Range for loop over an unBuffered Channel - go

I'm new to golang and going over the gotour. I have following code which works perfectly as it should.
package main
import (
func fibonacci(n int, c chan int) {
x, y := 0, 1
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
c <- x
x, y = y, x+y
func main() {
c := make(chan int, 5)
// c := make(chan int) //doesn't work, why ?
go fibonacci(cap(c), c)
for i := range c {
But when I use an unbuffered channel instead of a buffered one, I don't get any output, why's that so ?

When you pass cap(c) through to the fibonacci function, what value is passed through? on the buffered channel the n == 5, on the unbuffered channel n == 0
and your for loop
for i := 0; i < 0; i++ {
Actually, this is a really bad way of handling the situation. You are requiring the number of channels to be equal to the number of iterations.
Using a channel in this way I would not recommend, think of the channel as being able to operate concurrently, which is not something you would want to do in this scenario!
If you pass the number in separately to the number of routines, then the unbuffered channel will work as expected:

cap(c) will be zero if channel is un-buffered . See the modified program


How to signal if a value has been read from a channel in Go

I am reading values that are put into a channel ch via an infinite for. I would like some way to signal if a value has been read and operated upon (via the sq result) and add it to some sort of counter variable upon success. That way I have a way to check if my channel has been exhausted so that I can properly exit my infinite for loop.
Currently it is incrementing regardless if a value was read, thus causing it to exit early when the counter == num. I only want it to count when the value has been squared.
EDIT: Another approach I have tested is to receive the ok val out of the channel upon reading and setting val and then check if !ok { break }. However I receive a deadlock panic since the for did has not properly break. Example here: https://go.dev/play/p/RYNtTix2nm2
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
num := 5
// Buffered channel with 5 values.
ch := make(chan int, num)
defer close(ch)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
go func(val int) {
fmt.Printf("Added value: %d to the channel\n", val)
ch <- val
// Read from our channel infinitely and increment each time a value has been read and operated upon
counter := 0
for {
// Check our counter and if its == num then break the infinite loop
if counter == num {
val := <-ch
go func(i int) {
// I'd like to verify a value was read from ch & it was processed before I increment the counter
sq := i * i
let me try to help you in figuring out the issue.
Reading issue
The latest version of the code you put in the question is working except when you're about to read values from the ch channel. I mean with the following code snippet:
go func(i int) {
// I'd like to verify a value was read from ch & it was processed before I increment the counter
sq := i * I
In fact, it's not needed to spawn a new goroutine for each read. You can consume the messages as soon as they arrived in the ch channel. This is possible due to writing done inside goroutines. Thanks to them, the code can go ahead and reach the reading phase without being blocked.
Buffered vs unbuffered
In this scenario, you used a buffered channel with 5 slots for data. However, if you're relying on the buffered channel you should signal when you finish sending data to it. This is done with a close(ch) invocation after all of the Go routines finish their job. If you use an unbuffered channel it's fine to invoke defer close(ch) next to the channel initialization. In fact, this is done for cleanup and resource optimization tasks. Back to your example, you can change the implementation to use unbuffered channels.
Final Code
Just to recap, the two small changes that you've to do are:
Use an unbuffered channel instead of a buffered one.
Do Not use a Go routine when reading the messages from the channel.
Please be sure to understand exactly what's going on. Another tip can be to issue the statement: fmt.Println("NumGoroutine:", runtime.NumGoroutine()) to print the exact number of Go routines running in that specific moment.
The final code:
package main
import (
func main() {
num := 5
// Buffered channel with 5 values.
ch := make(chan int)
defer close(ch)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
go func(val int) {
fmt.Printf("Added value: %d to the channel\n", val)
ch <- val
fmt.Println("NumGoroutine:", runtime.NumGoroutine())
// Read from our channel infinitely and increment each time a value has been read and operated upon
counter := 0
for {
// Check our counter and if its == num then break the infinite loop
if counter == num {
val := <-ch
func(i int) {
// I'd like to verify a value was read from ch & it was processed before I increment the counter
sq := i * i
Let me know if this helps you, thanks!
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
c := make(chan int)
done := make(chan bool)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
c <- i
go func() {
for i := range c {
done <- true
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
In this example, the done channel is used to signal that a value has been read from the c channel. After each value is read from c, a signal is sent on the done channel. The main function blocks on the done channel, waiting for a signal before continuing. This ensures that all values from c have been processed before the program terminates.

How can we determine when the "last" worker process/thread is finished in Go?

