Ruby to Search and Combine CSV files when dealing with large files - ruby

Looking at the other questions that are somewhat in line with this is not helping, because I'm still opening the file line-by-line so I'm not running out of memory on the large file. In fact my memory usage is pretty low, but it is taking a really long time to create the smaller file so that I can search and concatenate the other CSV into the file.
It has been 5 days and I'm not sure how far I have left to go, but it hasn't exited the foreach line of the main file, there are 17.8 million records in the csv file. Is there a faster way to handle this processing in ruby? Anything I can do to the MacOSX to optimize it? Any advice would be great.
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
etas_title_file = './HathiTrust ETAS Titles.csv'
oclc_id_array = []
angies_csv = []
CSV.foreach(etas_title_file ,'r', {:headers => true, :header_converters => :symbol}) do |row|
oclc_id_array << row[:oclc]
angies_csv << row.to_h
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
headers = %i[htid access rights ht_bib_key description source source_bib_num oclc_num isbn issn lccn title imprint rights_reason_code rights_timestamp us_gov_doc_flag rights_date_used pub_place lang bib_fmt collection_code content_provider_code responsible_entity_code digitization_agent_code access_profile_code author]
remove_keys = %i[access rights description source source_bib_num isbn issn lccn title imprint rights_reason_code rights_timestamp us_gov_doc_flag rights_date_used pub_place lang bib_fmt collection_code content_provider_code responsible_entity_code digitization_agent_code access_profile_code author]
new_hathi_csv = []
processed_keys = []
CSV.foreach('./hathi_full_20200401.txt' ,'r', {:headers => headers, :col_sep => "\t", quote_char: "\0" }) do |row|
next unless oclc_id_array.include? row[:oclc_num]
next if processed_keys.include? row[:oclc_num]
puts "#{row[:oclc_num]} included? #{oclc_id_array.include? row[:oclc_num]}"
new_hathi_csv << row.to_h.except(*remove_keys)
processed_keys << row[:oclc_num]

As far as I was able to determine, OCLC IDs are alphanumeric. This means we want to use a Hash to store these IDs. A Hash has a general lookup complexity of O(1), while your unsorted Array has a lookup complexity of O(n).
If you use an Array, you worst case lookup is 18 million comparisons (to find a single element, Ruby has to go through all 18 million IDs), while with a Hash it will be one comparison. To put it simply: using a Hash will be millions of times faster than your current implementation.
The pseudocode below will give you an idea how to proceed. We will use a Set, which is like a Hash, but handy when all you need to do is check for inclusion:
oclc_ids =
CSV.foreach(...) {
oclc_ids.add(row[:oclc]) # Add ID to Set
# No need to call unique on a Set.
# The elements in a Set are always unique.
processed_keys =
CSV.foreach(...) {
next unless oclc_ids.include?(row[:oclc_num]) # Extremely fast lookup
next if processed_keys.include?(row[:oclc_num]) # Extremely fast lookup


