Crontab not working (standard troubleshooting done) - bash

* * * * * /home/VI/vserver/jira_extractor/bash_scripts/
I edit crontab with crontab -e as a local user.
Cron is running root 7296 1 0 17:28 ? 00:00:00
/usr/sbin/cron -f
My script runs when using exactly the same path as specified in the
There is an empty line at the end of the crontab script.
I have specified that crontab will run in bash shell
Any hints on trouble shooting will be greatly appreciated

In my case, adding the environment variables in the bash scripts to my crontab file solved the problem

Does the user allow to run cron?
Print out /etc/cron.allow & /etc/cron.deny.
Crontab troubleshooting will require to check log file /var/log/syslog. Assuming that user is allowed to run cron, then there will be an entry when your schedule job is run.


Some commands not working in the script running from the crontab -e

I'm running a script from crontab in which I want to set the symbolic link for npx. It does some other things which are dependent on the npx command itself. Its running the script as expected on the giving time interval, but its giving me no result for command which npx or whereis npx. When I try to run the script from terminal directly these commands does generate the correct path.
Note that, crontab I'm using is under the root user privilege, i.e set with sudo crontab -e and verified with echoing whoami inside the script which generate 'root')
By default, crontab will run your cron jobs using sh which might be the reason you are getting no results.
Try to explicitly change the shell to your default shell by adjusting the crontab entry:
*/30 * * * * /bin/bash -c "/"
In this case I changed it to bash, you can change it to your desired shell.

How to configure crontab to run script

Hi guys am trying to automate the backup of snapshots for my ec2 volumes on Amazon. I am following the ec2-automate-backup script by Collin Johnson
If run the command on command line it is creating the snapshot (working):
ubuntu#linuxserver:/usr/local/ec2/scripts$ sudo ./ -s tag -t "Backup,Values=true" -c ./ -r "eu-west-1"
For testing purposes if i create a crontab its not working
0 10 * * * ubuntu /usr/local/ec2/scripts/ -s tag -t "Backup,Values=true" -c /usr/local/ec2/scripts/ -r "eu-west-1"
Where is my problem here am running the script on ubuntu 14.04 - Amazon?
In crontab file, to execute a shell script you can use one of the following approach:
1. Call the shell script direcly, i.e.
0 10 * * * /path/to/
where the should be made executable.
2. Execute the script by sh utility, i.e.
0 10 * * * sh /path/to/
here the need not be made executable.
Now, if in your case, you need to go to a specific path and then execute script, then :
Either provide the full path of the script in crontab file directly, or
Enclose the execution commands in other shell file, and execute the enclosing file from cron.
There are two possibilites:
You need root access to run the script. You can solve this by modifying root's crontab:
sudo crontab -e
See How to run a cron job using the sudo command
You need to be in the same directory as the script to execute it
0 10 * * * ubuntu cd /usr/local/ec2/scripts && ./ -s tag -t "Backup,Values=true" -c ./ -r "eu-west-1"
See What is the 'working directory' when cron executes a job

Crontab not really running as root when it should be?

I have Ubuntu and am running under the user "alex". I've got the following bash script running as root with crontab however it sends me an email and it looks like it hasn't run correctly as the result is not present:
/dev/sda - Reallocated_Sector_Ct is
However if I run the crontab job manually from webmin, it works without issues. But when it's scheduled to run, that's when it fails. Maybe it's not really running as root?
Here's my code:
SMARTCHECK=`smartctl -a /dev/sda | grep "Reallocated_Sector_Ct" | awk 'NR==1 {print $10}'`
echo "/dev/sda - Reallocated_Sector_Ct is $SMARTCHECK"
if [ "$SMARTCHECK" != "0" ]; then
mail -s "Failing: /dev/sda" alex <<< "/dev/sda - Reallocated_Sector_Ct is $SMARTCHECK"
There are two possibilities to run scripts using cron:
You use system crontab /etc/crontab. In this case they run as root.
You use users' crontabs, which are accessible using crontab -e. In this case they run with privileges of the user, that has added the command to his crontab.
more possible issues in cronjob scripting.
change all commands in script with full path, especially the command smartctl
check your system has /bin/bash, not /usr/bin/bash, or set the cronjob as:
0 * * * * ~/.profile;/usr/bin/bash YOUR_SCRIPT
check the mail in alex account, if there are any error messages can be found.

