unclear on reasons why there is a race condition - go

The question concerns the following code:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var counters = map[int]int{}
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(counters map[int]int, th int) {
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
}(counters, i)
fmt.Println("counters result", counters)
Here is the output I get when I run this code with go run -race race.go
$ go run -race race.go
Read at 0x00c000092150 by goroutine 8:
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/runtime/map_fast64.go:12 +0x0
/tmp/race.go:10 +0x6b
Previous write at 0x00c000092150 by goroutine 7:
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/runtime/map_fast64.go:92 +0x0
/tmp/race.go:10 +0xaf
Goroutine 8 (running) created at:
/tmp/race.go:8 +0x67
Goroutine 7 (finished) created at:
/tmp/race.go:8 +0x67
Read at 0x00c0000aa188 by main goroutine:
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/runtime/mbarrier.go:177 +0x0
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/reflect/value.go:1297 +0x7b
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/reflect/value.go:1251 +0x15e
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/internal/fmtsort/sort.go:61 +0x259
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/fmt/print.go:773 +0x146f
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/fmt/print.go:716 +0x2ee
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/fmt/print.go:1173 +0xad
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/fmt/print.go:264 +0x65
/usr/lib/go-1.13/src/fmt/print.go:274 +0x13c
Previous write at 0x00c0000aa188 by goroutine 10:
/tmp/race.go:10 +0xc4
Goroutine 10 (finished) created at:
/tmp/race.go:8 +0x67
counters result map[0:1 1:1 2:1 3:1 4:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 13:1 14:1 20:1 21:1 22:1 23:1 24:1 30:1 31:1 32:1 33:1 34:1 40:1 41:1 42:1 43:1 44:1]
Found 2 data race(s)
exit status 66
Here is what I can't understand. Why there a race condition at all? Aren't we reading/writing values only one go routine can access? For example routine 0 will modify values only in counter[0] through counters[4], routine 1 will modify values only in counters[10] through counters[14], routine 2 will only modify values in counters[20] through counters[24] and so on. I'm not seeing a race condition here. Feels like I'm missing something. Will someone be able to shed some light on this?
Just an FYI I'm new to go. If you could dumb down the explanation (if it is possible) I would appreciate it.

That would be true for an array (or a slice), but a map is a complicated data structure which, among others, have the following properties:
It's free to relocate the elements stored in it in memory at any time it sees fit.
A map is initially empty, and placing an element in it (what appears as assignment in your case) involves a lot of operations on the map's internals.
Additionally, in a case like yours — incrementing an integer stored in a map — is really a map lookup, increment, and a map store.
The first and the last operations involve lookup by key.
Now consider what happens if one goroutine performs lookup at the same time another goroutine modifies the map's internal state when performing map store.
You might want to read up a bit on what is an associative array, and how it's typically implemented.

