Does CMake have an option to control the executables that get generated - visual-studio

I'm new to CMake. So this question might be a rookie misunderstanding. A general use of CMake generates the project files ZERO_CHECK, ALL_BUILD and the main project sln. I need to compile source and header files from 3 folders to generate a static library (*.lib). What's the best way to do so without generating other build files?


How to transform from CMake to a plain Visual Studio project?

I am able to CMake build this HelloWorld example project using cmakelists.txt file and generate a visual studio project.
project(helloworld LANGUAGES C CXX)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5)
find_package(Idlpp-cxx REQUIRED)
if (NOT TARGET CycloneDDS-CXX::ddscxx)
find_package(CycloneDDS-CXX REQUIRED)
# Convenience function, provided by the Idlpp-cxx that generates a CMake
# target for the given IDL file. The function calls Idlcpp-cxx to generate
# source files and compiles them into a library.
idl_ddscxx_generate(ddscxxHelloWorldData_lib "HelloWorldData.idl")
add_executable(ddscxxHelloworldPublisher publisher.cpp)
add_executable(ddscxxHelloworldSubscriber subscriber.cpp)
# Link both executables to idl data type library and ddscxx.
target_link_libraries(ddscxxHelloworldPublisher ddscxxHelloWorldData_lib CycloneDDS-CXX::ddscxx)
target_link_libraries(ddscxxHelloworldSubscriber ddscxxHelloWorldData_lib CycloneDDS-CXX::ddscxx)
set_property(TARGET ddscxxHelloworldPublisher PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)
set_property(TARGET ddscxxHelloworldSubscriber PROPERTY CXX_STANDARD 11)
I need to create the same project without cmakelists.txt and CMake
How to do this only using visual studio? where to define those commands in CMakelists.txt in visual studio if I create an empty c++ project
I have tried this making an empty project.
I don't know how to idl_ddscxx_generate and target_link_libraries perform in VS....
idl_ddscxx_generate has to run if IDL file has changed
target_link_libraries is required if I added new source files to the project....
Make a new, empty Visual Studio project.
Copy all source files except the CMake files.
Do whatever you do in a Visual Studio project. Add files, targets, dependecies, … If you are not sure, look up what is written in the CMakeLists.txt file.
Delete all CMake files in your original project and copy your Visual Studio project files.
Add these changes (deleted CMake files, added VS project files) to your Subversion repository, maybe do this in a branch that others can test it, report back, and improve the change. Once done, merge the branch.
Probably, add step 0.: Learn how Visual Studio organizes its project. Make a tutorial, take some training.
Remark: Whatever your problem is with CMake, you missed something. But you can find this out later and revert your changes and pick up CMake up again.

Building libraries that have ExternalProjects Added using CMake and Xcode

I am trying to use CMake to build a library (which in turn links to other libraries built via CMake). I am having a couple of issues with this process and would love to have some guidance.
For the library, I have a CMakeLists.txt which essentially has
set(SRC srcfile1.cpp srcfile2.cpp)
set(HEADERS srcfile1.h srcfile2.h)
add_library(myLib ${SRC} ${HEADERS})
For a “Unix Makefiles” generator, with cmake command
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug -G “Unix Makefiles” ..
I get an appropriate debug library libMyLib.a in build/src. For a release build type, a release build of libMyLib.a is placed in build/src
However, for an Xcode generator, the library is placed in src/Debug. The issues I am facing here are
a. Doing an Archive in Xcode doesn’t seem to have any effect. I don’t see a corresponding Release library being created anywhere
b. I also have a myLibTests target (which uses googles gtest) which is defined in it’s CMakeLists.txt as
set(SRC myTest.cpp)
add_executable(myLibTests ${SRC})
add_dependencies(myLibTests myLib gtest)
set(gTestLib External/src/gTestLib)
target_link_libraries(myLibTests myLib gTestLib)
When the cmake generator is “Unix Makefiles” myLibTests build, links and runs fine. gTestLib is placed in External/src/gtest-build/. But, when it is “Xcode”, it can’t find the gTest libraries. because, the library is placed in External/src/gTestLib/Debug(or Release) as the case may be (and the above path set in CMakeLists.txt is no longer valid). I am not sure how to set it’s path appropriately in the above set statement.
Since, debug/release is controlled in Xcode (and the configure process in CMake is unaware of this), I assume there isn’t a way to separate the release/debug builds of the gTestLib and also have CMake configure Xcode to pick up the appropriate version while building myLib i.e if I do a debug build of myLib it also does a debug build of gTest and links to it (similar for release builds)? Alternatively, is it possible to configure Xcode to place both the Debug and Release builds in the same location (and then hardcode it’s path above)? What would be the best way of configuring this?

