Bencode parser using stack - algorithm

I am trying to use a stack-based approach to parse a bencoded string.
This link describes bencoding:
My psuedocode fails to handle the case where there are nested lists, for example, [1, [2]], and [[1, 2]] will both return [[1 ,2]], even when clearly the encoding is different, "li1eli2eee" versus "lli1ei2eee".
Here is my psuedocode thus far
input: string
output: map/list/integer/string in a bencoded data structure
first, tokenize the string into valid tokens
Valid tokens "d, l, [words], [numbers], e, s (virtual token)"
Strings are tokenized as 4:spam becomes "s spam e" with s being a virtual token
Eg. li1el4:spamee becomes [l i 1 e i 22 e l s spam e i 2 e e e]
make two stacks:
for token in tokens:
if stack is empty
return error
if the token isn’t an “e”
push token onto stack1
while the stack isn’t empty:
elem = pop off the stack
if elem is “i”
elem2 = pop elem off stack2 and check if it can be converted to an int
if not
return error
push elem2 onto stack2 again
elif elem is “d”
make a new dict
while stack2 isn’t empty:
key = pop off stack2
if stack2 is empty:
return error (because then we have an odd key value encoding)
value = pop off stack2
dict[key] = value
push dict onto stack2
elif elem is “l”
make a new list
while stack2 isn’t empty:
append pop off stack2 to l
push l onto stack2
elif elem is “s”
dont need to do anything :P
push elem onto stack2
if stack2 isn’t empty:
ret = pop the lone element off stack2
if stack2 isn’t empty:
return error
return ret

I don't quite follow the spec or the pseudocode, but it seems pretty straightforward to implement a subset of "Bencoding" to handle the two strings you've shown (lists and integers). Everything else is relatively trivial (dicts are the same as lists, more or less, and strings and other non-recursively defined data types are basically the same as ints) as far as I can tell.
My algorithm is as follows:
Make a stack and put an empty array into it.
For each index in the bencoded string:
If the current character is i, parse the integer and fast-forward the index to the e that closes the integer. Append the integer to the array at the top of the stack.
If the current character is l, push a new arr onto the stack.
If the current character is e, pop the stack and push the popped array onto the array below it (i.e. the new top).
Return the only element in the stack.
Here it is in JS:
const tinyBencodeDecode = s => {
const stack = [[]];
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] === "i") {
for (var j = ++i; s[j] !== "e"; j++);
stack[stack.length-1].push(+s.slice(i, j));
i = j;
else if (s[i] === "l") {
else if (s[i] === "e") {
return stack[0];
"i1ei2e", // => [1, 2]
"lli1ei2eee", // => [[1, 2]]
"li1eli2eee", // => [[1, [2]]]
// [44, [1, [23, 561, [], 1, [78]]], 4]
].forEach(e => console.log(JSON.stringify(tinyBencodeDecode(e))));
No error handling is performed and everything is assumed to be well-formed, but error handling doesn't impact the fundamental algorithm; it's just a matter of adding a bunch of conditionals to check the index, stack and string as you work.
Here's an (admittedly lazy) example of how you could support the 4 datatypes. Again, error handling is omitted. The idea is basically the same as above except more fussing is needed to determine whether we're building a dictionary or a list. Since null doesn't appear to be a valid key per the spec, I'm using it a placeholder to pair up value tokens with their corresponding key.
In both cases, minor adjustments will need to bee made if it turns out that bencoding only has a single root element (list or dictionary). In that case, s = "i42ei43e" would be invalid on the top level and we'd start with an empty stack.
