THE JOSEPHUS PROBLEM? (concrete mathematics) - algorithm

"thanks in advance to give your precious time..."
In our variation, we start with n people numbered 1 to n around a circle, and we eliminate every second remaining person until only one survives.
As it is said that the smart mathematicians are not shame of thinking small..!
so we will start with the group of only 10 people around the circle.
The elimination order is 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, so 5 survives. The problem: Determine the survivor's number, J(n).
We just saw that J(10) = 5. We might conjecture that J(n) = n/2 when n is even; and the case n = 2 supports the conjecture: J(2) = 1. But a few other small cases dissuade us | the conjecture fails for n = 4 and n = 6.
n =| 1| 2| 3|4 |5 |6
_____|__| _|_ |_ |_ |_
J(n)=|1 |1 | 3| 1| 3| 5
as for n=1 there is no second person to eliminate so it is clear that the J(1)=1; and for the n=2 as the 2 is next to the 1 in the circle so the second(2) person get's eliminated i.,e n=2; J(2)=1 clear and fine ..!but for 3 persons in the circle the 2nd gets eliminated and we have 1,3 as the survivor but ,why the book show's that J(3)=3...
here i am unable to understand why for n=3 ;J(3)=3 as and for n=4 ;J(4)=1 and for the n=6;J(6)=5

We know every second person (which is the person immediatly after the person we are currently looking at) will be killed.
For n = 3:
(1) 2 3 (looking at 1, kills 2)
1 (3) (looking at 3, kills 1)
(3) 3 survives
For n = 4:
(1) 2 3 4 (looking at 1, kills 2)
1 (3) 4 (looking at 3, kills 4)
(1) 3 (looking at 1, kills 3)
(1) 1 survives
For n = 6:
(1) 2 3 4 5 6 (looking at 1, kills 2)
1 (3) 4 5 6 (looking at 3, kills 4)
1 3 (5) 6 (looking at 5, kills 6)
(1) 3 5 (looking at 1, kills 3)
1 (5) (looking at 5, kills 1)
(5) 5 survives


What is the field of study of this algorithm problem?

In my app people can give a mark to other people out of ten points. At midnight, every day, I would like to implement an algorithm that compute the best "match" for each person.
At the end of the day, I will have, for exemple :
(ID_person_who_gave_mark, ID_person_who_received_mark, mark)
(1, 2, 7.5) // 1 gave to 2 a 7.5/10
(1, 3, 9) // etc..
(1, 4, 6)
(2, 1, 5.5)
(2, 3, 4)
(2, 4, 8)
(3, 1, 3)
(3, 2, 10)
(3, 4, 9)
(4, 1, 2)
// no (4, 2, xx) because 4 didn't gave any mark to 2
(4, 3, 6.5)
At the end of algo, I would like that every person has the best match, that is the best compromise to "make everyone happy".
In my exemple, I would say that person 1 gave a 9/10 to 3 but 3 gave a 3/10 to 1 so they definitely can't match, 1 gave a 7.5/10 to 2 and 2 gave a 5.5/10 to 1, so why not, and finally, 1 gave a 6/10 to 4 but 4 gave a 2/10 to 1 so they can't match (under 5/10 = they can't match). So for person 1, the only match would be with 2, but I have to check if it's good for 2 to have 1 as match too.
2 gave a 4/10 to 3 so (2,3) is over (under 5/10), but 2 gave a 8/10 to 4, so (2,4) would be much more cool for 2 than (2,1).
Let's see 4 : 4 didn't gave any mark to 2, so they can't match : one possibility is left for 2 : we make the match (2-1)
let's see for 3 : with 1 it's over (3/10), with 2 it would be super cool for 3 (10/10) but 2 gave 3 a 4/10 so it's over. 3 gave a cool 9/10 to 4, so that would be nice too. Let's check 4 : 4 gave 2/10 to 1 so it's over with 1 (under 5/10), and gave a pretty nice 6.5 to 3. So the best match is finally between 4 and 3.
So our final matchs are in this exemple : (1-2) and (3-4)
Even when I do that intuitively like I just did, it's complicated to find an appropriate behaviour to compute all these informations.
Can you help me "mathematise" such a purpose, in order to have an algo that could do such calculation for let's say 50000 people ? Or at least, what is the field of study where I could get more information to solve this effectively ?