How to generate .lib files with mingw toolchain?

I have installed MingW GCC 4.8.1 in my system. I am trying to build the LLVM source code( with some extra modification). Cmake 2.8.12 is used to generate the makefiles and visual studio solution files. I am able to build the LLVM source (Rel 3.4.2) with Visual Studio 2010 And is generating both lib and dll file. But with MingW I am not able generate .lib files by simply running Make all.
How to make MingW generate .lib file while building the project ?
Use CMAKE_GNUtoMS. Add -DCMAKE_GNUtoMS=ON to the build command. See this CMake issue. As result, a .lib file will be generated along with the .dll.a file.

How to build a C dependency of go project in a subdirectory

I am writing a Go wrapper for a C library in Go. The problem is, that the C library is not available on many Linux distributions, so I want a solution where i "go get" does not require anybody to have the library installed.
One solution would be to just add the source of the library into a sub directory. Then when my project is build with go get I need to automatically build this library, too. But I have no idea how I can automate this.
Alternatively I could have a script that downloads the source, extracts and builds it
But I have no Idea how to connect these build steps with the go build tool.
linking a static library is also not the easiest.
#cgo linux LDFLAGS: ./MyLib/lib/libMyLib.a -lstdc++ -lm -lX11
works as long as i build from my library, but as soon as I want to build from another project the relative path is from that project and not from my library, so it fails.
As per
When the Go tool sees that one or more Go files use the special import
"C", it will look for other non-Go files in the directory and compile
them as part of the Go package. Any .c, .s, or .S files will be
compiled with the C compiler. Any .cc, .cpp, or .cxx files will be
compiled with the C++ compiler.
So you can include the C library source in your repository and go will build it automatically. That page also explains how to pass build flags to the compilers and probably anything else you might need to know.

CMAKE: Build library and link against it

I'm trying to use cmake (on Linux with GNU make and g++) to build a project with two sub-directories: MyLib and MyApp. MyLib contains source for a static library; MyApp needs to link against that library. I'm trying to build on Linux with generated makefiles using the following CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (MyProj)
include_directories (MyLib)
file(GLOB MyLibSrc MyLib/*.cpp)
add_library(MyLibrary STATIC ${MyLibSrc})
file(GLOB MyAppSrc MyApp/*.cpp)
add_executable(MyApplication ${MyAppSrc})
target_link_libraries(MyApplication MyLibrary)
This 'almost' works. It fails at link time because while it generates libMyLibrary.a - it is in the root. When I add:
it makes no difference.
I've got a few (inter-linked) questions:
What's the best way to coerce cmake into building my library and executable into a 'staging directory' — say MyStage — to keep targets separate from source?
How do I convince cmake to link the application against the library?
If I wanted to build a debug and a release version, what's the best way to extend my cmake scripts to do this — making sure that the debug application links against the debug library and the release application against the release library?
I'm a relative newcomer to cmake. I've read what I can find on the web, but find myself struggling to get my library to link with my executable. This sort of a configuration, to my mind, should be quite common. An example from which to crib would be very helpful, but I've not found one.
Well, it is better to read this example and do exactly as suggested.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (MyProj CXX)
Then for each subdirectory specified, CMakeLists.txt files are created
file(GLOB SRC_FILES *.cpp)
add_library(MyLib ${SRC_FILES})
file(GLOB SRC_FILES *.cpp)
add_executable(MyApp ${SRC_FILES})
target_link_libraries(MyApp MyLib)
Use "out of the source build". Make a directory used only for build and while in it, call
cmake <path to the sources, it may be relative>
Either use
or make CMakeLists.txt in each subdirectory - that would be better for project larger than very small.
This is a bit tricky, check out CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE in the docs (you can set it and/or "if" by it). You can also set it from command line:
I've discovered the 'optimal' solution to (1)... so, thought I should post it here:
The thing that confused me previously is that static libraries are not considered a LIBRARY by Cmake - they're considered to be ARCHIVEs.
Do not add libraries and executables in the root Cmakelists.txt. Add these libraries and executables in Cmakelists.txt of subdirectories.