const back = (a, n=1) => a[a.length-n];
const append = (stack, data) => {
if (Array.isArray(back(stack))) {
else {
const emptyKey = Object.entries(back(stack))
.find(([k, v]) => v === null);
if (emptyKey) {
back(stack)[emptyKey[0]] = data;
else {
back(stack)[data] = null;
const bencodeDecode = s => {
const stack = [[]];
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
if (s[i] === "i") {
for (var j = ++i; s[j] !== "e"; j++);
append(stack, +s.slice(i, j));
i = j;
else if (/\d/.test(s[i])) {
for (var j = i; s[j] !== ":"; j++);
const num = +s.slice(i, j++);
append(stack, s.slice(j, j + num));
i = j + num - 1;
else if (s[i] === "l") {
else if (s[i] === "d") {
else if (s[i] === "e") {
append(stack, stack.pop());
return stack[0];
"i1ei2e", // => [1, 2]
"lli1ei2eee", // => [[1, 2]]
"li1eli2eee", // => [[1, [2]]]
"li1e4:spamli2eee", // => [[1, "spam", [2]]]
// [[1, "spam", {"cow": "moo", "spam": {"eggs": [6, "rice"]}}, [2]]]
// [44, [1, [23, 561, [], 1, [78]]], 4]
].forEach(e => console.log(JSON.stringify(bencodeDecode(e))));


Iterate over an array and initialize multiple variables in one line in Ruby

I am trying to iterate over an array and count the number of positive, negative and zeros in an array. Right now I am doing it like this
arr = [1, -1, 0, 2, 3, -2, -5]
pos = { |i| i > 0 }.count
neg = { |i| i < 0 }.count
zero = { |i| i == 0 }.count
puts pos
puts neg
puts zero
But is there any way where I can do this in one line? Something like this?
pos, neg, zero = { |i| i > 0; i < 0; i == 0; }.count
Use inject and the <=> operator:
neg, zero, pos = arr.inject([0,0,0]) { |a,b| a[(b<=>0)+1] += 1; a }
Alternatively, as #HolgerJust mentioned:
neg, zero, pos = arr.each_with_object([0,0,0]) { |a,b| b[(a<=>0)+1] += 1 }
is slightly longer but doesn't have the extra ; a in the block.
Inspired by #steenslag's use of tally:
neg, zero, pos = { |x| x<=>0 }.tally.values_at(-1,0,1)
If you use a counting hash the code is short and the results are returned in a hash, which may be convenient.
arr = [1, -1, 0, 2, 3, -2, -5, 4]
You could write
arr.each_with_object( { |n,h| h[n<=>0] += 1 }
#=> {1=>4, -1=>3, 0=>1}
or perhaps you would prefer
labels = { -1=>:neg, 0=>:zero, 1=>:pos }
arr.each_with_object( { |n,h| h[labels[n<=>0]] += 1 }
#=> {:pos=>4, :neg=>3, :zero=>1}
the last line of which could alternatively be written
arr.each_with_object({}) { |n,h| h[labels[n<=>0]] = (h[labels[n<=>0]] ||= 0) + 1 }
See Hash::new, specifically the (second) form that takes an argument called the default value (here zero), and no block. If a hash is defined h =, then if h has no key k, h[k] returns 0 (and h is not changed).
arr = [1, -1, 0, 2, 3, -2, -5]
neg, zero, pos ={|n| n <=> 0}.tally.values_at(-1, 0, 1)
Using the new tally method.
As others have already said, you should just use inject and count using the <=> operator. If you plan to use similar logic frequently, you could monkey patch a #tally_by method into Enumerable like so:
class Enumerable
def my_tally(*keys, &proc)
proc ||= -> e {e} # Default identity proc
h = keys.empty? ? : Hash[{|k|[k, 0]}]
inject(h){|a, e| a[] += 1; a}
This allows you to write:
neg, zero, pos = arr.my_tally(-1, 0, 1){|e| e <=> 0}
While this is certainly more upfront code than the others, it may be nice to have if you find yourself using similar logic frequently. You could also just make this a regular method somewhere if you don't like monkey-patching.

Decompose string to form a valid expression

I am given a string S (of integers) and a number N. I want to insert arbitrary number of '+' in S so that the sum becomes equal to N.
S = 15112 and N = 28<br>
Ans is : 15+11+2<br>
S = 120012 and N = 33<br>
Ans is : 1+20+012<br>
S = 123 and N = 123<br>
Ans is : 123
given : |S| <= 120 and N <= 10^6
It is guarenteed that S and N are given such that it is always possible to form valid expression. Is there any algorithm which can solve this? I tried to think on it but couldn't come up with solution.
There may be more efficient ways to do this, but since you have nothing so far…
You can simply find all combinations of a boolean array that indicates whether a plus should exist between the numbers or not.
For example: with an input of 112134, 1 + 12 + 13 + 4 can be represented with the boolean array [true, false, true, false, true] indicating that there is a plus after the 1st, 3rd, and 5th numbers. The problem then reduces to finding which combinations add to your number. There are lot of ways to find combinations. Recursive backtracking is a classic.
