Minimum number of training examples needed for decision trees - probability

How can I measure the minimum number of training examples needed for a decision tree if I know node number, error rate and probability? Is there any formula for that?

I dont think there is an exact way to know the needed training examples , just keep training and counting the number of examples ( you can make a counter in the loop ) with seeing the accuracy and loss , when you start getting in an accuracy of 70% and more then you can say that's a minimum needed


Threshold moving to find the best cost for imbalanced dataset classification

I need to confirm my understanding of the threshold moving process to find the best cost of misclassification (binary) for imbalanced dataset.
Split data into train and test.
Fit the model on train data set.
Obtain the predicted probabilities for train data
Perform threshold moving to get the best threshold giving the least misclassification cost and compute confusion matrix.
With the selected best threshold , predict class on test data probabilities and compute the test cost.
Repeat steps 1 to 5 , for 'n' folds and compute the average test cost.
Can somebody please confirm this is the right way of threshold moving ?
Thanks !
Edit: When I cross validated with 5 folds , noticed that threshold that gives the least cost is not the same for all folds. So then , how should I proceed ? I am finding the average cost across the 5 folds, but how do I interpret the different thresholds ?

lightgbm how to deal with No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf

how to deal with [Warning] No further splits with positive gain, best gain: -inf
is there any parameters not suit?
Some explanation from lightGBM's issues:
it means the learning of tree in current iteration should be stop, due to cannot split any more.
I think this is caused by "min_data_in_leaf":1000, you can set it to a smaller value.
This is not a bug, it is a feature.
The output message is to warn user that your parameters may be wrong, or your dataset is not easy to learn.
So on the contrary, the data is hard to fit.
This means that no improvement can be gained by adding additional leaves to the tree subject to the restrictions of the hyperparameters. It is not necessarily a bad thing, as limiting the depth of the tree can prevent overfitting. However, if the tree is underfitting the data, try tweaking these hyperparameters:
decrease min_data_in_leaf - minimum number of data points in a leaf
decrease min_sum_hessian_in_leaf - Minimum sum of the Hessian (second derivative of the objective function evaluated for each observation) for observations in a leaf. For some regression objectives, this is just the minimum number of records that have to fall into each node. For classification objectives, it represents a sum over a distribution of probabilities. It works like min_child_weight in xgboost.
increase max_bin or max_bin_by_feature when creating dataset
LightGBM training buckets continuous features into discrete bins to improve training speed and reduce memory requirements for training. This binning is done one time during Dataset construction. Increasing the number of bins per feature can increase the number of splits that can be made.
max_bin controls the maximum number of bins that features will bucketed into. It is also possible to set this maximum feature-by-feature, by passing max_bin_by_feature.
set 'verbosity': -1 in params, it works!
Increase max_depth or set it to -1.

KMeans evaluation metric not converging. Is this normal behavior or no?

I'm working on a problem that necessitates running KMeans separately on ~125 different datasets. Therefore, I'm looking to mathematically calculate the 'optimal' K for each respective dataset. However, the evaluation metric continues decreasing with higher K values.
For a sample dataset, there are 50K rows and 8 columns. Using sklearn's calinski-harabaz score, I'm iterating through different K values to find the optimum / minimum score. However, my code reached k=5,600 and the calinski-harabaz score was still decreasing!
Something weird seems to be happening. Does the metric not work well? Could my data be flawed (see my question about normalizing rows after PCA)? Is there another/better way to mathematically converge on the 'optimal' K? Or should I force myself to manually pick a constant K across all datasets?
Any additional perspectives would be helpful. Thanks!
I don't know anything about the calinski-harabaz score but some score metrics will be monotone increasing/decreasing with respect to increasing K. For instance the mean squared error for linear regression will always decrease each time a new feature is added to the model so other scores that add penalties for increasing number of features have been developed.
There is a very good answer here that covers CH scores well. A simple method that generally works well for these monotone scoring metrics is to plot K vs the score and choose the K where the score is no longer improving 'much'. This is very subjective but can still give good results.
The metric decreases with each increase of K; this strongly suggests that you do not have a natural clustering upon the data set.
CH scores depend on the ratio between intra- and inter-cluster densities. For a relatively smooth distribution of points, each increase in K will give you clusters that are slightly more dense, with slightly lower density between them. Try a lattice of points: vary the radius and do the computations by hand; you'll see how that works. At the extreme end, K = n: each point is its own cluster, with infinite density, and 0 density between clusters.
Perhaps the simplest metric is sum-of-squares, which is already part of the clustering computations. Sum the squares of distances from the centroid, divide by n-1 (n=cluster population), and then add/average those over all clusters.
I'm looking for a particular paper that discusses metrics for this very problem; if I can find the reference, I'll update this answer.
N.B. With any metric you choose (as with CH), a failure to find a local minimum suggests that the data really don't have a natural clustering.
Render your data in some form you can visualize. If you see a natural clustering, look at the characteristics; how is it that you can see it, but the algebra (metrics) cannot? Formulate a metric that highlights the differences you perceive.
I know, this is an effort similar to the problem you're trying to automate. Welcome to research. :-)
The problem with my question is that the 'best' Calinski-Harabaz score is the maximum, whereas my question assumed the 'best' was the minimum. It is computed by analyzing the ratio of between-cluster dispersion vs. within-cluster dispersion, the former/numerator you want to maximize, the latter/denominator you want to minimize. As it turned out, in this dataset, the 'best' CH score was with 2 clusters (the minimum available for comparison). I actually ran with K=1, and this produced good results as well. As Prune suggested, there appears to be no natural grouping within the dataset.

What is a bad, decent, good, and excellent F1-measure range?