Split a subset with a constraint

Today, while practicing some Algorithm questions I found an interesting question.
The question is
You have to divide 1 to n (with one missing value x ) into two equal
halfs such that sum of the two halfs are equal.
If n = 7 and x = 4
The solution will be {7, 5} and {1, 2, 3, 6}
I can answer it with brute force method but i want an efficient solution
Can any one help me out?
If the sum of the elements 1→N without x is odd then there is no solution.
Otherwise you can find your solution in O(N) with balanced selection.
4 in a row
First let us consider that any sequence of four contiguous numbers can be split in two sets with equal sum given that:
[x, x+1, x+2, x+3] → [x+3, x];[x+2, x+1]
Thus selecting them and placing them in sets A B B A balances sets A and B.
4 across
Moreover, when we have two couples across an omitted value, it can hold a similar property:
[x-2, x-1, x+1, x+2] → [x+2, x-2]; [x+1, x-1]
so still A B B A
At this point we can fix the following cases:
we have a quadruplet: we split it as in case 1
we have 2 numbers, x and other 2 numbers: we split as in case 2
Alright, but it can happen we have 3 numbers, x and other 3 numbers, or other conditions. How can we select in balanced manner anyway?
+2 Gap
If we look again at the gap across x:
[x-1, x+1]
we can notice that somehow if we split the two neighbors in two separate sets we must balance a +2 on the set with bigger sum.
Balancing Tail
We can do this by using the last four numbers of the sequence:
[4 3 2 1] → [4, 2] ; [3, 1] → 6 ; 4
Finally we have to consider that we might not have one of them, so let's build the other case:
[3 2 1] → [2] ; [3, 1] → 2 ; 4
and let us also realize we can do the very same at the other end of the sequence with an A B A B (or B A B A) pattern - if our +2 stands on B (or A);
4 across +
It is amazing that 4 across still holds if we jump h (odd!) numbers:
[x+3, x+2, x-2, x-3] → [x+3, x-3]; [x+2, x-2]
So, exploring the array we can draw the solution step by step
An example:
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
the sum it's even, so x can be only an even number:
x = 10
11 - 9 | 8 7 6 5 | 4 3 2 1 → (+2 gap - on A) (4 in a row) (balancing tail)
x = 8
11 10 | 9 - 7 | 6 5 | 4 3 2 1 → (4 across +) (+2 gap - on A) (balancing tail)
a b A B | b a | B A B A
x = 6
11 10 9 8 | 7 - 5 | 4 3 2 1 → (4 in a row) (+2 gap - on A) (balancing tail)
x = 4 we have no balancing tail - we have to do that with head
11 10 9 8 | 7 6 | 5 - 3 | 2 1 → (balancing head) (4 across +) (+2 gap)
A B A B A B | b a | B A
x = 2
11 10 9 8 | 7 6 5 4 | 3 - 1 → (balancing head) (4 in a row) (+2 gap)
It is interesting to notice the symmetry of the solutions. Another example.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
the sum it's odd, so x can be only an odd number, and the number of elements now is odd.
x = 9
10 - 8 | 7 6 5 4 | 3 2 1 → (+2 gap - on A) (4 in a row) (balancing tail)
x = 7
10 9 | 8 - 6 | 5 4 | 3 2 1 → (4 across +) (+2 gap - on A) (balancing tail)
a b | A B | b a B A B
x = 5
10 9 8 7 | 6 - 4 | 3 2 1 → (4 in a row) (+2 gap - on A) (balancing tail)
x = 3
10 9 8 7 | 6 5 | 4 - 2 | 1 → (balancing head) (4 across + virtual 0) (+2 gap)
A B A B B A | a b | A
x = 1
10 9 8 7 | 6 5 4 3 | 2 → (balancing head) (4 in a row) (+2 gap virtual 0)
Finally it is worth to notice we can switch from A to B whenever we have a full balanced segment (i.e. 4 in a row or 4 across)
Funny said - but the property requesting the sum([1 ... N]-x) to be even makes the cases quite redundant if you try yourself.
I am pretty sure this algorithm can be generalized - I'll probably provide a revised version soon.
This problem can be solved by wrapping the standard subset sum problem of dynamic programming with preprocessing steps. These steps are of O(1) com
Algorithm (n, x):
sum = n * (n+1) / 2
neededSum = sum - x
If (neededSum % 2 != 0): return 0
create array [1..n] and remove x from it
call standard subsetsum(arr, 0, neededSum/2, [])
Working python implementation of subsetsum algorithm - printing all subsets is given below.
def subsetsum(arr, i, sum, ss):
if i >= len(arr):
if sum == 0:
print ss
return 1
return 0
ss1 = ss[:]
count = subsetsum(arr, i + 1, sum, ss1)
count += subsetsum(arr, i + 1, sum - arr[i], ss1)
return count
arr = [1, 2, 3, 10, 5, 7]
sum = 14
a = []
print subsetsum(arr, 0, sum, a)
Hope it helps!

