Print multiple lines as single line with string separator - bash

I have a file where each line contains a string, like this:
I would like to reformat my file so that each line is combined into a single line with a new string separating each original string, like this:
I can combine my multiline format into single line format using either cat or paste, like so:
cat file.txt | tr -s '\n' 'NNNNN'
paste -sd 'NNNNN' file.txt
But these include only a single 'N' as padding between strings, like this:
How can I pad with a multicharacter string? Perhaps sed would be more efficient?

Using any awk in any shell on every UNIX box and only reading one line at a time into memory (as opposed to, say, the whole file):
$ awk '{printf "%s%s", ors, $0; ors="NNNNN"} END{print ""}' file

With GNU awk:
awk '$1=$1' OFS='NNNNN' RS='' file
Update with Ed's note below:
awk '{$1=$1}1' OFS='NNNNN' RS='' file
See: 8 Powerful Awk Built-in Variables – FS, OFS, RS, ORS, NR, NF, FILENAME, FNR

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/NNNNN/g' file
Slurp the file into memory and replace each newline by NNNNN.
Of course you could use:
paste -s file | sed 's/\t/NNNNN/g'
printf "%sNNNNNN" $(<file) | sed 's/NNNNN$/\n/'
N.B. The last solution will not work with multiple words on a line.


Duplicate first column of multiple text files in bash

I have multiple text files each containing two columns and I would like to duplicate the first column in each file in bash to have three columns in the end.
sP100227 1
sP100267 1
sP100291 1
sP100493 1
Output file:
sP100227 sP100227 1
sP100267 sP100267 1
sP100291 sP100291 1
sP100493 sP100493 1
I tried:
echo "$(paste <(cut -f1-2 $txt) > "$txt"
Could you please try following. Written and tested with shown samples in GNU awk. This will add fields to only those lines which have 2 fields in it.
awk 'NF==2{$1=$1 OFS $1} 1' Input_file
In case you don't care of number of fields and simply want to have value of 1st field 2 times then try following.
awk '{$1=$1 OFS $1} 1' Input_file
OR if you only have 2 fields in your Input_file then we need not to rewrite the complete line we could simply print them as follows.
awk '{print $1,$1,$2}' Input_file
To save output into same Input_file itself append > temp && mv temp Input_file for above solutions(after testing).
Use a temp file, with cut -f1 and paste, like so:
paste <(cut -f1 in_file) in_file > tmp_file
mv tmp_file in_file
Alternatively, use a Perl one-liner, like so:
perl -i.bak -lane 'print join "\t", $F[0], $_;' in_file
The Perl one-liner uses these command line flags:
-e : Tells Perl to look for code in-line, instead of in a file.
-n : Loop over the input one line at a time, assigning it to $_ by default.
-l : Strip the input line separator ("\n" on *NIX by default) before executing the code in-line, and append it when printing.
-a : Split $_ into array #F on whitespace or on the regex specified in -F option.
-i.bak : Edit input files in-place (overwrite the input file). Before overwriting, save a backup copy of the original file by appending to its name the extension .bak.
perldoc perlrun: how to execute the Perl interpreter: command line switches
The default delimiter in cut and paste is TAB, but your file looks to be space-separated.
You can't use the same file as input and output redirection, because when the shell opens the file for output it truncates it, so there's nothing for the program to read. Write to a new file and then rename it.
Your paste command is only being given one input file. And there's no need to use echo.
paste -d' ' <(cut -d' ' -f1 "$txt") "$txt" > "$" && mv "$" "$txt"
You can do this more easily using awk.
awk '{print $1, $0}' "$txt" > "$" && mv "$" "$txt"
GNU awk has an in-place extension, so you can use that if you like. See Save modifications in place with awk
Try sed -Ei 's/\s*(\S+)\s+/\1 \1 /1' $txt if your fields are separated by strings of one or more whitespace characters. This used the Stream Editor (sed) replaces (s///1) the first string of non-space characters (\S+) followed by a string of whitespace characters (\s+) with the same thing repeated with intervening spaces(\1 \1 ). It keeps the rest of the line. The -E to sed means use extended pattern matching (+, ( vs. \(). The -i means do it in-place, replacing the file with the output.
You could use awk and do awk '{ printf "%s %s\n",$1,$0 }'. This takes the first whitespace-delimited field ($1) and follows it with a space and the whole line ($0) followed by a newline. This is a little clearer than sed but it doesn't have the advantage of being in-place.
If you can guarantee they are delimited by only one space, with no leading spaces, you can use paste -d' ' <(cut -d' ' -f1 ${txt}) ${txt} > ${txt}.new; mv ${txt}.new ${txt}. The -d' ' sets the delimiter to space for both cut and paste. You know this but for others -f1 means extract the first -d-delimited field. The mv command replaces the input with the output.

