How to add MSVS2010 into CLion2020.1? - visual-studio-2010

When i installed MSVS2019,it can be found in CLion Toolchains.
Is CLion2010.1 support compiling C/C++ projects using MSVS2010?

Only VS 2013 and later are supported
But the tracker has a feature request for supporting MVSC2010


Is Microsoft C++ Build Tools available as portable (without installation)

We are currently using CUDA on windows which requires MS C++ Build tools installed. With every new version of the CUDA toolkit it happens that newer versions of Visual Studio are not supported. That's why we are using the MS build tools seperately so that the VS version doesn't matter.
Since its hard to guide our developers to install the right CUDA and MSVC version we have packaged it into NUGET packages so that the toolkit (especially NVCC) is in a defined version and location. Additionally we wanted to do this with MSVC but we couldn't find a good solution since the installer obviously does modifications on several places that we don't know.
Is there any good way to get the MSVC tools portable so that we can simply drop it into a folder and put the right pathes?
NVCC doesn't support GCC, otherwise I would have gone with this.

OmniSharp Error: Found dotnet version 5.0.201. Minimum required version is 6.0.100

I use VS Code as my IDE. Today I saw in my C# files that I could no longer use things like "Go To Definition/Implementations" or hover over anything to get the path/type etc.
I found my Omnisharp console and saw they updated last night and there is an error:
Error: Found dotnet version 5.0.201. Minimum required version is 6.0.100.
I can't upgrade my dotnet because 6.0 is not compatible with the runtime in my project and on Mac M1, there are a lot of issues running multiple dotnet instances..
I guess its a bit of a rock and a hard place, anyone know how I can get around this issue?
This is a recent update to Omnisharp, which is used by the VS Code C# extension. Add this to your settings and restart the editor.
"omnisharp.useModernNet": false,
"omnisharp.path": "",
Also if you don't have Visual Studio installed you will likely need to install the Build Tools to get MSBuild:
My understanding of the rationale behind this change is an optimization for modern vanilla c# projects over those using older versions (ie Unity). More info in this issue.
Revert your Omnisharp to previous version
Update 1.25.0 introduces newer OmniSharp build for .NET 6 which does not support non SDK style .NET projects but results in performance improvements.
Fortunately you can disable this in the settings:
C# Extension Settings
Also, the C# extension no longer ships with an included Mono & MSBuild Tools. Download them here: Build Tools
Worst case, you can revert to an older extension version.
Go to extensions in VS Code and search for C# Extension
VS Code Extensions
Go to C# Extension settings
C# Extension Settings
Disable "Use Modern Net" option.
Modern Net Option
Restart VS Code
I haved similar problem and i fixed like this:
Im using win7 and i have VS 2019 IDE which not supporting dotnet 6 cuz of that vs_installer not installing dotnet6 sdk, in result i cant use c# extension v1.25.0 in vs code, because omnisharp needs net6. I installed net 6 sdk to my win7 and problem is solved, now i can use c# extension v1.25.0 in vs code.

Is the LLVM-vs2014 toolset removed from clang 7 and 8? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
LLVM 7.0 does not provide specific Platform Toolset on Visual Studio 2015
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
Using clang 6.0.1 I can create MSVC projects with LLVM-vs2014 toolchain to build them with clang.
Clang 7.x and 8.x seem not to include such a toolchain. Is the feature deprecated, unsupported, or is there just another way to use it?
I does seem that the VS specific toolchains are not included in the later releases of Clang. You can always check what build tools are available by right clicking your project in VisualStudio selecting Properties and then look under Platform Toolset:
Another option is to use this visual studio extension which should allow you to use an existing installation of clang you have on your machine.
Finally, starting with Visual Studio 2017, there is an experimental version of Clang that you can use as a platform toolset called Clang/C2. You'll need to run the Visual Studio Installer to ensure that you have installed it, but otherwise it should show up in the platform toolset as v141_clang_c2 as shown in the image above.
Edit: As per the comment below, it seems that Clang/C2 has been abandoned and is no longer a good, long term option.
I've spent a lot of time in the past trying to get newer versions of clang to play nice with Visual Studio and it hasn't been fun (or fruitful). Hopeful this type of support gets better in the future. As a side note, if you're not generating solution files with CMake and instead use Visual Studio "Open Project" feature for CMake based projects, you may be able to manually set CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and CMAKE_C_COMPILER to force the use of Clang.

cbuffer unexpected token DX11 examples

On loading up a direct x 11 SDK project example, after linking all Libs./includes ETC that I was given an error from; I came across the following within an fx file.
VS version : VS ultimate 2013
Example name : 'DepthOfFeild10.1'
SDK : 'Microsoft DirectX SDK (February 2010)'
fx file name : 'DepthOfField10.1.fx'
error : Error 1 error X3000: syntax error: unexpected token 'cb0'
Perhaps I'm missing a lib/tool/set-up procedure ?
(Running Debug, X64)
Advice appreciated.
First of all, if you are trying to use VS 2013 and the legacy DirectX SDK together, be sure to read MSDN.
You need to use a different include/lib/executable path order with VS 2012 and later than the default VS 2010 projects that come with the legacy DirectX SDK February 2010 and June 2010 releases.
Many of the legacy DirectX SDK samples have been updated to remove the need to use the legacy DirectX SDK at all since VS 2013 and the Windows 8.1 SDK are generally sufficient. These are published to GitHub. See DirectX SDK Samples Catalog. DepthOfField10.1, however, is not one of these because it's an AMD sample. You can find AMD's version of it in their archive.
Start with the DirectX SDK (June 2010) version of DepthOfField10.1 (install it from the sample browser).
Open the DepthOfField10.1_2010.sln file and let it Upgrade the VC++ Tools and Libraries to v120.
Edit the Project Properties -> VC++ Directories:
For all configurations and the Win32 Platform, set it to:
Executable Directories: $(ExecutablePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x86
Include Directories: $(IncludePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Include
Library Directories: $(LibraryPath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x86
For all configurations and the x64 Platform, set it to:
Executable Directories: $(ExecutablePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x64;$(DXSDK_DIR)Utilities\bin\x86;
Include Directories: $(IncludePath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Include
Library Directories: $(LibraryPath);$(DXSDK_DIR)Lib\x64
If you were using VS 2015, then you also need to add the blog version of DXERR and remove the legacy DirectX SDK version of dxerr.lib from the project. A quick hack of DXUT is needed to resolve the ASCII/UNICODE differences. This is needed because VS 2015 includes some C99 related standard library changes that fail to link with the old version of strsafe.h used to build the legacy DirectX SDK.
Once this is done, it builds and runs as is.
Note: Most of the Direct3D 10 samples in the legacy DirectX SDK make use of the old Effects (FX) system. There's a Direct3D 11 version of Effects available, but the HLSL compiler support for Effects is officially deprecated. See Effects for Direct3D 11.
If the problem is happening in our own projects, then likely you have mis-configured the FXC command-line for building that .fx file.

Configuring V8 for building with /MD with VS2010

Does anyone know if its possible to configure V8 to be built this way with VS2010? I am trying to embed V8 in a project that already uses a few libraries configured for the multi-threaded DLL(/MD) runtime library on Windows and V8 is by default configured for /MT
I found the answer under the XCode section, you need to use the command...
python build/gyp_v8 -Dcomponent=shared_library
to generate your project files, apparently it also works for VS