Cron job does not start [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
CronJob not running
(19 answers)
Closed last month.
I have a cron job that I want to execute every 5 minutes:
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /scr_temp/
In /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
The cron should execute a shell script:
if [ ! -f "sync.txt" ]; then
touch "sync.txt"
chmod 777 /scr_temp
curl someLink
That works fine from command line but not from cron. However the cron itself is startet but the script does not start.
I read about the path problem but I dont really understand it. I setup a cron that writes some env data to a file. This is the output:
If I execute the env command in command line I get following output for PATH
What path do I have to set in my shell script?
Your $PATH is fine; leave it alone. On Ubuntu, all the commands you're invoking (touch, chmod, curl) are in /bin and/or /usr/bin.
How did you set up the cron job? Did you run crontab some-file as root?
It seems that /etc/crontab is the usual mechanism for running cron commands as root. On my Ubuntu system, sudo crontab -l says no crontab for root. Running crontab as root, as you would for any non-root account, should be ok, but you might consider using /etc/crontab instead. Note that it uses a different syntax than an ordinary crontab, as explained in the comments at the top of /etc/crontab:
$ head -5 /etc/crontab
# /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab
# Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab'
# command to install the new version when you edit this file
# and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields,
# that none of the other crontabs do.
Run sudo crontab -l. Does it show your command?
Temporarily modify your script so it always produces some visible output. For example, add the following right after the #!/bin/sh:
echo "Running at \`date\`" >> /tmp/
and see what's in /tmp/ after a few minutes. (You can set the command to run every minute so you don't have to wait as long for results.) If that works (it should), you can add more echo commands to your script to see in detail what it's doing.
It looks like your script is designed to run only once; it creates the sync.txt file to prevent it from running again. That could be the root (ahem) of your problem. What that your intent? Did you mean to delete sync.txt after running the command, and just forgot to do it?
root's home directory on Ubuntu is /root. The first time your script runs, it should create /root/sync.txt. Does that file exist? If so, how old is it?
Note that curl someLink (assuming someLink is a valid URL) will just dump the content from the specified link to standard output. Was that your intent (it will show up as e-mail to root? Or did you just not show us the entire command?
First: you can substitute the first field with */5 (see man 5 crontab)
Second: have cron mail the output to your email address by entering MAILTO=your#email.address in your crontab. If the script has any output, it'll be mailed. Instead of that, you may have a local mailbox in which you can find the cron output (usually $MAIL).
A better syntax for you CRON is
*/5 * * * * /scr_temp/
Also, check the authority of your file. Cron runs under a different user than the one you are likely executing your program interactively, so it may be that cron does not have authority. Try chmod 777 for now, just to check.
I suggest to:
check that /scr_temp/ has executable bit
set PATH properly inside your script or use absolute path to command (/bin/touch instead of touch)
specify absolute path to sync.txt file (or calculate it relatively to script)
Have you added the comand via crontab -e or just by editing the crontab file? You should use crontab -e to get it correctly updated.
Set the working directory in the cron script, it probably doesn't execute the things where you think it should.
You should add /bin/sh before the absolute path of your script.
*/5 * * * * /bin/sh /scr_temp/

Creating crontab via Capistrano instead of using crontab -e

I would like to include cron tasks in my Capistrano deployment files instead of using the following command to manually edit the crontab file:
crontab -e [username]
Is there a script I could use within the Capistrano run command to set the contents of the crontab?
Check out the Whenever gem -- this may be stretching beyond what you're intending to do, but it uses very simple (Ruby) syntax and makes it dead simple to setup cron jobs within a capistrano deployment script.
On my linux box
crontab -u userName -l > fileName
lists the crontab file for userName in fileName.
Then I would use a ruby (or another language) script to update the file.
Finally I would use
crontab -u userName fileName
to update the crontab for userName
given that you have a variable set that is :new_user
and that you are using use_sudo true
desc "install crontab"
task :install_crontab do
run "echo '0 23 * * * /home/#{new_user}/scripts/backup_#{new_user}.sh' | #{sudo} crontab -u #{new_user} -"
def crontab_add(line)
config = capture(%Q{crontab -l}).split "\n"
return if config.include? line
run %Q{(crontab -l; echo "#{line}") | crontab -}
Why not include a crontab that can be installed to /etc/cron.d?