Sed command to replace numbers between space and :

I have a file with a records like the below
I want to remove values between space and :
with code
awk -F '[[:space:]]*,:*' '{$1=$1}1' OFS=, file
tried on gnu awk:
awk -F' [0-9]*(: *|$)' -vOFS=':' '{print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' file
tried on gnu sed:
sed -E 's/\s+[0-9]+(:|$)\s*/\1/g' file
Explanation of awk,
regex , a space, followed by [0-9]+ one or more number followed by literal : followed by one or more space: *, if all such matched, then collect everything else than this matched pattern, ie. FIRST, SECOND,... so on because -F option determine it as field separator (FS) and $1, $2 .. so on is always else than FS. But the output needs nice look ie. has FS so that'd be : and it'd be awk variable definition -vOFS=':'
You can add [[:digit:]] also with a ending asterisk, and leave only a space just after OFS= :
$ awk -F '[[:space:]][[:digit:]]*' '{$1=$1}1' OFS= file
To get the output we want in idiomatic awk, we make the input field separator (with -F) contain all the stuff we want to eliminate (anchored with :), and make the output field separator (OFS) what we want it replaced with. The catch is that this won't eliminate the space and numbers at the end of the line, and for this we need to do something more. GNU’s implementation of awk will allow us to use a regular expression for the input record separator (RS), but we could just do a simple sub() with POSIX complaint awk as well. Finally, force recalculation via $1=$1... the side effects for this pattern/statement are that the buffer will be recalculated doing FS/RS substitution for us, and that non-blank lines will take the default action -- which is to print.
gawk -F '[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*:[[:space:]]*' -v OFS=: -v RS='[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*\n' '$1=$1' file
awk -F '[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*:[[:space:]]*' -v OFS=: '{ sub(/[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*$/, “”) } $1=$1' file
A sed implementation is fun but probably slower (because current versions of awk have better regex implementations).
sed 's/[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*:[[:space:]]/:/g; s/[[:space:]]*[[:digit:]]*[[:space:]]*$//' file
Or if POSIX character classes are not available...
sed 's/[\t ]*[0-9]*:[\t ]/:/g; s/[\t ]*[0-9]*[\t ]*$//' file
Something tells me that your “FIRST, SECOND, THIRD...” might be more complicated, and might contain digits... in this case, you might want to experiment with replacing * with + for awk or with \+ for sed.

"grep" a csv file including multi-lines fields?

XA100;"this is
the multi-line"
XA110;"other standard"
I want to grep the "XA100" entry like this:
grep XA100 file.csv
to obtain this result:
XA100;"this is
the multi-line"
but grep return only one line:
XA100;"this is
source.csv contains 3 entries.
The "XA100" entry contain a multi-line field.
And grep doesn't seem to be the right tool to "grep" CSV file including multilines fields.
Do you know the way to make the job ?
Edit: the real world file contains many columns. The researched term can be in any column (not at begin of line, nor at the begin of field). All fields are encapsulated by ". Any field can contain a multi-line, from 1 line to any, and this cannot be predicted.
Give this line a try:
awk '/^XA100;/{p=1}p;p&&/"$/{p=0}' file
I extended your example a bit:
kent$ cat f
XA100;"this is
XA110;"other standard"
kent$ awk '/^XA100;/{p=1}p;p&&/"$/{p=0}' f
XA100;"this is
In the comments you mention: In the real world file, each line start with ". I assume they also end with " and present you this:
Test file:
$ cat file
"single line"
Code and outputs:
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\"\n"} /single/' file
"single line"
$ awk 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\"\n"} /m/' file
You can also parametrize the search:
$ awk -v s="multi" 'BEGIN{RS=ORS="\"\n"} match($0,s)' file
Solution 1:
awk -v RS="XA" 'NR==3{gsub(/$\n$/,"");print RS $0}' Input_file
Making Record separator as string XA then looking for line 3rd here and then globally substituting the $\n$(which is to remove the extra line at the end of the line) with NULL. Then printing the Record Separator with the current line.
Solution 2:
awk '/XA100/{print;getline;while($0 !~ /^XA/){print;getline}}' Input_file
Looking for string XA100 then printing the current line and using getline to go to next line, using while loop then which will run and print the lines until a line is starting from XA.
If this file was exported from MS-Excel or similar then lines end with \r\n while the newlines inside quotes are just \ns so then all you need is:
$ awk -v RS='\r\n' '/XA100/' file
XA100;"this is
the multi-line"
The above uses GNU awk for multi-char RS. On some platforms, e.g. cygwin, you'll have to add -v BINMODE=3 so gawk sees the \rs rather than them getting stripped by underlying C primitives.
Otherwise, it's extremely hard to parse CSV files in general without a real CSV parser (which awk currently doesn't have but is in the works for GNU awk) but you could do this (again with GNU awk for multi-char RS):
$ cat file
XA100;"this is
the multi-line"
XA110;"other standard"
$ awk -v RS="\"[^\"]*\"" -v ORS= '{gsub(/\n/," ",RT); print $0 RT}' file
XA100;"this is the multi-line"
XA110;"other standard"
to replace all newlines within quotes with blank chars and then process it as regular 1-line-per-record file.
Using PS response, this works for the small example:
sed 's/^X/\n&/' file.csv | awk -v RS= '/XA100/ {print}'
For my real world CSV file, with many columns, with researched term anywhere, with unknown count of multi-lines, with characters " replaced by "", with multi-lines lines beginning with ", with all fields encapsulated by ", this works. Note the exclusion of the second character " in sed part:
sed 's/^"[^"]/\n&/' file.csv | awk -v RS= '/RESEARCH_TERM/ {print}'
Because first column of any entry cannot start with "". First column allways looks like "XXXXXXXXX", where X is any character but ".
Thank you all for so much responses, maybe others solutions are working depending the CSV file format you use.