Aren't we reading/writing values only one go routine can access?
You already got a great answer from #kostix on that matter: the internals of the map are modified when you add elements to it, so it's not accurate to think that routine 0 will modify values only in counter[0] through counters[4].
But that's not all.
There's yet another data race issue in your code that's a bit more subtle and might be very difficult to catch even in tests.
To explore it, let's get rid of the "map internals" issue that #kostix mentioned, by imagining that your code is almost exactly the same, but with one tiny change: instead of using a map[int]int, imagine that you're using a []int, initialized to have at least length 56. Something like this:
// var counters = map[int]int{}
var counters = make([]int, 56)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// go func(counters map[int]int, th int) {
go func(counters []int, th int) {
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
}(counters, i)
fmt.Println("counters result", counters)
This is nearly equivalent, but gets rid of the "map internals" issue. The goal is to shift the focus away from "map internals" to show you the second issue.
There's still a race condition there. By the way, it's also similar to a race condition that exists in the first attempted solution in another answer you got, that uses a sync.Mutex but in a way that is still wrong.
The problem here is that there's no happens before relationship between the operations that change the counters and the operation that reads from it.
The fmt.Scanln() doesn't help: even though it allows you to introduce an arbitrary time delay between the code right before it (i.e., when the for loop launches the goroutines) and the code right after it (i.e., the fmt.Println()) — so that you could think "Ok, I'm just gonna wait 'a reasonably long amount of time' before pressing Enter", that doesn't eliminate the race condition.
The race condition here arises from the fact that "passage of time" (i.e., you waiting to hit Enter) does not establish a happens-before relationship between the writes to counters and the reads from it.
This notion of happens-before is absolutely fundamental for avoiding data races: you can only guarantee the absence of a data race if you can guarantee the existence of a happens-before relationship between 2 operations.
Like I mentioned, "passage of time" doesn't establish a "happens before". To establish it, you could use one of many alternatives, including primitives in the sync or atomic packages, or channels, etc.
While I'd probably suggest focusing on studying channels, and then the sync package (sync.Mutex, sync.WaitGroup, etc), and maybe only after all that the atomic package, if you do want to read more about this idea of happens before from the authoritative source, here's the link: https://golang.org/ref/mem . But be warned that it's a nasty can of worms.
Hopefully these comments here help you see why it's absolutely fundamental to follow the standard patterns for concurrency in Go. Things can be way more subtle than at first sight.
And to conclude, a quote from The Go Memory Model link I shared above:
If you must read the rest of this document to understand the behavior of your program, you are being too clever.
Don't be clever.
EDIT: for completion, here's how you could solve the problem.
There are 2 parts to the solution: (1) make sure that there's no concurrent modifications to the map; (2) make sure that there's a happens-before between all the changes to the map and the read.
For (1), you can use a sync.Mutex. Lock it before writing, unlock it after the write.
For (2), you need to ensure that the main goroutine can only get to the fmt.Println() after all the modifications are done. And remember: here, after doesn't mean "at a later point in time", but it specifically means that a happens-before relationship must be established. The 2 common patterns to solve this are to use a channel or a sync.WaitGroup. The WaitGroup solution is probably easier to reason about here, so that's what I'd use.
var mu sync.Mutex // (A)
var wg sync.WaitGroup // (A)
var counters = map[int]int{}
wg.Add(5) // (B)
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
go func(counters map[int]int, th int) {
for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
mu.Lock() // (C)
mu.Unlock() // (C)
wg.Done() // (D)
}(counters, i)
wg.Wait() // (E)
fmt.Println("counters result", counters)
(A) You don't need to initialize either the Mutex nor the WaitGroup, since their zero values are ready to use. Also, you don't need to make them pointers to anything.
(B) You .Add(5) to the WaitGroup's counter, meaning that it will have to wait for 5 .Done() signals before proceeding if you .Wait() on it. The number 5 here is because you're launching 5 goroutines, and you need to establish happens-before relationships between the changes made on all of them and the main goroutine's fmt.Println().
(C) You .Lock() and .Unlock() the Mutex around modifications to the map, to ensure that they are not done concurrently.
(D) Just before each goroutine terminates, you call wg.Done(), which decrements the WaitGroup's internal counter.
(E) Finally, you wg.Wait(). This function blocks until the wg's counter reaches 0. And here's the super important piece: the WaitGroup establishes a happens-before relationship between the calls to wg.Done() and the return of the wg.Wait() call. In other words, from a memory consistency perspective, the main goroutine is guaranteed to see all the changes performed to the map by all the goroutines!
AND FINALLY you can run that code with -race and be happy!
For you to explore further: instead of map + sync.Mutex, you could replace that with just sync.Map. But the sync.WaitGroup would still be necessary. Try to write a solution using that, it might be a nice exercise.

In addition to #kostix answer. You've to know that multiple goroutines should not access (write/read) to the same ressource at a given time.
So, in your implementation you may easly be in the case that multiple goroutines are updating (reading/writing) concurrently the same ressource (which is your map) at the same time.
What should happen ? Which value should be in this given map key ? This a what called race condition
Here is some potential fixes to your code:
Using Mutex:
package main
import (
func main() {
var counters = map[int]int{}
var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
go func(counters map[int]int, th int) {
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
mutex.Lock() // Lock the access to the map
mutex.Unlock() // Release the access
}(counters, i)
fmt.Println("counters result", counters)
counters result map[0:1 1:1 2:1 10:1 11:1 12:1 20:1 21:1 22:1]
Using sync.Map:
package main
import (
func main() {
var counters sync.Map
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
go func(th int) {
for j := 0; j < 3; j++ {
if result, ok := counters.Load(th*10 + j); ok {
value := result.(int) + 1
counters.Store(th*10+j, value+1)
} else {
counters.Store(th*10+j, 1)
counters.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
fmt.Println("key:", k, ", value:", v)
return true
key: 21 , value: 1
key: 10 , value: 1
key: 11 , value: 1
key: 0 , value: 1
key: 1 , value: 1
key: 20 , value: 1
key: 2 , value: 1
key: 22 , value: 1
key: 12 , value: 1


