Lighhouse server invalid token - LHCI invalid token - continuous-integration

I have installed LHCI(Light House CI) server on an AWS EC2 instance(or my own home-server). The server is up and running. I have the url
I can add projects to the CI server with #lhci/cli#0.3 wizard and the project I create through client wizard appears successfully on the LHCI server.
As successful result of wizard it gives me two token. Admin and upload token whih I use it in my client config(upload token)
However, when it runs the auto-run and generates the report, the next step which is pushing data to my LHCI instance, it says token is invalid. I installed it on my own Linux box in my home network.
I thought it could be something wrong with my network and something dodgy happening. Then I installed it on EC2 and still same issue.
One thing I didn't find in the documentation is about whether the server needs to be HTTPS? (if you know this it could be a great help as well)
How come the upload token generated by the wizard is not valid ? what am I missing ?

I had the same problem. First, make sure the lhci client and server version match. It is thought that additional authentication factors have been added as the master version of lhci has recently been upgraded. In my case, the following error occurred and I solved it by setting the version to the same version.
Error: Unexpected status code 403
{"message":"Invalid token"}


Try to connect locally to Chatbot but get unauthorized error

I loaded the EchoBot template from Microsoft here:
I started a new project and try to run it locally. No MicrosoftAppID or MicrosoftAppPassword is provided.
Then I loaded the latest Bot Framework Emulator v4.7
I connect locally, again no App ID or App Password:
However when I try to send a message I get unauthorized error, why would I get unauthorized error when connecting locally?
The server is definitely running locally and the local URL is correct:
One question I want to ask is the login dependent on any 3rd party URL call? My company security policy is blocking all URL unless whitelisted, so if this is the case, maybe the authentication is blocked? What would be the URL for me to whitelist?
EDIT: I tried it a VM outside of the company network and it works! So something must be getting blocked. Any idea?
I got around it by using a VM outside the company network instead. It's not a solution, but it is a work around. I highly suspect some port are being blocked by company firewall but not sure what so I am not sure how to get it whitelisted.

Visual Studio webdeploy fail even when connection is validated?

I am trying to deploy my webapp VS2015 RC1 DNX 451. Even when I validate connection and run publish I get error
Severity Code Description Project File
Error More Information: Connected to the remote computer ("") using the Web Management Service, but could not authorize. Make sure that you are using the correct user name and password, that the site you are connecting to exists, and that the credentials represent a user who has permissions to access the site. Learn more at:
Error Error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.
Googling the issue and even trying to view host forum just says make sure username and password is correct. I am getting nowhere trying various settings. Any ideas how to debug the issue?
I am using as host.
You should contact They likely have some odd configuration on their servers but I would suspect they can help you resolve the issue.
Arvixe does not support Web Deploy anymore. Once they move you to their new servers Web Deploy won't be available to you. In Visual Studio you can set up a Publish with FTP instead of Web Deploy. If you're used to Web Deploy publishing your database changes, then you'll need to do those yourself with SQL scripts. Entity Frameworks has an option to produce a SQL script for a migration, so you can use that to publish your EF database changes.

gem error on remote machine

I made a dashing app that queries the google api as part of its jobs. On my local everything works fine and I used git to clone the repo on a remote machine and ran bundle install there but when I try to run dashing start I get this error:
/home/mwerner/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.1.2/gems/signet-0.5.1/lib/signet/oauth_2/client.rb:941:in `fetch_access_token': Authorization failed. Server message: (Signet::AuthorizationError)
"error" : "invalid_grant"
I am using relative paths in the app so it can't be there is an authentication issue. I tried manually installing all the gems I use on the local machine on the remote machine via gem install ... but no luck. Hints?
I had the very same issue today. I got it resolved by checking back into my google developers account. In my case I had entered a wrong Mail address under service_account_email in the .rb file.
I inserted the data shown under "Client ID for Web Apps" where it had to be the one from "Service Account" out of my Google Developer API Account. Make sure you use Service Account Credentials for the widget!
Also I reassured that I had setup that very same address for read access in my google analytics account.
In short, getting that error means there is something wrong with the data you put in the analytics.rb file.
Once I did the above it resolved my issue and I was able to start dashing.

Web API on IIS7.5 Unable to download * from localhost

I'm currently trying to install web api project directly from vs 2013 to my local dev machine, but when I test one of my http get controllers, I get the following:
My url looks like this:
When I test this on my local, this url works and I get my json response.
pay no attention to the web config error in the background. If I enter anything invalid, I get an IIS error, so I know I'm hitting the right URL.
Side note: I'm using IE8 for testing.
I found out the solution, and it may be a config thing, but when I made this as an virtual application to a website, this went away, and it gave me a yellow sign of death (which is a good thing). I was able to deduce this to be an oracle issue, where it couldn't find the database connection, and then found out it couldn't resolve tns names.
So I guess Web API can not be hosted by itself on IIS? I haven't looked into it, but it seems this to be the case, unless there needs to be more tweaking involved.
i know too late for response. But i get same error when I try deploy Odata v4 Application in IIS server.
In server , i hit this error as above, i try everything config but nothing change.
At last, i try connect from client and it work.
I recognize that in Client , it download a json file from Server (in case use Odata , it seem like wsdl file in webservice) and API still work well.
For some reason, it cant download in server, but dont worry, it still work.
Hope this helps!

Server running Microsoft CRM cannot connect, but every other machine on network can

I have an annoying problem.
On every machine on the network, browsing to our internal MS CRM URL works fine. However, if I log into the actual server itself and try to connect the same credentials just do not work. I get this error:
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
I can't figure it out. They're on the same domain, everything should be fine. It's a big problem because there is an application running on the server that needs to connect to the CRM webservice - and fails.
Even with Basic Auth, I enter the username and password and it fails.
Any ideas?
You might be hitting the loopback security check. Read this KB article to see if you are, and how to disable it so things will work:;en-us;896861