I'll use a hacky inefficient prime number finder to make this question a little more concrete.
Let's say our main function fires off a bunch of "worker" goroutines. They will report their results to a single channnel which prints them. But not every worker will report something so we can't use a counter to know when the last job is finished. Or is there a way?
For the concrete example, here, main fires off goroutines to check whether the values 2...1000 are prime (yeah I know it is inefficient).
package main
import (
func main() {
c := make(chan int)
go func () {
for {
fmt.Print(" ", <- c)
for n := 2; n < 1000; n++ {
go printIfPrime(n, c)
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // <---- THIS FEELS WRONG
func printIfPrime(n int, channel chan int) {
for d := 2; d * d <= n; d++ {
if n % d == 0 {
channel <- n
My problem is that I don't know how to reliably stop it at the right time. I tried adding a sleep at the end of main and it works (but it might take too long, and this is no way to write concurrent code!). I would like to know if there was a way to send a stop signal through a channel or something so main can stop at the right time.
The trick here is that I don't know how many worker responses there will be.
Is this impossible or is there a cool trick?
(If there's an answer for this prime example, great. I can probably generalize. Or maybe not. Maybe this is app specific?)
Use a WaitGroup.
The following code uses two WaitGroups. The main function uses wgTest to wait for print_if_prime functions to complete. Once they are done, it closes the channel to break the for loop in the printing goroutine. The main function uses wgPrint to wait for printing to complete.
package main
import (
func main() {
c := make(chan int)
var wgPrint, wgTest sync.WaitGroup
go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
for n := range c {
fmt.Print(" ", n)
for n := 2; n < 1000; n++ {
go print_if_prime(&wgTest, n, c)
func print_if_prime(wg *sync.WaitGroup, n int, channel chan int) {
defer wg.Done()
for d := 2; d*d <= n; d++ {
if n%d == 0 {
channel <- n
playground example

Closing channels in Go

I am learning how channels work in Go and have stumbled upon a problem with closing the channels. This is a modified example from A Tour of Go, which generates n-1 fibonacci numbers and sends them through the channels, leaving the last "element" of the channel capacity unused.
func fibonacci(n int, c chan int) {
x, y := 0, 1
for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
c <- x
x, y = y, x+y
// close(c) // It's commented out on purpose
func main() {
n := 10
c := make(chan int, n)
go fibonacci(n, c)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
_, ok := <-c
The problem is that I get:
fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!
when I do not close the channel. What exactly is causing the deadlock? Why can't I receive from the channel in its capacity boundaries when I don't close it?
You're writing n values into the channel (from 0 to n-1), but are trying to read n+1 values from the channel (from 0 to n). Without explicitly closing the channel, the main function will wait forever for this last value.
What exactly is causing the deadlock?
After n iterations, the goroutine running the fibonacci function will exit. After this goroutine has exited, the only remaining goroutine in your program is the main goroutine, and this goroutine is waiting for some data to be written to the c channel -- and since there is no other goroutine left that might ever write data into this channel, it will wait forever. This is exactly what the error message is trying to tell you: "all goroutines ("all" is just "one", here) are asleep".
The _, ok := <- c call in the main function will only stop blocking as soon as the c channel is closed (as reading from a channel is blocking, this needs to be done from another goroutine). When the channel is closed, the main function will read remaining data from the channel (when it's a buffered channel)
For loop in main expect n communication in channel, but you produce only n-1 in func fibonacci
func fibonacci(n int, c chan int) {
x, y := 0, 1
for i := 0; i < n; i++ { //here
c <- x
x, y = y, x+y
// close(c) // It's commented out on purpose
should work

Avoid panic, when trying to insert a value to a closed channel

package main
import (
func fib() chan int {
c := make(chan int)
go func() {
c <- 0
c <- 1
n, m := 0, 1
for {
temp := n + m
n = m
m = temp
c <- m // This results in panic, when the channel is closed
return c
func main() {
start := time.Now()
var lastFib int
c := fib()
for i := 0; i != 1000000; i++ {
lastFib = <-c
In the most idiomatic way, how would one avoid the panic in the goroutine, when the channel is closed? Or should i avoid using close at all?
I'm not looking into alternative methods (such as closures) to achieve the same thing, just trying to get a better understanding of channels.
Close is a good way for the goroutine sending into a channel to signal the receiving side that you are done with this channel. The other way around (your problem) is IMHO undoable, at least direct. You could add an other channel done which signal end of duty to your fibonacci generating goroutine.
Here is a modified version of your example that uses channels in an allowed (though not necessarily sensible) way:
package main
import (
func fib(c chan int) {
c <- 0
c <- 1
n, m := 0, 1
for {
temp := n + m
n = m
m = temp
c <- m
if m > 100000000 {
func main() {
start := time.Now()
lastFib, newFib := 0, 0
ok := true
c := make(chan int)
go fib(c)
for {
newFib, ok = <-c
if !ok {
lastFib = newFib

