Laravel Vapor - Assets (logo) on maintenance mode page - laravel

According to the docs we are able to put a 503.html document inside the root of our Laravel project.
You may customize the maintenance mode splash screen for your application by placing a 503.html file in your application's root directory.
I would however love to be able to put one or more assets on this page (for example our Logo) to make this page better more personal. Laravel Vapor automatically uploads your static assets to cloudfront, which is not a problem if you're using the asset() helper. However, are there any solutions already being made? I can't find any.
Is there anyone who has created a solution to make this happen?

With Vapor every time you deploy all the assets get a new cloudfront url. This is mostly fine for js and css which we change often. Images, logos etc do not change much.
Better to make another bucket on aws and hard code the path the image file in your 503. Doesn't need to be deployed every time. Your users browsers can cache it for as long as you set it in the bucket.
I'd like Vapor to only change asset urls if the files have changed but so far that is not the case.


Updated Image file but not reflecting on Live server in laravel 9

I'm new with Laravel and I made web application but when I updated the image file or some css code it will not reflecting on live server.
I tried:
Route::get('/check',function(){ Artisan::call('cache:clear'); Artisan::call('optimize:clear'); Cache::flush(); });
but this is not working.
I just want to reflecting updated image file or css file when I update it.
"it will not reflecting on live server"
This is the bit that worries me being you've tried the cache clear commands. Laravel will mostly serve up the current assets, there are of course exceptions!
Laravel octane; If you're using this package then php artisan octane:reload
Other sources for these sorts of errors to check first would be
Browser cache - try renaming the files or adding a query string to their lings.
CDN cache - lots of people use cloudflare as a CDN and DNS, make sure development mode is turned on and you've flushed the cache there.
For the most part, just adding a query string and/or changing the name should be enough to prompt a fresh download.

Move file from laravel server to Nuxt server

I have two separate project, laravel and nuxt;
i want to, when i upload file from the laravel, it'll be stored on static folder of the nuxt project. Is there any way for that?
For that, you'll need to send your file upload to a CI that will inject it into the Nuxt project, and rebuild the whole Nuxt app.
Also, remember that static is not bundled via Webpack.
Meaning that it will be shipped raw: if it's uploaded while not being properly optimized, it'll be shipped as is (would be better suited into an /assets directory but still >> build time for the whole project required here).
Even hosting it on your Laravel server is more worth at this point.
TLDR: it's not worth to send it to Nuxt's static directory.
I recommend hosting it on a CDN or alike.

How to fetch newly added images from VM in google cloud platform?

When I add images it is stored inside google cloud platform VM correctly.
But I am not able to fetch newly added images in my website.
If I redeploy project with newly added images in assets folder it is showing correctly.
I have verified there is no mistake on frontend or backend side.
Is it not possible to get live image update with VM?
I have used Vue.js.
I am storing images inside src/assets folder.
When I save images in my website it is saved at src/assets folder.
I think it can only access things in dist folder after build.
Can you suggest where should I save my file?
I'm making an educateg guess it's some cache issue.
Instead of putting your image files inside the VM you can try storing them in a bucket that's accessible to public. The downside is that it can serve only static files (no PHP or anything).
You have to configure your load balancer to forward all requests to the bucket but that's actually quite easy. Have a look at my answer asking for such configuration.

Vue and Laravel separate app - Need feedback on architecture

I need a bit of expert feedback on this please as I do not want to start my project in the wrong way.
I would like to keep my Vue code separated from Laravel, the reason being, I may use this vue app later on on Cordova.
First question:
I understand how to host the Laravel API and Vue app on 2 different domains, no problems at all but I am unsure on how to setup the folder when both apps are on the same domain.
I know that Laravel should be hosted below the public_html folder and have a symlink to the public folder for security purpose. But where should my vue app goes?
Second question:
When I save images from Vue(as I am creating a blog) the images are going to the Laravel store/images folder, so each time I want to show an article in my vue app, the API must each time request the content(text and images) from the Laravel API, is this fine? Will the Google bot be able to trigger the API request when requesting the content?(I actually never thought of this...)
Thank you so much!

Localhost is no longer working properly

I just built a site using Xampp and it worked great. I just transferred my site (that I used to develop by updating to live server) to localhost, and it isn't working right at all.
The images do not show and the pages are not refreshing properly.
I had to change the CSS images to /folder/x instead of just x, which I can understand I guess, but why are my HTML images suddenly not working?
One of the pages, the paths are even absolute, but the page just isn't updating even though it's saved in the local folder.
What gives? All I did differently was added a password to root user in MySQL and tried (and failed) at some mod_rewrites, which I removed.
It points the images from localhost/ instead of localhost/folder, even adding folder/x doesn't work.
You probably forgot to convert a link or made a mistake.
Remember that /images/x.png means that it's trying to find the folder images from root and not from the current folder your site is located in. Try using ./images/x.png instead.
Perhaps you could post an example from your site?
Try looking at the Apache access logs and see whether you can find a request for an image with the wrong path.
