I have an request which uses a variable previously set. Asserting this variable to check the value doesn't exist within the response. Then resetting the variable to blank to check other apis
UDV - var1 = "ABC"
- Assert var1 doesn't exist
- Regex extractor set var1 (use empty default value)
- Check var1 (which will be blank)
I can't do the same check as before as i reuse the modules. So just want to set it to blank.
Expected: First check is executed with var1 set to "ABC" and then sets var1 to blank for next request
Actual sets var1 to blank then does the check in request1 so fails the request.
Any ideas?
As per Execution Order of JMeter Test Elements:
0 Configuration elements
1 Pre-Processors
2 Timers
3 Sampler
4 Post-Processors (unless SampleResult is null)
5 Assertions (unless SampleResult is null)
6 Listeners (unless SampleResult is null)
As you can see, Regular Expression Extractor is a Post-Processor so it is executed before the assertion.
If you need to make var1 value blank:
Remove Regular Expression Extractor
Add JSR223 Listener as a child of the Request 1 and put the following code into "Script" area:
vars.remove('var1') // if you want to delete the variable
vars.put('var1', '') // if you want the variable to be a blank string
Where vars stands for JMeterVariables class instance, check out JavaDoc for more information on its functions and Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy article to learn more about other JMeter API shorthands
I am capturing bunch of available seat list using JSON Extractor (Please refer "1_JSON_Extractor" ) , I am using -1 to capture all the ordinals, it is working fine (Refer "2_Debug_Sampler").
I need to take the random value from the list, Instead of using 0 for Random Ordinal, I am trying to use Random Variable here,( Please refer "3_Random_variable"). But it is not working fine.
I am planning to use the the Random variable "C_Seat_1" in the place of JSON Extractor Match No and get the random value. (Please refer "4_Json_Extractor")1_JSON_Extractor .2_Debug_Sampler3_Random_variable4_Json_Extractor
Can you help ?
Take a look at JMeter Test Elements Execution Order
0. Configuration elements
Post-Processors (unless SampleResult is null)
Assertions (unless SampleResult is null)
Listeners (unless SampleResult is null)
Random Variable is a Configuration Element
JSON Extractor is a Post-Processor
Hence when Random Variable is evaluated JSON Extractor hasn't been executed yet therefore ${C_Selected_Seat_All_matchNr} is not defined
You can just go for __Random() and __V() functions combination to pick a random seat directly where required without any extra configuratino elements, something like:
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction
Run Get method to get the data of the policy - response is encrypted.
Run a Post method to decrypt the response from step 1
On the response from Step 2 there is the field policyStatus and will be changed to value = 2
Encrypt the decrypted payload with changes in the policyStatus. I created a regular expression extractor in step 2 to get the response, but the problem is if I directly parameterized it in this step I wont be able to change the value of policyStatus, is there a way to change the value after extracting without posting it so that I can encrypt it and then post it.
I tried the __strReplace() function but this will be possible if the request is step 4 is not parameterized. see below
Actual Body(Parameterized):
"isEncrypt": true,
"payload": "{${payload}}"
Body(Not Parameterized):
"isEncrypt": true,
"payload": "{\"policyNumber\":\"\",\"policyStatus\":\"1\",\"ownerName\":\"\",\"exchangeRate\":1,\"product\":{\"productName\":\"",\"category\":\"T\",\"shariaIndicator\":\"",\"currency\":\""},\"billings\":[{\"type\":\"",\"amount\":0,\"currency\":\""},{\"type\":\"",\"paidToDate\":\"2019-07-08\",\"mode\":\"",\"amount\":,\"currency\":\"",\"minimumPayment\":,\"outstandingPeriod\":0,\"paymentSuspend\":}]}"
the policyStatus is inside the payload field which comes from the response on step 2.
tried the advice from this --> How to store entire response and update it for next rest call using Jmeter
but this applies in the value of the single field.
Add JSR223 PostProcessor after the Regular Expression Extractor in step 2
Put the following code into "Script" area:
vars.put('changedPolicy', vars.get('myVar').replace("\\\"policyStatus\\\":\\\"1\\\"","\\\"policyStatus\\\":\\\"2\\\""))
Replace myVar with your actual JMeter Variable reference name from the Regular Expression Extractor
That's it, the JSR223 PostProcessor will generate changedPolicy variable with the policyStatus value set to 2
vars keyword used in the Groovy script is the shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance, it is used for reading myVar variable value and writing the replacement into changedPolicy variable. See Top 8 JMeter Java Classes You Should Be Using with Groovy to learn more about JMeter API shorthands available for Groovy scripts.
I use JMeter 4, I have a problem in a JMeter JSON Path Extractor.
I have done an HTTP Request (POST) to a service that I wan't to test.
Response data from the service is
I wan't to extract the first GUID witch is allocated to the first rid.
As JSONPath Expression I have used $.rid and wan't to assign that value to a JMeter variable. Therefore I have checked the radio button JMeter variable and entered my JMeter variable which is int_rid.
When I execute my JMeter testplan the int_rid variable will be null.
In JSON Extractor If you check the radio button JMeter variable it expect to search inside the contents of JMeter variable, which you don't want, usually Main sample only is enough
Main sample only - only applies to the main sample
Sub-samples only - only applies to the sub-samples
Main sample and sub-samples - applies to both.
JMeter Variable Name to use - assertion is to be applied to the contents of the named variable
Put int_rid in Names of created variables field and chose Match No. 1 to find the first value
I have an http request that uses an extractor to set a JMeter variable (lets call it test) from the body. When I look at the debug controller I can see this works fine. Next I want to append something to the beginning of the variable so I add a user defined variable node and add a variable with the name new and I set the value to ${test}. However when I look in the debug response I see ${test} instead of the value.
I tried the same thing setting the value manually in 2 different UDV nodes and it works fine, so how do I append to a JMeter variable declared in an extractor?
As per JMeter Documentation:
The User Defined Variables element lets you define an initial set of variables, just as in the Test Plan.
Note that all the UDV elements in a test plan - no matter where they are - are processed at the start.
So the User Defined Variables element will be read only once and only when the Test Plan is started.
If you need to overwrite the current variable with a new value you can go for i.e. __groovy() function, the relevant syntax would be something like:
${__groovy(vars.put('foo'\, 'some_prefix_' + vars.get('foo')),)}
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance, it provides read-write access to all JMeter Variables in the current thread scope. Check out The Groovy Templates Cheat Sheet for JMeter to learn what else you can do with Groovy scripting in JMeter tests
UDVs can't be used in dynamic way because they are process once at the start of the test.
Don't use UDV, use JSR223 Sampler (or PostProcessor) with vars;
vars.put("new", "prefix"+ vars.get("test"))
Another option is to use Set Variables Action plugin
I'm running a Thread Group with the following property values:
Number of threads: 200
Ramp-up Time (sec): 20
Loop-count: 2
I also have user defined variables set for the HTTP Requests. However, when the second iteration is reached, I need the user defined variable's value to also change.
Add a Beanshell PreProcessor as a child of first request
Put the following code into PreProcessor's "Script" area:
if (vars.getIteration() == 2) {
vars.put("myVar", "newValue");
Replace myVar with your variable name and newValue with variable value for the second loop.
vars is a shorthand for JMeterVariables class instance and getIteration() method returns current loop's number.
If you want to dive deaper into Beanshell in particular and extending JMeter test via scripting in general I would recommend to get familiarized with How to use BeanShell: JMeter's favorite built-in component guide.