What happens when reading or writing concurrently without a mutex

In Go, a sync.Mutex or chan is used to prevent concurrent access of shared objects. However, in some cases I am just interested in the "latest" value of a variable or field of an object.
Or I like to write a value and do not care if another go-routine overwrites it later or has just overwritten it before.
Update: TLDR; Just don't do this. It is not safe. Read the answers, comments, and linked documents!
Update 2021: The Go memory model is going to be specified more thoroughly and there are three great articles by Russ Cox that will teach you more about the surprising effects of unsynchronized memory access. These articles summarize a lot of the below discussions and learnings.
Here are two variants good and bad of an example program, where both seem to produce "correct" output using the current Go runtime:
package main
import (
var bogus = flag.Bool("bogus", false, "use bogus code")
func pause() {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Uint32()%100) * time.Millisecond)
func bad() {
stop := time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
var name string
// start some producers doing concurrent writes (DANGER!)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(i int) {
name = fmt.Sprintf("name = %d", i)
// start consumer that shows the current value every 10ms
go func() {
tick := time.Tick(10 * time.Millisecond)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
case <-tick:
fmt.Println("read:", name)
func good() {
stop := time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
names := make(chan string, 10)
// start some producers concurrently writing to a channel (GOOD!)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func(i int) {
names <- fmt.Sprintf("name = %d", i)
// start consumer that shows the current value every 10ms
go func() {
tick := time.Tick(10 * time.Millisecond)
var name string
for {
select {
case name = <-names:
case <-stop:
case <-tick:
fmt.Println("read:", name)
func main() {
if *bogus {
} else {
The expected output is as follows:
read: name = 3
read: name = 3
read: name = 5
read: name = 4
Any combination of read: and read: name=[0-9] is correct output for this program. Receiving any other string as output would be an error.
When running this program with go run --race bogus.go it is safe.
However, go run --race bogus.go -bogus warns of the concurrent reads and writes.
For map types and when appending to slices I always need a mutex or a similar method of protection to avoid segfaults or unexpected behavior. However, reading and writing literals (atomic values) to variables or field values seems to be safe.
Question: Which Go data types can I safely read and safely write concurrently without a mutext and without producing segfaults and without reading garbage from memory?
Please explain why something is safe or unsafe in Go in your answer.
Update: I rewrote the example to better reflect the original code, where I had the the concurrent writes issue. The important leanings are already in the comments. I will accept an answer that summarizes these learnings with enough detail (esp. on the Go-runtime).
However, in some cases I am just interested in the latest value of a variable or field of an object.
Here is the fundamental problem: What does the word "latest" mean?
Suppoose that, mathematically speaking, we have a sequence of values Xi, with 0 <= i < N. Then obviously Xj is "later than" Xi if j > i. That's a nice simple definition of "latest" and is probably the one you want.
But when two separate CPUs within a single machine—including two goroutines in a Go program—are working at the same time, time itself loses meaning. We cannot say whether i < j, i == j, or i > j. So there is no correct definition for the word latest.
To solve this kind of problem, modern CPU hardware, and Go as a programming language, gives us certain synchronization primitives. If CPUs A and B execute memory fence instructions, or synchronization instructions, or use whatever other hardware provisions exist, the CPUs (and/or some external hardware) will insert whatever is required for the notion of "time" to regain its meaning. That is, if the CPU uses barrier instructions, we can say that a memory load or store that was executed before the barrier is a "before" and a memory load or store that is executed after the barrier is an "after".
(The actual implementation, in some modern hardware, consists of load and store buffers that can rearrange the order in which loads and stores go to memory. The barrier instruction either synchronizes the buffers, or places an actual barrier in them, so that loads and stores cannot move across the barrier. This particular concrete implementation gives an easy way to think about the problem, but isn't complete: you should think of time as simply not existing outside the hardware-provided synchronization, i.e., all loads from, and stores to, some location are happening simultaneously, rather than in some sequential order, except for these barriers.)
In any case, Go's sync package gives you a simple high level access method to these kinds of barriers. Compiled code that executes before a mutex Lock call really does complete before the lock function returns, and the code that executes after the call really does not start until after the lock function returns.
Go's channels provide the same kinds of before/after time guarantees.
Go's sync/atomic package provides much lower level guarantees. In general you should avoid this in favor of the higher level channel or sync.Mutex style guarantees. (Edit to add note: You could use sync/atomic's Pointer operations here, but not with the string type directly, as Go strings are actually implemented as a header containing two separate values: a pointer, and a length. You could solve this with another layer of indirection, by updating a pointer that points to the string object. But before you even consider doing that, you should benchmark the use of the language's preferred methods and verify that these are a problem, because code that works at the sync/atomic level is hard to write and hard to debug.)
Which Go data types can I safely read and safely write concurrently without a mutext and without producing segfaults and without reading garbage from memory?
It really is that simple: You cannot, under no circumstance whatsoever, read and write concurrently to anything in Go.
(Btw: Your "correct" program is not correct, it is racy and even if you get rid of the race condition it would not deterministically produce the output.)
Why can't you use channels
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup // wait group to close channel
var buffer int = 1 // buffer of the channel
// channel to get the share data
cName := make(chan string, buffer)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
wg.Add(1) // add to wait group
go func(i int) {
cName <- fmt.Sprintf("name = %d", i)
wg.Done() // decrease wait group.
go func() {
wg.Wait() // wait of wait group to be 0
close(cName) // close the channel
// process all the data
for n := range cName {
println("read:", n)
The above code returns the following output
read: name = 0
read: name = 5
read: name = 1
read: name = 2
read: name = 3
read: name = 4
read: name = 7
read: name = 6
read: name = 8
read: name = 9
Article about channels

