How to covert Laravel's collection to array object collection? - laravel

I have small laravel collection as below.
id: 1,
data1: 11,
data2: 12,
data3: 13,
created_at: null,
updated_at: null
id: 2,
data1: 14,
data2: 15,
data3: 16,
created_at: null,
updated_at: null
But I would like to convert to array collection like below.
data: [
Appreciated for advice and so sorry for my English. Thank you very much.

Use toArray() which converts this object into an array.
Now the collection converted into an array and looks like:-
id: 1,
data1: 11,
data2: 12,
data3: 13,
created_at: null,
updated_at: null
id: 2,
data1: 14,
data2: 15,
data3: 16,
created_at: null,
updated_at: null
But as per your requirements, you don't want associative index for the array, So use
$data = array_values($data);
Now your keys has been removed and final data is:-


using pluck on nested results in Laravel

I have a query that returns the following results.
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#5145
all: [
App\Models\Result {#5207
id: 198,
result_id: 30,
result_type: "App\Models\Touchpoint",
audit_id: 1,
weight: 7,
pics: 0,
recs: 0,
rating: 4,
comments: "none",
complete: 1,
created_at: "2022-06-03 03:42:24",updated_at: "2022-06-03 03:42:24",
result: App\Models\Touchpoint {#5210
id: 30,
name: "Lineman",
description: "The location food offer was available on Lineman",
sort_order: 25,
req_pics: 0,
req_recs: 0,
sector_id: 1,
created_at: null,
updated_at: "2022-04-02 14:02:34",
App\Models\Result {#5119
id: 199,
result_id: 29,
result_type: "App\Models\Touchpoint",
audit_id: 1,
weight: 7,
pics: 0,
recs: 0,
rating: 4,
comments: "none",
complete: 1,
created_at: "2022-06-03 03:43:38",
updated_at: "2022-06-03 03:43:38",
result: App\Models\Touchpoint {#5206
id: 29,
name: "Grab",
description: "The location food offer was available on Grab",
sort_order: 24,
req_pics: 0,
req_recs: 0,
sector_id: 1,
created_at: null,
updated_at: "2022-04-02 14:02:26",
This is the query I'm using to get that collection and I want the result to just contain sort_order, name, description, rating and weight from these results and place them in an array. I'm assuming I need to use pluck to get the correct fields but when I try to pluck '', etc. I get told result doesn't exist.
$result = Result::query()->where('audit_id', 1)->where('result_type', 'App\Models\Touchpoint')->whereIn('result_id', $tps)->with('result')->get();
This needs to be in a query without manipulating the collection as I need to feed it into Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithMultipleSheets, which requires a query not the query results.
You can use eager load constraints
$result = Result::query()
->where('audit_id', 1)
->where('result_type', 'App\Models\Touchpoint')
->whereIn('result_id', $tps)
->select('id', 'result_id', 'rating', 'weight')
If you want to remove the nesting and flatten the result set you can map() over the collection
$result->map(function($item) {
$item['sort_order'] = $item->result->sort_order;
$item['name'] = $item->result->name;
$item['description'] = $item->result->description;
//remove the nested relation
* Will return something like
'id' => 198,
'result_id' => 30,
'rating' => 4,
'weight' => 7,
'sort_order' => 25,
'name' => 'Lineman',
'description' => 'The location food offer was available on Lineman'
'id' => 199,
'result_id' => 29,
'rating' => 4,
'weight' => 7,
'sort_order' => 24,
'name' => 'Grab',
'description' => 'The location food offer was available on Grab'
Laravel Docs - Eloquent Relationships - Constraining Eager Loads