Iterate through hashes to find values predefined in an array

I have an array with hashes:
test = [
{"type"=>1337, "age"=>12, "name"=>"Eric Johnson"},
{"type"=>1338, "age"=>18, "name"=>"John Doe"},
{"type"=>1339, "age"=>22, "name"=>"Carl Adley"},
{"type"=>1340, "age"=>25, "name"=>"Anna Brent"}
I am interested in getting all the hashes where the name key equals to a value that can be found in an array:
get_hash_by_name = ["John Doe","Anna Brent"]
Which would end up in the following:
# test_sorted = would be:
# {"type"=>1338, "age"=>18, "name"=>"John Doe"}
# {"type"=>1340, "age"=>25, "name"=>"Anna Brent"}
I probably have to iterate with test.each somehow, but I still trying to get a grasp of Ruby. Happy for all help!
Here's something to meditate on:
Iterating over an array to find something is slow, even if it's a sorted array. Computer languages have various structures we can use to improve the speed of lookups, and in Ruby Hash is usually a good starting point. Where an Array is like reading from a sequential file, a Hash is like reading from a random-access file, we can jump right to the record we need.
Starting with your test array-of-hashes:
test = [
{'type'=>1337, 'age'=>12, 'name'=>'Eric Johnson'},
{'type'=>1338, 'age'=>18, 'name'=>'John Doe'},
{'type'=>1339, 'age'=>22, 'name'=>'Carl Adley'},
{'type'=>1340, 'age'=>25, 'name'=>'Anna Brent'},
{'type'=>1341, 'age'=>13, 'name'=>'Eric Johnson'},
Notice that I added an additional "Eric Johnson" record. I'll get to that later.
I'd create a hash that mapped the array of hashes to a regular hash where the key of each pair is a unique value. The 'type' key/value pair appears to fit that need well:
test_by_types = { |h| [
h['type'], h]
# => {1337=>{"type"=>1337, "age"=>12, "name"=>"Eric Johnson"},
# 1338=>{"type"=>1338, "age"=>18, "name"=>"John Doe"},
# 1339=>{"type"=>1339, "age"=>22, "name"=>"Carl Adley"},
# 1340=>{"type"=>1340, "age"=>25, "name"=>"Anna Brent"},
# 1341=>{"type"=>1341, "age"=>13, "name"=>"Eric Johnson"}}
Now test_by_types is a hash using the type value to point to the original hash.
If I create a similar hash based on names, where each name, unique or not, points to the type values, I can do fast lookups:
test_by_names = test.each_with_object( { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
) { |e, h|
h[e['name']] << e['type']
# => {"Eric Johnson"=>[1337, 1341],
# "John Doe"=>[1338],
# "Carl Adley"=>[1339],
# "Anna Brent"=>[1340]}
Notice that "Eric Johnson" points to two records.
Now, here's how we look up things:
get_hash_by_name = ['John Doe', 'Anna Brent']
# => [1338, 1340]
In one quick lookup Ruby returned the matching types by looking up the names.
We can take that output and grab the original hashes:
# => [{"type"=>1338, "age"=>18, "name"=>"John Doe"},
# {"type"=>1340, "age"=>25, "name"=>"Anna Brent"}]
Because this is running against hashes, it's fast. The hashes can be BIG and it'll still run very fast.
Back to "Eric Johnson"...
When dealing with the names of people it's likely to get collisions of the names, which is why test_by_names allows multiple type values, so with one lookup all the matching records can be retrieved:
test_by_names.values_at('Eric Johnson').flatten
# => [1337, 1341]
test_by_types.values_at(*test_by_names.values_at('Eric Johnson').flatten)
# => [{"type"=>1337, "age"=>12, "name"=>"Eric Johnson"},
# {"type"=>1341, "age"=>13, "name"=>"Eric Johnson"}]
This will be a lot to chew on if you're new to Ruby, but the Ruby documentation covers it all, so dig through the Hash, Array and Enumerable class documentation.
Also, *, AKA "splat", explodes the array elements from the enclosing array into separate parameters suitable for passing into a method. I can't remember where that's documented.
If you're familiar with database design this will look very familiar, because it's similar to how we do database lookups.
The point of all of this is that it's really important to consider how you're going to store your data when you first ingest it into your program. Do it wrong and you'll jump through major hoops trying to do useful things with it. Do it right and the code and data will flow through very easily, and you'll be able to massage/extract/combine the data easily.
Said differently, Arrays are containers useful for holding things you want to access sequentially, such as jobs you want to print, sites you need to access in order, files you want to delete in a specific order, but they're lousy when you want to lookup and work with a record randomly.
Knowing which container is appropriate is important, and for this particular task, it appears that an array of hashes isn't appropriate, since there's no fast way of accessing specific ones.
And that's why I made my comment above asking what you were trying to accomplish in the first place. See "What is the XY problem?" and "XyProblem" for more about that particular question.
You can use select and include? so {|object| get_hash_by_name.include? object['name'] }
…should do the job.

Getting timeouts for huge arrays

I am taking some sentences in an array and some keywords in queries to check whether the keywords are present in sentences. For small sentences arrays it works fine but for huge array sentences it gets timeout everytime. Any idea on how to optimise this. TIA
def textQueries(sentences, queries) { |query|
index_arr = [] { |sentence, index|
sentence_arr = sentence.split(' ')
if query.split(' ').all? { |qur| sentence_arr.include?(qur) }
index_arr << index
index_arr << -1 if index_arr.empty?
puts index_arr.join " "
Example inputs :
it go will away
go do art
what to will east
it will
go east will
**Expected Result**
0 2
There are a few optimizations that I see at first glance:
You are currently splitting each sentence for every query. Your sample data has 3 sentences and 3 queries. This means each sentence is split 3 times (once of each query). Since the result doesn't depend on the query you should do this up front. Each sentence should only be split once.
You are currently using to iterate sentences, but don't capture the result. You are only using it for iteration purposes and push results to the index_arr. map creates a new array which you don't use, meaning you are chewing up memory that could be used elsewhere. This could be changed to each which is far more efficient if you don't use the return value.
The code query.split(' ').all? { |qur| sentence_arr.include?(qur) } isn't really optimal, since it starts searching for a specific word from the front of sentence_arr each time. Checking if a certain collection is a subset or superset of another collection is something where Set often shines.
With all the above in mind something like this should be a lot faster:
require 'set'
def text_queries(sentences, queries)
sentences = { |sentence|' ')) } do |query|
query =' '))
indexes = { |index| sentences[index] >= query }
indexes << -1 if indexes.empty?
Note: If you decide to output the values to the console (like shown in the question):
puts indexes.join(' ')
Then there is no reason to use since an array with nil values will be returned (puts always returns nil). Change the map to each in this scenario.

