create and update field to other model backpack laravel - laravel

I am trying to create a dashboard to display a specific table and create/update the lines for this table via backpack laravel.
For example I want to display a table of area and this table has a relationship with the cities table.
my problem is when I want to add a specific area and the city associated with it is not added !!.
That I do not want to go to add the city then back to add the area.
This is a very small example of what I'm really dealing with ,
since I want to add a line in a table and this line contains relationships with other tables I want to create on the same page.
I searched and did not find a direct answer. Does it make sense that a new view should be created?
Does the Backpack Laravel not provide a solution to this problem?
If the answer is no and this is what I saw, what is the best solution to this problem ?
Image to summarizes the problem as I want to create the city on the same page as creating the area

I think what you’re looking for is what we call the InlineCreate Operation in Backpack. It adds a “+ Add” button next to the relationship field, so that the admin can add a related item right there, in a modal.
Check out its docs here.


Show only active records in lookup - CRM

I have custom entity which has lookup to the Products entity record.
I want this field to show only active(status) Products.
How can I do this? am I supposed to make new lookup view in Products, change existing one, or something else?
You should pick the view you'd like to render the records from. Navigate to form customizations, and edit the field property to look like below:

Implementing drill down in Kibana 4

Is it possible, and if so, how, to implement drill down in Kibana 4?
For example, lets say a dashboard has a pie chart which represents products.
Beneath that, there could be a table which shows component parts which are used to make products, together with supplier name, cost, availability, and other details. Clicking a product in the pie chart will filter the table to only show parts for that specific product. Selecting the supplier field would drill to another table showing the details for the supplier.
This requires that there be a multi-column table widget which would be used to display the details for each part, and that each column in the table could potentially be a link to another table.
In addition, lets say that there are three charts at the top of the dashboard. Clicking on each one should swap out the area below to display a table with a specific query and data columns relevant to the selected chart.
Is this kind of functionality abailable in Kibana?
You can mostly achieve this type of functionality in Kibana 4. What you'll want to do is create a search that has the fields that you want to display and save that. Next you'll create your visualizations that have the things you want to drill down on.
Finally, create a dashboard with all of the visualizations on it, and then also add the Search (when you hit +, there's a tab that says Searches. Choose your saved search there.
When you click on your widgets, it will start adding filters and refreshing the page, including your "search".
On the search widget that's on the dashboard, you can click on the rows and they will expand to show the fields. Next to each field is a +/- that will let you filter to that value or exclude that value.
I Think Kibi has this feature But again I think it is for relational database tables
Please refer to this issue

wishlist integration in joomla

I am somewhat of newbeeeee to the whole Joomla/Virtuemart world. I am trying to implement "my wishlist" module in my joomla 1.5.26 . I have searched in google also but its not free.
My logic is like:
I have a list of products, along with button "add to wish list". If a registered user click on that button then that product id and category id have been saved in jos_user table, where I have added one new field called "wishlist".
Now up to this is okay. Now problem is to fetch those product in one page(lets say page name is my wish list), which are only in that list. Is there any file where I can change the query for that particular page(my wish list). If so please help me. Its urgent.
Thanks in advance.
If your wish list is a module rather than a component, then finding the required file to change the code shouldn't be too hard. I'm not quite sure on the file structure, but it will most likely be in something like helper.php

Magento - Working with multiselect and Store view

I'm developing a new module for Magento and I need to use the Store View (like in CMS/pages or CMS/blocks).
Thanks to answer of Gergely Varga (magento multiselect insert database) I can now save the new item and automatically Magento saves the stores in the other table (I have 2, one for the item and one with the id of my item and the id of the store).
Now I have 3 problems or more:
1 - Grid.php doesn't show the stores that Magento saved in the stores table.
2 - If I try to modify an item, it doesn't load-show the stores that Magento saved when I created the item.
3 - I can't use the search with the Store view (I don't really care about this one).
Then, what is the problem? I followed the answer of Gergely Varga and I can't see anything different in the code of the CMS/page or CMS/block.
Do you want me to rewrite it or something? I really need help with this, is so frustrating...
The thing is that I am creating a module to add and manage banners. When I create a banner I need to asociate it to some parts of the web using the Store View multiselect. Now, thanks to that post (magento multiselect insert database), it's working, but when I am in the banners manage page, the store view column is not working (it doesn't shows anything). When I want to modify a banner, the same thing, it doesn't show the asociated Store Views.
Thanks, regards.
Now it's all working (the search is not working if you want to use the Store Views field, but I don't care about that).
I don't really know how have I fix all that, but it's working. I think that I had some problems in the models.

How can you change category position per store view

Has anyone been able to change the position of categories per store view in Magento? I haven't looked yet at the code on how the position gets set, but I know you set the position through the admin site with the category tree. You currently out of the box can't change this tree for different websites or store views. I tried changing the attributes is_global column in the database to the store view number, but that didn't work when I tried changing it per store view. I am assuming the code on the backend doesn't have the logic to look for what store view it is and assign it since they have it marked as global and don't give you the option to change it.
I have two websites that have similar hierarchies and it is going to make sense to use the same root catalog rather then duplicating so much of the tree and having to assign the products to both. Ideally being able to change the position through the admin would be best so that in the future the client can move a category without having to touch any code.
It is impossible.
Category entity has attribute 'position' which is actually static (it means that the attribute is in the main catalog_category_entity table). Also we have 'path' column in the main table for defining categories relation.
This two column is the base for category position.
About attributes: Did you tried to change values per attribute in the catalog_eav_attribute? Column 'position' in this table used for layered navigation on the frontend (but this attribute is deprecated).
So, on my point of view only with customization we can change this logic.
Feel free to ask questions.
