Laravel validation; human names for array fields - laravel

In Laravel form validation you can do this: file_description.* to validate each item of an array according to a set of rules. The problem is, the system automatically returns "file_description.1 is required" as an error message if the field is required and not filled in.
More on that here:
Now, I'm not a complex man, I just want the field to say "File Description 1 is required". I am aware you can set messages but a) my input arrays are dynamically generated by jquery (click to add more type scenario) so I'd have to use a loop like in the above example b) I feel like there must be a better way.
Is there a way to either extend the core validation system to simply return a humanized name for the array field as Laravel does with regular fields, or is there an option I missed in the docs that allows for this? I'd rather not get involved with doing some regex type search to fix this.


Searching in component of specific content-type

I'm not sure how to proceed in this case:
I have a model response. This model has a reference to a repeated component message with a field text.
When i use the search in the top left of the response list i want to recieve results of all items where the searchtext ist included in the text field of the component inside the response.
Is this even possible? As far as i see the only can search existing model-content and not component-content?
Due to the relation type that is used for component, it's not possible to filter on this kind of field for the moment.
And there is no workaround for that. Sadly.

Laravel - Model binding not working when I use accessors

I want to populate my select box from the Laravel IoC Container.
Create the table:
Now, instead of the value, i want to display some flags and currency symbols.
Should i use mutators?
If i use mutators, when i open the edit page, i see always the first value selected, from the BillingHelper, instead of the choosen one.
Any help? Thanks.
I know it should be a comment, but I have no reputation.
What if, on you edit page, you replace null on Form::select with $client->language and $client->currency.
I know that you area binding the values with Form::Model. But worth a try.
When you use mutators the matching won't occur anymore. You'll have to use a matching static array according to the values you'll return. (the flags)
You can make it work if you make a mutator for saving the data also and simplify again to the ['it', 'en', 'lv'], otherwise your saved data will differ and the initial mutator won't work the second time. You can still make a one-time-only test.
This is why:
Your form binding is using $bill->language to retrieve the actual stored data, and compare it with the values in your $bill::lang static array. If no match found, than the first value will be always selected.
Can you provide the the currency and language fields definition in the migration for the bill?
Also retrive your values from your bills DB and paste them here for language and currency. They must be in the defined static sets.
Laravel has a way of skipping the accessor/mutator by using
The "getOriginal()" gets the model's original attribute values.

Kendo UI Datasource and Arrays

I am sending over a series of array values from a posted form to an MVC3 Controller. I was hoping the default modelbinder would be able to parse this but I'm having some difficulty with it.
The array is in the following format:
order[0].[type]=some value.
I think this is the reason the model binder is not parsing my values because I'm not getting anything populated in my model.
What would be another way to handle this?
Probably need to post more of your code so I can see what you are doing exactly. However saying this you need to pass the model to the view/partial view on the response you are trying to retrieve on the post request.
If not you will have to iterate through the Form Collection that will be returned and the Actions Methods type e.g. ActionMethodName(FormCollection form), one issue is name versus id its the name of the Kendo UI control that is used to get the value not the id.
1As far as I remember the right format was:
orders[1].Name="again test";
The indexing should start from 0 and increase by 1.
Check this out:

Collapsing several "required field missing" errors down to one line in the "stripes:errors" box

I realize this is kind of "Stripes 101", but I guess I skipped that class.
I'd like to use the code that drops the "error" class into the field
tag class strings as the primary way to indicate missing required
fields. I'd then like to show a single error message along with any
other errors (like fields supplied with improper values).
Thus, the error info on the page might look like:
Sorry for the trouble, but:
1. Please supply values for all indicated required fields.
2. Please supply a numeric value for Zip Code.
I suppose I could go through the validation errors, look for ones for
fields where the value is empty, and make the assumption that those
were the required field errors. However, if I take those errors out
of the set, then I suspect that the page will no longer be able to
mark the erroneously-missing fields with the "error" class.
This seems like something likely to be pretty easy, but I can't find
any specific examples. Maybe I can do it all in the .jsp code; I'll start looking into that.
The DefaultActionBeanPropertyBinder adds an instance of ScopedLocalizableError with the default scope value of "validation.required" when a required field is missing.
So you coult probably write a tag similar to the stripes errors tag, but which collapes all the instances of ScopedLocalizableError having a default scope of "validation.required" to a single error message.

Organize validation messages in Struts2 validation(XML)

I am trying to do validations in struts 2 for my current project. I have to group my validation messages. For Eg: If there are 3 fields that are empty and there are 3 other fields whose format is not right, I need to get a msg like
"The following fields are required: field1, field2, field3
The format of the following fields are invalid: field4, field5, field6"
I tried providing a param to fieldError.
< s : fielderror >
< s : param value="%{requiredstring}"/>
< / s : fielderror>
According to me this is like specifying "show all errors whose validator type is requiredstring". Please correct me if I am wrong.
But this will display the message "The following fields are required" each time for every field that is empty. I want it displayed only once.
Is there a way to do this cleanly in stuts2 using validation through xml? I donot want to do all the validations in a validate method.
You are wrong; I have no idea why you thought that'd work, the docs don't imply that's possible.
Field errors are just that--errors for a specific field. If you need to group errors by arbitrary criteria, like the validation type, you'll need to implement that yourself.
There are a number of ways to do this, including writing a custom validation interceptor, providing validators that group errors in a different way, or simply gathering the appropriate messages in an action or validation method.
You could gather errors based on the message content, but IMO that would be brittle. If this is a cross-application issue, you're better off doing it a different way.
All that said, by presenting error messages in an order not necessarily reflective of the form, you're pushing more cognitive overhead onto the user: I don't want to see groups of messages telling me which fields share the same error, I want to see what's wrong with each field, in the same order the fields are presented on the form, preferably near the form field itself.
