('certificates/default.crt'),
* Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for
* certificate (local_cert) and private key.
'local_pk' => storage_path('certificates/default.key'),
* Passphrase for your local_cert file.
'passphrase' => null
The below code is all working, it turned out the SSLs I have been using prior to changing them were good after all, but that something else was wrong when they were good. I will delete this post.
I have searched through many many pages online with various solutions and unfortunately none have worked. I am getting errors from the browser:
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at wss://MYDOMAIN:6001/app/MYAPPID?protocol=7&client=js&version=7.0.6&flash=false.
And in Chrome:
WebSocket connection to 'wss://MYDOMAIN:6001/app/MYAPPID?protocol=7&client=js&version=7.0.6&flash=false' failed:
I managed to get it working perfectly, even in production but only when I do not load https (I temporarily turned off my forcing of redirect to https to test).
However with https I have ran out of ideas.
Obviously with everything below in place, and cache in all places cleared I run:
php artisan websockets:serve
The result in the terminal is that it stays on Starting the WebSocket server on port 6001... with no other activity.
Its worth noting that when I do try to broadcast an event in Laravel I get no errors, whereas if I change settings (e.g. put in a wrong path for the SSL, or take something out of the broadcasting.php config, I do get an error that I cannot connect to pusher. So I am assuming based on this my config with pusher is ok.
return [
| Default Broadcaster
| This option controls the default broadcaster that will be used by the
| framework when an event needs to be broadcast. You may set this to
| any of the connections defined in the "connections" array below.
| Supported: "pusher", "redis", "log", "null"
'default' => env('BROADCAST_DRIVER', 'null'),
| Broadcast Connections
| Here you may define all of the broadcast connections that will be used
| to broadcast events to other systems or over websockets. Samples of
| each available type of connection are provided inside this array.
'connections' => [
'pusher' => [
'driver' => 'pusher',
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'options' => [
'cluster' => env('PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER'),
'host' => '',
'port' => 6001,
'scheme' => 'https',
'useTLS' => true,
'encrypted' => true,
'curl_options' => [
'redis' => [
'driver' => 'redis',
'connection' => 'default',
'log' => [
'driver' => 'log',
'null' => [
'driver' => 'null',
use BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Dashboard\Http\Middleware\Authorize;
return [
* Set a custom dashboard configuration
'dashboard' => [
'port' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_PORT', 6001),
* This package comes with multi tenancy out of the box. Here you can
* configure the different apps that can use the webSockets server.
* Optionally you specify capacity so you can limit the maximum
* concurrent connections for a specific app.
* Optionally you can disable client events so clients cannot send
* messages to each other via the webSockets.
'apps' => [
'id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'name' => env('APP_NAME'),
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'enable_client_messages' => true,
'enable_statistics' => true,
* This class is responsible for finding the apps. The default provider
* will use the apps defined in this config file.
* You can create a custom provider by implementing the
* `AppProvider` interface.
'app_provider' => BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Apps\ConfigAppProvider::class,
* This array contains the hosts of which you want to allow incoming requests.
* Leave this empty if you want to accept requests from all hosts.
'allowed_origins' => [
* The maximum request size in kilobytes that is allowed for an incoming WebSocket request.
'max_request_size_in_kb' => 250,
* This path will be used to register the necessary routes for the package.
'path' => 'laravel-websockets',
* Dashboard Routes Middleware
* These middleware will be assigned to every dashboard route, giving you
* the chance to add your own middleware to this list or change any of
* the existing middleware. Or, you can simply stick with this list.
'middleware' => [
'statistics' => [
* This model will be used to store the statistics of the WebSocketsServer.
* The only requirement is that the model should extend
* `WebSocketsStatisticsEntry` provided by this package.
'model' => \BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\Statistics\Models\WebSocketsStatisticsEntry::class,
* Here you can specify the interval in seconds at which statistics should be logged.
'interval_in_seconds' => 60,
* When the clean-command is executed, all recorded statistics older than
* the number of days specified here will be deleted.
'delete_statistics_older_than_days' => 60,
* Use an DNS resolver to make the requests to the statistics logger
* default is to resolve everything to
'perform_dns_lookup' => false,
* Define the optional SSL context for your WebSocket connections.
* You can see all available options at: http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php
'ssl' => [
* Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which
* contains your certificate and private key. It can optionally contain the
* certificate chain of issuers. The private key also may be contained
* in a separate file specified by local_pk.
'local_cert' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_CERT', null),
* Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for
* certificate (local_cert) and private key.
'local_pk' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_PK', null),
* Passphrase for your local_cert file.
'passphrase' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_PASSPHRASE', null),
'verify_peer' => false
* Channel Manager
* This class handles how channel persistence is handled.
* By default, persistence is stored in an array by the running webserver.
* The only requirement is that the class should implement
* `ChannelManager` interface provided by this package.
