collect all .o in subdirectories - makefile - makefile

I have the following hierarchy:
+ makefile
+ TT_Project1
| obj/
| makefile
+ TT_Project2
| obj/
| makefile
+ TT_Project3
| obj/
| makefile
The top level makefile calls recursively all makefiles below it, each compiles the .cpp to .o and places it under /obj
I would like to collect all .o in the top level to create a static library. And failing as my output library is too small...
TT := libTT.a
SUBDIRS := $(wildcard */.)
OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(addsuffix *.o,$(SUBDIRS)/obj))
all: $(TT) $(OBJECTS)
$(TT) : $(OBJECTS)
ar rcs $(TT) $(OBJECTS)
$(MAKE) -C $#
I can clearly see that it's running the makefiles beneath it, and they are placing the *.o under their /obj as expected. But I am failing to grab all the .o I guess... any help is appreciated.

First, this is wrong:
OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(addsuffix *.o,$(SUBDIRS)/obj))
Not only are you missing a / between the obj and *.o, but you need to put the /obj in the first argument to addsuffix. Suppose SUBDIRS ends up as foo/. bar/. baz/.. Then the addsuffix will expand to:
$(addsuffix *.o,foo/. bar/. baz/./obj)
which gives:
foo/.*o bar/.*.o baz/./obj*.o
which is clearly wrong. You want this:
OBJECTS := $(wildcard $(addsuffix /obj/*.o,$(SUBDIRS)))
However, that isn't what you want. It won't work because these variables are expanded when the makefile is read, before any actions have been taken. Before the makefile actually builds anything, there will be no .o files existing, which means the wildcard function will match nothing.
In your case that's a good thing, because if it did match anything you'll get errors because make doesn't know how to build those objects: they're built by the sub-makes.
But, since you have nothing that depends on the SUBDIRS target they won't get built anyway: those recipes will never run.
The easiest thing you can do is something like this:
TT := libTT.a
SUBDIRS := $(wildcard */.)
all: $(TT)
$(TT) : $(SUBDIRS)
ar rcs $(TT) $(addsuffix /obj/*.o,$(SUBDIRS))
$(MAKE) -C $#
The downside of this is that it will rebuild the library every time you run make even if no objects have been changed. To fix that you'll have to add some complexity.


Make: wildcard to use all object files

I have a Makefile that looks like this:
CFLAGS=-g -std=c99 -Wfatal-errors
OBJS=$(wildcard *.o)
all: main.o cmdargs.o io.o
$(CC) -o app $(OBJS)
main.o: main.c
$(CC) -c main.c $(CFLAGS)
cmdargs.o: cmdargs.c
$(CC) -c cmdargs.c $(CFLAGS)
io.o: io.c
$(CC) -c io.c $(CFLAGS)
#rm -rf app $(OBJS)
Whenever I run make all after a clean, there's an error saying
cc -o
undefined reference to `main'
But when I run it a second time everything works as expected. What is wrong with the script, and how can we fix it?
The previous respondents gave good answers but not complete. So let me post one too.
First of all, it is a bad idea to use wildcard in makefiles. It is much better to not be lazy and list your files explicitly.
If you must be lazy, the way to use wildcard is, as shawncorey writes, to use it for sources.
Also, do not have a recipe for phony targets such as all. In your example, the recipe for all will always run, which is inefficient.
CC := gcc
SRCS := $(wildcard *.c)
OBJS := $(SRCS:c=o)
.PHONY: all clean
all: app
app: $(OBJS) Makefile
$(CC) -o $# $(OBJS)
$(OBJS): %.o: %.c Makefile
$(CC) -c $< $(CFLAGS)
#rm -rf app $(OBJS)
You can automatically create the names of the objects files if you're careful about including all the source files.
# --------------------------------------
# list all source files
CPP_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cpp)
C_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.c)
# other source files here
# consolidate all sources
# --------------------------------------
# list all object files
# other object files here
# consolidate all objects
echo $(SOURCES)
echo $(OBJECTS)
PS: A more compact makefile:
# list all source files
SOURCES := $(wildcard *.cpp) $(wildcard *.c)
# determine all object files
OBJECTS := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(notdir $(SOURCES))))
echo $(SOURCES)
echo $(OBJECTS)
The statement
OBJS=$(wildcard *.o)
collects all the *.o files currently in the file system, but it doesn't know about any object files that might be created in the future.
When you run make for the first time, there are no .o files around, so the variable OBJS will be an empty string and the final linking command does not get passed into the command that would tell it which object files to use. But all the other compilation steps are run nevertheless. Upon the second invocation make will skip the compilation phases, because the object files are already there, but because linking failed and the final binary is missing, it will run that step, which will now produce something, because there have been files to collect by the wildcard.
Lesson learned: Don't use file system wildcards in Makefile, it's just causing trouble. Instead learn about implicit rules if you want to save yourself from work.