Getting the combination of facevalues that gives the highest score in a dicegame

Working on a dicegame for school and I have trouble figuring out how to do automatic calculation of the result. (we don't have to do it automatically, so I could just let the player choose which dice to use and then just check that the user choices are valid) but now that I have started to think about it I can't stop...
the problem is as follows:
I have six dice, the dice are normal dice with the value of 1-6.
In this example I have already roled the dice and they have the following values:
[2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1]
But I don't know how to calulate all combinations so that as many dicecombinations as possible whose value combined(addition) are 3 (in this example) are used.
The values should be added together (for example a die with value 1 and another die with the value 2 are together 3) then there are different rounds in the game where the aim is to get different values (which can be a combination(addition) of die-values for example
dicevalues: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
could give the user a total of 12 points if 4 is the goal for the current round)
2 + 2 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
2 + 2 = 4
if the goal of the round instead where 6 then the it would be
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
2 + 2 + 2 = 6
instead which would give the player 12 points (6 + 6)
[1, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6]
with the goal of 3 would only use the dice with value 3 and discard the rest since there is no way to add them up to get three.
2 + 1 = 3
2 + 1 = 3
2 + 1 = 3
would give the user 9 points.
but if it where calculated the wrong way and the ones where used up together instead of each 1 getting apierd with a two 1 + 1 + 1 which would only give the player 3 points och the twos couldn't be used.
Another example is:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
and all combinations that are equal to 6 gives the user points
[6], [5, 1], [4 ,2]
user gets 18 points (3 * 6)
[1 ,2 ,3], [6]
user gets 12 points (2 * 6) (Here the user gets six points less due to adding upp 1 + 2 + 3 instead of doing like in the example above)
A dice can have a value between 1 and 6.
I haven't really done much more than think about it and I'm pretty sure that I could do it right now, but it would be a solution that would scale really bad if I for example wanted to use 8 dices instead and every time I start programming on it I start to think that have to be a better/easier way of doing it... Anyone have any suggestion on where to start? I tried searching for an answer and I'm sure it's out there but I have problem forumulating a query that gives me relevant result...
With problems that look confusing like this, it is a really good idea to start with some working and examples. We have 6 die, with range [1 to 6]. The possible combinations we could make therefore are:
target = 2
1 combination: 2
2 combination: 1+1
target = 3
1 combination: 3
2 combination: 2+1
3 combination: 1+1+1
target = 4
1 combination: 4
2 combination: 3+1
3 combination: 2+1+1
4 combination: 1+1+1+1
target = 5
1 combination: 5
2 combination: 4+1
3 combination: 2+2+1
4 combination: 2+1+1+1
5 combination: 1+1+1+1+1
See the pattern? Hint, we go backwards from target to 1 for the first number we can add, and then given this first number, and the size of the combination, there is a limit to how big subsequent numbers can be!
There is a finite list of possible combinations. You can by looking for 1 combination scores, and remove these from the die available. Then move on to look for 2 combination scores, etc.
If you want to read more about this sub-field of mathematics, the term you need to look for is "Combinatorics". Have fun!