In Ruby, what is the best way to convert alphanumeric entries to integers for a column of a CSV containing a huge number of rows?

My CSV contains about 60 million rows. The 10th column contains some alphanumeric entries, some of which repeat, that I want to convert into integers with a one-to-one mapping. That is, I don't want the same entry in Original.csv to have multiple corresponding integer values in Processed.csv. So, initially, I wrote the following code:
require 'csv'
udids = []'Original.csv', "wb") do |csv|
CSV.foreach('Processed.csv', :headers=>true) do |row|
unless udids.include?(row[9])
udids << row[9]
udid = udids.index(row[9]) + 1
array = [udid]
But, the program was taking a lot of time, which I soon realized was because it had to check all the previous rows to make sure only the new values get assigned a new integer value, and the existing ones are not assigned any new value.
So, I thought of hashing them, because when exploring the web about this issue, I learnt that hashing is faster than sequential comparing, somehow (I have not read the details about the how, but anyway...) So, I wrote the following code to hash them:
f ="Original.csv", "r")
f.each_line { |line|
row = line.split(",");
arrayUser = arrayUser.uniq
arrayHash = []
for i in 0..arrayUser.size-1
hash = Hash[arrayHash.each_slice(2).to_a]
array1=hash.values_at *arrayUDID
logfile ="Processed.csv","w")
for i in 0..array1.size-1
But here again, I observed that the program was taking a lot of time, which I realized must be due to the hash array (or hash table) running out of memory.
So, can you kindly suggest any method that will work for my huge file in a reasonable amount of time? By reasonable amount, I mean within 10 hours, because I realize that it's going to take some hours at least as it took about 5 hours to extract that dataset from an even bigger dataset. So, with my aforementioned codes, it was not getting finished even after 2 days of running the programs. So, if you can suggest a method which can do the task by leaving the computer on overnight, that would be great. Thanks.
I think this should work:
udids = {}
unique_count = 1
output_csv ="Processed.csv", "w")
CSV.foreach("Original.csv").with_index do |row, i|
output_csv << row and next if i == 0 # skip first row (header info)
val = row[9]
if udids[val.to_sym]
row[9] = udids[val.to_sym]
udids[val.to_sym] = unique_count
row[9] = unique_count
unique_count += 1
output_csv << row
The performance depends heavily on how many duplicates there are (the more the better), but basically it keeps track of each value as a key in a hash, and checks to see if it has encountered that value yet or not. If so, it uses the corresponding value, and if not it increments a counter, stores that count as the new value for that key and continues.
I was able to process a 10 million line test CSV file in about 3 minutes.

How do I modify multiple columns in a CSV, and then copy them to a new CSV using Ruby?

