YAMLSyntaxError: Failed to resolve SEQ_ITEM node here at line X, column Y: - yaml

I'm getting this error when trying to run Netlify CMS
Error loading the CMS configuration
Config Errors:
YAMLSyntaxError: Failed to resolve SEQ_ITEM node here at line 10, column 1:
- name: Posts
Check your config.yml file.
I have checked the syntax and tried different syntax but I still get the same error for somewhere in the config.yml document.
This is the troubled config.yml document:
name: git-gateway
branch: master
media_folder: src/assets/images
name: uploads
- name: Posts
label: Posts
create: true
folder: "/articles"
slug: articles/{{slug}}
- {label: Title, name: title, widget: string}
- {label: Publish Date, name: date, widget: datetime}
- {label: Featured Image, name: cover_image, widget: image}
- {label: Body, name: body, widget: markdown}
Here is a link to the files that I am getting the errors from https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OJPKJRgCljxAG5UuUxXkBPPNoUcyJe48/view?usp=sharing

The file you linked uses tabs for indentation. YAML uses spaces, see the spec:
In general, indentation is defined as a zero or more space characters at the start of a line.
To maintain portability, tab characters must not be used in indentation, since different systems treat tabs differently.
You need to convert the tabs to spaces.


YAML Can local variables be mixed with group-variables AND have their naming simplified?

This is my first time working with YAML, but I am running into an issue where it seems like if I want to include a variable-group (i.e., signing certificate password) with local pipeline-related variables then I cannot use the simplified naming convention where the variable's name and value can both be defined and set on the same line.
For example, wat I want is something similar to this (I made sure spacing is correct in the YAML):
solutionName: Foo.sln
projectName: Bar
buildPlatform: x64
buildConfiguration: development
major: '1'
minor: '0'
build: '0'
revision: $[counter('rev', 0)]
vhdxSize: '200'
- group: legacy-pipeline
signingCertPwd: $[variables.SigningCertificatePassword]
But, this results in a parsing error. As a result, I have to use a denser, but more bloated looking, format of:
- name: solutionName
value: Foo.sln
- name: projectName
value: Bar
- name: buildPlatform
value: x64
- name: buildConfiguration
value: development
- name: major
value: '1'
- name: minor
value: '0'
- name: build
value: '0'
- name: revision
value: $[counter('rev', 0)]
- name: vhdxSize
value: '200'
- group: legacy-pipeline
- name: signingCertPwd
value: $[variables.SigningCertificatePassword]
It seems like the simplified naming format is only available if I use it for local variables, but if I add a variable-group then the simplified format goes away. I have tried searching the web for a solution for this, but I am not able find anything useful for this. Is what I am trying to achieve possible or no? If yes, how can it be done?
Unfortunately mixing the styles is not possible, but you can work around that using templates:
# pipeline.yaml
- stage: declare_vars
- template: templates/vars.yaml
- group: my-group
- template: templates/inline-vars.yaml
inline_var: yes!
and_more: why not
- job:
- pwsh: |
echo 'foo=$(foo)'
echo 'bar=$(bar)'
echo 'var1=$(var1)'
echo 'inline_var=$(inline_var)'
# templates/vars.yaml
foo: bar
bar: something else
# templates/inline-vars.yaml
- name: vars
type: object
default: {}
${{ each var in parameters.vars}}:
${{var.key}}: ${{var.value}}
templates/vars.yaml is just simply moving variables to another file.
templates/inline-vars.yaml lets you define inline variables using the denser syntax together with referencing groups, but there's additional ceremony of writing template:, parameters:, vars:.

Jekyll config.yml Error: did not find expected '-' indicator while parsing a block collection

The command line is showing me the following error in the config.yml file:
did not find expected '-' indicator while parsing a block collection at line 101 column 3 (Psych::SyntaxError)
I tried to unindent everything and indent it again with spaces but the problem persists.
Here is my code:
name: "SITENAME | Official Website"
description: "SOME DESCRIPTION"
# url: SOME URL
sass_dir: _sass
style: compressed
rss: true
facebook: "FB"
twitter: "TW"
linkedin: "LI"
# Select which share links to show in posts
twitter: true
facebook: true
linkedin: true
# Facebook App ID (for Ads)
# fb_app_id: ""
# Excerpt Word Length
# Truncates the excerpt to the specified number of words on the index page
excerpt_length: 40
# Ruby Date Format
date_format: "%B %-d, %Y"
# --- Comments --- #
# Disqus shortname (NOT userid)
provider: "disqus"
shortname: "SHORTNAME"
# --- Web Statistics Section --- #
google_analytics: "GA"
# Google Tag Manager ID
gtm: "GTM"
# Output options (more information on Jekyll's site)
timezone: "Europe/Berlin"
markdown: kramdown
highlighter: rouge
permalink: /:year-:month-:day-:title/
paginate: 5
input: GFM
# Default YAML values
path: ""
type: "posts"
layout: "post"
comments: true # add comments to all blog posts
social-share: true # add social media sharing buttons to all blog posts
path: "" # all files
layout: "page"
comments: false
# Use tags index page and make tags on each post clickable
link-tags: true
# Exclude these files from production site
- Gemfile
- Gemfile.lock
- .jekyll-cache
- jekyll-feed ******THIS IS THE LINE 101*********
- jekyll-archives
- jekyll-sitemap
I read many threads about this very problem but I can't figure it out. I must say that this is my first config.yml file and I might be missing something easy.
Thanks in advance for your highly appreciated help!

