What is the VSCode UI Font? - user-interface

Just to be clear, I'm aware I can customise the font used in the editor window of VSCode to just about any monospaced font I like. I am not asking about what font is used in the editor. I am asking if anyone knows what font is being used by VSCode for the rest of its interface?
I appreciate this is an unusual design question. But it's to do with my IDE and I need to confirm for a theme project I'm maintaining.

Thanks to more docs, some trial and error, and even Wikipedia I can confirm that the font used in VSCode's own interface is SF Pro when running on Mac OS. I'm assuming that it is SF Pro Text and not SF Pro Display, given the use case. I've reversed engineered the interface during theme development in order to help determine.


Is there a way to create a new IME layout?

I have a hard time finding information on how I would go about developing a keyboard layout that uses IME without it just being information on how I can simply add a new keyboard layout that uses the microsoft IME or how I can use the Microsoft IME in my applications.
What I want to do is making the whole thing from scratch. It's not supposed to be for an existing language (so it's not like any of the existing IMEs would be an alternative) but, obviously, having information on how I'd go about developing an IME for Japanese, Chinese or Korean is also a nice thing.
Google has their own IME that is cross platform so I assume that it is possible to do it but I just can't find any information on it.
The OS is Windows 8.1, by the way.
I'm a bit late, but I don't like open questions (to which I know the answer) ;-)
Hope it still helps: Microsoft's Keyboard Layout Creator (MS KLC) is what you need. https://msdn.microsoft.com/de-de/goglobal/bb964665.aspx

Aptana using very large fonts in program tabs

I'm a Linux newbie and started using Aptana as my development IDE. I love the features. The only problem I'm facing is that the fonts used in the program tabs are very large and out of proportions. I tried changing all kinds of parameter in the properties window but no luck. Does anybody know how to change the font size. Am I overlooking something?
It looks an open bug, but there are some answer this question:
How do you change the font Aptana Studio 3.5.0 editor tabs?

In Mac OS X Terminal, what are the best colors, fonts, etc. to use?

What is a Good/Best Terminal setting? I had my terminal (Mac OSX) set on Homebrew but it's kind of boring! What setting do you guys use out there? Are there any i can import? Any that you would recommend?
Love to know what colors, fonts, font size you use out there that are easy on the eyes?
Thanks in advance ;-)
I use the Pro settings with minimal changes, and Visor because I really like having instant access to the terminal without alt-tabbing.
I really love the Solarized color scheme. I only changed the colors for marked text which were barely visible.
Also, I am not using the default Terminal.app, but iTerm 2 which has some nifty features.
I was also bored with default terminal settings for a long and after trying tried various combinations, I found the following settings are best suited for day to day programming usage:
Mac's Terminal > Preferences
Monaco, Regular, Font Size 14.
PFB - A sample terminal image for the look and feel.

How to disable ClearType in Visual Studio 2010? [duplicate]

I just got VS 2010 beta 1, but the text in the text editor is thin, ie not anti aliased, smoothed or cleartyped. It's hard to read. Is there a setting to adjust it, similar to the one in the OS.
This is a known issue with the beta. See the readme. Section "Text may appear slighly blurry".
They are working on a fix and recommend you stick with Consolas font for English, for now.
This will be fixed in Beta 2 once WPF integrates with the DirectWrite code in the latest versions of DirectX.
To workaround this, we decided to override the OS Setting and always for ClearType smoothing to be on when Consolas is the editor font. This way the user who isn't particular about fonts gets the best behaviour and if the user wants to have a non-clear type experience the will also need to switch their font which they would have to do anyways.
ClearType cannot be disabled in source code windows
Let me know if changing the font from Consolas works for you.
The Microsoft H4X0RS decided to force users to adopt ClearType when using Consolas font (scroll down until you see the heading Consolas always uses ClearType)
The way to fix this is to install the Text Sharp extension (yes, you read right, you need to install an extension to turn off BlurType -- ie to have your system-wide setting of no anti-aliasing applied)
How the people who did this got away with it I'll never know.
There is an extension that can help with this:
You have to both turn it off in the display options and the performance options:
Visual Studio 2010 Text Clarity: ClearType Options

Possible to adjust ClearType on Visual Studio 2010?

I just got VS 2010 beta 1, but the text in the text editor is thin, ie not anti aliased, smoothed or cleartyped. It's hard to read. Is there a setting to adjust it, similar to the one in the OS.
This is a known issue with the beta. See the readme. Section "Text may appear slighly blurry".
They are working on a fix and recommend you stick with Consolas font for English, for now.
This will be fixed in Beta 2 once WPF integrates with the DirectWrite code in the latest versions of DirectX.
To workaround this, we decided to override the OS Setting and always for ClearType smoothing to be on when Consolas is the editor font. This way the user who isn't particular about fonts gets the best behaviour and if the user wants to have a non-clear type experience the will also need to switch their font which they would have to do anyways.
ClearType cannot be disabled in source code windows
Let me know if changing the font from Consolas works for you.
The Microsoft H4X0RS decided to force users to adopt ClearType when using Consolas font (scroll down until you see the heading Consolas always uses ClearType)
The way to fix this is to install the Text Sharp extension (yes, you read right, you need to install an extension to turn off BlurType -- ie to have your system-wide setting of no anti-aliasing applied)
How the people who did this got away with it I'll never know.
There is an extension that can help with this:
You have to both turn it off in the display options and the performance options:
Visual Studio 2010 Text Clarity: ClearType Options
