Adaptive Cards Input Toggle(CheckBox) IOS issue - microsoft-teams

We have created bot using Microsoft bot-framework which is integrated to Microsoft teams. We have created few adaptive cards for interactive conversation with bot. One of the Adaptive card is causing design issue in IPhone X Microsoft Teams Application.
We used Adaptive card template for building this card which displays the list of Tasks along with status of the task. Each task has Input.Toggle (Checkbox) and at the end a button will be displayed. When Checkbox's are selected and button is clicked
We are sending new card with task details where they can edit the status and so on. Please find the JSON data below.
Card Payload Editor Json Data:
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.0",
"body": [
"type": "Container",
"border": true,
"items": [
"$data": "{properties}",
"type": "ColumnSet",
"columns": [
"type": "Column",
"width": "auto",
"items": [
"id": "{id}",
"type": "Input.Toggle",
"title": " ",
"value": "false",
"wrap": false
"type": "Column",
"width": "stretch",
"items": [
"type": "Container",
"items": [
"type": "FactSet",
"facts": [
"$data": "{peers}",
"title": "{key}",
"value": "{value}"
"style": "emphasis"
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Submit",
"title": "{actionSubmitTitle}",
"horizontalAlignment": "center"
"$schema": ""
Sample Data Editor:
"value":"' .$task->project_name. '"
"value":"'.$task->id.' - '.$task->heading.'"
"value":"' .$task->project_name. '"
"value":"'.$task->id.' - '.$task->heading.'"
"value":"' .$task->project_name. '"
"value":"'.$task->id.' - '.$task->heading.'"
"value":"' .$task->project_name. '"
"value":"'.$task->id.' - '.$task->heading.'"
"actionSubmitTitle":"Update Timesheet"
The InputToggle is inside the column set with width as auto and it is perfectly rendering in Microsoft Desktop and Android App but whereas in IOS app it is not showing
When we set the width property to stretch, InputToggle is getting displayed in IOS App in big size but in Desktop App and Android App the column is pushing and occupying much space.
Please help me so that we can display the Input.Toggle in IOS Microsoft Teams without breaking the design in Desktop and Android Teams App.
Edit: Adding final JSON sent to the bot. The columns in the column set will be changed dynamically based on the ask list in database.
"title":" ",
"value":"Project 1"
"value":"Task 1"
"title":" ",
"value":"Project 1"
"value":" Task 2"
"title":"Update Timesheet",
Thank you.

For completion, this was caused by a bug and is tracked as an Github Issue here:


Unable to start AWSFIS-Run-CPU-Stress

While running AWSFIS-Run-CPU-Stress i am getting below error:
Unable to start action, due to a platform mismatch between the specified document and the targeted instances. I am trying this in Windows EC2 instance
My Experiment script look like this(removed confidential server info):
"description": "Test CPU stress predefined SSM document",
"targets": {
"testInstance": {
"resourceType": "aws:ec2:instance",
"resourceArns": [
"selectionMode": "ALL"
"actions": {
"runCpuStress": {
"actionId": "aws:ssm:send-command",
"parameters": {
"documentArn": "arn:aws:ssm:region::document/AWSFIS-Run-CPU-Stress",
"documentParameters": "{\"DurationSeconds\":\"120\"}",
"duration": "PT5M"
"targets": {
"Instances": "testInstance"
"stopConditions": [
"source": "aws:cloudwatch:alarm",
"value": "arn:aws:cloudwatch:region:123456789012:alarm:awsec2-instance_id-GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold-CPUUtilization"
"roleArn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/AllowFISSSMActions",
"tags": {}

Elastic \ Opensearch life cycle management - what is the difference between read_write & open actions

I want to use life cycle management, the goal is to delete messages after 14 days
What should be the action in the first stage? Open or Read_write
What is the difference between the two actions?
"policy": {
"policy_id": "delete_after14_days",
"description": "index delete"
"schema_version": 1,
"error_notification": null,
"default_state": "open",
"states": [
"name": "hot",
"actions": [
**"open": {} or "read_write": {}**
"transitions": [
"state_name": "delete",
"conditions": {
"min_index_age": "14d"
"name": "delete",
"actions": [
"delete": {}
"transitions": []
"ism_template": [
"index_patterns": [
"priority": 0

Input.ChoiceSet inside Action.ShowCard card not working #361

We are using to build a bot for Microsoft Teams.
We have the following payload to create a card, which has an Input.ChoiceSet inside an Action.ShowCard card.
It works fine when I preview the card from the bar but it doesn't work after I send the card. Sometimes if I restart the MST client it works when I click on a card for the first time but then it doesn't work after that. Sometimes it never works, only from the preview.
It does work fine on Android but it doesn't work on Linux, Mac or web clients.
Here is a demo of the issue,
And here is the payload. Try the Click me! button, which should display a dropdown.
"title":"Action 1",
"title":"Action 2",
"command":"action 1",
"title":"Click me!",
"title":"User 1",
"title":"User 2",
"title":"User 3",
"title":"Action 3.1",
"command":"action 3.1",
"title":"Action 4",
"label":"Enter comment",
"placeholder":"Enter your comment"
"text":"text... text... text",
"text":"text... text... text",
"text":"text... text... text",
"text":"Show fields",
"text":"Hide fields",
Currently we don't have the sample code in nodejs.Agree with you problem in using node library. I too tested with your payload.

