Can't establish connection to Web Server using rosbridge - websocket

I have created a simple HTML page to control the movement of a simulated Gazebo Turtlebot using roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch following this tutorial.
However, in the Web Console of the HTML page (F12) it shows the error "Firefox cant establish a connection to the server at ws://localhost:9090/." I am using the default rosbridge for the websocket(9090). In the Terminal I am also receiving the errors:
[-] failing WebSocket opening handshake ('WebSocket connection denied: origin 'null' not allowed')
[-] dropping connection to peer tcp4: with abort=False: WebSocket connection denied: origin 'null' not allowed.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this?

Given that you have followed the ROS tutorial and have created an HTML file as shown in Ros Bridge tutorial then you have to run:
rosrun rospy_tutorials add_two_ints_server
roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_websocket.launch
Now that you have these up and running, you need to serve the html/javascript file (e.g. simple.html) and start the services etc. For example, you can serve the simple.html by using a SimpleHTTPServer, see below an example (e.g.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import SimpleHTTPServer
import SocketServer
class MyRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_GET(self):
if self.path == '/':
self.path = '/simple.html'
return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)
Handler = MyRequestHandler
server = SocketServer.TCPServer(('', 9089), Handler)
Once you run the you can open the browser on and you should be able to have it working.
Note that SimpleHTTPServer serves files from the current directory and below, directly mapping the directory structure to HTTP requests, which means that the simple.html should be in the same (or below) directory as the Last, the port for the should differ from the one used for the Rosbridge WebSocket server (e.g. default is 9090).


Some problems on QUIC-GO example server

The situation is, I wanna establish a QUIC connection based on quic-go from local to ECS server. The related tests using localhost are done both on local and remote device. That is:
#local: .$QUIC-GO-PATH/example/client/main -insecure -keylog ssl.log -qlog trial.log -v
#local: .$QUIC-GO-PATH/example/main -qlog -tcp -v
These tests are completed.
Now is the problem,when I start local-remote connection an error occurred:
#remote: .$QUIC-GO-PATH/example/main -qlog -tcp -v
#local: .$QUIC-GO-PATH/example/client/main -insecure -keylog ssl.log -qlog trial.log -v https://$REMOTE_IPADDR:6121/demo/tile
timeout: no recent network activity
When I go through a wireshark examination, it seems like the CRYPTO handshake never finishes:
Also client Qlog file atteched here:
Qlog file
Codes are all the same with
This problem has been solved.
Code $QUIC-GO-PATH/example/main.go has binded the port as a default onto, which led to the problem that the server cannot get reached by client outside, just get this on server running:

Why does wget (windows) behind a proxy needs the PROXY_HTTP/HTTPS environment variables, and Chrome doesn't

I tried to download files from google drive using wget (on windows) using the script shown here:
[JULY 2020 - Windows users batch file solution]wget/curl large file from google drive.
It works well, but when computer is behind proxy, it will work ONLY if I will set environment variables PROXY_HTTP and PROXY_HTTP (It may be that it can also set by flag in the command, but I didn't try it)
The fact that I can download files from google drive using Chrome without these environment variables and without setting chrome for the proxy gives me the understanding that there is a way to download behind proxy without setting an application for the proxy.
How can I make wget works without need to set it manually (by flag or by environment variables) for the proxy?
In all likelyhood your Chrome also has a proxy set up in some way. In any case, the simplest way to define the proxy for wget is to create a .wgetrc file in your local home folder and set the following:
> vi ~/.wgetrc
That should be all you need to do.
I found the solution after #Wilmar comment which he pointed out here (thanks!).
An application can automatically finds if it is behind a proxy by sending "http://wpad/wpad.dat".
If a proxy server is behind, it will answer with a message that contains PAC file with proxy details. The application then can extract the proxy details for any needed settings. Thats how Chrome can set itself for automatically for proxy.
Example using wget in windows to find proxy details
In Windows, you can use wget as follows to get the proxy server details. The details must be extracted from the text messages and you can use tool like jrepl for such task. Here I only show where the details are.
call wget "http://wpad/wpad.dat" -o "ProcessLog.txt" -O "PAC.txt"
There are three possible scenarios here:
In case there is no proxy behind, then PAC.txt is empty and ProcessLog.txt contains text message similar to this one.
--2020-09-01 08:38:29-- http://wpad/wpad.dat
Resolving wpad (wpad)... failed: The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. .
wget: unable to resolve host address 'wpad'
In case there is a proxy server behind, and windows environment variables for proxy are set:
then wget already knows the proxy address so PAC.txt is empty and ProcessLog.txt contains text message similar to the follow one that contains the proxy details. In this example, the proxy details are [proxy_ip]:[proxy_port] =
--2020-09-01 08:29:59-- http://wpad/wpad.dat
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:777... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: [following]
--2020-09-01 08:30:00--
Connecting to (|:777... connected.
Proxy request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
2020-09-01 08:30:00 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
In case there is a proxy server behind, but no windows environment variables for proxy are set, then wget gets the proxy details from proxy server. In this case PAC.txt contains long text message similar to the follow one that contains the proxy details. In this example, the proxy details are [proxy_ip]:[proxy_port] =
function FindProxyForURL(url,host) {
var me=myIpAddress();
var resolved_ip = dnsResolve(host);
if (host == "") {return "DIRECT";}
if (host == "localhost") {return "DIRECT";}
if (isPlainHostName(host)) {return "DIRECT";}
if (url.substring(0,37) == "") {return "DIRECT";}
if (!resolved_ip) { if (url.substring(0,6) == "https:") {return "PROXY";} else {return "PROXY";}}
if (host == "") {return "DIRECT";}
Simplifying using wget in windows to find proxy details
When using wget to find proxy details, we can command it to ignore proxy environment variables (if are set) using the flag --no-proxy. This leaves us with only two possible scenarios (1) and (3) described above. So we just need the ProxyInfo file. If it is empty (scenario 1) then no proxy is behind, if it contains text (scenario 3), it is behind a proxy and you can extract the proxy details from it.
call wget --no-proxy "http://wpad/wpad.dat" -O "PAC.txt"