Extract string between two patterns (inclusive) while conserving the format

I have a file in the following format
cat test.txt
I am trying to identify and print the string between TOM and JACK including these two strings, while maintaining the first column FS=,
Desired output:
So far I have tried gsub:
awk -F"," 'gsub(/.*TOM|JACK.*/,"",$2) && !_[$0]++' test.txt > out.txt
and have the following output
id1 aaaaaaaaaaa
id2 bbbbbbbbbbb
id3 ccccccccccc
As you can see I am getting close but not able to include TOM and JACK patterns in my output. Plus I am also losing the original FS. What am I doing wrong?
Any help will be appreciated.
You are changing a field ($2) which causes awk to reconstruct the record using the value of OFS as the field separator and so in this case changing the commas to spaces.
Never use _ as a variable name - using a name with no meaning is just slightly better than using a name with the wrong meaning, just pick a name that means something which, in this case is seen but idk what you are trying to do when using that in this context.
gsub() and sub() do not support capture groups so you either need to use match()+substr():
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} match($2,/TOM.*JACK/){$2=substr($2,RSTART,RLENGTH)} 1' file
or use GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match()
$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} match($2,/TOM.*JACK/,a){$2=a[0]} 1' file
or for gensub():
$ gawk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {$2=gensub(/.*(TOM.*JACK).*/,"\\1","",$2)} 1' file
The main difference between the match() and gensub() solutions is how they would behave if TOM appeared twice on the line:
$ cat file
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} match($2,/TOM.*JACK/,a){$2=a[0]} 1' file
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} {$2=gensub(/.*(TOM.*JACK).*/,"\\1","",$2)} 1' file
and just to show one way of stopping at the first instead of the last JACK on the line:
$ awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} match($2,/TOM.*JACK/,a){$2=gensub(/(JACK).*/,"\\1","",a[0])} 1' file
Use capture groups to save the parts of the line you want to keep. Here's how to do it with sed
sed 's/^\([^,]*,\).*\(TOM.*JACK\).*/\1\2/' <test.txt > out.txt
Do you mean to do the following?
$ cat test.txt
$ cat test.txt | sed -e 's/,.*TOM/,TOM/g' | sed -e 's/JACK.*/JACK/g'
This should work as long as the TOM and JACK do not repeat themselves.
sed 's/\(.*,\).*\(TOM.*JACK\).*/\1\2/' <oldfile >newfile

Add blank column using awk or sed

I have a file with the following structure (comma delimited)
I want to add a blank column on the 4th field such that it becomes
Any inputs as to how to do this using awk or sed if possible ?
thank you
Assuming that none of the fields contain embedded commas, you can restate the task as replacing the third comma with two commas. This is just:
sed 's/,/,,/3'
With the example line from the file:
$ echo "116,1,89458180,17,FFFF,0403254F98" | sed 's/,/,,/3'
You can use this awk,
awk -F, '$4="," $4' OFS=, yourfile
awk -F, '$4=FS$4' OFS=, yourfile
If you want to add 6th and 8th field,
awk -F, '{$4=FS$4; $1=FS$1; $6=FS$6}1' OFS=, yourfile
Through awk
$ echo '116,1,89458180,17,FFFF,0403254F98' | awk -F, -v OFS="," '{print $1,$2,$3,","$4,$5,$6}'
It prints a , after third field(delimited) by ,
Through GNU sed
$ echo 116,1,89458180,17,FFFF,0403254F98| sed -r 's/^([^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*)(.*)$/\1,\2/'
It captures all the characters upto the third command and stored it into a group. Characters including the third , upto the last are stored into another group. In the replacement part, we just add an , between these two captured groups.
Through Basic sed,
Through Basic sed
$ echo 116,1,89458180,17,FFFF,0403254F98| sed 's/^\([^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*\)\(.*\)$/\1,\2/'
echo 116,1,89458180,17,FFFF,0403254F98|awk -F',' '{print $1","$2","$3",,"$4","$5","$6}'
echo $(echo $t|cut -d, -f1-3),,$(echo $t|cut -d, -f4-)
You can use bellow awk command to achieve that.Replace the $3 with what ever the column that you want to make it blank.
awk -F, '{$3="" FS $3;}1' OFS=, filename
sed -e 's/\([^,]*,\)\{4\}/&,/' YourFile
replace the sequence of 4 [content (non comma) than comma ] by itself followed by a comma
