How to know what columns are presents in a Eloquent query before to execute it in Laravel 5.5? - laravel

Im using Laravel 5.5 and I have and QueryBuilder object (from the "Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder" class).
I want to set an orderBy sentence into my query, but only if this field is present and exists in the QueryBuilder object (as column in the select section sentence).
For example, there is an User model, with the following fields ['id', 'firtsname', 'lastname', 'username','description'].
This is my object:
Use App\User;
$query = User::query();
if ($request->input('sort') != null) {
$model_query->orderBy($request->input('sort'), 'ASC');
$users = $query->get();
When I execute it, works fine (if I send you consistent data, of course). But if I set a column what does not exists, it sends and exception. So, the question is, how I can get the columns to retrieve from my $query object? To validate it, and if it's presents, execute the ordening code.

To answer your question, you can get the presence status of a column using Schema::hasColumn()
if (Schema::hasColumn('users', $request->sort)) {
Now this doesn't seem very efficient, and maybe potentially leak data. Better validating your sort input and accept only proper column names:
$request->validate(['sort' => 'in:column1,column2']);


Laravel Scout/Meilisearch - filter by a non-searchable column

I want to make it so that I can filter results based on a column that isn't searchable with Meilisearch and Laravel scout.
So imagine a "Comment" table, with the following searchable columns:
public function toSearchableArray() {
$array = Arr::only(
['id','title', 'link', 'raw_text', 'subchan', 'nsfw']
return $array;
But only get results past a certain date:
Comment::search($query, ['filters' => 'created_at > 795484800'])
To do this, I need to add created_at scout's toSearchableArray. The problem with this is that when a user searches, results from created_at will also be queried.
If I understand you correctly you want to be able to filter based on the created_at column, but it shouldn't be searchable, ie entering "795" as a query shouldn't return all results where "795" is part of the timestamp?
I don't think Scout will allow you to achieve this in a simple way at the moment but it should still be possible.
Step 1 is to add the created_at column to the toSearchableArray() method. This will ensure the data is indexed by Meili.
Step 2 is to alter the configuration of the index where your model is searchable in order to exclude created_at from the list of searchable attributes. This is psuedo code and undocumented but it should look something like this:
$dummy = new Comment();
// Should resolve to an engine:
$engine = $dummy->searchableUsing();
// Should resolve to MeiliSearch\Endpoints\Indexes via a magic method that resolves the underlying Meili driver:
// ->
$index = $engine->index($dummy->searchableAs());
['id','title', 'link', 'raw_text', 'subchan', 'nsfw']
Once created_at is indexed but not searchable you want to filter on the value. Meili has operators for numeric values.
Step 3 is to do a custom search using Scout:
Comment::search($query, function (Indexes $meilisearch, $query, $options) {
$options['filters'] = 'created_at>795484800';
return $meilisearch->search($query, $options);
Again, this is pseudo code – I haven't tested any part of it. I would really appreciate if Scout would implement support for customizing the index' settings on creation or exposing a method for updating the settings, allowing you to add driver specific settings in your configuration file for example.
i spent numerous hours debugging and getting the filter for dates to work.
this wont work as the where clause only accepts two arguments
Comment::search($query)->where('created_at', '>', 795484800)->get();
this also wont work because the arguments passed are not part of the two options that they have supported in the scout library
Comment::search($query, function (Indexes $meilisearch, $query, $options) {
$options['filters'] = 'created_at>795484800';
return $meilisearch->search($query, $options);
my solution for everyone out there trying to get this to work is to use the following:
$results = Event::search(
query: $request->get('query'),
callback: function (Indexes $meilisearch, $query, array $options) use ($request, $from, $to) {
$options['filter'] = "from <= 1667692800";
// dd($options);
return $meilisearch->rawSearch(
hope this helps anyone else having issues as this wasted my morning searching for solutions until i decided to dig into the code in the library.
I solved my problem by using filterable attributes of Meilisearch. But it needs to be configured before running the search. I used php artisan tinker to solve this as follows, you might want to write an artisan command to do so.
$client = new MeiliSearch\Client('https://url_to_meilisearch_instance:7700');
$client->index('comments_index')->updateFilterableAttributes(['created_at']); // Replace your index_name
And that's about it. If you have a rather large dataset, you might want to run the following command to check the status:
If the response contains isIndexing => false you're good to go. Now you may run the filter as usual,
Comment::search($query)->where('created_at', '>', 795484800)->get();

How can I get the data inside my notifications from within my Controller?

I'm trying to get the numbers of records from my notifications, where the candidate_user_id column from inside the data attribute is the same as the UserId (Authenticated User).
After I dd, I was able to get the data from all of the records in the table by using the pluck method (Line 1). I then tried to use the Where clause to get the items that I need
but this just didn't work, it was still returning all of the records in the table.
public function index()
$notifications = Notification::all()->pluck('data');
$notifications->where('candidate_user_id', Auth::user()->id);
Here is a partial screenshot of the data that is being plucked.
How can I get the data from this, in a way like this ->where('candidate_user_id', Auth::user()->id);?
If data was a JSON field on the table you could try to use a where condition to search the JSON using the -> operator:
Notification::where('data->candidate_user_id', Auth::id())->pluck('data');
Assuming you only want this data field and not the rest of the fields, you can call pluck on the builder directly. There isn't much reason to hydrate Model instances with all the fields to then just pluck a single field from them if it is just a table field, so you can ask the database for just the field you want.
The data in the data field is a json string, so you can tell Laravel to automatically cast it as an array using the $casts property on each of the models that is notifiable.
For instance, if you have a User model which uses the trait (ie has use Notifiable), add this:
protected $casts = [
'data' => 'array',
If you want to access all notifications for the auth user.
$user = auth()->user();
If you really want to do in your question way, here is how.
$notifications = Notification::all()->pluck('data');
$notifications = $notifications->where('candidate_user_id', Auth::user()->id)
This assumes you that you did not modify the default laravel notifications relationship and database migration setup. If you have modified some of the default ones, you need to provide how you modify it.

