One to One relationship with axon framework - spring-boot

I'm new to Axon Framework. I've a requirement within an asset management module which I am working on.
In this module different types of asset are build, which need to be paired in a similar fashion as one to one relationships in SQL. I am finding it difficult to design an Aggregate for this format.
The business logic validation is as follows:
Two assetIds are inputs. These identifiers resemble aggregate identifiers.
Then, load the asset instances tied to these assetIds and check if the status is unpaired or paired. If both the assets are unpaired then pair them (update the status to paired and add UUID to associatedAssets). Else raise an exception.
I have come up with the following Aggregate class:
public class AssetAggregate {
private UUID assetId;
private String assetType;
private HashMap<String,String> attributes;
private String status;
private String modifier;
private UUID associatedAsset;
My Command Message for pairing is this:
public class PairAssetCommand {
private UUID assetAId;
private UUID assetBId;

In the sample you have given, the PairAssetsCommand can not be handled by a single AssetAggregate as it spans the consistency boundary of two distinct aggregate instances. Namely, two different AssetAggregates.
Note that the Aggregate defines the consistency boundary within your command model. Thus any command taken in by it and all it's resulting events (and following state changes) will be regarded as an atomic operation. Making associations between several entities through this can mean two things:
You create a bigger Aggregate class which spans all AssetAggregates.
You have a External Command Handler (i.e. a #CommandHandler outside of an Aggregate) which handles the PairAssetsCommand.
I'd advise against option one, as it will enlarge the consistency boundary towards the entire set of assets in your system. This will eventually become a major bottleneck the maintain an Aggregate's requirement of "keeping the consistency boundary".
That thus leaves option 2. Let's rephrase the business logic you have defined:
if both the assets are unpaired then pair them(update the status to paired and add UUID to associatedAssets) else raise an exception
This means you cannot validate on a single instance, but need to do this on several. Again, you can take two routes to solving this:
Dispatch a AssociateWithAssetCommand to both the AssetAggregates and dispatch a compensating command if one of the AssetAggregates is already associated.
Use set based validation in the external command handler handling the PairAssetsCommand to validate your business logic.
Which of the two is best is left to preference I'd say. Solution two requires you to have a small query model containing a set of assets and their association status'. Added, this query model needs to be updated in the same transaction as when the association commands occur. Thus, somewhat more complicated.
Hence solution one would be the simplest way to go in your scenario.