Python-style generators in Go

I'm currently working through the Tour of Go, and I thought that goroutines have been used similarly to Python generators, particularly with Question 66. I thought 66 looked complex, so I rewrote it to this:
package main
import "fmt"
func fibonacci(c chan int) {
x, y := 1, 1
for {
c <- x
x, y = y, x + y
func main() {
c := make(chan int)
go fibonacci(c)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
This seems to work. A couple of questions:
If I turn up the buffer size on the channel to say, 10, fibonacci would fill up 10 further spots, as quickly as possible, and main would eat up the spots as quickly as it could go. Is this right? This would be more performant than a buffer size of 1 at the expense of memory, correct?
As the channel doesn't get closed by the fibonacci sender, what happens memory-wise when we go out of scope here? My expectation is that once c and go fibonacci is out of scope, the channel and everything on it gets garbage-collected. My gut tells me this is probably not what happens.
Yes, increasing the buffer size might drastically increase the execution speed of your program, because it will reduce the number of context switches. Goroutines aren't garbage-collected, but channels are. In your example, the fibonacci goroutine will run forever (waiting for another goroutine to read from the channel c), and the channel c will never be destroyed, because the fib-goroutine is still using it.
Here is another, sightly different program, which does not leak memory and is imho more similar to Python's generators:
package main
import "fmt"
func fib(n int) chan int {
c := make(chan int)
go func() {
x, y := 0, 1
for i := 0; i <= n; i++ {
c <- x
x, y = y, x+y
return c
func main() {
for i := range fib(10) {
Alternatively, if you do not know how many Fibonacci numbers you want to generate, you have to use another quit channel so that you can send the generator goroutine a signal when it should stop. This is whats explained in golang's tutorial https://tour.golang.org/concurrency/4.
I like #tux21b's answer; having the channel created in the fib() function makes the calling code nice and clean. To elaborate a bit, you only need a separate 'quit' channel if there's no way to tell the function when to stop when you call it. If you only ever care about "numbers up to X", you can do this:
package main
import "fmt"
func fib(n int) chan int {
c := make(chan int)
go func() {
x, y := 0, 1
for x < n {
c <- x
x, y = y, x+y
return c
func main() {
// Print the Fibonacci numbers less than 500
for i := range fib(500) {
If you want the ability to do either, this is a little sloppy, but I personally like it better than testing the condition in the caller and then signalling a quit through a separate channel:
func fib(wanted func (int, int) bool) chan int {
c := make(chan int)
go func() {
x, y := 0, 1
for i := 0; wanted(i, x); i++{
c <- x
x, y = y, x+y
return c
func main() {
// Print the first 10 Fibonacci numbers
for n := range fib(func(i, x int) bool { return i < 10 }) {
// Print the Fibonacci numbers less than 500
for n := range fib(func(i, x int) bool { return x < 500 }) {
I think it just depends on the particulars of a given situation whether you:
Tell the generator when to stop when you create it by
Passing an explicit number of values to generate
Passing a goal value
Passing a function that determines whether to keep going
Give the generator a 'quit' channel, test the values yourself, and tell it to quit when appropriate.
To wrap up and actually answer your questions:
Increasing the channel size would help performance due to fewer context switches. In this trivial example, neither performance nor memory consumption are going to be an issue, but in other situations, buffering the channel is often a very good idea. The memory used by make (chan int, 100) hardly seems significant in most cases, but it could easily make a big performance difference.
You have an infinite loop in your fibonacci function, so the goroutine running it will run (block on c <- x, in this case) forever. The fact that (once c goes out of scope in the caller) you won't ever again read from the channel you share with it doesn't change that. And as #tux21b pointed out, the channel will never be garbage collected since it's still in use. This has nothing to do with closing the channel (the purpose of which is to let the receiving end of the channel know that no more values will be coming) and everything to do with not returning from your function.
You could use closures to simulate a generator. Here is the example from golang.org.
package main
import "fmt"
// fib returns a function that returns
// successive Fibonacci numbers.
func fib() func() int {
a, b := 0, 1
return func() int {
a, b = b, a+b
return a
func main() {
f := fib()
// Function calls are evaluated left-to-right.
fmt.Println(f(), f(), f(), f(), f())
Using channels to emulate Python generators kind of works, but they introduce concurrency where none is needed, and it adds more complication than's probably needed. Here, just keeping the state explicitly is easier to understand, shorter, and almost certainly more efficient. It makes all your questions about buffer sizes and garbage collection moot.
type fibState struct {
x, y int
func (f *fibState) Pop() int {
result := f.x
f.x, f.y = f.y, f.x + f.y
return result
func main() {
fs := &fibState{1, 1}
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