YML with multiple files: Unhandled rejection YAMLException: duplicated mapping key

I tried to separate my resources field in multiple files in project. Most of then worked fine, but only this file, where I declare CognitoUserPool + CognitoUserPoolClient trowed this exception:
Unhandled rejection YAMLException: duplicated mapping key in "/home/uriel/Desktop/Foo/Backend/MultipleFile/backend-foo/resources/cognitoUserPoolFoo.yml" at line 20, column 3:
Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient
at generateError (/home/uriel/.nvm/versions/node/v10.16.0/lib/node_modules/serverless/node_modules/js-yaml/lib/js-yaml/loader.js:167:10)
I've already checked logical and indentation problems. This same lines worked on single file, they only throw this error when I move them to another YML file and import it.
Main YML file importing the another one
- serverless-webpack
- serverless-python-requirements
- serverless-offline
- ${file(resources/cognitoUserPoolFoo.yml)}
File imported, the one that throw error.
Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPool
MfaConfiguration: OFF
UserPoolName: foo-${self:provider.stage}
ReplyToEmailAddress: foo#test.com
SourceArn: "arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/foo#test.com"
- email
MinimumLength: 6
RequireLowercase: True
RequireNumbers: True
RequireSymbols: False
RequireUppercase: True
Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient
ClientName: FooWebApp-${self:provider.stage}
GenerateSecret: false
Ref: "CognitoUserPoolFoo"

Different yaml inputs for CWL scatter

I have a commandline tool in cwl which can take the following input:
class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_R1.fq.gz
class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_R2.fq.gz
sample_name: foo
Now I want to scatter over this commandline tool and the only way I can think to do it is with scatterMethod: dotproduct and an input of something like:
- class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_1_R1.fq.gz
- class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_2_R1.fq.gz
- class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_1_R2.fq.gz
- class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_2_R2.fq.gz
sample_names: [foo, bar]
Is there any other way for me to design the workflow and / or input file such that each input group is sectioned together? Something like
- fastq:
class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_1_R1.fq.gz
class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_1_R2.fq.gz
sample_name: foo
- fastq:
class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_2_R1.fq.gz
class: File
path: /path/to/fastq_2_R2.fq.gz
sample_name: bar
You could accomplish this with a nested workflow wrapper that maps a record to each individual field, and then using that workflow to scatter over an array of records. The workflow would look something like this:
class: Workflow
cwlVersion: v1.0
id: workflow
- id: paired_end_fastqs
type: record
name: paired_end_fastqs
- name: fastq
type: File
- name: fastq2
type: File
- name: sample_name
type: string
outputs: []
- id: tool
- id: fastq
source: paired_end_fastqs
valueFrom: "$(self.fastq)"
- id: fastq2
source: paired_end_fastqs
valueFrom: "$(self.fastq2)"
- id: sample_name
source: paired_end_fastqs
valueFrom: "$(self.sample_name)"
out: []
run: "./tool.cwl"
- class: StepInputExpressionRequirement
Specify a workflow input of type record, with fields for each of the inputs the tool accepts, the ones you want to keep together while scattering. Connect the workflow input to each tool input, its source. Using valueFrom on the step inputs, transform the record (self is the source this context) to pass only the appropriate field to the tool.
More about valueFrom in workflow steps: https://www.commonwl.org/v1.0/Workflow.html#WorkflowStepInput
Then use this wrapper in your actual workflow and scatter over paired_end_fastqs with an array of records.

What kind of data structure is this?

I am pulling recent commits from github and trying to parse it using ruby. I know that I can parse it manually but I wanted to see if there was some package that could turn this into a hash or another data structure.
- parents:
- id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
name: This guy
login: tguy
email: tguy#tguy.com
url: a url
id: e466354edb31f243899051e2119f4ce72bafd5f3
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:43-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:33:26-07:00"
message: |-
- parents:
- id: c3c349ec3e9a3990cac4d256c308b18fd35d9606
name: Other Guy
login: oguy
email: oguy#gmail.com
url: another url
id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
message: this is another message
This is YAML http://ruby-doc.org/core/classes/YAML.html. You can do something like obj = YAML::load yaml_string (and a require 'yaml' at the top of your file, its in the standard libs), and then access it like a nested hash.
YAML is basically used in the ruby world the way people use XML in the java/c# worlds.
Looks like YAML to me. There are parsers for a lot of languages. For example, with the YAML library included with Ruby:
data = <<HERE
- parents:
- id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
name: This guy
login: tguy
email: tguy#tguy.com
url: a url
id: e466354edb31f243899051e2119f4ce72bafd5f3
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:43-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:33:26-07:00"
message: |-
- parents:
- id: c3c349ec3e9a3990cac4d256c308b18fd35d9606
name: Other Guy
login: oguy
email: oguy#gmail.com
url: another url
id: 202fb79e8686ee127fe49497c979cfc9c9d985d5
committed_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
authored_date: "2010-07-19T13:44:11-07:00"
message: this is another message
pp YAML.load data
It prints:
[{"author"=>{"name"=>"This guy", "login"=>"tguy", "email"=>"tguy#tguy.com"},
"url"=>"a url",
{"name"=>"Other Guy", "login"=>"oguy", "email"=>"oguy#gmail.com"},
"url"=>"another url",
"message"=>"this is another message"}]}
This format is YAML, but you can get the same information in XML or JSON, see General API Information. I'm sure there are libraries to parse those formats in Ruby.
Although this isn't exactly what you're looking for, here's some more info on pulling commits. http://develop.github.com/p/commits.html. Otherwise, I think you may just need to manually parse it.