Communication between two aggregates in Axon Framework

I'm new to Axon Framework, CQRS and DDD. I was taught to create simple CRUD applications using relational databases. Hence, I am first focused on building the data model, not the domain model.
I would like to change my approach to software to a more pragmatic and create real-world apps. Therefore, I want to use the CQRS pattern and Event Sourcing.
I'm working on a library app right now using Spring Boot and Axon Framework. One of the basic requirements is that the user has borrowed the book. I have two Aggregates for User and Book.
This is my BookAggregate:
#AllArgsConstructor #NoArgsConstructor
public class BookAggregate {
private UUID id;
private String name;
private String isbnNumber;
private int amountOfCopies;
private Author author;
private Genre genre;
private PublishingHouse publishingHouse;
And this is my UserAggregate:
#AllArgsConstructor #NoArgsConstructor
public class UserAggregate {
private UUID id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String email;
private String password;
private String confirmPassword;
private Set<Role> roles;
private Date birthDate;
private String telNumber;
private Address address;
My question is: should I create an intermediary aggregate between these two aggregates something like SQL JOIN? In this one example, I'd like to see how similar use cases where two aggregates communicate with each other are implemented in Axon Framework.
should I create an intermediary aggregate between these two aggregates
something like SQL JOIN? In this one example, I'd like to see how
similar use cases where two aggregates communicate with each other are
implemented in Axon Framework.
Great question. I'm going to start by saying no, and then try to help you understand why.
Let's start with why aggregates exist. From the DDD reference:
It is difficult to guarantee the consistency of changes to objects in a model with complex associations.
Cluster the entities and value objects into aggregates and define boundaries around each. Choose one entity to be the root of each aggregate, and allow external objects to hold references to the root only
OK, so the reason for using aggregates is to avoid intermediaries.
Since you are doing CQRS (which implies DDD and event sourcing), you have a command side and a query side (Command Query Request Segregation). If you are more familiar with CRUD style applications and relational databases, chances are that you're focusing on the query side and not the command side.
Let's clarify a few things, in CQRS:
Aggregates are only relevant to the command side
Aggregates are responsible for handling commands and publishing events
Aggregates are responsible for enforcing business rules
What this means is that for the command side:
Commands are passed to aggregates, which decide if they should publish events or deny the command.
On the query side:
Events originating from the command side are processed to build up a query model (probably what you refer to as the data model)
Hence, I am first focused on building the data model, not the domain
In an event sourced system, you typically focus on the domain model and the associated events. The query model can be fully built based on the events from the domain model.
Since you are not yet focusing on the domain model you don't yet have to care about aggregates :)
Again, back to your original question:
One of the basic requirements is that the user has borrowed the book
should I create an intermediary aggregate between these two aggregates
something like SQL JOIN?
Based on your domain, you already have a User and Book aggregate. You have single requirement that users can borrow books. Now I'm no expert on your domain, but ask yourself: why do you need another aggregate? What would this new aggregate be responsible for? What would be wrong with just having Book.borrow(userId) which publishes a BookBorrowed(bookId, userId) event if the user is allowed to borrow the book?
I very, very much like the suggestions given by #martingreber earlier. Please take those into account, as those are about the conceptual necessity of your current set-up.
From a pragmatic approach, there are also a couple of things I'd like to add (although I wouldn't anticipate these to form the answer completely).
Firstly, your BookAggregate and UserAggregate contain quite some state. When doing CQRS, I would recommend that your command model (read: the aggregates) only contain state necessary for task execution. What I mean with that, is that the sole fields required to reside inside the BookAggregate and UserAggregate are those you use to perform validations with inside your #CommandHandler annotated methods. The rest can all go, as it is no being used. Furthermore, if it turns out to be required at a later stage, you can simply add another event sourcing handler later. That's the beauty of event sourcing really; you can add state from events which are already present in the aggregate's event stream whenever you really start needing it.
Secondly, towards the inter-aggregate communication. It is good to note, as was also pointed out by Martin, that Aggregates typically are the Command Model. As such, they only handle Commands and publish Events. The #EventSourcingHandler annotated methods might suggest you can handle any event, but in reality, the Aggregate will only handle the events it itself has published. This holds as it is those events which you would need to recreate the state of the aggregate.
Now, it is the events which will allow for the inter-aggregate communication you require. As the aggregates just work with their own concepts and state, you will have to introduce another component which reacts to the published events to dispatch commands to other aggregates. This component can simply be a regular Event Handling Component (read: a class with #EventHandler annotated functions in it). If the process you want to react to has a notion of times, requires state to perform its task and communicates with N aggregates? Then you could use a Saga for example.
Thirdly, and arguable most important, is to decide whether you really need to have two distinct aggregates in your system. It is this why I applaud #martingerber his answer.
Nonetheless, these are my two cents. Hope it helps you out.

Trying to identify if a data injection method has a name already

Lets say we have a class "Car" than has different pieces of data ( maker, model, color, fabrication date, registration date, etc). The class has no method to get data, but it knows to as for it from another object (sent via constructor, let's cal it for short DS).- and the same for when needing to update changes.
A method getColor() would be implemented like this
if(! this->loaded('color')){
this->askDS('color') // this will do the necesarry work to generate a request to DS
return this->information('color');
Nothing too fancy so far. No comes the part i want to find out if it has a name, or if there are libraries / frameworks that do this already.
DS has a list of methods registered dinamically based on the class that needs data. For car we have:
input: car serial number, output: method to use to read the numbers to extract raw values
input: car raw color value, output: color code
input: car color code, manufacturer, year, mode, output:human-readable color (for example navy blue)
Now, DS or any method does not have an ordered list of using command to start from serial number and return the color blue, but if can construct a chain of methods that from one set of data, it can run them in order and get the desired data.
For our example above, DS runs 1,2,3 in that order and injects the data resulted from all methods into the class object that needed it.
Now if the car needs registration info, we have method (4) that gets that from the police database with an api request.
So, given:
- a type of model (class/object)
- a list of methods that take a fixed list of input(object properties) and give out a fixed list of output (object properties)
- a class DS that can glue the methods and run the needed ones for a model to get from property A (serial) to properby B (human readable colour) without the model or DS having a preconfigured way to get this data but finding it as needed.
does this have a name or is it already implemented somewhere ?
I've implemented a very basic prototype and it works very nice and i think this implementation method has useful features:
if you have a set of methods that do sql queries and then your app switches to using an api, you only need to change the methods and don't have to touch any other part of the application
when looking for a chain of methods that resolve the 'need' the object has, you can find a method chain, run it, if it fails keep looking for another list of methods based on the currently available data - so if you have multiple sources for a piece of data, it can try multiple versions
starting from the above paragraph i could start with an app that only has sql queries for data retrieval - when i find out a part of the app overloads the sql server i could add a method to retrieve data from cache with a lower cost than the one from database (or multiple layered caches, each with different costs)
i could probably add business logi in the mix the same ways as cache, and based on the user location / options present different data
this requires less coding overall, and decouples the data source from the object, making each piece easier to mock/test
what is needed to make this fast is a caching solution for the discovered method chains, since matching hundreds of thousands of methods per model type would be time-consuming but I don't think this is very hard to do - just store all found chains in memory as you find them and some metadata to be able to resume a search from any point in time - when you update the methods, just clear the cache, take a performance hit for the first requests
Thank you for your time
What you describe sounds like a somewhat roundabout way of doing Dependency Injection. Quote:
"Passing the service to the client, rather than allowing a client to
build or find the service, is the fundamental requirement of the
Depending on what language you're using, there should be several Dependency Injection frameworks/libraries available.

