how to select only external tranzactions(column values) in oracle? - oracle

i have a first table with id_client,id_card (info table)
and second with id_debet,id_credit,value,vale_info (tranzaction table)
first table second table
______________________ ________________________________________________________
|id_client | id_card | |id_debet |id_credit | value | value info |
|50102411 | 5166 | | 5166 | 5167 | 300$ | transfer to client card |
|50102411 | 5167 | | 5167 | 4931239 | 100$ | UBER taxi NY |
|50102412 | 5168 | | 5168 | 5169 | 200$ | transfer to client card |
|50102412 | 5169 | | 5169 | 3582934 | 120$ | rent hotel room |
______________________ ________________________________________________________
id_debet -> spend from your card
id_Debet -> replenishment to your card
and i want to select only external tranzaction not between card clients
for ex
if 5166 send money to 5167 i skip this tranzaction
if 5166 send to another card i select it etc

You can use a NOT EXISTS query to find all transactions in the second table that have an id_debet or id_credit which is not in the first table:
FROM table2 t2
FROM table1 t1
WHERE t1.id_card = t2.id_debet)
FROM table1 t1
WHERE t1.id_card = t2.id_credit)
id_debet id_credit value value info
5167 4931239 100$ UBER taxi NY
5169 3582934 120$ rent hotel room
Demo on dbfiddle

You can use GROUP BY and HAVING as follows:
SELECT T.id_debet, T.id_credit, T.value, T.value info FROM tranzaction T
JOIN info I ON I.id_card IN (T.id_debet, T.id_credit)
GROUP BY T.id_debet, T.id_credit, T.value, T.value


Delete query inoracle db is fast but select query running too long

I have below table with 160,000 rows. When I use SELECT ID FROM mytable WHERE id NOT IN ( SELECT max(id) FROM mytable GROUP BY user_id); query is running very long and not finishing (I wait for 1 Hr) but when I use delete FROM mytable WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT max(id) FROM mytable GROUP BY user_id); query is running in 0.5 seconds. Why??
| id | MyTimestamp | Name | user_id ...
| 0 | 1657640396 | John | 123581 ...
| 1 | 1657638832 | Tom | 168525 ...
| 2 | 1657640265 | Tom | 168525 ...
| 3 | 1657640292 | John | 123581 ...
| 4 | 1657640005 | Jack | 896545 ...

When i select , only one column is checked without duplicates

I have a 2 table like this:
first table
| pk | user_one |user_two|
second table
| pk | sender |receiver|fk of firsttable|content |
First and second table have one to many(1:N) relations.
There are many records in second table:
| pk | sender|receiver|fk of firsttable|content |
|120 |car224 |car223 |1 |test message1 to 223
|121 |car224 |car223 |1 |test message2 to 223
|122 |car224 |car225 |21 |test message1 to 225
|123 |car224 |car225 |21 |test message2 to 225
|124 |car224 |car225 |21 |test message3 to 225
|125 |car224 |car225 |21 |test message4 to 225
I need to find if fk has the same value and I want the row with the largest pk.
I've changed the above column name to make it easier to understand.
Here is the actual sql I've tried so far:
select *
from (select rownum rn,
from tbl_messagerelation mr,
tbl_message m
where (mr.user_one = 'car224' or
mr.user_two='car224') and
m.rowid in (select max(rowid)
from tbl_message
group by m.mno) and
rownum <= 1*20)
where rn > (1-1) * 20
And this is the result:
| rn | mrno | user_one | user_two | mno(pk of second table) | content |
| 1 | 1 | car224 | car223 | 125 | test message4 to 225 |
| 2 | 21 | car224 | car225 | 125 | test message4 to 225 |
My desired result is something like this:
| fk | sender | receiver | pk of second table | content |
| 1 | car224 | car223 | 121 | test message2 to 223 |
| 21 | car224 | car223 | 125 | test message4 to 225 |
Your table description when compared to your query is confusing me. However, what I could understand was that you are probably looking for row_number().
An important advice is to use standard explicit JOIN syntax rather than outdated a,b syntax for joins. Join keys were not clear to me and you may replace it appropriately in your final query.
select * from
select mr.*, m.*, row_number() over ( partition by order by desc ) as rn
from tbl_messagerelation mr join tbl_message m on mr.? = m.?
) where rn =1
Or perhaps you don't need that join at all
select * from
select m.*, row_number() over ( partition by order by desc ) as rn
from tbl_message m
) where rn =1