Inconsistant Results from Searchkick / Elasticsearch Aggregations

First off I will work on cleaning up the output from IRB (this was from production).
I was using some search kick aggregations in my Rails app. tested fine in development now in production I am seeing inconsistent results. I have data in fields that should clearly show up in my aggregations.
Here is my plain old Active Record Data - my BudgetItem model has a total:
irb(main):008:0> BudgetItem.where(budget_id: 3).order(:cbs_item_id).select(:id, :cbs_item_id, :total)
BudgetItem Load (1.4ms) SELECT "budget_items"."id", "budget_items"."cbs_item_id", "budget_items"."total" FROM "budget_items" WHERE "budget_items"."company_id" = 26 AND "budget_items"."budget_id" = $1 ORDER BY "budget_items"."cbs_item_id" ASC LIMIT $2 [["budget_id", 3], ["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<BudgetItem id: 28, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 3, total: 0.1e5>, #<BudgetItem id: 29, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 12, total: 0.8e5>, #<BudgetItem id: 34, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 15, total: 0.1e5>, #<BudgetItem id: 41, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 16, total: 0.141e6>, #<BudgetItem id: 35, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 18, total: 0.1e5>, #<BudgetItem id: 33, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 18, total: 0.12e5>, #<BudgetItem id: 27, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 20, total: 0.2e5>, #<BudgetItem id: 6, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 23, total: 0.184e6>, #<BudgetItem id: 5, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 23, total: 0.2288e6>, #<BudgetItem id: 30, company_id: 26, cbs_item_id: 24, total: 0.45e5>, ...]>
The count on this is 41
the same search via Searchkick:"*", where: {budget_id: 3}).count = 41
and even this:
irb(main):025:0>"*", where: {budget_id: 3, cbs_item_id: 16})
= 26 AND "budget_items"."id" = $1 [["id", 41]]
=> 0.141e6
Note cbs_item_id: 16, total: 0.141e6 (141000) - the value is clearly in the model.
Now I try and run aggregates on this:
irb(main):019:0>"*", body_options: { aggs: { cbs: { terms: { field: "cbs_item_id" }, aggs: { "total": { "sum": { "field": "total" } } } } } }, where: {budget_id: 3}).aggs
BudgetItem Search (5.4ms) pacific-canbriam-20191213_budget_items_production/_search {"query":{"bool":{"must":{"match_all":{}},"filter":[{"term":{"budget_id":{"value":3}}}]}},"timeout":"11s","_source":false,"size":10000,"aggs":{"cbs":{"terms":{"field":"cbs_item_id"},"aggs":{"total":{"sum":{"field":"total"}}}}}}
=> {"cbs"=>{"doc_count_error_upper_bound"=>0, "sum_other_doc_count"=>13, "buckets"=>[{"key"=>24, "doc_count"=>4, "total"=>{"value"=>90000.0}}, {"key"=>25, "doc_count"=>4, "total"=>{"value"=>114000.0}}, {"key"=>39, "doc_count"=>4, "total"=>{"value"=>107325.0}}, {"key"=>43, "doc_count"=>4, "total"=>{"value"=>209820.0}}, {"key"=>18, "doc_count"=>2, "total"=>{"value"=>22000.0}}, {"key"=>23, "doc_count"=>2, "total"=>{"value"=>412800.0}}, {"key"=>38, "doc_count"=>2, "total"=>{"value"=>13500.0}}, {"key"=>49, "doc_count"=>2, "total"=>{"value"=>161000.0}}, {"key"=>57, "doc_count"=>2, "total"=>{"value"=>20300.0}}, {"key"=>58, "doc_count"=>2, "total"=>{"value"=>32200.0}}]}}
The data is completely inconsistent and aggs missing. Note key 16 is missing. The crazy thing is I have another aggregation on another column and that one works absolutely fine. Am i missing something here? I have already tried settings: {number_of_shards: 1}.
To be more frustrating this works:
aggs: {
"grand_total": { "sum": { "field": "total" } },
The regular agg for total works in the same result.
Try setting size in the aggregation. Based on sum_other_doc_count in the response, 13 documents aren't being returned.

How to return only the child models of a one to many relationship - Laravel

I was hoping I could get some assistance here.
Here is my model structure:
Property 1
--Image 1
--Image 2
Property 2
--Image 3
--Image 4
What I'm trying to do is retrieve all Image models.
This is what I have tried:
$properties = Auth::user()
Property [images] does not exist on this collection instance.
Thanks a lot
Here is the dump of a property:
>>> Property::whereHas('images')->with('images')->first()
=> App\Models\Property {#3064
id: 3,
created_at: "2019-01-23 17:31:34",
updated_at: "2019-01-23 20:22:45",
address_line_1: "ABC",
address_line_2: "ABC",
unit: "calculateStorageUsage",
city: "ABC",
postal_code: "calculateStorageUsage",
url_slug: null,
is_draft: 0,
is_refurb: 0,
purchased_date: "2019-01-23",
bedrooms: 3,
max_tenants: null,
rent_amount: "589595.00",
currency_id: 252,
country_id: 491,
rent_frequency_id: 7,
property_type_id: null,
featured_image_id: 4,
landlord_profile_id: 6,
images: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#3059
all: [
App\Models\Image {#3078
id: 4,
created_at: "2019-01-23 20:22:42",
updated_at: "2019-01-23 20:22:42",
name: null,
caption: null,
path: "property_images/Ba1XYIB394xLsH4365391beAZ.jpg",
size_kb: 849.85,
imageable_type: "App\Models\Property",
imageable_id: 3,
App\Models\Image {#3077
id: 5,
created_at: "2019-01-23 20:22:45",
updated_at: "2019-01-23 20:22:45",
name: null,
caption: null,
path: "property_images/An3bgmKJzMcPuZyYizp9Lm6dj.jpg",
size_kb: 849.85,
imageable_type: "App\Models\Property",
imageable_id: 3,
Properties has a one to many relationship to images. Images is a polymorphic table.
Try this:
#foreach($properties->images as $image)
// here you can acess each image

