Socat virt tty Hardware flow control - socat

I am using socat to create a virtual serial port connection to a TCP client in Linux
eg sudo socat pty,link=/dev/ttyVirt0,raw,echo=0 tcp:
This all works fine but one of the 3rd party applications I use with this virtual serial port uses hardware flow control. While flow control is not needed for the virtual serial port, I need to be able to assert RTS (logic 0) from the virual port ttyVirt0 to enable this application using it to send data.
There must be a command line option to support this? Does anyone know?


Developing a Mac OSX Network Driver for a Serial Port AT Command Based Modem

First allow me to say that I don't have any experience developing drivers for OSX, nor drivers for Windows. So, there are a lot of things that I don't understand about how drivers work; I'm sure it'll be evident in my question.
I have a modem that is able to open and close TCP/UDP sockets using AT commands. I would like to create some kind of program (kernel extension? driver?) that implements a network driver, converting the network interface calls into AT command serial messages.
That's the basic jist of it. I'm essentially asking if anybody can point me in the right direction / give me a high level overview of how they would approach it and what Apple guides to focus on.
The XNU networking stack -- like most network stacks -- expects network devices to send and receive IP packets directly. It isn't tooled to work with network devices that handle part of the network stack (like TCP or UDP) internally -- it won't be possible to implement a network driver which uses this device.
You might have more luck exposing this device as a SOCKS proxy. You will need to write a userspace daemon which listens on a TCP port on localhost (on the computer) and relays traffic to the serial device; once that's done, you can set the computer to use that device as a SOCKS proxy in the Networking control panel.
(As an aside: most devices that implement this type of interface have a very low limit on the number of open sockets -- often fewer than 10. They're unlikely to be able to handle the network load generated by a desktop OS.)

Create serial communication in NetBSD

I'm trying to create serial communication in NetBSD. This
communication will connect the computer with a controller via RS-485.
The problem is that I don't know if it necessary some configuration or driver to do it.
Specifically, the communication will be through the RS-485 port. I've tried to use /dev/tty01, but there are no pulses in serial output.
Are there some configurations , drivers or codes necessary to open, send and receive serial data in NetBSD?
I didn't have sucess until now.
Nothing special needed.
If your serial is a real serial, then you could connect via:
# cu -l /dev/tty00
if your serial is a serial over USB then:
# cu -l /dev/ttyU0
However in both cases you have to be root, or change permissions on the device.
If the output is not visible, then adjust the speed with -s switch.

How to open busy serial port (share port) with pyserial

Is it possible open serial port which already in use?
and send data to it
Or create new one and share it for few applications?
I'm trying to avoid use of port pairs (created by windows driver)
I guess you could use an intemediate program like Hyperterminal and sendkeys to it from other apps, ao that Hyperterminal sends them from multiple sources.
Other than a workaround like that I've never heard of a port beng open in more than one program simultaneously.

How to detect serial port sniffer?

Is it possible to detect if some serial port is being sniffed by another process running on Windows?
We have an application that receives some sensitive data that cannot be read by other people. So, before opening the serial port, we need to check if the port is being monitored.
We can use the CreateFile Windows API function to open the serial port with exclusive access rights, but if the monitor runs before our call, it can read all the communication (it opens the serial port with shared access rights, so we can open the port at the same time). To avoid this, the attempt is to check if the port is being monitored and raise an exception, warning the user. Is it possible to do this?
Port sniffing requires a filter driver, like SysInternals' PortMon utility. You are taking the wrong kind of approach to secure your application. When somebody can install a filter driver, the attacker has more than enough privileges to completely disable your app and replace it with something else of his own making. Trying to detect and prevent information loss through your app is pointless, the system itself has to be secured. A serial port is probably the first thing you'll have to lose, it is trivial to tap its wires.
Rather than lose the serial port why not encrypt your data. This assumes that both the DTE and DCE are programmable.

Can I access the Parallel Port normally when using USB to Parallel Port adapter?

Preliminary story
There is this program which uses the Parallel Port to synchronize with other hardware. It will set the Parallel Port output to a specified (byte) value. This works without problems when using the built-in Parallel Port of a PC. The target platforms are Windows XP to 7, all worked fine so far. Source code is in Delphi, accessible and can be modified.
How it works
In Delphi I can use the io.dll to set the value of the Parallel Port, but there are also other solutions available, like inpout32.dll or port.dll. I call something like PortOut, specify a port number and the byte value and the port is set.
What I now want to do - and where I need help
Now the change: this needs to work on a machine which has no Parallel Port built-in (not even on the mainboard). There are several options available:
use a USB to Parallel Port adapter to add a LPT port to the PC
use a PCI card which adds a LPT port to the PC
use a PCI Express card which adds a LPT port to the PC
I am currently heading for and concentrating on the easiest and cheapest possibility: a USB to Parallel Port adapter.
Main question
There seem to be differences between Parallel Port adapters which are made to connect just a printer and other adapters which seem to be more powerful. Is there really a difference? Or can I just use one of these 5$ printer-adapters, plug in my own hardware and access the port from Delphi code? Or do I need a special adapter? Has anyone experience with this? There is a related question here, but the different adapter types (if existent) are not mentioned there. This page suggests that there are indeed differences:
Contrary to all other USB parallel ports which can connect to printers only, this makes connection to most hardware.
I hope there exists a solution via USB because for this you don't have to open the PC, which means the adapter can be added on demand.
Do you have experience with PCI (Express) solution? I have to use one if the USB approach is not successful.
Since I've been wrestling with this very thing recently here's what I've discovered; If you mean by using IO port addressing (indicated by your reference to inpout32.dll), no. Unless your USB-parallel port driver supports full port emulation or virtualization, which most do not, this is generally not possible. If you need to directly access the port to do normal "bit-twiddling", you should get a separate Parallel port PCI-card. Most of them present themselves as normal IO at the standard address(es). I am presuming you're not planning on using the parallel port to actually communicate with a printer, right?
What is interesting is that USB-Serial adapters are much easier to use since they appear as simple virtual devices where you can merely "open" them using a simple stream; TFileStream.Create("COM1", fmOpenRead) or Windows.CreateFile("COM2", ...);
Here is some devices that purport to do full emulation of a parallel port through USB:
