Unable to resolve javax.transaction.xa partial=true - osgi

I am trying to use dbcp2 from apache-commons to setup a datasource, but I cannot install commons-dpcp2 bundle because it is complaining about a missing requirement javax.transaction.xa package version>=1.1.0 mandatory:=partial; partial=true.
This exact version is installed in the runtime via karaf's transaction feature (on 4.2.1) (albeit WITHOUT the mandatory:=partial;partial=true directive or flag or whatever you wanna call it)
So it appears I cannot install dbcp2 and use it without hacking... Anyone have a "normal" solution to this problem or i have to tear my shirt open like Conan and repackage dbcp2?
Also if anyone from apache packaging stumbles upon this , why you gotta package it in such a "funny" way??? Why append these make-shift flags that ultimately do nothing?? Quit it.

What a coincidence ;) - It's fixed and explained by https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KARAF-6715


Unable to run application with Gradle: Error: Could not find or load main class 1.8

I am using IntelliJ Idea 2017.3 and on any Gradle project (even for simple 'hello world' from GitHub) I always got next error:
"Unable to start the daemon process.
This problem might be caused by incorrect configuration of the daemon.
For example, an unrecognized jvm option is used.
Please refer to the user guide chapter on the daemon at https://docs.gradle.org/3.5-rc-2/userguide/gradle_daemon.html
Please read the following process output to find out more:
Error: Could not find or load main class 1.8"
Meanwhile, if I run an application with Gradle wrapper (gradlew.bat in my case) everything works perfectly. For me it looks like misconfiguration issue, but I cannot find what I am doing wrongly in Idea configuration or any other place. I appreciate any help with it or clue where to dig.
The issue was resolved and I would like to share this knowledge with all those who encounter a similar problem.
In my case, I had to delete two configuration files gradle.experimental.xml and gradle.settings.xml from IDEA configuration directory %IDEA_HOME%\config\options. I suppose they were created at the time when I installed Gradle globally on my PC. Somehow these settings were persisted, even after I removed globally installed Gradle and started to use Gradle's wrapper.

Launching Ruby-Cucumber from IntelliJ (OSX)

I am in a new job and am using IntelliJ with Ruby and Cucumber.. all of which are new to me.
I have a working project based upon this project: https://github.com/jonathanchrisp/selenium-cucumber-ruby-kickstarter
So, from the command line, I run my project like this:
sudo cukesparse something
cukesparse is not my project but here is a quick description from github: "A simple command line parser to pass default and custom arguments into Cucumber with the power to define these as tasks in a config/tasks.yml file!"
(seems interesting enough to me)
So, from the command line I am able to execute this project without any problems. I am also able to "Build > Rebuild Project" without issue.
My question is regarding getting a Run Config to work. I have tried to go to Run > Edit Configurations, but have had no luck creating a config to start my run. When I try to click Ruby from the list of 'base configurations', IntelliJ doesn't seem to want me to pick it. The UI sort of doesn't respond.
I must be stuck with some obvious newbie booboo. Any tips greatly appreciated!
Which version of IntelliJ are you using? And do you have the Ruby and Base Cucumber plugins installed in IntelliJ? (From Intellij -> preferences -> Plugins). If not, the first step would be to install those.
Then you can create a run configuration by Run > Edit Configurations, selecting the required details. If you have further issues, a screengrab of your configuration (from Run > Edit Configurations) would be helpful.
I didn't ever get to the bottom of exactly what the issue was, but completely removing IntelliJ (using the comment from Jenny here: In IntelliJ on OS X, how do you clear out all global setting info, licensing etc. (external to any project)) and reinstalling with a very minimal plugin set fixed it. I basically only enabled the git plugin, then got the ruby plugin from the repository and no other plugins.
I did need to add the cucumber gem from the command line but that didn't turn out to be part of the problem. Something about the plugins I had selected was making some of the Run Configurations not function.

error using swank-cdt for debug clojure : " unabled to add tools.jar to classpath"

I'm learning how debug a clojure app...I've tried several tools and no one has convinced me..now I'm trying swank-cdt which is based in CDT...I've read the instruction here:
I've added my dev-dependencies to my lein project (in my case clojure-source "1.2.1" because I'm using clojure 1.2.1...)
I've run lein deps..and lein install...elein swank for use repl, and slime-connect for connect my repl...so far so good...I've used (use 'debugproject.core) run well...
now..when try (use 'swank.cdt) I get in my stacktrace:
[Thrown class java.lang.ClassNotFoundException]
and inside my repl :
warning: unabled to add tools.jar to classpath. This may cause CDT initialization to fail.
what am I doing wrong!??
thanks for your patience and for read all my post :D
and many thanks if you can help me
Swank-clojure 1.4.0, released yesterday, automatically sets up the tools.jar crap for you. You don't need to symlink or copy anything.
I've copied tools.jar into lib/dev

Is SpringSource Tool Suite 2.6 Grails support broken?

I have recently updated my STS from 2.5.2 to 2.6. Since then, each grails project shows an error in the conf/spring/resources.groovy file reading: Description Resource Path Location Type
Internal compiler error: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: org/codehaus/jdt/groovy/internal/compiler/ast/JDTClassNode, method: initialize signature: ()V) Bad access to protected data at org.codehaus.jdt.groovy.internal.compiler.ast.JDTResolver.createClassNode(JDTResolver.java:461) resources.groovy /GrailsProject/grails-app/conf/spring line 0 Java Problem
The resources.groovy file is as good as empty (in default state), and if I delete it, the error is shown on the DataSource.groovy, so the file itself seems not to be the cause.The used groovy compiler version is 1.7.3.I have made a clean STS 2.6 install, installed the groovy and grails plugins and got the same error.What could be the problem? And is there a solution to this not resulting in downgrading to 2.5.2 again? Thank you
Take a look at your preferences Groovy -> Compiler. Are you by any chance accidentally using Groovy 1.6?
That didn't solve the problem, but as described in http://forum.springframework.org/showthread.php?p=357361, upgrade to the latest dev build of Groovy-Eclipse as well as Grails Tooling and that should work.

How do I set where my grails plugins should be installed?

I saw the light and install the joda-time plugin for grails.
However, when I tried to commit my changes to source control I realised that grails had located the files in:
instead of somewhere under the project directory of:
Yeah I'm using windows :-\
So now when someone pulls down my changes from source control they are missing all the joda-time plugin lovelyness and they are wanting to spank me :)
What should I be setting so that grails doesn't put anything under my user directory?
(It isn't installed as a global plugin - just as a project one - at least I think so, I ran "grails install-plugin joda-time" )
Many thanks in advance.
P.S. Currently listening to Plug In Baby by Muse....how coincidental :D
The plugin is listed in application.properties, so when someone gets your code Grails will install missing plugins the first time they run 'grails run-app' or other commands.
If you want to revert to 1.0.x behavior just create grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy with the line
and your plugins will be in with the rest of the project files.