Alexa.Discovery response: no device detected by Alexa

I am implementing my Alexa Home Skill using AWS Lambda.
Given the following request I receive when I try to detect new devices on Alexa Skil test page:
{directive={header={namespace=Alexa.Discovery, name=Discover, payloadVersion=3, messageId=0160c7e7-031f-47ee-a1d9-a23f38f87a9e}, payload={scope={type=BearerToken, token=...}}}}
I respond with the following:
"event": {
"payload": {
"endpoints": [
"displayCategories": [
"capabilities": [
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"interface": "Alexa",
"version": "3"
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"interface": "Alexa.PowerController",
"version": "3",
"properties": {
"retrievable": true,
"supported": [
"name": "powerState"
"proactivelyReported": true
"type": "AlexaInterface",
"interface": "Alexa.EndpointHealth",
"version": "3",
"properties": {
"retrievable": true,
"supported": [
"name": "connectivity"
"proactivelyReported": true
"manufacturerName": "",
"endpointId": "ca84ef6d-53b1-430a-8a5e-a62f174eac5e",
"description": " forno (id: ca84ef6d-53b1-430a-8a5e-a62f174eac5e)",
"friendlyName": "forno"
"header": {
"payloadVersion": "3",
"namespace": "Alexa.Discovery",
"name": "Discover.Response",
"messageId": "c0555cc8-ad7a-4377-b310-9de9b9ab6282"
Despite that, for some reasons Alexa answers that it did not find any new device.
I may be mistaken but I am pretty sure it used to work before I decided to add the Alexa.EndpointHealth interface.
Your response object looks right to me, except the extra "endpoint" field.
"endpoint": {
"endpointId": "INVALID",
"scope": {
"type": "BearerToken",
"token": "INVALID"
There's no such field in the Alexa.Discovery documentation. Try removing it and see if it resolves the issue.

NLog: LayoutRenderer cannot be found: 'aspnet-user-identity

I try to implement NLog into my .NET Core Api web service.
I want to log to an Oracle database. All works well through an nlog.config XML file.
But the goal is to implement NLog config into appsettings.json and here problem occurs.
I get the error set in title:
LayoutRenderer cannot be found: 'aspnet-user-identity
My config file is like this :
"NLog": {
"autoReload": true,
"throwConfigExceptions": true,
"internalLogLevel": "info",
"internalLogFile": "c:/app/log/dev/internal-appsetting-nlog.txt",
"extensions": {
"NLog.Extensions.Logging": {
"assembly": [
"variables": {
"var_logdir": "c:/app/log/dev"
"default-wrapper": {
"type": "AsyncWrapper",
"overflowAction": "Block"
"targets": {
"all-file": {
"type": "File",
"fileName": "${var_logdir}/nlog-all-${shortdate}.log",
"layout": {
"type": "JsonLayout",
"Attributes": [
"name": "timestamp",
"layout": "${date:format=o}"
"name": "level",
"layout": "${level}"
"name": "logger",
"layout": "${logger}"
"name": "message",
"layout": "${message:raw=true}"
"name": "properties",
"encode": false,
"layout": {
"type": "JsonLayout",
"includeallproperties": "true"
"db": {
"type": "Database",
"parameters": [
"name": "#pLEVEL",
"layout": "${level}"
"name": "#pLOGGER",
"layout": "${logger}"
"name": "#pMESSAGE",
"layout": "${message}"
"name": "#pMACHINENAME",
"layout": "${machinename}"
"name": "#pUSERNAME",
"layout": "${aspnet-user-identity}"
"name": "#pCALLSITE",
"layout": "${callsite:filename=true}"
"name": "#pTHREADID",
"layout": "${threadid}"
"layout": "${exception}"
"name": "#pSTACKTRACE",
"layout": "${stacktrace}"
"name": "#pSESSIONID",
"layout": "${aspnet-sessionid}"
"dbProvider": "Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client.OracleConnection, Oracle.ManagedDataAccess",
"connectionString": "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"rules": [
"logger": "*",
"minLevel": "Trace",
"writeTo": "all-file"
"logger": "*",
"minLevel": "Trace",
"writeTo": "db"
"logger": "Microsoft.*",
"maxLevel": "Info",
"final": true
The internal debugger reports:
2019-10-09 16:48:48.6665 Info Adding target AsyncTargetWrapper(Name=all-file)
2019-10-09 16:48:48.7859 Warn Error when setting property 'Layout' on 'NLog.Targets.DatabaseParameterInfo' Exception: System.ArgumentException: LayoutRenderer cannot be found: 'aspnet-user-identity'. Is NLog.Web not included?
at NLog.Config.Factory`2.CreateInstance(String itemName)
at NLog.Layouts.LayoutParser.GetLayoutRenderer(ConfigurationItemFactory configurationItemFactory, String name)
at NLog.Layouts.LayoutParser.ParseLayoutRenderer(ConfigurationItemFactory configurationItemFactory, SimpleStringReader stringReader)
at NLog.Layouts.LayoutParser.CompileLayout(ConfigurationItemFactory configurationItemFactory, SimpleStringReader sr, Boolean isNested, String& text)
at NLog.Layouts.SimpleLayout.set_Text(String value)
at NLog.Internal.PropertyHelper.TryNLogSpecificConversion(Type propertyType, String value, Object& newValue, ConfigurationItemFactory configurationItemFactory)
at NLog.Internal.PropertyHelper.SetPropertyFromString(Object obj, String propertyName, String value, ConfigurationItemFactory configurationItemFactory)
Error occurs on ${aspnet-sessionid}. If I comment out both layout, everything works well.
I found different things on GitHub issue report but all I tried was a fail.
Could someone help?
The unknown aspnet-user-identity is probably an issue with your extensions:
"extensions": [
{ "assembly": "NLog.Extensions.Logging" },
{ "assembly": "NLog.Web.AspNetCore" }
Could you try the above suggestion?
P.S. Updated the wiki to include example of multiple "extensions"
