WebRTC error using laravel and simple-peer for data channel - ajax

This is my first webRTC project so I'm very inexperienced in tracing these sorts of errors. Especially since I'm using this NPM package, I don't know exactly what to do with this error message. If you follow that link, I've just copy/pasted the "usage" demo code but replaced some of it with sockets using Laravel echo to transfer the peer-to-peer connection data. In the "usage" demo, they generate an "offer" object and have you paste it into the other peers form. Then that client generates an "answer" object and when you paste it into the form on the initiating client, the connection is made. If I do it that way, everything works fine. But I'm trying to establish an auto-connection when all the clients are ready. Here is my code:
var Peer = require("simple-peer");
window.p = new Peer({
initiator: location.hash === "#1",
trickle: false
p.on("error", err => console.log("error", err));
p.on("signal", data => {
if (location.hash === "#1") {
url: "/autoCon",
type: "get",
data: {
connectionData: JSON.stringify(data)
success: function() {
console.log("sent: " + JSON.stringify(data));
p.on("connect", () => {
And then on the blade file, I'm listening with Echo like this:
.listen('MyEvent', (e) => {
And now for the error:
Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote offer sdp: Failed to apply the description for 0: Failed to setup RTCP mux.
If I console log p.signal(e.connectionData), it shows "undefined", which is strange because it's generating the "answer" object and displaying to the page in text. So what I've tried to do is ajax send the initial "offer" object to the second peer, then take its "answer" object and signal for the initiating peer to connect when the data is received by socket. But it's giving me that error. Can anyone help?

I ended up figuring this out. This is my final code. It might be messy but it took me like 6 hours into the night and it made my brain hurt XD . If anyone can offer some advice on how to clean it up, I'll gladly take it but this works as is.
in app.js:
p.on("signal", data => {
//document.querySelector("#outgoing").textContent = JSON.stringify(data);
url: "/autoCon",
type: "get",
data: {
conData: JSON.stringify(data)
And in my blade file using Echo:
var signalData = []
.listen('MyEvent', (e) => {
if(e.conData.includes('offer') && location.hash !== '#1'){
console.log('received offer')
} else {
if(e.conData.includes('answer') && location.hash === '#1' ){
console.log('received answer')


Tradier API websockets stream node.js example is not receiving any events

I have the following nodejs code per this and this:
const WebSocket = require('ws');
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://ws.tradier.com/v1/markets/events');
method: 'post',
url: 'https://api.tradier.com/v1/markets/events/session',
form: {
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer MY_API_KEY_NOT_SHOWN',
'Accept': 'application/json'
}, (error, response, body) => {
let data = JSON.parse(body)
let sessionId = data.stream.sessionid
function streamPrice(sessionId){
ws.on('open', function open() {
console.log('Connected, sending subscription commands...');
ws.send(`{"symbols": ["TSLA"], "sessionid": "${sessionId}", "linebreak": true}`);
ws.on('message', function incoming(data) {
ws.on('error', function error(data) {
I get a 200 OK back from the API request to create the web sockets session, and I have a valid session ID:
However, the ws.on() events never fire. I am not getting any errors. The session does close after a period of time, presumably due to inactivity. But it's not inactivity on my code's part...
Is there something wrong in my code / something I'm missing to make this work?
I was able to identify the issue myself. The problem is I was opening the websocket too early.
I moved the following line inside of streamingPrice scope instead of the global scope to resolve.
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://ws.tradier.com/v1/markets/events');

Socket.io client only joins room on every other connection

I've been trying to make a basic notification system that uses rooms in Socket.io. However, for some reason, it only works every other time you refresh the page.
I've simplified the code to make it easier to debug, but the issue remains. Each time I refresh the page, everything seems to work except joining a room (which only works half the time). What could be going on?
edit: I'm using Socket.io version 1.1.0 and Node.js version 0.10.31
edit2: Added FunnyLookinHat's suggestion (but it still doesn't solve the problem)
Client-Side Code:
socket = io.connect('example.com:8081'),
socket.on('connect', function () {
socket.on('startup', function(data) {
Server-Side Code:
var io = require('socket.io').listen(8081);
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log(socket.id + ' connected!');
socket.emit('startup', { message: 'Socket started!' });
socket.on('joinRoom', function(){
console.log(socket.id + ' joining room lobby'); // prints on every other request
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
console.log(socket.id + ' disconnected!');
Client Console:
Socket started!
(refreshed page)
Socket started!
Server Console:
UIBqVuOiF1fegMIMAAAB connected!
UIBqVuOiF1fegMIMAAAB joining room lobby
UIBqVuOiF1fegMIMAAAB disconnected!
(refreshed page)
x3nMilBOjjFVjBFJAAAC connected!
(after about a minute once the client window has been closed or refreshed)
x3nMilBOjjFVjBFJAAAC disconnected!
Race condition! Try doing the following in your client code:
socket = io.connect('example.com:8081'),
socket.on('connect', function () {
socket.on('startup', function(data) {