Why is makefile exhibiting non-deterministic behaviour?

I have a makefile that is trying to do the following: identify all files under the current directory (all sub-directories included) with .c and .s extensions, for each one compile a non-linked object file and put it into a directory. All C files end up in objects/c, all assembly files end up in objects/ass.
The makefile always works as expected on the first execution (all commands are called in the right order) and no errors are produced.
However if I call make again, half of the time i get "nothing to be done for 'all'.". Which is what you would expect, since no files have been modified. But the other half of the time, make is selecting a random assembly file and compiling that file. That is to say,if I keep doing "make" I sometimes compile file1.s sometimes file2.s. and it keeps randomly swapping between the assembly files add infinitum (it never reaches a "nothing to be done") state.
How is make exhibitting non deterministic behaviour?
This is the smallest makefile I could make that reproduces the error:
SRC_C = $(wildcard *.c) $(wildcard **/*.c)
SRC_ASS = $(wildcard *.s) $(wildcard **/*.s)
OBJECTS_C = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)c/, $(notdir $(SRC_C:.c=.o)))
OBJECTS_ASS = $(addprefix $(OBJECT_DIR)ass/, $(notdir $(SRC_ASS:.s=.o)))
OBJECT_DIR = objects/
all: $(OBJECTS)
mkdir $#
arm-none-eabi-gcc -O0 -march=armv8-a $(wildcard */$(#F:.o=.c)) -nostartfiles -c -o $#
arm-none-eabi-as -march=armv8-a $(wildcard */$(#F:.o=.s)) -c -o $#
.PHONY: clean
rm -rf $(OBJECT_DIR)
You have many errors here.
The biggest is a conceptual one: By flattening all your object files into one directory, there's no way to express proper dependencies using pattern rules, so your object files do not really depend on their respective source files. I'd say: just don't do that! Having object directories is fine, but they should mirror the directory structure of the source tree.
Further errors:
directly depending on directories. This will not work as expected, directories should always be order-only dependencies, as already stated in the comments
Make doesn't support recursive wildcards -- if you really need that, you could write your own function or, assuming you're always building on *nix, just call find instead
Pattern rules for creating directories are not the best idea either -- I'd suggest to collect all needed directories in a variable and loop over that.
Stylistic improvements:
Assign variables that don't need deferred evaluation with :=
Assign variables influencing the build process with ?=, so the user can override them at the command line
Use "standard" variables like CC, AS, CROSS_COMPILE
declare all phony targets in .PHONY.
Your Makefile with these changes applied would look like this:
OBJECT_DIR ?= objects
SRC_C:= $(shell find -name \*.c)
SRC_ASS:= $(shell find -name \*.s)
OBJECTS_C:= $(addprefix $(C_OBJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_C:.c=.o))
OBJECTS_ASS:= $(addprefix $(AS_OBJECT_DIR)/, $(SRC_ASS:.s=.o))
OUTDIRS:= $(sort $(dir $(OBJECTS)))
CROSS_COMPILE ?= arm-none-eabi-
CC ?= gcc
AS ?= as
CFLAGS ?= -O0 -march=armv8-a -nostartfiles
ASFLAGS ?= -march=armv8-a
all: $(OBJECTS)
$(foreach _dir,$#,mkdir -p $(_dir);)
$(C_OBJECT_DIR)/%.o: %.c | $(OUTDIRS)
$(CROSS_COMPILE)$(CC) -c -o $# $(CFLAGS) $<
$(AS_OBJECT_DIR)/%.o: %.s | $(OUTDIRS)
$(CROSS_COMPILE)$(AS) -c -o $# $(ASFLAGS) $<
rm -rf $(OBJECT_DIR)
.PHONY: all clean
Note there is one important thing missing: automatic dependencies. With this Makefile, each object file depends on its respective source file, but completely misses any headers included. For anything other than a simple toy, you should add that, google for "gnu make gcc automatic dependencies" or something similar (not the scope of this question).