I understand F1-measure is a harmonic mean of precision and recall. But what values define how good/bad a F1-measure is? I can't seem to find any references (google or academic) answering my question.
Consider sklearn.dummy.DummyClassifier(strategy='uniform') which is a classifier that make random guesses (a.k.a bad classifier). We can view DummyClassifier as a benchmark to beat, now let's see it's f1-score.
In a binary classification problem, with balanced dataset: 6198 total sample, 3099 samples labelled as 0 and 3099 samples labelled as 1, f1-score is 0.5 for both classes, and weighted average is 0.5:
Second example, using DummyClassifier(strategy='constant'), i.e. guessing the same label every time, guessing label 1 every time in this case, average of f1-scores is 0.33, while f1 for label 0 is 0.00:
I consider these to be bad f1-scores, given the balanced dataset.
PS. summary generated using sklearn.metrics.classification_report
You did not find any reference for f1 measure range because there is not any range. The F1 measure is a combined matrix of precision and recall.
Let's say you have two algorithms, one has higher precision and lower recall. By this observation , you can not tell that which algorithm is better, unless until your goal is to maximize precision.
So, given this ambiguity about how to select superior algorithm among two (one with higher recall and other with higher precision), we use f1-measure to select superior among them.
f1-measure is a relative term that's why there is no absolute range to define how better your algorithm is.

Parameter Tuning for Perceptron Learning Algorithm

I'm having sort of an issue trying to figure out how to tune the parameters for my perceptron algorithm so that it performs relatively well on unseen data.
I've implemented a verified working perceptron algorithm and I'd like to figure out a method by which I can tune the numbers of iterations and the learning rate of the perceptron. These are the two parameters I'm interested in.
I know that the learning rate of the perceptron doesn't affect whether or not the algorithm converges and completes. I'm trying to grasp how to change n. Too fast and it'll swing around a lot, and too low and it'll take longer.
As for the number of iterations, I'm not entirely sure how to determine an ideal number.
In any case, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Start with a small number of iterations (it's actually more conventional to count 'epochs' rather than iterations--'epochs' refers to the number of iterations through the entire data set used to train the network). By 'small' let's say something like 50 epochs. The reason for this is that you want to see how the total error is changing with each additional training cycle (epoch)--hopefully it's going down (more on 'total error' below).
Obviously you are interested in the point (the number of epochs) where the next additional epoch does not cause a further decrease in total error. So begin with a small number of epochs so you can approach that point by increasing the epochs.
The learning rate you begin with should not be too fine or too coarse, (obviously subjective but hopefully you have a rough sense for what is a large versus small learning rate).
Next, insert a few lines of testing code in your perceptron--really just a few well-placed 'print' statements. For each iteration, calculate and show the delta (actual value for each data point in the training data minus predicted value) then sum the individual delta values over all points (data rows) in the training data (i usually take the absolute value of the delta, or you can take the square root of the sum of the squared differences--doesn't matter too much. Call that summed value "total error"--just to be clear, this is total error (sum of the error across all nodes) per epoch.
Then, plot the total error as a function of epoch number (ie, epoch number on the x axis, total error on the y axis). Initially of course, you'll see the data points in the upper left-hand corner trending down and to the right and with a decreasing slope
Let the algorithm train the network against the training data. Increase the epochs (by e.g., 10 per run) until you see the curve (total error versus epoch number) flatten--i.e., additional iterations doesn't cause a decrease in total error.
So the slope of that curve is important and so is its vertical position--ie., how much total error you have and whether it continues to trend downward with more training cycles (epochs). If, after increasing epochs, you eventually notice an increase in error, start again with a lower learning rate.
The learning rate (usually a fraction between about 0.01 and 0.2) will certainly affect how quickly the network is trained--i.e., it can move you to the local minimum more quickly. It can also cause you to jump over it. So code a loop that trains a network, let's say five separate times, using a fixed number of epochs (and a the same starting point) each time but varying the learning rate from e.g., 0.05 to 0.2, each time increasing the learning rate by 0.05.
One more parameter is important here (though not strictly necessary), 'momentum'. As the name suggests, using a momentum term will help you get an adequately trained network more quickly. In essence, momentum is a multiplier to the learning rate--as long as the the error rate is decreasing, the momentum term accelerates the progress. The intuition behind the momentum term is 'as long as you traveling toward the destination, increase your velocity'.Typical values for the momentum term are 0.1 or 0.2. In the training scheme above, you should probably hold momentum constant while varying the learning rate.
About the learning rate not affecting whether or not the perceptron converges - That's not true. If you choose a learning rate that is too high, you will probably get a divergent network. If you change the learning rate during learning, and it drops too fast (i.e stronger than 1/n) you can also get a network that never converges (That's because the sum of N(t) over t from 1 to inf is finite. that means the vector of weights can only change by a finite amount).
Theoretically it can be shown for simple cases that changing n (learning rate) according to 1/t (where t is the number of presented examples) should work good, but I actually found that in practice, the best way to do this, is to find good high n value (the highest value that doesn't make your learning diverge) and low n value (this one is tricker to figure. really depends on the data and problem), and then let n change linearly over time from high n to low n.
The learning rate depends on the typical values of data. There is no rule of thumb in general. Feature scaling is a method used to standardize the range of independent variables or features of data. In data processing, it is also known as data normalization and is generally performed during the data preprocessing step.
Normalizing the data to a zero-mean, unit variance or between 0-1 or any other standard form can help in selecting a value of learning rate. As doug mentioned, learning rate between 0.05 and 0.2 generally works well.
Also this will help in making the algorithm converge faster.
Source: Juszczak, P.; D. M. J. Tax, and R. P. W. Dui (2002). "Feature scaling in support vector data descriptions". Proc. 8th Annu. Conf. Adv. School Comput. Imaging: 95–10.
