Unable to send object value in next request json body - jmeter

I am trying to send object value based on condition to the previous request.
From above,pricecheck i will get formtype value based on form type validation i have to send guests info in request..
here i am able to validate but not able to pass the object value if i try any string i can able to do,please help me.

You need to put a string value in vars, surrounded with quotes " and escape inner quotes\",as
vars.put("guests", "{ \"title\":\"Mr\", .... }");

You're violating 2 major best practices:
You're referring JMeter Variables like ${form} in the JSR223 Test Elements while you should be using vars.get('form') construction instead
You're using JavaScript language which is a performance anti-pattern, since JMeter 3.1 you should be using Groovy language for scripting
Check out Parsing and producing JSON article to learn more about reading and generating JSON in Groovy.
Also posting code in form of screenshots is not something you should be doing otherwise the chance of getting a comprehensive answer will be much less


Unable to extract the data from previous response in jmeter

I have a situation where the request saves the data using PUT method. The dynamic content is webkit(json body). So kindly help me how to capture the value.
If you want to extract value(s) from the previous response the options are in:
Boundary Extractor - if you provide a JMeter Variable name and empty left and right boundaries - it will store the whole response into that variable
JSON Extractor - allows extraction of partial data using JSONPath query language
JSON JMESPath Extractor - the same as point 2 but uses a different language - JMESPath which is is more "standard" and powerful
More complex extractions/transformations can be done using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language
We cannot "kindly help you" more without seeing the previous response and the next request, the only "help" I can provide so far is a piece of information that WebKit is a browser engine so I have a doubt regarding your statement about sending it somewhere.

How to add a variable from Json extractor into an array in JMeter?

I'm new here and also a beginner on JMeter and maybe this was already answered in an old post that I didn't find, sorry if this is the case.
I had this Post request I need to send with all these IDs that vary according to the account
Post Request
In order to get all of the IDs, I used the JSon extractor to put then into a variable
JSon extractor, then I got all the FieldIDs that I need.
ID extracted
But now how can I add this variable inside the request? I tried something like {"ids":"${fieldId}","includeBoundary":true} but it didn't work. How can I use this?
Please see: HTTP Request parameter dialog example
If you need to extract the whole response, save it into a JMeter Variable and send it back to another endpoint - the easiest way is using Boundary Extractor providing empty left and right boundaries
If you need more complex transformations - take a look at JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language
I solved my problem in a so easy way(damn it)!!!!
On the Json extractor I just marked the option "Computer concatenation var (suffix_ALL)" then on the debbuger I got all IDs I needed in only one line and finally on my request I just add on the body data the line {"ids": [${fieldId_ALL}],"includeBoundary":true} and bingo it worked like a charm!!!!

How to use response field in a new request in Jmeter

I have this issue that I want to solve.
I want to create a new http request using field from previous response
I send a request
I used Json extractor to move the response string to a variable (let call this string nurl)
I used Regular expression and move the field that I want to "Reference Name"
(meanning from nurl I just want tt_cid)
Now I want to make a new call, and use that field tt_cid in my new call
How I shall call tt_cid? since it is not passed as User Defined Variables,
when I use tt_cid, I do not think J meter know it, since it is not written there, I just pulled it from the response.
Provided a Pic of what I have done
Regards to you all
Short answer call it ${tt_cid}.
since it is not passed as User Defined Variables, when I use tt_cid,
I do not think J meter know it,
For your understanding add Debug Sampler after Regular expression,
You will see all your JMeter variables, including tt_cid, which can be called as other variables ${tt_cid} inside other Samplers.
It's called Reference Name and not Variable Name because it's more complicated, You should read JMeter's Regular Expression to understand how it works internally, But basically it saves more than just 1 Variable.

jmeter prev.getResponseDataAsString getting wrong return

I have a looping process that will extract some values from a web service (working) and loop through to pull all the information for each value (working).
I need to capture the whole return into a variable so I can modify it and post it back up later.
When the "Baseline for ..." get kicks in, I get the proper response
But the "Get response" BeanShell PreProcessor is picking up old responses
Given where my "Get response" object is, I would assume the:
vars.put("ResponceData", prev.getResponseDataAsString());
...would grab the response from "Baseline for ${ID} of site ${callSite}". Please help!
You are using wrong test element. Beanshell PreProcessor is being executed before request therefore it acts properly and returns response from the previous request instead of current one. You need to change it to the Beanshell PostProcessor and your code will start working as you expect.
It is recommended to avoid scripting where possible, if you need to save response data into a JMeter Variable you can do it using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor. According How to Extract Data From Files With JMeter article the relevant configuration will be something like:
Reference Name: ResponceData
Regular Expression: (?s)(^.*)
Template: $1$
If you face a JMeter limitation which cannot be worked around without using scripting make sure you are using the most performing scripting language, since JMeter 3.1 it is recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language

How to pass the value of a jmeter response as the input to the next request

As am new to jmeter please help me in passing the value from a webservice response as the input to the next webservice request
I guess that your web service returns XML (more likely) or JSON.
All you need is to use XPath Extractor Post Processor, get interesting response part, store it to variable and use in next request.
You can address variables next ways:
I prefer the second option as it allows combining several variables, evaluating functions, etc.
