Birt : How to create onClick event handler for Hyperlinks - reporting

I have Birt report that contains hyperlinks, How can I have onClick event handler for Hyperlinks in the reports.


add hyperlink in notification of MVC Kendo UI

I am trying to show some action link with the notication message of Kendo UI MVC. How to add action-link (hyperlink) with notification message.

Kendo Scheduler event is not getting updated after resize

I have a kendo scheduler with transport function. Below is the url
Here in this scheduler when I try to resize the event or move the event event widget is getting resized/moved for a fraction of second and then comes back to the previous stage. But the data is getting updated in backend(it is not there in above example) if I refresh the page its showing the updated event widget. From the Kendo UI demo ( I removed the create and delete event from transport and made update as a javascript function. With this small change the event widget failing to get updated the size...
Please help me if you know any help is appreciated.

Attach event handler to KendoUI widget (View)

I am attempting to work an existing web app to use Kendo (Mobile) UI widgets.
All of the existing javascript code base is contained within AMD modules (RequireJS).
I would like to attach a 'show' event handler to a view, so that the app can request data from the back end, however the data logic is within a module, and cannot be called from the page script (and thus, I can't use Kendo data-event attributes).
I thought that I would be able to to attach an event handler in code like so:
$('#tabstrip-browse').on("show", function(e) {...});
however, the event handler is not called.
Is there a way to do this?
Seems I'm finally able to answer my own question
My issue was that I was trying to use jQuery event binding syntax to bind to the events, however, KendoUI does not expose events in a jQuery friendly/compliant way.
However, there is a way to do this using the KendoUI API
There is no standard 'show' event in javascript or jQuery. You can bind custom events, but you need to also include a way to trigger them.
Here's a trivial example:
// bind the custom event
$('#element').on('show', function(e) {
// handle the custom event
// trigger the custom event
There is an attach event on Durandal!topic/durandaljs/UQ9hXpwP_ds

Jquery mobile - radio button widget for dynamic html contents created via ajax

I am new to jQuery mobiles. The radio button widget is properly rendering if I hard code that in a HTML file but the widget is not loading for the same HTML contents which I dynamically created from JavaScript via Ajax.
when i try checkboxradio( "refresh" ), I am getting an error like
"cannot call methods on checkboxradio prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'refresh'"
Any suggestion on how should I refresh the dynamic contents to get the JQM widgets?
Enhance the markup of Checkbox and Radio buttons dynamically using both .checkboxradio() and .trigger('create').

How to pass the arguments to a click function of a button through javascript

on document ready I have registered for a click event for a button. now from the knockout JS click event I want to pass few extra parameters the javascript click event. how do I acheive this.