Cyclic Dependency when using RelationshipEntity

Let's say, i have an User and a Product.
The user should be able to rate products and a rating can have a lot of properties like for example a number of stars from 1 to 5.
I'd like to have the Product and the User in different Maven modules.
However, Product should know its Owner, so there is a dependency to the module, holding User.
I also would like to have a Rating-Module that contains everything related to ratings.
I constructed the Rating
public class Rating{
private Long id;
private User rater;
private Product ratee;
private RatingProperty property;
Where the RatingProperty contains the int representing the 1 to 5 star rating.
Now I understand from the Documentation that I need to have the Rating as an attribute inside some node because SDN4 doesn't accept it otherwise.
Indeed when i did not use it as an attribute and tried save it, i got the id null and not element appeared in the DB.
Since the Rating needs to know both User and Product, I get a cyclic dependency when I try to put the Rating into the User class.
The same when i put it into the Product Class.
As far as I understand at the moment, using a RelationshipEntity seems to not be possible when the Start- and EndNode entities are in different Maven Modules, because the Relationship needs to know both and one of the nodes needs to know the relationship.
This doesn't seem right, so I think I understand something very wrong.
I also tried creating a new NodeEntity inside the Rating-Module just to hold the Rating. This was
public class RatingWrapper{
private Long id;
private Rating rating;
but this way i got the same behavior that i did when i didn't use the RelationshipEntity as an attribute somewhere.
Do you see a way to do this better?
A RelationshipEntity represents an edge with in the graph on which you can set and retrieve properties via your domain objects. However, because Neo4j does not support hyper-edges (edges attached to other edges), those properties must be simple Java properties, not other objects in your domain like RatingProperty.
Try replacing RatingProperty with a simple Integer first and see if that solves your problem. If so, you can then use a Custom Converter to convert between the Integer property rating in the graph and your RatingProperty object.
If your domain objects are in different modules this should not cause any problems: just ensure that all of the relevant packages are enumerated in the argument to the SessionFactory constructor:
new SessionFactory("app.module1.domain", "app.module2.domain", ...)
When testing Vinces advice, I changed the progress of creating the relationship. Unitl now, i persisted the startnode, then the endnode and then tried to use a repository extends GraphRepository<Rating> to save the RelationshipEntity. Whenever I did this, i got a rating with id null. When I added the rating as an attribute to the startnode and instead of saving the new relationship, saved the startnode, it worked.
I'm not sure, if this is the proposed way, but I got my relationship, so it works for me.

Best practice with coding system values

I think this should be an easy one, but haven't found any clear answer, on what would the best practice be.
In an application, we keep current status of an order (open, canceled, shipped, closed ...).
This variables cannot change without code change, but application should meet the following criteria:
status names should be easily displayed in different languages,
application can search via freetext status names (like googling for "open")
status_id should be available to developer via enum
zero headache when adding new statuses
Possible ways we have tackled this so far:
having DB table status with PK(id, language_id) and a separate enum which represents this statuses in an application.
PROS: 1.,2.,3. work out of the box, CONS: 4. needs to run update script on every client installation, SQL selects can become large and cumbersome, when dealing with a lot of code tables
having just enum:
PROS: 3.,4. CONS: 1.,2. is a total nightmare
having enums, which populate database tables on each start of an application:
PROS: 1.,2.,3.,4. work CONS: some overhead on application start, SQL select can become large and cumbersome, when dealing a lot code tables.
What is the most common way of tackling this problem?
Sounds like you summarized it pretty good yourself, and comparing the pros/cons points towards #3. Just one comment when you implement #3 though:
Use a caching mechanism (even a simple HashMap!) plus adding the option to refresh the cache - will ease your work when you'll want to change values (without the need to restart every time!).
I would, and do, use method 3 because it is the best of the lot. You can use resource files to store the translations in and map the enum values to keys in the resource files. Your database can contain the id of the enum for the status.
1.status names should be easily displayed in different languages,
2.application can search via freetext status names (like googling for "open")
These are interfaces layer's concern, you'd better not mix them in you domain model.
I would setup a mapping between status enum and i18n codes. the mapping could be stored in a file (cached in memory) or hardcoded.
for example: if you use dto or view adatper to render your ui.
public class OrderDetailViewAdapter {
private Order order;
public String getStatus() {
return;//use hardcoded switch case or file impl
Or you could done this before you populating you dtos.
You could use a similar solution for goal2. When user types text, find corresponding enum from mapping and use enum for search.
Anyway, use db tables the less the better.
Personally, I always use dedicated enum class inside domain. Only responsibility of this class is holding status name (OPEN, CANCELED, SHIPPED, ...). Status name is not visible outside codebase. Also, status could be also stored inside database field as string (varchar or similar).
For the purpose of rendering, depending of number of use cases, sometimes I implement formatting inside formatter (e.g. OrderFormatter::formatStatusName(), OrderFormatter::formatAbbreviatedStatusName(), ...). If formatting is needed often I create dedicated class with all formatting styles needed (OrderStatusFormatter::short(), OrderStatusFormatter::abbriviated()...). Of course, internal mapping is needed to map status name to status title, and this is tricky part. But if you want layering you can't avoid mapping.
Translation is not dealt so far. I translate strings inside templates so formatters are clean of that responsibility. To summarize:
enum inside domain model
formatter inside presentation layer
translation inside template
There is no need to create special table for order status translations. Better choice would be to implement generic translation mechanism, seperated from your business code.