How to get all records which meet a Criteria in Laravel Tinker?

I can get the first user, who is an admin in Laravel's tinker using the following command:
$adminUser = App\User::where('is_admin',true)->first();
How do I get all the users which meet this where criteria?
Just change first() to get().
$adminUser = App\User::where('is_admin',true)->get();
first() is used when you want to retrieve single row or column. where get() is used to retrieve all rows.
just go through the laravel official documentation database query builder section here. It will give you information regarding most of every possible things you can playoff with laravel.
$users = App\User::where("is_admin", true)->get();
The get method returns an Illuminate\Support\Collection containing the results where each result is an instance of the PHP StdClass object. You may access each column's value by accessing the column as a property of the object:
foreach ($users as $user) {
echo $user->name;
In case of Tinker, things in Query builder and Eloquent docs will work in Tinker. It exists for the purpose of instantly getting the result without debugging using your real application.
The first() function is used when you want to retrieve single row, whereas the get() function is used to retrieve all matching rows.
$adminUser = App\User::where('is_admin', true)->get();

Use Laravel 5.3 Query Builder to replicate Eloquent ORM data structure for Sub Query

I am trying to replicate the result set that I get when using Eloquent ORM, except with Laravel Query Builder. Basically using this code I can get the packs to appear nested within the products so that when I loop them on the view I can further loop the packs within each products. Seems pretty basic right (see result set below).
$get_posts_for_product = Product::where('active', 1)
I have tried a few ways using Query Builder to get this to work but it joins the packs inline as I thought it would.
What is the best way to get this same Array structure using Query Builder, I am aware that the result set is a different type of array and that is fine but for my project it must be done using Query Builder at this point.
I would say, that is why you have Eloquent: you don't have to worry about how to have those relationships together.
However incase you really want to achieve the same result I will demo this using two tables users and messages:
1st method:
Retrieve the users and transform it by querying the database for relationships:
$result = DB::table('users')->get()->transform(function ($user){
$user->messages = DB::table('messages')->where('user_id', $user->id)->get();
return $user;
Downside: Having many users means a lot of db query on messages table.
Upside: less codes to write
2nd method:
Retrieve both tables using all the ids of user to query the messages:
$users = DB::table('users')->get();
$messages = DB::table('messages')->whereIn('user_id', $users->pluck('id')->toArray())->get();
$result = $users->transform(function ($user) use ($messages){
$user->messages = $messages->where('user_id', $user->id)->values();
return $user;
Downside: The need to still transform it.
Upside: Less database trips. i.e two queries only.
3rd method
Looks like the second except that you can group messages by 'user_id' then you do no extra filter when transforming users result:
$user = DB::table('users')->get();
$messages = DB::table('messages')->whereIn('user_id', $user->pluck('id')->toArray())
$result = $user->transform(function ($user) use ($messages){
$user->messages = $messages[$user->id];
return $user;
Downside: Same with two.
Upside: no extra filter when transforming users.
Other method
Join on both users and messages when querying then transform the response, or simply use it as it is.
PS: Eloquent uses query builder.
The answer is open for update.

How to fetch two related objects in Laravel (Eloquent) with one SQL query

I am trying to get two related objects in Laravel using eager loading as per documentation.
My models are:
class Lead extends Model {
public function session() {
return $this->hasOne('App\LeadSession');
class LeadSession extends Model {
public function lead() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Lead');
I want to get both objects with one SQL query. Basically I want to execute:
select * from lead_sessions as s
inner join lead as l
on = s.lead_id
where s.token = '$token';
and then be able to access both the LeadSession and Lead objects. Here is the php code I am trying:
$lead = Lead::with(['session' => function ($q) use ($token) {
I have also tried:
$lead = Lead::whereHas('session', function($q) use ($token) {
$session = LeadSession::with('lead')->where('token',$token)->firstOrFail();
In all three cases I get two queries executed, one for the leads table, and another for the lead_sessions table.
Is such a thing possible in Eloquent? In my view it should be a standard ORM operation, but for some reason I am struggling a whole day with it.
I don't want to use the Query Builder because I want to use the Eloquent objects and their functions afterwards.
I am coming from Python and Django and I want to replicate the behavior of select_related function in Django.
Try this and see if it makes more than one query
$session = LeadSession::join('leads', '', '=', 'lead_sessions.lead_id')
I hope it only runs a single query. I didnt test this. Not sure if you have to add a select() to pick the columns. But yeah, try this first.
Just adding how to use both session and lead data. Try a select and specify the data you need. The reason being that if both tables have similar columns like 'id', one of them will be overwritten. So you have to alias your select like
$session = LeadSession::join('leads', '', '=', 'lead_sessions.lead_id')
' as lead_id',
Now all this data belongs to $session variable. For testing you were doing
print($session->lead_id); //we aliased this in the query