Is there a race condition in the golang implementation of mutex the m.state is read without atomic function

In golang if two goroutines read and write a variable without mutex and atomic, that may bring data race condition.
Use command go run --race xxx.go will detect the race point.
While the implementation of Mutex in src/sync/mutex.go use the following code
func (m *Mutex) Lock() {
// Fast path: grab unlocked mutex.
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) {
if race.Enabled {
var waitStartTime int64
starving := false
awoke := false
iter := 0
old := m.state // This line confuse me !!!
The code old := m.state confuse me, because m.state is read and write by different goroutine.
The following function Test obvious has race condition problem. But if i put it in mutex.go, no race conditon will detect.
# mutex.go
func Test(){
a := int32(1)
go func(){
atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&a, 1, 4)
_ = a
If put it in other package like src/os/exec.go, the conditon race problem will detect.
package main
func main(){
sync.Test() // race condition will not detect
os.Test() // race condition will detect
First of all the golang source always changes so let's make sure we are looking at the same thing. Take release 1.12 at
as you said the Lock function begins
func (m *Mutex) Lock() {
// fast path where it will set the high order bit and return if not locked
if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&m.state, 0, mutexLocked) {
//reads value to decide on the lower order bits
for {
//if statements involving CompareAndSwaps on the lower order bits
What is this CompareAndSwap doing? it looks atomically in that int32 and if it is 0 it swaps it to mutexLocked (which is 1 defined as a const above) and returns true that it swapped it.
Then it promptly returns. That is its fast path. The goroutine acquired the lock and now it is running can start running it's protected path.
If it is 1 (mutexLocked) already, it doesn't swap it and returns false (it didn't swap it).
Then it reads the state and enters a loop that it does atomic compare and swaps to determine how it should behave.
What are the possible states? combinations of locked, woken and starving as you see from the const block.
Now depending on how long the goroutine has been waiting on the waitlist it will get priority on when to check again if the mutex is now free.
But also observe that only Unlock() can set the mutexLocked bit back to 0.
in the Lock() CAS loop the only bits that are set are the starving and woken ones.Yes you can have multiple readers but only one writer at any time, and that writer is the one who is holding the mutex and is executing its protected path until calling Unlock(). Check out this article for more details.
By disassemble the binary output file, The Test function in different pack generate different code.
The reason is that the compiler forbid to generate race detect instrument in the sync package.
The code is :
var norace_inst_pkgs = []string{"sync", "sync/atomic"} // https://github.com/golang/go/blob/release-branch.go1.12/src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/racewalk.go

does go ++ operator need mutex?