Use make to clean outdated outputs

Suppose I have a make file with an automatic rule like:
%.o: %.c
gcc -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $#
And a source file a.c:
int main() {}
Running make will produce a.o. Now if I rename a.c to b.c, and run make again, it produces b.o. Is there some way for me to remove a.o when I delete a.c, without removing all other .o files?
For instance, is there some way I can provide a pattern (*.o, which matches a.o and b.o) and remove from it all generated/skipped files (b.o) to get a.o?
Something like this should work (untested!)
ALL_OBJS := $(wildcard *.o)
WANTED_OBJS := $(addsuffix .o,$(basename $(wildcard *.c)))
.PHONY: clean-orphaned
#rm $(filter-out $(WANTED_OBJS),$(ALL_OBJS))
I would test it by running make -n clean-orphaned or changing rm to echo and carefully checking which objects would be removed.
Personally I wouldn't bother with this, just remove *.o and rebuild. It seems highly unlikely that you rename files so often that rebuilding everything is a serious problem.

substituting folder path in $(SOURCES) of a makefile

I am looking for a way to substitute the folder on a list of source files variable within makefile.
Is there something that works here?
I start off by finding my source files
program_C_SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.c)
program_CXX_SRCS := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.cpp)
the results (if I understand GNU makefiles correctly) look typically like
then I build by object files
program_C_OBJS := ${program_C_SRCS:.c=.o}
program_CXX_OBJS := ${program_CXX_SRCS:.cpp=.opp}
this replaces the extensions of my source files as per expected.
Finally, I want to replace "src/" with "obj/"
program_C_OBJPATH := ${subst $(SRCDIR) , $(OBJDIR) , $(program_C_OBJS)}
program_CXX_OBJPATH := ${subst $(SRCDIR) , $(OBJDIR) , $(program_CXX_OBJS)}
However, this does not work.
I have gone through the GNU makefile website to no avail. This solution Makefile to put object files from source files different directories into a single, separate directory? comes close but the objects directory must be explicitly included everywhere and the sources directory does not include source path information.
In my makefile the list of source files include the path and I would prefer that the list of object files include the corresponding object directory, too.
The rest of the makefile tries also to use variables
linking stage
$(program_NAME): $(program_OBJS)
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(program_OBJS) -o "$(program_NAME)"
compile stage
%.opp : %.cpp | mkdirobjdir
$(CXX) $(CFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c -o "$#" "$<"
and finally the rules
main_enose.opp : main_enose.cpp core_enose.cpp core_enose.h
$(OBJDIR)/core_enose.opp : core_enose.cpp core_enose.h
$(OBJDIR)/core_enose.h :
Your problem here is the spaces around the commas in the $(subst) calls. make isn't ignoring them the way you expect it might. It is seeing them as literal values in the string to find, the string to replace and the to do the replacement in.
Remove them.
program_C_OBJPATH := ${subst $(SRCDIR),$(OBJDIR),$(program_C_OBJS)}
program_CXX_OBJPATH := ${subst $(SRCDIR),$(OBJDIR),$(program_CXX_OBJS)}
That said you probably either want to use $(patsubst) to limit where the replacement happens:
program_C_OBJPATH := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(program_C_OBJS))
program_CXX_OBJPATH := $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(OBJDIR)/%,$(program_CXX_OBJS))
or you want to use $(notdir) and $(addprefix) to handle stripping all the directory information and adding it back:
program_C_OBJPATH := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(program_C_OBJS)))
program_CXX_OBJPATH := $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/,$(notdir $(program_CXX_OBJS)))

Generating a makefile target dependency from the filename in a stem

Hi I have a makefile I am creating where each .o is represented as a relative path to another directory and has a dependency on a .cpp file in the local directory. My understanding of the problem is that I can't use functions in a rule definition so the rule:
%.o: %.cpp
results in a prerequisite .cpp that is in the same directory as the .o which is not where the cpp is actually located. For example:
../../Tmp/MyClass.o: ../../Tmp/MyClass.cpp <--- WRONG, result of %.o: %.cpp
../../Tmp/MyClass.o: MyClass.cpp <--- RIGHT, how do I do this in an automatic way?
Lastly the output, which is in yet another directory, has a dependency on the .o's so they must all have full relative path information from the beginning:
OBJS := $(addprefix ../../../Tmp/XCode/${PLATFORM}/${CONFIGURATION}/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename ${SRCS})))
${OUTPUT}: ${OBJS} ; ${AR} $# ${OBJS}
I think kristi's solution will work, but here's another way to do the same thing:
# Here's how you do it:
OBJS := $(addprefix ../../../Tmp/XCode/${PLATFORM}/${CONFIGURATION}/, $(addsuffix .o, $(basename ${SRCS})))
# Here's a slightly cleaner way:
OBJS := $(patsubst,$(BASEPATH)/%.o,$(SRCS))
# And here's the rule:
$(OBJS): $(BASEPATH)/%.o:
This should work
../../Tmp/%.o: %.cpp
Or use a variable
builddir := ../../Tmp
$(builddir)/%.o: %.cpp