Hive Contiguous Date Ranges

I am using Hive and I would like to take a table with a historical list of customers, subscription events, and subscription types and summarize by contiguous runs of subscription types for each customer.
Example Input (db.cust_hist):
customer_id | eff_dt | exp_dt | sub_cd | sub_type
1 | 02/01/2015 | 03/01/2015 | active | A
1 | 03/01/2015 | 04/01/2015 | active | A
1 | 03/15/2015 | 12/31/9999 | cancel | A
1 | 04/01/2015 | 05/01/2015 | active | A
1 | 05/01/2015 | 06/01/2015 | active | A
1 | 02/01/2015 | 03/01/2015 | active | B
1 | 03/01/2015 | 04/01/2015 | active | B
The sub_cd in this case refers to the type of event that is effective over the date range for that row. For example, the user canceled their A subscription type on 3/15 and resumed on 4/01.
The output I'm trying to get looks like this (db.cust_snapshot):
customer_id | eff_dt | exp_dt | sub_type
1 | 02/01/2015 | 03/15/2015 | A
1 | 04/01/2015 | 06/01/2015 | A
1 | 02/01/2015 | 04/01/2015 | B
and reflects the gap in coverage.
From what I have read in this link from BetterAtOracle (specific to SQL) which does a very good job of laying things out, I need to use row numbers and a lagging window, but I can't seem to apply it to my situation in Hive (perhaps because of the 12/31/9999 notation/subscription code?)
I tried:
SELECT customer_id
, eff_dt
, exp_dt
, sub_cd
, sub_type
, CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(TO_DATE(eff_dt), TO_DATE(lag(exp_dt) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id, sub_type ORDER BY eff_dt)) <=1 THEN NULL
ELSE row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY customer_id, sub_type ORDER BY eff_dt)
END) as grp
FROM db.cust_hist
As you can see, I haven't applied the subscription event code. This sort of gets me there as I can start to see different groups based on subscription type, but I feel like I'm stuck from here on out.
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Before this task, I never understood the true power of ranks, rows, lag, and other window functions!

LISTAGG function with two columns

I have one table like this (report)
| user_id | Department | Position | Record_id |
| 1 | Science | Professor | 1001 |
| 1 | Maths | | 1002 |
| 1 | History | Teacher | 1003 |
| 2 | Science | Professor | 1004 |
| 2 | Chemistry | Assistant | 1005 |
I'd like to have the following result
| user_id | Department+Position |
| 1 | Science,Professor;Maths, ; History,Teacher |
| 2 | Science, Professor; Chemistry, Assistant |
That means I need to preserve the empty space as ' ' as you can see in the result table.
Now I know how to use LISTAGG function but only for one column. However, I can't exactly figure out how can I do for two columns at the sametime. Here is my query:
SELECT user_id, LISTAGG(department, ';') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY record_id)
FROM report
Thanks in advance :-)
It just requires judicious use of concatenation within the aggregation:
select user_id
, listagg(department || ',' || coalesce(position, ' '), '; ')
within group ( order by record_id )
from report
group by user_id
i.e. aggregate the concatentation of department with a comma and position and replace position with a space if it is NULL.

List customer ID, name and all of his/her accounts

| cid | Name |
| 1 | Bob |
| 2 | John |
| 3 | Jane |
| aid | type |
| 1 | Checking |
| 2 | Saving |
| 3 | CD |
| tid | cid | aid |
| 1 | 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 2 | 1 |
| 3 | 1 | 2 |
| 4 | 2 | 3 |
| 5 | 3 | 1 |
I am trying to write a plsql procedure that, given the customer id as a parameter, will display his/her id, name and all accounts. Displaying the id and name is simple enough. What I'm not sure about is how to get all the accounts that are linked to the customer id and how to retrieve more than a single account.
An ideea can be:
select c.cid,, a.type
from customers c
left join transactions t on (t.cid = c.cid)
left join accounts a on (a.aid = t.aid)
where c.cid = :customer_id
group by c.cid,, a.type;
the group by is needed because can be more transactions.
Further, if you want to see one line:
select cid, name, LISTAGG(type, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY type) as account_types
select distinct c.cid,, a.type
from customers c
left join transactions t on (t.cid = c.cid)
left join accounts a on (a.aid = t.aid)
where c.cid = :customer_id
group by cid, name;
Putting this into a stored procedure/function is too simple, so I let it to you.