In javascript/node this might look like this:
function splitOnIndexes(arr, a) {
// split the array into numbers based on the booleans
let current = "" + arr[0]
let output = []
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (!a[i]) {
current += arr[i + 1]
} else {
current = "" + arr[i + 1]
return output
function findSum(input, total) {
function backtrack(n, k = 0, a = []) {
const sum = (arr) => arr.reduce((a, c) => a + parseInt(c), 0)
if (k === n) {
let ans = splitOnIndexes(input, a)
if (sum(ans) === total) {
console.log(ans.join(' + '))
} else {
k = k + 1
let c = [true, false]
for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
a[k - 1] = c[i]
backtrack(n, k, a)
backtrack(input.length - 1)
findSum('15112', 28)
findSum('120012', 33)
findSum('123', 123)
As you can see, more than one answer is possible. Your first example is solved with both 15+1+12 and 15+11+2. If you only need one, you can of course stop early.
The idea is to use dynamic programming, you only care about sums between 0 and 10^6 and only have 120 possible indexes. if dp[i][j] = x, it means that from index x of the string, we went to index i (so we added a + before i) and we got a sum of j. This leads to a O(|S| * N) solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
string s;
long n;
long dp[123][1000001];
void solve (int index, long sum) {//index = what index of s still remains to scan. sum = the sum we have accumulated till now
if (sum >= n or index >= s.length()) return;
if (dp[index][sum] != -1) return;
if (index == n and sum == n) return;
long num = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 7 && index + i < s.length(); i++) { //N has 6 digits at most
num = stoi(s.substr(index, i + 1));
solve(index + i + 1, sum + num);
if (sum + num <= n) {
dp[index + i + 1][sum + num] = index;
int main () {
cin >> s;
cin >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < 121; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 1000001; j++) {
dp[i][j] = -1;
solve(0, 0);
int sum = n;
int idx = s.length();
vector<string> nums;
//reconstruct solution
while (idx != 0) {
nums.push_back(s.substr(dp[idx][sum], idx - dp[idx][sum]));
idx = dp[idx][sum];
sum -= stoi(nums[nums.size() - 1]);
for (int i = nums.size() -1; i >= 0; i--) {
cout << nums[i];
if (i != 0) cout << "+";
This is a Ruby version with step by step explanation of the algorithm, so you can easily code in C++ (or I'll try later).
# Let's consider that we extracted the values from text, so we already have the string of int and the result as integer:
string_of_int = "15112"
result = 28
# The basic idea is to find a map (array) that tells how to group digits, for example
sum_map = [2, 1, 2]
# This means that string_of_int is mapped into the following numbers
# 15, 1, 12
# then sum the numbers, in this case 15+1+12 = 28
# For finding a the solution we need to map
# all the possible combinations of addition given the n digits of the string_of_int then check if the sum is equal to the result
# We call k the number of digits of string_of_int
# in ruby we can build an array called sum_maps
# containing all the possible permutations like this:
k = string_of_int.length # => 5
sum_maps = []
k.times do |length|
(1..k).to_a.repeated_permutation(length).each {|e| sum_maps << e if e.inject(:+) == k}
# => [[1, 5], [2, 4], [3, 3], [4, 2], [5, 1], [1, 1, 4], [1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 2], [1, 4, 1], [2, 1, 3], [2, 2, 2], [2, 3, 1], [3, 1, 2], [3, 2, 1], [4, 1, 1]]
