ansible deploy to multi aws accounts using codebuild - ansible

The ansible playbook I'm running via aws codebuild only deploys to the same account. Instead of using a separate build for each account, I'd like to use only one build and manage multi-account deployment via ansible inventory. How can I set up the ansible static library to add yml files for every other aws account or environment it will be deploying to? That is, the inventory classifies those accounts into dev, stg & prod environments.
I know a bit about how this should be structured and that is to create a yml file in the inventory folder having the account name and also create a relevant file in the group-vars subfolder without the yml extension. But, I do not know the details of file contents. Can you please explain this to me?
On the other side, codebuild environment variable is given a few account names, the environment, and the role it should be assuming in those accounts to deploy. My question is how inventory structure and file content should be set up for this to work?

If you want to act on resources in different account, the general idea in AWS is to "assume" a role in that account and run API calls as normal. I see that Ansible has a module 'sts_assume_role' which helps to assume a role. I found the following blog article that may give you some pointers. Whether you run the ansible command on your laptop or CodeBuild, the idea is the same:


Ansible, how to differentiate the targets based on the different cloud

Im trying to write a logic (ansible playbook) where different roles are called based on the conditions.
Eg: AWS role should be in invoked if the condition matches for AWS, likewise for GCP, AZURE, vmware.
Tried to check through ansible_facts, no much information is available.
Please help, which condition can I use.
The cloud provider would be a property of the inventory and not the host itself.
Identification of the cloud provider can be done while the inventory is being built.
As such, during inventory build you can use additional variables/ groups in your hosts file to pass such information as shown in examples below
Then use the hostvars magic variable within the script to identify the cloud provider.
More information can be found here.

How to add Laravel env file in AWS AutoScaling

I am working on a laravel project which is hosted on AMAZON AWS. We are also using AWS AutoScaling service, since new instances can be added/removed on the fly, I am also using AWS CodeDeploy so whenever a new instance will be created it will pull the code from github as we do not include environment variable file on git so new instance will not have the environment variable file so the application will not be able to run. I also do not want to include the environment variable file on git as it is not recommended to include that file on git. If I ignore the best practices here and add the env file on git then still there is a problem as I have different branches with different env files so when I merge the code it will replace the env file as well. So what are the best practices or solutions for this case ?
FYI: we are not using ElasticBeanstalk as I am familiar that on elastic beanstalk there is an option on EB dashboard to add environment variables and the path where env file will create upon new instance creation but we are not using ElasticBeanstalk, we are using AutoScaling service and according to my findings AWS do not provide such functionality for AutoScaling service.
There are several options to configure the env vars for an application.
Place the env files on S3 and on boot in the user data/launch config for that environments auto scaling pull down the config file for that env. Also to lock it down in the role for an environment only allow access to that bucket.
Store the env vars in Dynamodb for the env, and on boot look those up in user data and set at env vars. (unless the contain secrets/connection strings, et al., no way to store encrypted secrets in DDB. )
Use Consul
KV Store: Applications can make use of Consul's hierarchical key/value store for any number of purposes, including dynamic configuration, feature flagging, coordination, leader election, and more. The simple HTTP API makes it easy to use.

Deployment with Ansible from Gitlab CI, dealing with passwords

I'm trying to achieve an "password-free" deployment workflow using Gitlab CI and Ansible.
Some steps do require a password (I'm already using SSH Keys whenever I can) so I've stored those password inside an Ansible Vault. Next, I would just need to provide the Vault password when running the playbook.
But how could I integrate this nicely with Gitlab CI?
May I register a gitlab-ci job (or jobs are suitable for builds only?), which just runs the playbook providing the vault password somehow?! Can this be achieved without a password laying around in plain text?!
Also, I would be really happy if someone can point me some material that shows how we can deploy builds using Ansible. As you can notice, I've definitively found nothing about that.
You can set an environment variable in the GitLab CI which would hold the Ansible Vault password. In my example i called it $ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD
Here is the example for .gitlab-ci.yml:
- master
- echo $ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD > .vault_password.txt
- ansible-playbook -i ansible/staging.yml --vault-password-file .vault_password.txt
Hope this trick helps you out.
I'm not super familiar with gitlab ci, or ansible vault for that matter, but one strategy that I prefer for this kind of situation is to create a single, isolated, secure, and durable place where your password or other secrets exist. A private s3 bucket, for example. Then, give your build box or build cluster explicit access to that secure place. Of course, you'll then want to make sure your build box or cluster are also locked down, such as within a vpc that isn't publicly accessible and can only be accessed via vpn or other very secure means.
The idea is to give the machines that need your password explicit knowledge of where to get it AND seperately the permission & access they need to get it. The former does not have to be a secret (so it can exist in source control) but the latter is virtually impossible to attain without compromising the entire system, at which point you're already boned anyway.
So, more specifically, the machine that runs ansible could be inside the secure cluster. It knows how to access the password. It has permission to do so. So, it can simply get the pw, store as a variable, and use it to access secure resources as it runs. You'll want to be careful not to leak the password in the process (like piping ansible logs with the pw to somewhere outside the cluster, or even anywhere perhaps). If you want to kick off the ansible script from outside the cluster, then you would vpn in to run the ansible playbook on the remote machine.

Managing Multiple AWS Accounts using EB deploy

I am working on two different projects for two different companies. Each of them gave me access to their AWS management console to deploy Ruby applications. I'm writing the code on my Mac OS/X.
I can't see where to change the configuration for the eb commands to point to the different accounts. I did eb init, but it seems to point to the same AWS account and creates the application and server instance on that account. Can someone please help or guide me to instructions when using two different AWS accounts for two different projects and trying to deploy using the eb command?
The config data should be stored in ~/.aws/config
You could maintain two different config files and simple swap them before deploying. That would be easy if you work on one all day and then another all day, but if you are switching between the two throughout the day that could get confusing.
You could write a simple script to swap them prior to running eb init.
Since you listed Ruby as your language I found this neat write up of exactly what you need.
The proper way to do this is with "named profiles". Let's say for example that you have a work/default AWS account and also a personal AWS account.
Edit ~/.aws/credentials to look like this:
aws_access_key_id = abcd1234KEY1
aws_secret_access_key = abcd1234SECRET1
aws_access_key_id = efghij6789KEY2
aws_secret_access_key = efghij6789SECRET2
Then use eb init --profile personal to use your personal account.
AWS docs here:

Is it ok to use ansible for deployement of apps instead of make files

I have recently started using ansible for configuration management of linux servers.
My habbit is that if I learn one tool then I try to use it as much as possible.
Initially for my php web apps I had a long Makefile which used to download, install packages , make php.ini file chnages , extract zip files , copy files between folders etc to deploy my application in as automated way.
Now, I am thinking of converting that Makefile deployment to Ansible because then I can arrange the separate yml file for separate areas rather than one big makefile for the whole project.
I want to know that is it good idea to use ansible for that or Makefile will be good for that.
Sure, Ansible is great for that. You can separate all your different steps into different playbooks that are identified by yaml files.
You can define common tasks and then include them in your specific playbooks.
You can also make use of Ansible roles to create complete set of playbooks depending on the role of the server. For example, one set servers' role could be webservers and another set of servers' role could be databases.
You can find more info on roles here:
There are's also a few modules on the web out there that you can also use to get you started and you can also use Ansible Galaxy to import roles.
Of course, you can accomplish the same by breaking down your Makefile but maybe you want to learn a new tool.
Hope it helps.