How do I avoid duplicating validation logic between the domain and application layers?

Any given entity in my domain model has several invariants that need be enforced -- a project's name must be at least 5 characters, a certain product must exist to be associated with the project, the due date must not be prior to the current date and time, etc.
Obviously I want the client to be able to display error messages related to validation, but I don't want to constantly maintain the validation rules between several different layers of the program -- for example, in the widget, the controller, the application service or command object, and the domain. Plus, it would seem that a descriptive error message is presentation-related and not belonging to the domain layer. How can I solve these dilemmas?
I would create specific exceptions related to your expected error conditions. This is standard for Exception handling in general and will help with your issue. For example:
public class ProjectNameNotLongEnoughException : System.Exception
public class DueDatePriorToCurrentDateException : System.Exception
Mark these possible exceptions in the xml comments for the methods that may throw them so that applications written against your domain model will know to watch out for these exceptions and will be able to present a message within the presentation of the application. This also allows you to have localized error messages based on the culture without cluttering up your domain model with presentation concerns.
If you choose to perform client-side validation, I'm afraid that you can't have your cake and eat it too. In this case, you may have to duplicate validation logic in order to achieve the desired features while maintaining your architecture.
Hope this helps!
I realise this is an old question, but this may help others in a similar situation.
You have here Behavior and Conditions which you need to encapsulate into your domain model.
For example, the ProjectName having a requirement on a certain length I would suggest should be encapsulated within a ValueObject. It may seem overboard for some, but within our Domain Model we almost always encapsulate native types, especially String, within a ValueObject. This then allows you to roll your validation within the constructor of the ValueObject.
Within the Constructor you can throw an Exception relating to the violation of the parameters passed in. Here is an example of one of our ValueObjects for a ZoneName:
public ZoneName(string name)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
throw new ArgumentNullException("Zone Name is required");
if (name.Length > 33)
throw new ArgumentException("Zone name should be less than 33 characters long");
Name = name;
Now consumers of that ValueObject can either perform their own validation before calling the constructor, or not, but either way your invariants will be consistent with your model design.
One way we build validation rules within your Domain Model, and then utilise them within your UI is to use the Mediatr module, which uses a One Model In, One Model Out pattern, and allows you to define Validators for each of your Query or Command models. These are defined using FluentValidation. You can then add a Provider to the ModelValidatorProviders within MVC. Take a look at JBogards ContosoUniversity example here and look at the DependancyResolution folder, DefaultRegistry.cs.
Your other example of a Product must exist to be linked to a Project. This sounds to me like a Domain Service would be the best option to facilitate the cooperation between 2 bounded contexts? The Domain Service will ensure the invariants remain consistent across the bounded contexts. That Domain Service would not be exposed publically, so you would need an ApplicationService or a CQRS type interface which will take that DomainService as a dependency, allowing the DomainService to perform the operations required. The DomainService should contain the Domain Behavior, whereas the Application Service should just be a facilitator to call that function. Your DomainService would then throw exceptions rather than result in inconsistent or invalid invariants.
You should ultimately end up in a position where you don't have duplicated validation, or at least you never end up with invalid invariants because validation has not been performed at some point, as validation is always handled within your domain model.
While a descriptive error message may seem to pertain to presentation moreso than business, the descriptive error message actually embodies a business rule contained within the domain model -- and when throwing an exception of any kind, it is best practice to pass along some descriptive message. This message can be re-thrown up the layers to ultimately display to the user.
Now, when it comes to preemptive validation (such as a widget allowing the user to only type certain characters or select from a certain range of options) an entity might contain some constants or methods that return a dynamically-produced regular expression which may be utilized by a view model and in turn implemented by the widget.