# Now must check which of of the sum_map is giving us the required result.
# First, to keep the code short and DRY,
# better to define a couple of useful methods for the String class to use then:
class String
def group_digits_by(sum_map)
string_of_int_splitted = self.split("")
grouped_digits = []
sum_map.each { |n| grouped_digits << string_of_int_splitted.shift(n).join.to_i}
grouped_digits.reject { |element| element == 0 }
def sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map)
# So we can call the methods directly on the string
# for example, in ruby:
string_of_int.group_digits_by sum_map #=> [15, 1, 12]
string_of_int.sum_grouped_of_digits_by sum_map #=> 28
# Now that we have this metods, we just iterate through the sum_maps array
# and apply it for printing out the sm_map if the sum of grouped digits is equal to the result
# coded in ruby it is:
combinations = []
sum_maps.each { |sum_map| combinations << string_of_int.group_digits_by(sum_map) if string_of_int.sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map) == result }
p combinations.uniq
# => [[15, 1, 12], [15, 11, 2]]
In short, written as a Ruby module it becomes:
module GuessAddition
class ::String
def group_digits_by(sum_map)
string_of_int_splitted = self.split("")
grouped_digits = []
sum_map.each { |n| grouped_digits << string_of_int_splitted.shift(n).join.to_i}
grouped_digits.reject { |element| element == 0 }
def sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map)
def self.guess_this(string_of_int, result)
k = string_of_int.length
sum_maps = []
k.times { |length| (1..k).to_a.repeated_permutation(length).each {|e| sum_maps << e if e.inject(:+) == k} }
combinations = []
sum_maps.each { |sum_map| combinations << string_of_int.group_digits_by(sum_map) if string_of_int.sum_grouped_of_digits_by(sum_map) == result }
p GuessAddition::guess_this("15112", 28) # => [[15, 1, 12], [15, 11, 2]]

All Possible Tic Tac Toe Winning Combinations

I had an interview were I was asked a seemingly simple algorithm question: "Write an algorithm to return me all possible winning combinations for tic tac toe." I still can't figure out an efficient way to handle this. Is there a standard algorithm or common that should be applied to similar questions like this that I'm not aware of?
This is one of those problems that's actually simple enough for brute force and, while you could use combinatorics, graph theory, or many other complex tools to solve it, I'd actually be impressed by applicants that recognise the fact there's an easier way (at least for this problem).
There are only 39, or 19,683 possible combinations of placing x, o or <blank> in the grid, and not all of those are valid.
First, a valid game position is one where the difference between x and o counts is no more than one, since they have to alternate moves.
In addition, it's impossible to have a state where both sides have three in a row, so they can be discounted as well. If both have three in a row, then one of them would have won in the previous move.
There's actually another limitation in that it's impossible for one side to have won in two different ways without a common cell (again, they would have won in a previous move), meaning that:
cannot be achieved, while:
can be. But we can actually ignore that since there's no way to win two ways without a common cell without having already violated the "maximum difference of one" rule, since you need six cells for that, with the opponent only having three.
So I would simply use brute force and, for each position where the difference is zero or one between the counts, check the eight winning possibilities for both sides. Assuming only one of them has a win, that's a legal, winning game.
Below is a proof of concept in Python, but first the output of time when run on the process sending output to /dev/null to show how fast it is:
real 0m0.169s
user 0m0.109s
sys 0m0.030s
The code:
def won(c, n):
if c[0] == n and c[1] == n and c[2] == n: return 1
if c[3] == n and c[4] == n and c[5] == n: return 1
if c[6] == n and c[7] == n and c[8] == n: return 1
if c[0] == n and c[3] == n and c[6] == n: return 1
if c[1] == n and c[4] == n and c[7] == n: return 1
if c[2] == n and c[5] == n and c[8] == n: return 1
if c[0] == n and c[4] == n and c[8] == n: return 1
if c[2] == n and c[4] == n and c[6] == n: return 1
return 0
pc = [' ', 'x', 'o']
c = [0] * 9
for c[0] in range (3):
for c[1] in range (3):
for c[2] in range (3):
for c[3] in range (3):
for c[4] in range (3):
for c[5] in range (3):
for c[6] in range (3):
for c[7] in range (3):
for c[8] in range (3):
countx = sum([1 for x in c if x == 1])
county = sum([1 for x in c if x == 2])
if abs(countx-county) < 2:
if won(c,1) + won(c,2) == 1:
print " %s | %s | %s" % (pc[c[0]],pc[c[1]],pc[c[2]])
print "---+---+---"
print " %s | %s | %s" % (pc[c[3]],pc[c[4]],pc[c[5]])
print "---+---+---"
print " %s | %s | %s" % (pc[c[6]],pc[c[7]],pc[c[8]])
As one commenter has pointed out, there is one more restriction. The winner for a given board cannot have less cells than the loser since that means the loser just moved, despite the fact the winner had already won on the last move.
I won't change the code to take that into account but it would be a simple matter of checking who has the most cells (the last person that moved) and ensuring the winning line belonged to them.