Does go ++ Operator need mutex?
It seems that when not using mutex i am losing some data , but by logic ++ just add +1 value to the current value , so even if the order is incorrect still a total of 1000 run should happen no?
package main
import (
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
i := 0
for r := 0; r < 1000; r++ {
go func() {
fmt.Printf("%d Done", i)
To "just add 1 to the current value" the computer needs to read the current value, add 1, and write the new value back. Clearly ordering does matter; the standard example is:
Thread A Thread B
Read: 5
Read: 5
+1 = 6
+1 = 6
Write: 6
Write: 6
The value started at 5, two threads of execution each added one, and the result is 6 (when it should be 7), because B's read occurred before A's write.
But there's a more important misconception at play here: many people think that in the case of a race, the code will either read the old value, or it will read the new value. This is not guaranteed. It might be what happens most of the time. It might be what happens all the time on your computer, with the current version of the compiler, etc. But actually it's possible for code that accesses data in an unsafe/racy manner to produce any result, even complete garbage. There's no guarantee that the value you read from a variable corresponds to any value it has ever had, if you cause a race.
just add +1 value to the current value
No, it's not "just add". It's
Read current value
Compute new value (based on what was read) and write it
See how this can break with multiple concurrent actors?
If you want atomic increments, check out sync/atomic. Examples: https://gobyexample.com/atomic-counters

Is len() thread safe in golang?

I'm logging every second the length of a map; I don't care if I have the "exact" value / race conditions (off by one is ok). I'm interested to know if this could cause a panic and if I have to enclose len() with some .RLock()/Unlock() or not.
I'm asking because concurrent reads/writes in a map will cause a panic (Go detects that) but I don't know if reading the length counts as a "read". I have tried with a test program but cannot produce a crash but I'd rather have an exact answer, at least for the sake of it.
If it matters I'm interested in both len for arrays and for maps.
It is a race condition. The results are undefined. For example,
package main
func main() {
m := make(map[int]int)
l := 0
go func() {
for {
l = len(m)
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
m[i] = i
$ go run -race racer.go
Read at 0x00c00008e000 by goroutine 5:
/home/peter/gopath/src/racer.go:8 +0x5f
Previous write at 0x00c00008e000 by main goroutine:
/home/peter/go/src/runtime/map_fast64.go:92 +0x0
/home/peter/gopath/src/racer.go:12 +0xba
Goroutine 5 (running) created at:
/home/peter/gopath/src/racer.go:6 +0x92
Found 1 data race(s)
exit status 66
Wikipedia: Race condition
The Go Blog: Introducing the Go Race Detector
Go: Data Race Detector
Benign Data Races: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
If you accept dirty data of len(), the operation will not cause deadlock, and will not cause any panic.
I met this problem in this scenario: I will decide if I need to clean the expired data in a map by if length of map reach the limitation. But I need not exactly limit the size of the map, because write operation is enclosed by .Lock()/Unlock() and will also check the limitation.
Hope this scenario will help you. However if len() is not a high frequency called, I think enclose that with lock is better.

Why is this code Undefined Behavior?

var x int
done := false
go func() { x = f(...); done = true }
while done == false { }
This is a Go code piece. My fiend told me this is UB code. Why?
As explained in "Why does this program terminate on my system but not on playground?"
The Go Memory Model does not guarantee that the value written to x in the goroutine will ever be observed by the main program.
A similarly erroneous program is given as an example in the section on go routine destruction.
The Go Memory Model also specifically calls out busy waiting without synchronization as an incorrect idiom in this section.
(in your case, there is no guarantee that the value written to done in the goroutine will ever be observed by the main program)
Here, You need to do some kind of synchronization in the goroutine in order to guarantee that done=true happens before one of the iterations of the for loop in main.
The "while" (non-existent in Go) should be replaced by, for instance, a channel you block on (waiting for a communication)
for {
<-c // 2
Based on a channel (c := make(chan bool)) created in main, and closed (close(c)) in the goroutine.
The sync package provides other means to wait for a gorountine to end before exiting main.
See for instance Golang Example Wait until all the background goroutine finish:
var w sync.WaitGroup
go func() {
// do something