'channel_manager' => \BeyondCode\LaravelWebSockets\WebSockets\Channels\ChannelManagers\ArrayChannelManager::class,
my ts file:
window.pusher = new Pusher('MYAPPID', {
cluster: 'mt1',
forceTLS: true,
enabledTransports: ['ws', 'wss'],
wssPort: 6001,
wsPort: 6001,
wsHost: 'MYDOMAIN'
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: 'pusher',
key: 'MYAPPKEY',
cluster: 'mt1',
wsHost: 'MYDOMAIN',
wssPort: 6001,
wsPort: 6001,
forceTLS: true,
enabledTransports: ['ws', 'wss'],
encrypted: true,
disableStats: true
.env: Note, for the SSLs, I tried my own domain SSLs, they did not work so I then followed these instructions to generate them.
I am developing API in laravel. When I try to fetch an uploaded image url inside a loop that gives me this error,
Spatie\MediaLibrary\Exceptions\UrlCannotBeDetermined: Storage path myAppPath\storage\app is not part of public path myAppPath\public in file myAppPath\vendor\spatie\laravel-medialibrary\src\Exceptions\UrlCannotBeDetermined.php on line 11
But when I try to get url directly it works.
like this ==>
$log = Log::find($id)->getMedia('images');
return $log[0]->getFullUrl();
this is my code. below code is not working
$logs = Log::where(function ($query) {
$query->where('owner', '=', Auth::user()->id)
->orWhere('owner', '=', Auth::user()->partner->id);
->orderBy('date', 'desc')
$resArr= array();
$mediaArray = $logs[$i]->getMedia('images');
$m =array();
for ($j=0;$j<count($mediaArray);$j++){
$med = array(
'url'=>$mediaArray[$j]->getFullUrl(), // here not working
$a = array(
return \response()->json(['status'=>'success','data'=>$resArr]);
This is my medialibrary.php file.
return [
* The disk on which to store added files and derived images by default. Choose
* one or more of the disks you've configured in config/filesystems.php.
'disk_name' => env('MEDIA_DISK', 'public'),
* The maximum file size of an item in bytes.
* Adding a larger file will result in an exception.
'max_file_size' => 1024 * 1024 * 10,
* This queue will be used to generate derived and responsive images.
* Leave empty to use the default queue.
'queue_name' => '',
* The fully qualified class name of the media model.
'media_model' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\Models\Media::class,
's3' => [
* The domain that should be prepended when generating urls.
'domain' => 'https://'.env('AWS_BUCKET').'.s3.amazonaws.com',
'remote' => [
* Any extra headers that should be included when uploading media to
* a remote disk. Even though supported headers may vary between
* different drivers, a sensible default has been provided.
* Supported by S3: CacheControl, Expires, StorageClass,
* ServerSideEncryption, Metadata, ACL, ContentEncoding
'extra_headers' => [
'CacheControl' => 'max-age=604800',
'responsive_images' => [
* This class is responsible for calculating the target widths of the responsive
* images. By default we optimize for filesize and create variations that each are 20%
* smaller than the previous one. More info in the documentation.
* https://docs.spatie.be/laravel-medialibrary/v7/advanced-usage/generating-responsive-images
'width_calculator' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\ResponsiveImages\WidthCalculator\FileSizeOptimizedWidthCalculator::class,
* By default rendering media to a responsive image will add some javascript and a tiny placeholder.
* This ensures that the browser can already determine the correct layout.
'use_tiny_placeholders' => true,
* This class will generate the tiny placeholder used for progressive image loading. By default
* the medialibrary will use a tiny blurred jpg image.
'tiny_placeholder_generator' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\ResponsiveImages\TinyPlaceholderGenerator\Blurred::class,
* When urls to files get generated, this class will be called. Leave empty
* if your files are stored locally above the site root or on s3.
'url_generator' => null,
* Whether to activate versioning when urls to files get generated.
* When activated, this attaches a ?v=xx query string to the URL.
'version_urls' => false,
* The class that contains the strategy for determining a media file's path.
'path_generator' => null,
* Medialibrary will try to optimize all converted images by removing
* metadata and applying a little bit of compression. These are
* the optimizers that will be used by default.
'image_optimizers' => [
Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Jpegoptim::class => [
'--strip-all', // this strips out all text information such as comments and EXIF data
'--all-progressive', // this will make sure the resulting image is a progressive one
Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Pngquant::class => [
'--force', // required parameter for this package
Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Optipng::class => [
'-i0', // this will result in a non-interlaced, progressive scanned image
'-o2', // this set the optimization level to two (multiple IDAT compression trials)
'-quiet', // required parameter for this package
Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Svgo::class => [
'--disable=cleanupIDs', // disabling because it is known to cause troubles
Spatie\ImageOptimizer\Optimizers\Gifsicle::class => [
'-b', // required parameter for this package
'-O3', // this produces the slowest but best results
* These generators will be used to create an image of media files.
'image_generators' => [
* The engine that should perform the image conversions.
* Should be either `gd` or `imagick`.