Merging Collection if values are equals for a specific key with Laravel

I have 2 different collections which look like this
Collection 1 :
{typesession_id: 3, formation_id: 7, codeformation: "FR8", id: 3, nomformation: "Sécurité électrique", …}
{typesession_id: 3, formation_id: 8, codeformation: "FR8", id: 4, nomformation: "Sécurité incendie", …}
Collection 2 :
{datesession: "2018-03-15", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", typesession_id: 1, title: "Gestes d'urgence - Soignant", …}
{datesession: "2018-03-16", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", typesession_id: 3, title: "eLearning", …}
{datesession: "2018-03-17", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", typesession_id: 3, title: "eLearning", …}
Those 2 collection have a common key ...
I'm trying to recover the elements of the Collection 2 which have the same value for the "typesession_id" key ...
For example if my collection 1 have elements with typesession_id equal to 1 and 2, i want to have items of the collection 2 with values 1 and 2.
My newCollection should be :
{typesession_id: 3, formation_id: 7, codeformation: "FR8", id: 3, nomformation: "Sécurité électrique", datesession: "2018-03-16", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", title: "eLearning", …}
{typesession_id: 3, formation_id: 7, codeformation: "FR8", id: 4, nomformation: "Sécurité électrique", datesession: "2018-03-17", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", title: "eLearning", …}
{typesession_id: 3, formation_id: 8, codeformation: "FR8", id: 3, nomformation: "Sécurité incendie", datesession: "2018-03-16", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", title: "eLearning", …}
{typesession_id: 3, formation_id: 8, codeformation: "FR8", id: 4, nomformation: "Sécurité incendie", datesession: "2018-03-17", debutsession: "08:30:00", finsession: "12:00:00", title: "eLearning", …}
In other terms : my first collection allows me to know which are the trainings an user can do ... and my second collection allows me to have information concerning sessions available for a specific type of session (typesession_id). I want to have a full list of combination based on typesession_id ...
I tried to figure it out by myself on Laravel guide but i didn't really find my solution...
I haven't tested but code likes below would probably work:
$collection1 = $collection1->groupBy('typessesion_id');
$result = $collection2->map(function($item, $key) {
$typesession_id = $item->typesession_id;
$item_clone = $item;
$data = $collection1[$typesession_id]->map(function($it, $k) use ($item_clone) {
if ($typesession_id == $it->typesession_id) {
return $item_clone->merge($it);
return $it;
return $data->merge($item);

Keying an eager-loaded relationship

I have a Business model and an Hour model. The Business model overrides the protected $with method to eager load it's hours() hasMany relationship.
When I ::first() a given business I receive something like this:
App\Business {#770
id: 5,
user_id: 5,
name: "Wehner-Hudson",
slug: "wehner-hudson",
lat: "55.33593500",
lng: "112.34818600",
created_at: "2018-01-04 13:00:48",
updated_at: "2018-01-04 13:00:48",
hours: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#753
all: [
App\Hour {#802
id: 13,
business_id: 5,
weekday_id: 3,
open: 1,
split_shift: 1,
App\Hour {#803
id: 14,
business_id: 5,
weekday_id: 5,
open: 0,
split_shift: 1,
App\Hour {#804
id: 15,
business_id: 5,
weekday_id: 2,
open: 1,
split_shift: 0,
I would like to key the hours: Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#753 by weekday_id to facilitate processing on the client side. Something like this:
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection {#763
all: [
1 => App\Hour {#796
id: 1,
business_id: 1,
weekday_id: 1,
open: 1,
split_shift: 1,
5 => App\Hour {#767
id: 2,
business_id: 1,
weekday_id: 5,
open: 0,
split_shift: 0,
2 => App\Hour {#765
id: 3,
business_id: 1,
weekday_id: 2,
open: 1,
split_shift: 1,
I tried to use keyBy on the relationship in the Business model:
public function hours()
return $this->hasMany(Hour::class)->keyBy('weekday_id');
But it is not working, as I believe that at that point the returned object is a builder, not a collection.
Try to define an accessor, like this:
public function getHoursByWeekdayAttribute()
return $this->hours->keyBy('weekday_id');
What about using groupby in your controller.
Business::with(['hours' => function($query){ $query->groupBy('weekend_id'); }])->get();
