How to restart Strapi aaplication once it is being stopped - strapi

I install the Strapi application in my Mac and then I stopped the application, now I want to restart my same application and don't want to again install a new application. I had install strapi globally using this command sudo npm i strapi#alpha -g

strapi develop
npm run build
npm start

npm develop. That should do once you are in the application folder

You can use this below line:
npm run develop


How do I open a Strapi project after closing it?

How do I open a Strapi project after closing it?
I created a project in Strapi, but after I closed it, I don't know how to open it again.
The command for starting up a strapi project is :
using npm:
npm run develop
using yarn:
yarn develop
Once the server is started you can access it on http://localhost:1337/
P.S: Make sure you run npm install or yarn install to install the project dependencies before running the above commands.

Error on Laravel after installing VueJS. Request failed with status 404

I am developing a small system with Laravel Framework 5.6.39 and everything was going well, until I installed Vue Js. When viewing in the browser, what should be displayed does not appear and the following appears in the console:
How can I solve this error?
I think you need to run:
npm run watch
After adding VueJS to your project you need to install all dependencies by executing:
npm install
Then you can either compile your assets onetime by executing:
npm run dev
Or start a watcher which compiles your assets automatically after detecting a filechange:
npm run watch
The compile process will generate the app.js file which is missing in your case. You can read more about this process or possibilities in laravel here (laravel docs about frontend).
After pulling your project you need to install all dependencies using
npm i
Then you can build it for development one-time using
npm run dev
Or for real-time updates
npm run watch
And when your project is ready for production
npm run prod

It's possible auto load or livereload npm run dev

I want to know if exist some way to live reload or autorun the npm run dev command without type in the shell npm run dev
When i use VueComponents in Laravel with Webpack Mix, for every change in code i need run npm run dev and that proccess is delayed a lot
In the past, i did use ionic, and when i had saved a change the pack is live reload and had build without type nothing in the shell
Try running this command:
npm run watch
npm run watch-poll
When you create new component/js file and attach it to Webpack
Mix then you need to run
npm run dev
Real-time monitor the changes and compile them
npm run watch
For production mode run
npm run production
To go back to development mode
npm run development

ionic 2 start fails with error with the spawned command

have installed ionic 2 beta on windows 7
npm install -g ionic#beta
seems to install ok. it's 2.0.0-beta.25
when I try to create a project
ionic start test tabs --v2 --ts
it fails on the Installing npm packages ... bit with
Error with start undefined
Error Initializing app: There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
There was an error with the spawned command: npminstall
would appreciate any help...
I too faced the similar problem. Revert to 2.0.0-beta.22 by running the following command:
npm install -g ionic#2.0.0-beta.22
Many people reporting this issue with 2.0.0-beta.25
For me the problem was in npm... After updating npm install -g npm it to v3.10 everything worked fine.
Updating NPM a Node.js worked for me on Windows:
Win 7, Prof
NPM version: 3.10.2
Node.js version: 4.4.6
Command ionic start test sidemenu --2 --ts worked like charm.
try this, it works for me
ionic start test tabs --v2 --skip-npm
cd test
npm install
it seems to be a bug of ionic or something else.
Recreating new app on same directory and with same name by overwriting the older works for me!

how can I install v.6.x of by NPM now?

I got lots of problem to work on v.7.x,but now I have to move my
project to a new,I have to install again.
but,when I used "npm install" I got the last version.My
project using v.6.x,now I really cant install v.7.x,so,how can I
install v.6.x by NPM?
i think you can do it by
You can see listing by
npm ls
sudo npm install