'image_driver' => env('IMAGE_DRIVER', 'gd'),
* FFMPEG & FFProbe binaries paths, only used if you try to generate video
* thumbnails and have installed the php-ffmpeg/php-ffmpeg composer
* dependency.
'ffmpeg_path' => env('FFMPEG_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffmpeg'),
'ffprobe_path' => env('FFPROBE_PATH', '/usr/bin/ffprobe'),
* The path where to store temporary files while performing image conversions.
* If set to null, storage_path('medialibrary/temp') will be used.
'temporary_directory_path' => null,
* Here you can override the class names of the jobs used by this package. Make sure
* your custom jobs extend the ones provided by the package.
'jobs' => [
'perform_conversions' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\Jobs\PerformConversions::class,
'generate_responsive_images' => Spatie\MediaLibrary\Jobs\GenerateResponsiveImages::class,
This is filesystems.php file.
return [
| Default Filesystem Disk
| Here you may specify the default filesystem disk that should be used
| by the framework. The "local" disk, as well as a variety of cloud
| based disks are available to your application. Just store away!
'default' => env('FILESYSTEM_DRIVER', 'local'),
| Default Cloud Filesystem Disk
| Many applications store files both locally and in the cloud. For this
| reason, you may specify a default "cloud" driver here. This driver
| will be bound as the Cloud disk implementation in the container.
'cloud' => env('FILESYSTEM_CLOUD', 's3'),
| Filesystem Disks
| Here you may configure as many filesystem "disks" as you wish, and you
| may even configure multiple disks of the same driver. Defaults have
| been setup for each driver as an example of the required options.
| Supported Drivers: "local", "ftp", "sftp", "s3"
'disks' => [
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app'),
'public' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'/storage',
'visibility' => 'public',
's3' => [
'driver' => 's3',
'key' => env('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'),
'secret' => env('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'),
'region' => env('AWS_DEFAULT_REGION'),
'bucket' => env('AWS_BUCKET'),
'url' => env('AWS_URL'),
| Symbolic Links
| Here you may configure the symbolic links that will be created when the
| `storage:link` Artisan command is executed. The array keys should be
| the locations of the links and the values should be their targets.
'links' => [
public_path('storage') => storage_path('app/public'),
Hope this helps.
Any suggestion, please????
I'm running a server with plesk, and trying to find the .key and .crt files that are generated by letsencrypt.
I'm running plesk on an Ubuntu server and have already tried the .pem files but my web-sockets wont accept those.
Does anybody know the location/file-path of these files?
paths for keys
* Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which
* contains your certificate and private key. It can optionally contain the
* certificate chain of issuers. The private key also may be contained
* in a separate file specified by local_pk.
'local_cert' => env('LOCAL_CERT'),
//'local_cert' => null,
* Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for
* certificate (local_cert) and private key.
'local_pk' => env('LOCAL_PK'),
//'local_cert' => null,
* Passphrase for your local_cert file.
'passphrase' => env('PASSPHRASE', null),
'verify_peer' => false,
'pusher' => [
'driver' => 'pusher',
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'app_id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'options' => [
'cluster' => 'eu',
'host' => env('PUSHER_APP_HOST'),
'port' => env('PUSHER_APP_PORT'),
'scheme' => 'https',
//'useTLS' => true,
//'encrypted' => true,
'curl_options' => [
LetsEncrypt will use .pem on ubuntu. The file extension shouldn't matter though, so if you are encountering an error when trying to use the pem files files then you should share and investigate the error message.
Having issues getting secure websockets to work in laravel on AWS elastic beanstalk.
They work fine in dev and production over http & ws.
In dev it works fine over https and wss.
In production (with all the same settings, just different certs) over https and wss i'm getting the following error
failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
Assuming a problem with the certificate or key, I've tried changing to an incorrect cert & key.
Then the error changes to the following.
failed: Error in connection establishment:
So i'm assuming that the certificate isn't the issue.
Config as below:
'apps' => [
'id' => env('PUSHER_APP_ID'),
'name' => env('APP_NAME'),
'key' => env('PUSHER_APP_KEY'),
'secret' => env('PUSHER_APP_SECRET'),
'path' => env('PUSHER_APP_PATH'),
'capacity' => null,
'enable_client_messages' => true,
'enable_statistics' => true,
'ssl' => [
* Path to local certificate file on filesystem. It must be a PEM encoded file which
* contains your certificate and private key. It can optionally contain the
* certificate chain of issuers. The private key also may be contained
* in a separate file specified by local_pk.
'local_cert' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_CERT', null),
* Path to local private key file on filesystem in case of separate files for
* certificate (local_cert) and private key.
'local_pk' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_LOCAL_PK', null),
* Passphrase for your local_cert file.
'passphrase' => env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_PASSPHRASE', null),
'verify_peer' => false,
.env file
Please add a Passphrase to your Cert-File and to env('LARAVEL_WEBSOCKETS_SSL_PASSPHRASE', null).
I had same issues with Keystores without Password.