I am trying to combine the following two statements together and struggling to combine them.
The first one is checking the outcome of survey questions where the outcome is either "Pass" or "Fail".
The second one is if the overall questionnaire column is blank (the survey has not been filled in yet), I would like the cell to be populated with "" (blank, not show anything. Currently I am seeing "Fail")
1st Formulae:
=IF((AND(H18="No",I18="Yes",J18="No",K18="Yes",L18="2 Metres",M18="Yes",N18="Yes",O18="Yes",P18="Yes",Q18="Yes")),"Pass","Fail")
2nd Formulae:
=if(and(isblank(H2:Q2))," ",)
Any help would be appreciated
I think this combination works:
=IF((AND(H18="No",I18="Yes",J18="No",K18="Yes",L18="2 Metres",M18="Yes",N18="Yes",O18="Yes",P18="Yes",Q18="Yes")),"Pass",if(COUNTA(H18:Q18),"Fail","blank"))
If they enter something, but not correctly, they "Fail", if they entered everything correctly, they "Pass", and if it is blank, this shows "blank".
You can change "blank" to "" (ie. empty quotes) if you don't want anything shown for a blank record.
Here is a sample sheet:
Please check back here and flag if this answers your question, to help others in the future. If not, please clarify what's missing.
Note that this may not be the most efficient way of handling your survey responses, since the correct answers are all 'hard coded' into the formula. If it makes sense for you, it might be better to have the correct answers stored as a list - one answer per question - so that you could add or change questions in the future, without having to change the formula. If that's what you'd like, share a COPY of your sheet, with any sensitive data removed, and set the SHARE options to allow anyone to edit.
Struggling to find rank values from highest to lowest, please see attached example of what I'm trying to achieve.
My current custom expression is:
I have tried this:
Sum([ViolationAmt]) over Rank([ViolationAmt])
I've played around with the rank expressions however unable to implement...would be very grateful for some help.
Spotfire Rank Example
I need to make a lot of assumptions here because I don't know anything about your data set or really what your end goal is, so please comment back and/or provide more info in your question if I am off base.
the first assumption is that each row in your dataset represents one, for simplicity, [AccountID] with a [ViolationAmt]. I'm also guessing you want to show the top N accounts with the highest violations in a table, since that's what you've shown here.
so it sounds like you are going to need two calculated columns: one for getting the total [ViolationAmt] per account, and then another to rank them.
for the first, create a column called [TotalViolationAmt] or somesuch and use:
Sum([ViolationAmt]) OVER ([AccountID])
for the second:
it will be useful to read the documentation on ranking functions if you haven't already.
you could probably combine these two into a single column with something like:
Rank(Sum([ViolationAmt]) OVER ([AccountID]))
but I haven't tested this at all. again, if you put in a bit more detail about what you're trying to accomplish it will help you get a better, more detailed answer :)
For a school project I am attempting to write what is described as an "interactive diagnosis environment" using prolog. The user will enter a symptom, and a list of diseases that match the symptom will be printed to the screen. The user will then list another symptom, and diseases will be removed from the previous list if they do not match the second symptom, forming a new list. The new list is then printed.
example user input:
SYMPTOM_IN(fever, 150).
SYMPTOM_IN(vomiting, 1).
A list of possible diseases is printed after each input.
This process is repeated until a diagnosis is made or until it is somehow determined that it can't, at which point tests will be suggested and the user can input data regarding the tests in a similar manner, ultimately arriving at a diagnosis.
So far, all I have is a list of facts that will compile and that I can then interact with, but I really don't understand how I am supposed to carry over the list of diseases from one input to the next. I also don't understand how to move from taking symptom input to suggesting tests, although maybe that will be evident once I understand how to do the symptom input portion.
I would really appreciate any help.
Could I take the two values from the SYMPTOM_IN call, use them to do something like symptom(X, fever, 150)., and assert the output from that to store it (like in the answer to this question)? Then maybe I can do the same thing for the next call and take the union of the two lists?
You want to create an expert system. There is a lot of info about it on the net. For example:
There is also a lot of good info on Stack Overflow.
In short: you need to know how to use assert and retract in proper way.
How do you use SetAutoPageBreak in fpdf if you want it to be enabled? On the net I've found all sorts of variants:
SetAutoPageBreak accepts a boolean value for it's first parameter so all the examples you have shown are valid.
See the PHP manual for details on what values are evaluated to true/false. Personally, I would use true or maybe 1. It's clear and easy to understand when you review your code in the future.
Are you having trouble with the output or was it just a curiosity question?
MultiCell is just that, it has multiple cells, to allow for line breaks etc. The page break will only occur if one of the cells breaches the limit and even then it will just break for that cell. So, in effect a paragraph of text over multiple lines may be split across two pages, but the last line on the page won't breach the margin limit.
You might want to consider using cell or, forcing a page break using AddPage.
I'm very new to JQgrid. I have a requirement which i'm not able to solve.
I'm using toolbar filer with searchonenter as true and data is local.
The rquirement is if a user types 'apple banana' in the filter textbox of a column then the filter should fetch the rows with text as apple or banana.
Can anyone please give an idea on how to implement this?
I posted before the answer on the same question.
The problem is that not accepted and not voted answers will be practically never found by searching. It's the problem if one answers on the questions of persons having minimal reputation points. I strictly recommend all to read carefully the How do I ask questions here? in the FAQ.
I recommend you additionally to modify the title of your question so that one could understand more from the reading of the title.
Best wishes!
When you call the function to create the filtertoolbar, you have an option 'groupOp' which default is AND, you can change to OR as follow:
$('#jQGrid').jqGrid('filterToolbar', { groupOp: 'OR' });
Hope it make sense for you.
Um so I was in for a little bit of a surprise tonight. I spent a good 20 mins trying to figure out why I was able to submit a form knowing that what I entered into the recaptcha field was invalid. Is it true that you don't need to input the exact words it displays? If it shows me two words and I misspelled one of the words, I still pass validation? Same goes if "hello world" and I input "hell man" it still works.
With recaptcha, you are only tested on one of the words, while the other is used to help computers in scanning printed material. So you only need to get one right to pass (which one you need is random). :D
the recaptcha site describes why this is. You need to get one of the two words correct; only recaptcha knows which one.
But if a computer can't read such a
CAPTCHA, how does the system know the
correct answer to the puzzle? Here's
how: Each new word that cannot be read
correctly by OCR is given to a user in
conjunction with another word for
which the answer is already known. The
user is then asked to read both words.
If they solve the one for which the
answer is known, the system assumes
their answer is correct for the new
one. The system then gives the new
image to a number of other people to
determine, with higher confidence,
whether the original answer was