Another way could be to start with each of the eight winning positions,
xxx ---
--- xxx
--- --- ... etc.,
and recursively fill in all legal combinations (start with inserting 2 o's, then add an x for each o ; avoid o winning positions):
xxx xxx xxx
oo- oox oox
--- o-- oox ... etc.,
Today I had an interview with Apple and I had the same question. I couldn't think well at that moment. Later one on, before going to a meeting I wrote the function for the combinations in 15 minutes, and when I came back from the meeting I wrote the validation function again in 15 minutes. I get nervous at interviews, Apple not trusts my resume, they only trust what they see in the interview, I don't blame them, many companies are the same, I just say that something in this hiring process doesn't look quite smart.
Anyways, here is my solution in Swift 4, there are 8 lines of code for the combinations function and 17 lines of code to check a valid board.
// Not used yet: 0
// Used with x : 1
// Used with 0 : 2
// 8 lines code to get the next combination
func increment ( _ list: inout [Int], _ base: Int ) -> Bool {
for digit in 0..<list.count {
list[digit] += 1
if list[digit] < base { return true }
list[digit] = 0
return false
let incrementTicTacToe = { increment(&$0, 3) }
let win0_ = [0,1,2] // [1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
let win1_ = [3,4,5] // [0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0]
let win2_ = [6,7,8] // [0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1]
let win_0 = [0,3,6] // [1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0]
let win_1 = [1,4,7] // [0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0]
let win_2 = [2,5,8] // [0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1]
let win00 = [0,4,8] // [1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1]
let win11 = [2,4,6] // [0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0]
let winList = [ win0_, win1_, win2_, win_0, win_1, win_2, win00, win11]
// 16 lines to check a valid board, wihtout countin lines of comment.
func winCombination (_ tictactoe: [Int]) -> Bool {
var count = 0
for win in winList {
if tictactoe[win[0]] == tictactoe[win[1]],
tictactoe[win[1]] == tictactoe[win[2]],
tictactoe[win[2]] != 0 {
// If the combination exist increment count by 1.
count += 1
if count == 2 {
return false
var indexes = Array(repeating:0, count:3)
for num in tictactoe { indexes[num] += 1 }
// '0' and 'X' must be used the same times or with a diference of one.
// Must one and only one valid combination
return abs(indexes[1] - indexes[2]) <= 1 && count == 1
// Test
var listToIncrement = Array(repeating:0, count:9)
var combinationsCount = 1
var winCount = 0
while incrementTicTacToe(&listToIncrement) {
if winCombination(listToIncrement) == true {
winCount += 1
combinationsCount += 1
print("There is \(combinationsCount) combinations including possible and impossible ones.")
print("There is \(winCount) combinations for wining positions.")
There are 19683 combinations including possible and impossible ones.
There are 2032 combinations for winning positions.
listToIncrement = Array(repeating:0, count:9)
var listOfIncremented = ""
for _ in 0..<1000 { // Win combinations for the first 1000 combinations
_ = incrementTicTacToe(&listToIncrement)
if winCombination(listToIncrement) == true {
listOfIncremented += ", \(listToIncrement)"
print("List of combinations: \(listOfIncremented)")
List of combinations: , [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0],
[1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[2, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0],
[2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
This is a java equivalent code sample
package testit;
public class TicTacToe {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
// 0 1 2
// 3 4 5
// 6 7 8
char[] pc = {' ' ,'o', 'x' };
char[] c = new char[9];
// initialize c
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
c[i] = pc[0];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
c[0] = pc[i];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
c[1] = pc[j];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
c[2] = pc[k];
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
c[3] = pc[l];
for (int m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
c[4] = pc[m];
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) {
c[5] = pc[n];
for (int o = 0; o < 3; o++) {
c[6] = pc[o];
for (int p = 0; p < 3; p++) {
c[7] = pc[p];
for (int q = 0; q < 3; q++) {
c[8] = pc[q];
int countx = 0;
int county = 0;
for(int r = 0 ; r<9 ; r++){
if(c[r] == 'x'){
countx = countx + 1;
else if(c[r] == 'o'){
county = county + 1;
if(Math.abs(countx - county) < 2){
if(won(c, pc[2])+won(c, pc[1]) == 1 ){
System.out.println(c[0] + " " + c[1] + " " + c[2]);
System.out.println(c[3] + " " + c[4] + " " + c[5]);
System.out.println(c[6] + " " + c[7] + " " + c[8]);