Binary tree in concentric circles

Recently I came across a question in an interview "Print a complete binary tree in concentric circles".
2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
The output should be
1 2 4 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 3
5 6
Could anyone help me out on how we can solve this problem?
Here is how you can approach the problem. Arrange the tree by levels:
2, 3
4, 5, 6, 7
8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
So the data you have is k levels L1, L2, ..., Lk. Now answer this questions: After we execute one step, that is when one circle is traversed, how would the tree levels would look like after the traverse elements have been removed from the levels? How should I modify the levels and which elements should I print so that it would seems like I've traversed on circle?
In your example, after the first step the levels would be modified to just:
5, 6
So what was the operation that was executed?
After you've answered the questions just apply the same procedure couple of times until you've printed all elements.

How does this work? Weird Towers of Hanoi Solution

I was lost on the internet when I discovered this unusual, iterative solution to the towers of Hanoi:
for (int x = 1; x < (1 << nDisks); x++)
FromPole = (x & x-1) % 3;
ToPole = ((x | x-1) + 1) % 3;
moveDisk(FromPole, ToPole);
This post also has similar Delphi code in one of the answers.
However, for the life of me, I can't seem to find a good explanation for why this works.
Can anyone help me understand it?
the recursive solution to towers of Hanoi works so that if you want to move N disks from peg A to C, you first move N-1 from A to B, then you move the bottom one to C, and then you move again N-1 disks from B to C. In essence,
hanoi(from, to, spare, N):
hanoi(from, spare, to, N-1)
moveDisk(from, to)
hanoi(spare, to, from, N-1)
Clearly hanoi( _ , _ , _ , 1) takes one move, and hanoi ( _ , _ , _ , k) takes as many moves as 2 * hanoi( _ , _ , _ , k-1) + 1. So the solution length grows in the sequence 1, 3, 7, 15, ... This is the same sequence as (1 << k) - 1, which explains the length of the loop in the algorithm you posted.
If you look at the solutions themselves, for N = 1 you get
; hanoi(0, 2, 1, 1)
0 2 movedisk
For N = 2 you get
; hanoi(0, 2, 1, 2)
; hanoi(0, 1, 2, 1)
0 1 ; movedisk
0 2 ; movedisk
; hanoi(1, 2, 0, 1)
1 2 ; movedisk
And for N = 3 you get
; hanoi(0, 2, 1, 3)
; hanoi(0, 1, 2, 2)
; hanoi(0, 2, 1, 1)
0 2 ; movedisk
0 1 ; movedisk
; hanoi(2, 1, 0, 1)
2 1 ; movedisk
0 2 ; movedisk ***
; hanoi(1, 2, 0, 2)
; hanoi(1, 0, 2, 1)
1 0 ; movedisk
1 2 ; movedisk
; hanoi(0, 2, 1, 1)
0 2 ; movedisk
Because of the recursive nature of the solution, the FROM and TO columns follow a recursive logic: if you take the middle entry on the columns, the parts above and below are copies of each others, but with the numbers permuted. This is an obvious consequence of the algorithm itself which does not perform any arithmetics on the peg numbers but only permutes them. In the case N=4 the middle row is at x=4 (marked with three stars above).
Now the expression (X & (X-1)) unsets the least set bit of X, so it maps e.g. numbers form 1 to 7 like this:
1 -> 0
2 -> 0
3 -> 2
4 -> 0 (***)
5 -> 4 % 3 = 1
6 -> 4 % 3 = 1
7 -> 6 % 3 = 0
The trick is that because the middle row is always at an exact power of two and thus has exactly one bit set, the part after the middle row equals the part before it when you add the middle row value (4 in this case) to the rows (i.e. 4=0+4, 6=2+6). This implements the "copy" property, the addition of the middle row implements the permutation part. The expression (X | (X-1)) + 1 sets the lowest zero bit which has ones to its right, and clears these ones, so it has similar properties as expected:
1 -> 2
2 -> 4 % 3 = 1
3 -> 4 % 3 = 1
4 -> 8 (***) % 3 = 2
5 -> 6 % 3 = 0
6 -> 8 % 3 = 2
7 -> 8 % 3 = 2
As to why these sequences actually produce the correct peg numbers, let's consider the FROM column. The recursive solution starts with hanoi(0, 2, 1, N), so at the middle row (2 ** (N-1)) you must have movedisk(0, 2). Now by the recursion rule, at (2 ** (N-2)) you need to have movedisk(0, 1) and at (2 ** (N-1)) + 2 ** (N-2) movedisk (1, 2). This creates the "0,0,1" pattern for the from pegs which is visible with different permutations in the table above (check rows 2, 4 and 6 for 0,0,1 and rows 1, 2, 3 for 0,0,2, and rows 5, 6, 7 for 1,1,0, all permuted versions of the same pattern).
Now then of all the functions that have this property that they create copies of themselves around powers of two but with offsets, the authors have selected those that produce modulo 3 the correct permutations. This isn't an overtly difficult task because there are only 6 possible permutations of the three integers 0..2 and the permutations progress in a logical order in the algorithm. (X|(X-1))+1 is not necessarily deeply linked with the Hanoi problem or it doesn't need to be; it's enough that it has the copying property and that it happens to produce the correct permutations in the correct order.
antti.huima's solution is essentially correct, but I wanted something more rigorous, and it was too big to fit in a comment. Here goes:
First note: at the middle step x = 2N-1 of this algorithm, the "from" peg is 0, and the "to" peg is 2N % 3. This leaves 2(N-1) % 3 for the "spare" peg.
This is also true for the last step of the algorithm, so we see that actually the authors' algorithm
is a slight "cheat": they're moving the disks from peg 0 to peg 2N % 3, rather than a fixed,
pre-specified "to" peg. This could be changed with not much work.
The original Hanoi algorithm is:
hanoi(from, to, spare, N):
hanoi(from, spare, to, N-1)
move(from, to)
hanoi(spare, to, from, N-1)
Plugging in "from" = 0, "to" = 2N % 3, "spare" = 2N-1 % 3, we get (suppressing the %3's):
hanoi(0, 2**N, 2**(N-1), N):
(a) hanoi(0, 2**(N-1), 2**N, N-1)
(b) move(0, 2**N)
(c) hanoi(2**(N-1), 2**N, 0, N-1)
The fundamental observation here is:
In line (c), the pegs are exactly the pegs of hanoi(0, 2N-1, 2N, N-1) shifted by 2N-1 % 3, i.e.
they are exactly the pegs of line (a) with this amount added to them.
I claim that it follows that when we
run line (c), the "from" and "to" pegs are the corresponding pegs of line (a) shifted by 2N-1 % 3. This
follows from the easy, more general lemma that in hanoi(a+x, b+x, c+x, N), the "from and "to" pegs are shifted exactly x from in hanoi(a, b, c, N).
Now consider the functions
f(x) = (x & (x-1)) % 3
g(x) = (x | (x-1)) + 1 % 3
To prove that the given algorithm works, we only have to show that:
f(2N-1) == 0 and g(2N-1) == 2N
for 0 < i < 2N, we have f(2N - i) == f(2N + i) + 2N % 3, and g(2N - i) == g(2N + i) + 2N % 3.
Both of these are easy to show.
This isn't directly answering the question, but it was too long to put in a comment.
I had always done this by analyzing the size of disk you should move next. If you look at the disks moved, it comes out to:
1 disk : 1
2 disks : 1 2 1
3 disks : 1 2 1 3 1 2 1
4 disks : 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1
Odd sizes always move in the opposite direction of even ones, in order if pegs (0, 1, 2, repeat) or (2, 1, 0, repeat).
If you take a look at the pattern, the ring to move is the highest bit set of the xor of the number of moves and the number of moves + 1.