Pusher not able to establish connection

I'm trying to connect to the Liquid exchange's Stream API with pusher. Documentation here
I have constructed a function that is in line with the Pusher library's documentation. Link to that here
My current code looks like this:
require 'pusher-client'
channels_client ='LIQUID', {
ws_host: ''
and running that gives me an error message of:
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding
pusher:connection_established to pusher_global_channel
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding
pusher:connection_disconnected to pusher_global_channel
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding pusher:error
to pusher_global_channel
D, [2019-08-20Txx:xx:xx.xxxxxx #xxxxx] DEBUG -- : Binding pusher:ping
to pusher_global_channel
If I try to run this after the first command:
channels_client.connect refuses to connect.
`initialize': No connection could be made because the target machine
actively refused it. - connect(2) for "" port 80
The error comes from (Ruby in websocket line 17:
ws_host 80 seems to be invalid,
I have tried using a secure connection, at least in the browser and got a 404 for ws and invalid request, which is good in this case, for https (
You need to configure ssl in the client configuration, but the pusher-client gem as well as one other I have found are pretty old. Maybe it is wise to switch to a more up-to-date library like
The example contains an option for activated SSL.

Why doesn't "go get" work while "go get" OK?

I try to use go get to install pool according to, but can't success:
C:\Users\xiaona\Documents\GitHub> go get -v
https fetch failed.
import "": http/https fetch: Get
l.v2?go-get=1: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: A connection attempt
failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of ti
me, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respon
package unrecognized import path "
While access is OK in web browser.
I try to use go get, and it also works OK.
Could anyone give some clues on this issue?
BTW: I use windows powershell and git version is 1.9.5.
The root cause has been found: Because my computer use a web proxy, so I need to set proxy in environment variable:
C:\Users\xiaona>set https_proxy=
C:\Users\xiaona>set http_proxy=
C:\Users\xiaona>go get -v
Parsing meta tags from (status code 200)
get "": found meta tag main.metaImport{Prefix:"
tih/pool.v2", VCS:"git", RepoRoot:""} at https://g (download)
Then, all is OK!

Socket.IO flashsocket security sandbox error

I have been playing around with node.js and for the past few days. Everything works fine on my local machine (windows using iss for a webserver), but when uploading it to my remote server (ubuntu box), I get security errors.
[trace] Warning: Failed to load policy file from http://localhost:8000/crossdomain.xml
[trace] *** Security Sandbox Violation ***
[trace] Connection to http://localhost:8000/ halted - not permitted from http://****/virtualcinema/VirtualCinema.swf
[trace] Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2048: Security sandbox violation: http://****/virtualcinema/VirtualCinema.swf cannot load data from http://localhost:8000/
The AS3 code it's erroring on is:
socket = new FlashSocket("localhost:8000");
The policy file is being served correctly on port 10843 and I can receive the policy file fine at http://**:10843/ in my browser. Why is it trying to load the policy file on port 8000. That warning does not appear on my local build.
The code:
socket = io.listen(8000);
socket.set("transports", ["flashsocket"]);
socket.set("log level", 2);
I'm confused as to why it gets resolved fine when I test it on a localmachine but not on a remote one. Any help would be much appreciated :)
The crossdomain.xml I am using:
<allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*"/>
Fixed. I changed it from pointing to localhost to my servers externalIP.
I had tried this before, but unfortunately the server had cached my swf file and I did not realise it was fixed.
socket = new FlashSocket("****.com:8000");