public static int won(char[] c, char n) {
if ((c[0] == n) && (c[1] == n) && (c[2] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[3] == n) && (c[4] == n) && (c[5] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[6] == n) && (c[7] == n) && (c[8] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[0] == n) && (c[3] == n) && (c[6] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[1] == n) && (c[4] == n) && (c[7] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[2] == n) && (c[5] == n) && (c[8] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[0] == n) && (c[4] == n) && (c[8] == n))
return 1;
else if ((c[2] == n) && (c[4] == n) && (c[6] == n))
return 1;
return 0;
Below Solution generates all possible combinations using recursion
It has eliminated impossible combinations and returned 888 Combinations
Below is a working code Possible winning combinations of the TIC TAC TOE game
const players = ['X', 'O'];
let gameBoard = Array.from({ length: 9 });
const winningCombination = [
[ 0, 1, 2 ],
[ 3, 4, 5 ],
[ 6, 7, 8 ],
[ 0, 3, 6 ],
[ 1, 4, 7 ],
[ 2, 5, 8 ],
[ 0, 4, 8 ],
[ 2, 4, 6 ],
const isWinningCombination = (board)=> {
if((Math.abs(board.filter(a => a === players[0]).length -
board.filter(a => a === players[1]).length)) > 1) {
return false
let winningComb = 0;
players.forEach( player => {
winningCombination.forEach( combinations => {
if (combinations.every(combination => board[combination] === player )) {
return winningComb === 1;
const getCombinations = (board) => {
let currentBoard = [...board];
const firstEmptySquare = board.indexOf(undefined)
if (firstEmptySquare === -1) {
return isWinningCombination(board) ? [board] : [];
} else {
return [...players, ''].reduce((prev, next) => {
currentBoard[firstEmptySquare] = next;
if(next !== '' && board.filter(a => a === next).length > (gameBoard.length / players.length)) {
return [...prev]
return [board, ...prev, ...getCombinations(currentBoard)]
}, [])
const startApp = () => {
let combination = getCombinations(gameBoard).filter(board =>
board.every(item => !(item === undefined)) && isWinningCombination(board)
const printCombination = (combination)=> {
const ulElement = document.querySelector('.combinations');
combination.forEach(comb => {
let node = document.createElement("li");
let nodePre = document.createElement("pre");
let textnode = document.createTextNode(JSON.stringify(comb));
This discovers all possible combinations for tic tac toe (255,168) -- written in JavaScript using recursion. It is not optimized, but gets you what you need.
const [EMPTY, O, X] = [0, 4, 1]
let count = 0
let coordinate = [
function reducer(arr, sumOne, sumTwo = null) {
let func = arr.reduce((sum, a) => sum + a, 0)
if((func === sumOne) || (func === sumTwo)) return true
function checkResult() {
let [a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3] = coordinate
if(reducer([a1,a2,a3], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([a1,b2,c3], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([b1,b2,b3], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([c1,c2,c3], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([a3,b2,c1], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([a1,b1,c1], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([a2,b2,c2], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([a3,b3,c3], 3, 12)) return true
if(reducer([a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3], 21)) return true
return false
function nextPiece() {
let [countX, countO] = [0, 0]
for(let i = 0; i < coordinate.length; i++) {
if(coordinate[i] === X) countX++
if(coordinate[i] === O) countO++
return countX === countO ? X : O
function countGames() {
if (checkResult()) {
}else {
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
if (coordinate[i] === EMPTY) {
coordinate[i] = nextPiece()
coordinate[i] = EMPTY
I separated out the checkResult returns in case you want to output various win conditions.
Could be solved with brute force but keep in mind the corner cases like player2 can't move when player1 has won and vice versa. Also remember Difference between moves of player1 and player can't be greater than 1 and less than 0.
I have written code for validating whether provided combination is valid or not, might soon post on github.

Sort an array of string by length in ColdFusion?

How would you sort an array of string by length in ColdFusion?
In PHP, one can use usort as demonstrated here: PHP: Sort an array by the length of its values?
Does ArraySort() in CF10 support passing in a comparator function like usort?
The above answer has an error, here is the correct way to use arraysort to sort by string length:
data = [ "bb", "a", "dddd", "ccc" ];
arraySort( data, function( a, b ) {
return len(a) - len(b);
The comparator for this function should return a number either < 0 (less than), 0 (equal) or > 0 (greater than), not a boolean. Also see the arraySort docs.
