Running command on windows does not allow quotations - windows

when i run a command on windows 10 command line that requires a path as one of its params, it works if the path is NOT inside a quotation, but if a path has a space in it, i need to wrap it inside quotes so that it treats as one single path, but then it complains that the file in that path does not exists.
For example:
C:/PROJECTS/desktopfiles/public/libs/cpdf/win64/cpdf.exe C:/Users/john/Documents/cat.pdf C:/Users/john/Documents/my_dog.pdf -o C:/Users/john/Documents/cat_dog_Merged.pdf
The above works,
the below doesn't (because there is a space in my dog.pdf)
C:/PROJECTS/desktopfiles/public/libs/cpdf/win64/cpdf.exe C:/Users/john/Documents/cat.pdf C:/Users/john/Documents/my dog.pdf -o C:/Users/john/Documents/cat_dog_Merged.pdf

You could try to replace spaces with a question mark. The question mark is a wildcard to match "any single character", which would be a space in your case. Like this: my?dog.pdf. Just make sure that there is no other file matching this pattern. But the system should give you some error message then (which might or might not point to the root of the problem).
Another solution that comes to my mind is a batch file that renames the files in question automatically (replacing spaces with underscores) and renames them back after the pdf merge.


What does this Windows bat command mean?

I read the following command from the batch file to run Maven on Windows mvn.bat:
if not "_%M2_HOME:~-1%"=="_\" goto checkMBat
if "%#eval[2+2]" == "4" goto 4NTArgs
What does this batch script mean?
As I tried, it seems _%M2_HOME:~-1% returns the _ plus the last 1 letter of the environment variable "_%M2_HOME%. But what's the name of this syntax?
%VAR:~-1% gets the last character in the envvar. The first snippet verifies that the envvar M2_HOME doesn't end with \. Note: Maven's docs say,
Note: For Maven 2.0.9, also be sure that the M2_HOME doesn't have a '\' as last character.
This might be related. They probably want to prepend M2_HOME to subdir names and always include a dirsep. The variable substitution in "_%...%" is unaffected by the initial underscore. Experessing it that way just ensures that the underscore is at the beginning of the output. I can't say for certain, but it may have been expressed that way to avoid a backslashed quote, e.g. "\".
The second is not any CMD/batch that I'm familiar with. The comment (assuming this comes from mvn.bat) says "4NT shell", which I take to mean that this batch file could be run in the Take Command Console which probably has extensions to MS CMD features. For example, %#eval[...] probably does numeric evaluation in 4NT. This would effectively be a check to see if the script were running in a 4NT shell.
The first one takes the last character of %M2_HOME%, adds an underscore to the front, and checks to see if the resulting string is _\ - in short, it checks that the last character of %M2_HOME% is a backslash by using substrings.
The second one is how you determine if 4NT is installed on your computer; if it is, there will be a variable function called #eval.
I found the explanation to "_%M2_HOME:~-1%" below link. It's a variable substring operation.

Is there any path magic to specify an external drive in Windows from relative path?

Without using slashes (/) or backslashes (\), is there any way I can create a file on an external drive using a relative path on windows?
Or, put less confusingly...
Say I have to append whatever I do to the path:
C:\Application Data\blib\
Is there any way I can do something like:
C:\Application Data\blib\<WINDOWS_SORCERY>external:\wherever\file.txt
I've tried inserting delete characters (\x7f) and backspace characters (\x08), and the reserved characters, but nothing doing. And from what I can tell the reserved characters would only be helpful if the file were being created from within a batch script; it's being created in a Java program.
edit: By 'nothing doing' I mean I get an error message; the program doesn't strip those characters out.

Testing "framework" for scripts with nonstandard filenames

Here are many comments on some questions (especially for shell) that say basically one or more of the following:
This will fail on file names that contain spaces, newlines, etc,
This will fail if the file is a symbolic link (or not),
This will fail if the $filaneme is a directory and not regular file,
and so on.
While I understand that every script needs its own testing environment, but
these are some common things for what the script should be immune against.
So, my intention is to write a script what will create some directory hierarchy
with "specially crafted" file names for testing purposes.
The question is: what "special" file names are good for this test?
Currently I have (the script creates files and directories) with:
space in the file name
newline in the file name
file name that starts with one of:
- (like command argument)
# (comment char)
! (command history)
file name that contains one of:
| char (pipe)
() chars
* and ? (wildcards)
file name with unicode characters
all above for the directories
symbolic link to the directory
symbolic link to the file
Any other idea what I shouldn't miss?
What comes to my mind:
quotes in the filename single and double
the $ character at the start
several redirection characters like > < << <<<
the ~ char ($HOME)
the ';' (as command delimiter)
backslash in the filename \
basically, go thru ascii table and test all chars, if you think that you need this :)
Some another comments:
If you want test scripts for the stack-overflow questions, you should create one file with the OP's content (calling as the "basic file")
And the all above "special files" should be symlinks to the above basic file. With this method you can easily modify the content of the files (you need change only one - the basic).
Or, if symlinks not a solution for you use hard-links.
Not directly about special characters in the filenames, but it is good care about:
different case filenames, especially for images like image.jpg image.JPG, same filename only different extension
EDIT: Ideas from the comments:
Very long filenames, lots and lots of files, and very deep directory hierarchies (tripleee)

Linux shell list file what's the difference bewteen tmp/**/* and tmp/*

I encounter one problem about the file system in the shell.
what's difference between tmp/**/* and tmp/*?
I make the experiment in my system,
have this directory dir2
and I run ls dir2/*:
then I run ls dir2/**/*:
So it means the ** is to ignore this directory(like ignore the dir1),
Can some one help me ?
I think there's a formatting issue in the question test, but I'll answer based on the question title and examples.
There shouldn't be any difference between a single and double asterisk at any single level of the path. Either expression matches any name, except for hidden ones which start with a dot (this can be changed by shell options). So:
tmp/**/* (equivalent to tmp/*/*) is expanded to all names which are nested two levels deep in tmp. The first asterisk expands only to directories and not files at the first level because it's followed by a slash.
tmp/* expands to anything nested one level deep inside tmp.
To this comes the fact that ls will list contents of directory if a directory is given on its command line. This can be overridden by adding -d option to ls.

File Association - How to insert file name as a command line argument

I know how to associate certain file extensions in a deployment project but when one of those files is opened I want to pass the file name to my application to proceed with the correct action.
I can specify what to send as a command line argument in the File Types tab of my deployment project as seen in Img 1.
How can i get the actual file name of the file that was opened to be used as the value of Arguments?
Use "%1" in place of "%FileName". Make sure you surround it in double-quotes, so that you properly get filenames with spaces in the name or path. If your app can accept more than one filename, or need more than one parameter, treat them the same way, using "%2" and so forth. Make sure each one is separated from the others by a space, and surround them with double-quote characters.