not getting response from ajax call in codeigniter

I am trying to check if the user name is available for use using ajax and codeigniter. I have problem to get the response from the codeingniter controller in my js. file but without success.
Here is the controller function, relevant to the question:
if ($username == 0) {
$this->output->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => true)));
} else {
$this->output->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => false, "error" => "Username already exits")));
Rest assured that I do get 1 if username already exists in thedatabase and 0 if it does not exist.
I have the following js.file
// list all variables used here...
regform = $('#reg-form'),
memberusername = $('#memberusername'),
memberpassword = $('#memberpassword'),
memberemail = $('#memberemail'),
memberconfirmpassword = $('#memberconfirmpassword');
regform.submit(function(e) {
console.log("I am on the beggining here"); // this is displayed in console
var memberusername = $(this).find("#memberusername").val();
var memberemail = $(this).find("#memberemail").val();
var memberpassword = $(this).find("#memberpassword").val();
var url = $(this).attr("action");
type: "POST",
url: $(this).attr("action"),
dataType: "json",
data: {memberusername: memberusername, memberemail: memberemail, memberpassword: memberpassword},
cache: false,
success: function(output) {
console.log('I am inside...'); // this is never displayed in console...
console.log(r); // is never shonw in console
console.log(output); is also never displayed in console
$.each(output, function(index, value) {
//process your data by index, in example
return false;
Can anyone help me to get the username value of r in the ajax, so I can take appropriate action?
Basically, you're saying that the success handler is never called - meaning that the request had an error in some way. You should add an error handler and maybe even a complete handler. This will at least show you what's going on with the request. (someone else mentioned about using Chrome Dev Tools -- YES, do that!)
As far as the parse error. Your request is expecting json data, but your data must not be returned as json (it's formatted as json, but without a content type header, the browser just treats it as text). Try changing your php code to this:
if ($username == 0) {
$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => true)));
} else {
$this->output->set_content_type('application/json')->set_output(json_encode(array("r" => false, "error" => "Username already exits")));

socket.io join/leave

I'm on the socket.io wiki looking into using rooms but join and leave are not working, i'm wondering if they may have changed up a few things but not had the chance to update the wiki?
cause im getting console errors:
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<SocketNamespace> has no method 'leave'
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<SocketNamespace> has no method 'join'
It looks like you had the socket.join on the client side. Its a server side function.
Put this on the server:
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('subscribe', function(data) { socket.join(data.room); })
socket.on('unsubscribe', function(data) { socket.leave(data.room); })
io.sockets.in('global').emit('roomChanged', { chicken: 'tasty' });
}, 1000);
And this on the client:
var socket = io.connect();
socket.emit("subscribe", { room: "global" });
socket.on("roomChanged", function(data) {
console.log("roomChanged", data);
You're probably not declaring 'socket' correctly either that of you haven't installed Socket-io correctly. Try the following...
var io = require("socket.io");
var socket = io.listen(80);
There's a useful executable example here.

How can I send an AJAX request to a node.js server via HTTPS?

I have the following node.js server set up listening to port 9001
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
var qs = require('querystring');
var options = {
key: fs.readFileSync('privatekey.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('certificate.pem')
https.createServer(options, function (req, res) {
console.log('Request Received!');
if (true || req.method == 'POST') {
var body = '';
req.on('data', function (data) {
body += data;
req.on('end', function () {
var POST = qs.parse(body);
res.end("hello, world\n");
and I am trying to get this server to respond to an AJAX call
function form_save()
var data_obj = {
data1: "item1",
data2: "item2"
url: 'https://adam.testserver.com:9001/',
type: "POST",
dataType: "json",
data: data_obj,
success: function() {
complete: function() {
There are two problems occurring with my arrangement. The first is that if I start the server and then click the button that triggers my form_save() the node server does not respond and I get the following error:
OPTIONS https://adam.testserver.com:9001/ Resource failed to load
At this point if I access that url directy (https://adam.testserver.com:9001/) I get the expected "hello, world" output as well as the console message "Request Received!
GET". From this point on if I click the button to trigger my AJAX call I get a new error.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://adam.testserver.com:9001/. Origin
https://adam.testserver.com is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
I don't understand why I get this message as both my form and node server reside on the same server. Thanks for taking the time to read, I appreciate any help I can get on this. I've been stuck for a while now!
You've run into the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) specification.
Note the OPTIONS in your output. The OPTIONS HTTP Verb is used by the browser to query the web server about the URL, not to GET its contents or POST data to it.
Your server doesn't respond with the correct header data on a CORS request, so your browser assumes it has no rights to access the data, and refuses to GET or POST to the URL.
If you truly want to let any website in the world run that AJAX request, you can do something similar to the following:
function handleOptions(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Method": "POST, GET, OPTIONS",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": request.headers["access-control-request-headers"]
function server(request, response) {
if(request.method == "POST") {
handlePost(request, response);
} else if(request.method == "OPTIONS") {
handleOptions(request, response);
} else {
https.createServer(sslObj, server).listen(9001);
You can fill in the details and whether you should handle GET separately, and so on (handleOther should return an appropriate error code for each request method you don't support).