I guess this is not going to be most flexible or even effective solution, but I was interested in the shortest version which uses built-in CFML sorting... Without comments it's just 13 lines of code :)
source = ["bb", "a", "ffff", "ccc", "dd", 22, 0];
lengths = {};
result = [];
// cache lengths of the values with index as key
for (i=1; i LTE ArrayLen(source); i++) {
lengths[i] = Len(source[i]);
// sort the values using 'numeric' type
sorted = StructSort(lengths, "numeric", "asc");
// populate results using sorted cache indexes
for (v in sorted) {
ArrayAppend(result, source[v]);
Result is ["a",0,"bb",22,"dd","ccc","ffff"]
You can use a quick sort algorithm along with your own custom comparator, similar to how Java's comparators work.
You can find a quickSort UDF here:
You'll need to define your own comparator to tell the function how it should do the sorting. Below is a working example. Note that you'll need in include the UDF in your page so that the quickSort function is available.
strings = ["bb", "a", "ccc"];
WriteOutput(ArrayToList(quickSort(strings, descStringLenCompare)));
//outputs a,bb,ccc
WriteOutput(ArrayToList(quickSort(strings, ascStringLenCompare)));
//outputs ccc,bb,a
//Ascending comparator
Numeric function ascStringLenCompare(required String s1, required String s2)
if (Len(s1) < Len(s2)){
return -1;
}else if (Len(s1) > Len(s2)) {
return 1;
return 0;
//Descending comparator
Numeric function descStringLenCompare(required String s1, required String s2)
if (Len(s1) < Len(s2)){
return 1;
}else if (Len(s1) > Len(s2)) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
In Coldfusion 10 or Railo 4, you can use the Underscore.cfc library to write this in an elegant and simple way:
_ = new Underscore(); // instantiate the library
// define an array of strings
arrayOfStrings = ['ccc', 'a', 'dddd', 'bb'];
// perform sort
sortedArray = _.sortBy(arrayOfStrings, function (string) {
return len(string);
// sortedArray: ['a','bb','ccc','dddd']
The iterator function is called for each value in the array, and that value is passed in as the first argument. The function should return the value that you wish to sort on. In this case, we return len(string). _.sortBy always sorts in ascending order.
(Disclaimer: I wrote Underscore.cfc)
In CF10 you can indeed use a closure with ArraySort().
eg1. sort by length alone.
data = [ "bb", "a", "dddd", "ccc" ];
arraySort( data, function( a, b ) {
return len(a) < len(b);
data == [ "a", "bb", "ccc", "dddd" ]
eg2. sort by length and alphabetically when same length.
data = [ "b", "a", "dddd", "ccc" ];
arraySort( data, function( a, b ) {
return len(a) == len(b) ? compare( a, b ) : ( len(a) > len(b) );
data == [ "a", "b", "ccc", "dddd" ]
eg3. same, only reverse the order.
data = [ "b", "a", "dddd", "ccc" ];
arraySort( data, function( a, b ) {
return len(a) == len(b) ? compare( b, a ) : ( len(a) < len(b) );
data == [ "dddd", "ccc", "b", "a" ]

check whether any number in one array is less than some number in the other array

This seems like a pretty common question. Sadly I could not find it on SO. If this is a duplicate question; I apologize for that.
Say I have two integer arrays A and B:
A = [17, 3, 9, 11, 11, 15, 2]
B = [1, 13]
I need to return a true or a false if any element of array A is less than any element of array B.
The trivial way to do this was use 2 each loops (O(n^2) complexity)
def is_greater?(a,b)
retVal = false
b.each { |element|
a.each { |value|
if (value < element)
retVal = true
return retVal
is_greater?(A,B) => true
I also sorted out the elements in both the arrays and then used a single while loop to determine whether the element in A is less than that in B.
def is_greater?(a,b)
retVal = false
i = 0
j = 0
while (i < a.length && j < b.length)
if (a[i] < b[j])
retVal = true
elsif (a[i] == b[j])
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
j = j + 1
return retVal
is_greater?(A,B) => true
I was wondering whether there is an efficient, precise way to do it in terms of lines of code. I was trying to figure out how to use the any? block, but it did not make any sense to me.
Yes, you can use Enumerable methods #any? and #min
For each item in a, return true if it is less than max:
max = b.max
a.any?{|x| x < max}
It should be enough to just check the minimum of the first array against the maximum of the second.
a.min < b.max
The only way this conditional returns false is if every element is b is less than every element in a.
The complexity is O(m+n) which is the single iteration through both a and b.
