Why are "machine-learned" entities and "descriptors" missing from LUIS? - azure-language-understanding

Please see the screen below. In my LUIS authoring console, I seem to be missing the "machine-learned" entity type as well as the "descriptors" option in my left nav rail. The tutorials I am following--all recent as of this post--are showing that I need to use these options.
Have these options been deprecated or something? What am I missing?
Thanks in advance.

It looks like you're using the luis.ai portal instead of preview.luis.ai portal.
Creating entities in luis.ai portal:
Creating entities in preview portal:
There has been a change in how one models LUIS entities with the move from v2 to v3 LUIS API versions. LUIS is moving away from different types of entities towards instead moving to using a single ML entity to encapsulate a concept. The ML entity can have children entities to help describe or restrict what would be identified as that parent ML entity.
Changes in preview version of the LUIS portal are planned to switch over sometime post-Microsoft Build (2020) Conference.
Also it appears "descriptor" will be renamed to "feature" as well.


Microsoft crm dynamics legacy web interface app

I'm very new to Microsoft CRM, so please fix me if i'm wrong.
I have a business app that has the old web interface.
I don't want to setup a new solution for a client and provide a new api.
A want to reuse what is already there and adjust what data I will get when I request some project query.
My problem is that I cannot find where the schema is defined.
Can someone point me where to look for it?
Right now the api is working and I can retrieve data without problems, but there are some missing fields that are present CRM and not accessible via api. And my goal is to provide those fields
go to make.powerapps.com
on right hand side select your env (dev/Test/Prod)
after that select solution on left hand side
then scroll down complete list you will find default solution
once you visit default solution, It hold almost entire system schema and so on. For example tables, it's fields and so on.
there are many other ways, but this should be a good starting point.
Note: It is not recommended to make changes directly under default solution, In fact it is bad way of making changes.

Building custom SQL schema in strapi

I am using strapi for my project, and I'd like to customize the default schema and add some constraints.
Is there some strapi way to implement a custom table with multi-field key or some advanced constraints?
you can customize the model by modifing the modelname.settings.json file.
You can also implement policies to set up constraints.
Quoting response to my question at strapi community forum:
Not through Strapi itself yet we are looking into this for the v4
(once we have a public RFC ready we will let everyone know to give
time to review it).
But you can apply them at the database level manually for most cases
and they shouldn’t be broken by Strapi, certain constraints can’t be
applied at the database level (specifically unique as an example with
the I18N beta) but keys for example shouldn’t cause any issues.
Thus, what I ended up doing is hooking to bootstrap function and applying schema modifications there.

How do I create a custom global element/app within CRM Dynamics such that it shows on all pages and can control user navigation?

I need to add a custom element/mini-app/extension to CRM Dynamics sales such that it shows globally on all pages that the user navigates to and also can navigate the users urls when certain events happen.
What options exactly do I have to satisfy the above criteria?
The screenshot below shows a sample area that I need to build the app within as an example.
Id imagine there are many use cases where customizing a global element is worthwhile, especially since custom applications may need to be built.
I understand I can use the Resources to create a SPA such as angular which is running so long as the URL stays at the SPA url. But for our use case, we are looking to allow end users to be able to navigate the CRM using the custom controls. but when something happens in a another subsystem, we need end users who are logged into the CRM to instantly view data that is important to them.
Is this technically possible?
Unfortunately this is not feasible. There are some concepts to show learning path like that. It won’t satisfy your need.
I understand what you need, like a news feed or ad rotator for rolling content but context specific flyout area which is always pinned. There is no OOB option or customization/configuration available for achieving this. You can initiate this concept in Dynamics Ideas.
Like you said there can be a HTML web resource developed & embedded in a dashboard, this is very limited for your requirement.
I think you are looking for Channel Integration Framework which will help you to configure third party CTI apps.
In CRM V9, they have introduced a new API call for 'Panel'. This panel loads to the side of the screen, and can display content regardless of where the user moves throughout the entire application. I've played around with it a bit for my own person reasons at work, but it looks to be exactly what you're looking for.
The call is 'Xrm.Panel.loadPanel(URL/WebResource)'
However, the feature is currently in development, and should only be used in production at your own risk.

Using Microsoft bot framework with dynamic dialog

Dears ,
I would like to know how can i make the dialog dynamic in microsoft bot framework? Now from the code samples it's all using enums to represent values , but how if the values shall be returned from a service?
I also have another question , where can I find the luis intents that are being used in the samples? and from where the word " Please select " comes from the github bot builder sample , especially the pizzabot .
I blogged about Dynamic FormFlow Forms in Bot Builder. This was written for FormFlow. I haven't figured out how to get string arrays to work with dialogs or if there might be a bug there.
The Prompts are using the defaults for properties in the PizzaOrder class. and you can change them with Prompt and Template attributes. The SandwichBot explanation in the docs covers these attributes.
I don't know if Microsoft opened the LUIS intents for PizzaBot (or if it's practical to let the general public view your original model). Maybe you can visit their Feedback site and ask them to share the JSON for the LUIS PizzaBot model. The LUIS video tutorial and docs might help if you want to create your own model and replace the LUIS model tokens with your own.

Custom fields in Sonar

I've looked at Sonar for a way to include custom fields for grouping/filtering data on-the-fly, including at addon extension points, but haven't seen anything that meets my criteria.
For example, for a multi-team project where all teams share the same repository project, I'd like to be able to filter the standard reports for single teams (encoding the team data for instance in a custom java annotation).
Is this possible? If so, how?
According to this discussion on the mailinglist: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.sonar.general/10059 ... http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.java.sonar.general/10073
It is not possibile to have group-specific dashboards/reports/views. The only thing supported right now are filters.
I'm not aware of any custom solution.