Out of the 10 columns there in the original CSV, I have 4 columns which I need to make integers (to process with MATLAB later; the other 6 columns already contain integer values). These 4 columns are: (1) platform (2) push (3) timestamp, and (4) udid.
An example input is: #other_column, Android, Y, 10-05-2015 3:59:59 PM, #other_column, d0155049772de9, #other_columns
The corresponding output should be: #other_column, 2, 1, 1431273612198, #other_column, 17923, #other_columns
So, I wrote the following code:
require 'csv''C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\NewColumns2.csv', "wb") do |csv|
CSV.foreach('C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\NewColumns.csv', :headers=>true).map do |row|
if row['platform']=='Android'
elsif row['platform']=='iPhone'
if row['push']=='Y'
elsif row['push']=='N'
Now, the first 3 columns, weekday, platform and push, are having a small number of unique values for the whole file (i.e., 7, 2 and 2 respectively), which is why I used the above approach. However, the other 2 columns, timestamp and udid, are different - they have several values, a few of them common to some rows in the CSV, but there are thousands of unique values. And hence I thought of converting them to integers in the manner I showed above.
Anyhow, none of the columns are getting converted at all. Plus, there is another problem with the datetime column as it is in a format which Ruby apparently does not recognize as a legitimate time format (a sample looks like this: 10-05-2015 3:59:59 PM). So, what should I do? Thanks.
Edit - Redo, I missed part of the problem with the udids
You are using map when you don't need to, CSV#foreach already iterates through all of the rows - remove this
Date - include the ruby standard Time library
Unique ids - it sounds like you want to convert the udid into a shorter unique id since there may be more than one entry per mobile device - use an array to make a collection without repeats and use the index of the device udid in the array as your new shorter unique id
I used this as my input csv:
11,Android, N, 10-05-2015 3:59:59 PM,22, d0155049772de9,33,44,55,66
11,iPhone, N, 10-05-2015 5:59:59 PM,22, d0155044772de9,33,44,55,66
11,iPhone, Y, 10-06-2015 3:59:59 PM,22, d0155049772de9,33,44,55,66
11,Android, Y, 11-05-2015 3:59:59 PM,22, d0155249772de9,33,44,55,66
Here is my output csv:
Here is the script I used:
require 'time' # use ruby standard time library to parse for you
require 'csv'
udids = [] # turn the udid in to a shorter unique id'new.csv', "wb") do |csv|
CSV.foreach('old.csv', headers: true) do |row|
if row['platform']=='Android'
elsif row['platform']=='iPhone'
if row['push'].strip =='Y'
elsif row['push'].strip =='N'
row['timestamp'] = Time.parse(row['timestamp']).to_i
# turn the udid in to a shorter unique id
unless udids.include?(row['udid'])
udids << row['udid']
row['udid'] = udids.index(row['udid']) + 1
csv << row
This is a wrong usage of map, this is not the function you need. Map is if you want to apply a function to all values in the array, and return the array. What you are doing is iterate, doing some changes, then pushing the modified row into a new array - you can just iterate, no need for the map function to be there:
CSV.foreach('C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\NewColumns.csv', :headers=>true) instead of CSV.foreach('C:\Users\hp1\Desktop\Datasets\NewColumns.csv', :headers=>true).map
About the date, you can use strptime to transform string into date: DateTime.strptime("10-05-2015 3:59:59 PM", "%d-%m-%Y %l:%M:%S %p"). Here the docs:
add :converters => :all to your options, so that the dates and numbers are automatically converted. Then, instead of
which does the conversion but doesn't put it anywhere (it is not in-place), do this:
row['timestamp'] = row['timestamp'].to_time.to_i
note that this only works with converters, otherwise row['timestamp'] is a string and there is no .to_time method.

Ruby // Random number between range, ensure uniqueness against others existing stored ones

Currently trying to generate a random number in a specific range;
and ensure that it would be unique against others stored records.
Using Mysql. Could be like an id, incremented; but can't be it.
Currently testing other existing records in an 'expensive' manner;
but I'm pretty sure that there would be a clean 1/2 lines of code to use
Currently using :
test = 0
Order.all.each do |ord|
test = (0..899999).to_a.sample.to_s.rjust(6, '0')
if Order.find_by_number(test).nil? then
return test
Thanks for any help
Here your are my one-line solution. It is also the quicker one since calls .pluck to retrieve the numbers from the Order table. .select instantiates an "Order" object for every record (that is very costly and unnecessary) while .pluck does not. It also avoids to iterate again each object with a .map to get the "number" field. We can avoid the second .map as well if we convert, using CAST in this case, to a numeric value from the database.
(Array(0...899999) - Order.pluck("CAST('number' AS UNSIGNED)")).sample.to_s.rjust(6, '0')
I would do something like this:
# gets all existing IDs
existing_ids =
# removes them from the acceptable range
available_numbers = (0..899999).to_a - existing_ids
# choose one (which is not in the DB)
available_numbers.sample.to_s.rjust(6, '0')
I think, you can do something like below :
def uniq_num_add(arr)
loop do
rndm = rand(1..15) # I took this range as an example
# random number will be added to the array, when the number will
# not be present
break arr<< "%02d" % rndm unless arr.include?(rndm)
array = []
3.times do
array # => ["02", "15", "04"]
