lineinfile/regexp/line: why line at the end of file? - ansible

I don't understand how lineinfile works, I use:
- name: "configure"
path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
regexp: '^\/\/ "\${distro_id}:\${distro_codename}-updates";'
line: ' "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";'
state: present
And I expect that line in file will be uncommented:
// "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";
instead of this, this line stay as it is, but at the end of file,
I see:
so "match" happens, but why there is new line at the end of file instead of replace?

Your regexp does not escape all of the special symbols and therefore there is no match which causes the addition of the new line instead of the replacement. Curly braces should be escaped, according to Python's re module documentation.
This task works as expected on my Ubuntu 18.04 server.
- name: "configure"
path: /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
regexp: '^//\s+"\$\{distro_id\}:\$\{distro_codename\}-updates";'
line: ' "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";'
state: present
-// "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";
+ "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";

There must be other problem. The code works as expexted
shell> diff 50unattended-upgrades 50unattended-upgrades.orig
< "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";
> // "${distro_id}:${distro_codename}-updates";


Remove symbols from ansible stdout_lines in file with Ansible

A have the line in file acounts.list
['# name', 'zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount: TRUE']
I would like to remove ['# name, all ' and '] What would the result be, zimbraIsDelegatedAdminAccount: TRUE
I tried to create task to remove first ['# name
- lineinfile:
dest: /home/acounts.list
state: absent
regexp: "^\[\'\#\sname\s"
... but i got error. Could you please help with solution? Thank you.
use replace instead:
- name: replace
path: /home/acounts.list
regexp: "['\\[\\]]|# *name *"
replace: ''
you could write too: regexp: '[''\[\]]|# *name *'
['\\[\\]] means replace all ' or [ or ] (or == [])
so as [ and ] are special char, you ahve to protect by \ with " you have to protect \ too by another \ (not needed when surrounded by ')
| means or and the other expression is # *name * * means zero or more space

Test a substring with special character in a list

I have a list with some application landscape names and I have to look for an specific application with special characters in Jinja2
landscape_list: ["cmdb:app1 landscape", "cmdb:app2 (ex app3) landscape",
"cmdb:app4 landscape"]
app_to_look: "app2 (ex app3)"
I'm trying to use this code to test the list:
{{landscape_list | select('search',land_key) | list | count > 0}}
But I'm always getting 0 when I tried to test "app2 (ex app3)".
I think this problem is related with special characters like ().
Is it possible to look into a list for that specific application in jinja2?
Q: "This problem is related to special characters like ()."
A: Yes. The parenthesis must be escaped in the regex. For example
- set_fact:
land_key: 'app2 \(ex app3\)'
- debug:
msg: "{{ landscape_list|select('search', land_key)|list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ landscape_list|select('search', land_key)|list|length }}"
- debug:
msg: One or more items match the searched pattern.
when: landscape_list|select('search', land_key)|list|length > 0
"msg": [
"cmdb:app2 (ex app3) landscape"
"msg": "1"
"msg": "One or more items match the searched pattern."
I end up using a similar method. Instead of using search, I used contains as a search method
{{completed_list | select('contains',solution_search) | list | count > 0}}
solution_search contains the full name of what I'm looking.
{%-set solution_search = env_key ~' '~env_server_key ~' TEST'-%}
Where env_key is the application name that can contain special characters and env_server_key is the application environment.

Jenkins Job Builder tries to expand parameter in a text field

I'm having some issues with a Jenkins Job Builder YAML file which contains an attribute (message-content) with "{}" characters in it:
- job-template:
id: senderjob
name: '{job-prefix}{id}'
command: 'echo "executed with $PARAMETER"'
type: freestyle
- ownership:
enabled: true
owner: user1
- build-discarder:
num-to-keep: 100
- string:
default: 'param'
description: 'default parameter for message.'
# template settings
- shell: '{command}'
- ci-publisher:
override-topic: VirtualTopic.abcd.message
message-type: 'Custom'
message-properties: |
message-content: '{"release-name" : "1.0"}'
The error reported is:
jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException: release-name parameter missing to format {release-name : 1.0}
So it looks like it's trying to expand "release-name" with a parameter.
So I have added it as parameter:
- string:
name: release-name
default: '1.0'
description: 'default parameter for release.'
It still reports the same error. Should I include the parameter somewhere else or escape it ? I couldn't find any YAML escape for "{}" characters though.
Any idea?
You should add the following to the configuration file
allow_empty_variables = True

Ansible won't let me add quotes to my variables when I try to use "blockinfile" and "block"

Using containers, I'm trying to create a .bashrc file with Python3 Ansible v0. I'm also using Ansible roles.
- name: Adding environment vars to .bashrc file
insertafter: EOF
block: |
export VAR1={{ var1 }}
export VAR2={{ var2 }}
export VAR3={{ var3 }}
Where all 3 variables are defined in my main file, play.yml. So, let's say var1 is equal to "-a -b -c" (including the quotes), var2 is equal to "d" and var3 is equal to "e"
Then after I run play.yml, my .bashrc file looks like:
export VAR1=-a -b -c
export VAR2=d
export VAR3=e
But what I really want is
export VAR1="-a -b -c"
export VAR2="d"
export VAR3="e"
If I don't have the quotes for VAR1, then running source /.bashrc gives me:
bash: export: `-a: not a valid identifier
bash: export: `-b: not a valid identifier
bash: export: `-c: not a valid identifier
I've tried this:
- name: Creating .bashrc file
insertafter: EOF
block: |
export VAR1=\"{{ var1 }}\"
export VAR2=\"{{ var2 }}\"
export VAR3=\"{{ var3 }}\"
but that does not add quotes to my .bashrc file. I still get the same results. What can I do to add quotes? I've also tried adding \"\", which adds exactly \"\" to the beginning of each line. So that doesn't work either when I try to run source /.bashrc
Set your variables like this:
var1: '"fred"'
var2: '"barney"'
var3: '"wilma"'

yaml multi line syntax without newline to space conversion

I have something like this dictionary:
env: qat
target_host: >
{%if env in ['prd'] %}one
{%elif env in ['qat','stg'] %}two
when I print it I get:
ok: [localhost] => {
"var": {
"target_host": "two "
} }
So it is converting the \n at the end of the line to a space. Which is exactly what it is supposed to do. However in this case I am just trying to spread out the lines to make the structure of the if/else more readable and I don't want the extra space. It works as expected if I put it all on one line without the > but I would like to be able to make it multiline just so its easier to read.
I found this question
Is there a way to represent a long string that doesnt have any whitespace on multiple lines in a YAML document?
So I could do:
env: qat
target_host: "{%if env in ['prd'] %}one\
{%elif env in ['qat','stg'] %}two\
And that gives the desired result.
Is there anyway to accomplish this without cluttering it up even more?
In Jinja* you can strip whitespaces/newlines by adding a minus sign to the start/end of a block. This should do the trick:
env: qat
target_host: >
{%if env in ['prd'] -%}one
{%- elif env in ['qat','stg'] -%}two
{%- else -%}three
{%- endif%}
* Jinja 2 is the templating engine used by Ansible.
Maybe what you need is the | literal?
env: qat
target_host: |
{%if env in ['prd'] %}one
{%elif env in ['qat','stg'] %}two
This will not 'fold' newlines into spaces, as oposed to >
