Query for Yes/No box in MS Access 2013 - ms-access-2013

I have a query where I set the criteria to True or Yes for a Yes/No box field. However, out of the three records with checked boxes from my table, the query results only gives me one record result. Why isn't the query picking up the other two checked boxes?


jqgrid - update multiples rows with "custom" form like advance search

I need to filter (or not) records in a jqgrid and be able to update all the filtered records by changing the value (s) in one or more columns.
The solution that I thought was to have a form dialog similar to that of the advanced search where the user can select which columns he wants to update and with what values.
In this way I could call a javascript method that sends to the server the filter selected by the user + the array of columns and values ​​selected by the user.
Any recommendation?
edit: version 5.3.1
I can recommend you to build your own form similar to the search one and set which field with what value to be updated. Clicking on a submit you will send the filter and the data fields with values which should be updated.

Having two Filters in one table using SlickGrid

I want to create two filters in one SlickGrid Table. One will have "input field" based filter where i should be able to put expression, i.e. value > 10 which will give me the results greater than 10 values. The second filter will be the excel like filter where it should be able to list all the values from the first filter result and once user select some values it should show those selected values as result.
Basically, looking for combining result of two filters.
I do have some examples as mentions below
Looking into combining above two filters in one table.
Is it possible to write two filters in one table using SlickGrid? Let me know how to achieve the same.

Best practices for adding/editing UI table data while filtering

Does any one know If there are any best-practices for editing/adding data in UI table while its data is filtered?
Example 1:
Suppose we have a table with two options: add new record and edit selected one. Moreover, the table has an option to filter data over column A.
Now, if the table is filtered by filtering column A with value '1' and I want to add a new record with value in column A that matches filter requirements, what should happen:
The table should refresh and display filtered records with selected newly added record.
The table should reset filter and show all records witch new one selected.
The table should do nothing and display filtered records as they were. Newly added record will be displayed when the filter resets.
For me intuitively the best solution is number 1. But then how to solve the problem in example number 2:
Example 2:
If the table is filtered by filtering column A with value '1' and I want to add a new record that in column A has value '2' what should happen:
The table should display filtered records with selected newly added record despite it does not matche the filter.
The table should reset the filter, and all records should be displayed with new one selected.
The table should do nothing and display filtered records as they were.
The same story is when we have filtered records, and in selected record we want to edit value upon which the filtering took place. Does the edited record should than disapear or filtre should be reset?
Or maybe the best way is to disable add/edit operations while filter is on?
I don't know if there is any best practices about it but I have also encountered the problem before. Two different solutions as I came up with:
Edited/Inserted record should not be filtered until the next time a filter is applied or filter is reset. The record should also be shown different (i.e. darker background color, or an icon, or tooltip) than others implying it was edited and is not being filtered.
The record should be left in focus after being edited or inserted. As soon as it loses focus, filter should be applied to it. The ideal solution is if the record is filtered out, it shouldn't immediately go out of vision. For instance it may go invisible with an animation.
I just checked the google docs and libre office, both of them just display the new record regardless of the filter. You need to re-apply the filter to hide them from view (in both cases the column "A" is filtered by "value 1"):

How to sort in filter without using Dynamic Ranking in Endeca?

We are using Endeca to fetch and display records in frontend as a datagrid. In that datagrid, we have 10 columns and we display data sorted in table on the basis of 2 columns (say X and Y). For this, we use Endeca.stratify(collection()/record[not%20(X)])||X|1||*,Endeca.stratify(collection()/record[not%20(Y)])||Y|1.
We can also apply filter on the columns where we display data sorted asc/desc. We used Dynamic Ranking in Endeca and created dimensions for each field with selecting dynamic ranking and set maximum dimension value to return as 20 as per the requirement. Since we know that dynamic ranking is the relevancy ranking, it fetches most used records and does sorting on that data.
However, we need to select 20 unique values and sort them in asc/desc order. Example: if we have date as the column, then we need to fetch 20 unique dates with most recent at the top. i.e. in descending order.
Is there any other way to do sorting on filter apart from dynamic ranking? If we disable dynamic ranking, then we won't have option to set maximum dimension value as 20 from developer studio.
Please suggest for the ranking.
We finally found a solution!! I removed/unchecked "dynamic ranking" for the properties in dimensions from the pipeline using developer studio. I did not want it to remove since we had already selected an option as sort "alphabetically" instead of "dynamically" in dynamic ranking tab in dimensions.
Also, if we uncheck dynamic ranking then the option for giving maximum limit for displaying the dimensions (which was set 20 for us as per the requirement) was also gone.
So, I handled this in java to display only 20 values by putting a check on results obtained and created a counter which would add values only till the 20 are received. Now this is working as required!!!!!

Dropdown with Checkbox in SSRS

I have a report in SSRS which is generated for around 50-60 items.
Say, the report shows Country name on one scale and their population on another.
When the graph is generated, it shows around 100 countries.
If I want to see population of only UK, US, India and China. Then I Should have an option to select the countries of my choice.
Having one dropdown and allowing them to select only one country at a time is simple.
I have no idea on how I can have a checkbox in dropdown to allow multiple selections.
You'll want to search for Multi-valued Parameters. If you open the properties of the parameter there will be an option something like "Allow multiple values". Reporting services will handle the UI with checkboxes.
One important thing to know about multi-valued parameters is how to use them in your query. Suppose your parameter #CountryId is being filled with this query:
SELECT CountryId, -- This will be the value for the parameter
CountryName, -- The label for the parameter
FROM Country
If you set this parameter to allow multiple-values, reporting services will generate the multi-select UI for you. When executing any subsequent query that uses the parameter, before sending the query to your SQL server it will replace the parameter with a comma-seperated list of CountryId values. So this query:
FROM MyDataTable
WHERE MyDataTable.CountryId IN (#CountryID)
Will be sent to SQL server as something like this, supposing there are 3 countries selected:
FROM MyDataTable
WHERE MyDataTable.CountryId IN (1001,1002,1003)
