Batch ps2pdf fails - windows

I still have not solved why this code which correctly runs through all the sub folders, looking for jpg files to convert to pdf files and compresses them but exits before executing any command after the final ')'. It is definitely due to ps2pdf but can't think of what ps2pdf can be changing. Any ideas?
#echo on
set records="C:\Users\john\Documents\0 BDHS Digitised records\Awaiting processing\"
cd %records%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /r . %%G in (.) do ( Pushd %%G
If %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto:eof
rem merge jpgs to PDF
jpeg2pdf.exe *.jpg -o "%%~nG".pdf
set fname=%%G
ps2pdf -dPDFSETTINGS#/ebook "%%~nG".pdf "%%~nG"compressed.pdf
popd )
echo Ended

Here is an example of your script, with the required Call for your ps2pdf.bat file.
Before running it, please substitute the correct full paths for your executable utility, jpeg2pdf.exe, (line 14), and script ps2pdf.bat, (line 15). It is not a good idea to rely on modifiable registry or environment variables hence the reason I'm advising their full paths. If those two files will always be located in the directory of this batch file, or relative to it, feel free to use %~dp0 in designating those paths.
#Echo Off
SetLocal DisableDelayedExpansion
Set "records=%UserProfile%\Documents\0 BDHS Digitised records\Awaiting processing"
Set "fname="
If Exist "%records%\" (
For /R "%records%" %%G In (*.jpg) Do (
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
If Not "!fname!" == "%%~dpG" (
Set "fname=%%~dpG"
For %%H In ("%%~dpG.") Do (
Rem Merge JPGs to PDF
"P:\athTo\EXE\jpeg2pdf.exe" "%%~dpG*.jpg" -o "%%~dpG%%~nxH.pdf"
Call "P:\athTo\ps2pdf.bat" -dPDFSETTINGS#/ebook "%%~dpG%%~nxH.pdf" "%%~dpG%%~nxHcompressed.pdf"
) Else EndLocal
Echo Ended.
) Else Echo Directory %records% dos not exist.
The example above, has been made more efficient, by only recursing through directories which contain files with .jpg extensions.
The script however does not step in an out of directories using PushD and PopD, as did yours. Whilst this may be a slight improvement efficiency wise, it may bring rise to another issue. As I do not know your utilities, if they only accept limited length commandlines or paths, this version could choke.


Is it possible to use wildcards within a Batch script to grab all directories under a path, and then use the relevant name for the creation of a file

It's a bit of a convoluted title and I apologise for my poor English, it's not my first language and I'm far from fluent. I hope my current code explains my goal better than my written explanation.
#echo off
Setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set BCAT_PATH="C:\\Users\\USER\\Downloads\\FMOD conversion to packable\\0Tools\\bincat"
CD "9temp\\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test"
for /D %%D in (\*) do
"%BCAT_PATH%\\bincat" "%%D\*.ogg" -o "..\\zzz_BuiltOGG_test%%\~ni.tmp"
#echo off
Setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set "BCAT_PATH=C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FMOD conversion to packable\0Tools\bincat"
CD "9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test"
for /D %%D in (*) do FOR %%i in ("%%D\*.ogg") do ECHO "%BCAT_PATH%\bincat" "%%i" -o "..\zzz_BuiltOGG_test\%%~ni.tmp"
Use set "var1=data" for setting string values - this avoids problems caused by trailing spaces. In comparisons; don't assign a terminal \, space or quotes - build pathnames from the elements - counterintuitively, it is likely to make the process easier.
Your CD statement will change to a directory RELATIVE to your current directory, so if you are currently at C:\somewhere to C:\somewhere\9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test. If 9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test is an absolute location, then you'd need \9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test
for /D %%D in (\*) do would set %%D to each directoryname in the root directory. Since you've changed to ..?..9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test, you need * to scan the current directory. You could also use "..?..9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test\*" without changing directory. *I don't know where 9temp\... is, so I've used ..?.. to represent its location.
Note that the command to be executed must follow directly after the do, on the same physical line. I've added ECHO to show the command that would be executed. After you've verified that the command is correct, remove the echo keyword to actually execute the command.
Note that BCAT_PATH is set to C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FMOD conversion to packable\0Tools\bincat The command generated will thus be "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FMOD conversion to packable\0Tools\bincat\bincat".
I've no idea where %%i is defined in your program. I've inserted it where I believe it should go. That should set %%i to each .ogg filename in the directory %%D in turn. %%~ni should return the name part of that file.
Your output directory would be ..?..9temp\zzz_BuiltOGG_test since your current directory is ..?..9temp\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test . The \ should be placed between the directoryname and the filename.
There is not need for delayedexpansion although setlocal is a good idea.
This will not do for each directory, but instead find each .ogg file recursively, then run the command on each file. Also note, I've added the .exe extension to bincat
#echo off
setlocal & set "BCAT_PATH=C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FMOD conversion to packable\\0Tools\bincat"
cd /d "9temp\\zzz_FSBS_Extract_test"
for /R %%i in (*.ogg) do "%BCAT_PATH%\bincat.exe" "%%~i" -o "..\zzz_BuiltOGG_test\%%~ni.tmp"

Windows command FOR in batch file, specified to work in a certain folder

Normally I can specify a folder for a batch file to work in.
Not so with the FOR command:
for %%a in (G_*.txt) do ren "%%a" "test-%%a"
This finds G_*.txt in all files and renames those by putting test- in front of the filename.
I tried specifying G_*.txt further with C:\test\G_*.txt but that is not accepted.
I also tried pouring this into a variable but that also failed.
Who knows what to do?
Again, I had to change the approach: using SET /R will put a long path into the %%a variable which makes the idea unsuited to put a bit of text in front of a filename.
I found the solution by selecting the work directory first and let the FOR construction do its work. Since it must be network proof, I had to use the PUSHD command.
This is what the final result looks like:
set source=\\nassie\home\test\source with nasty space
set target=D:\target
PUSHD %source%
:: If this fails then exit
If %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto:eof
for %%a in (G_*.txt) do xcopy "%source%\%%a" "%target%\textblabla_%%a*" /D /Y

Sorting files into folders, according to a part of filename using Windows Batch file

I have around 12,000 .jpg files in a data-set folder in G:\train with names such as
0002_c1s1_000451_03.jpg, 0002_c1s1_000551_01.jpg...
up to
...1500_c6s3_086542_02.jpg , 1500_c6s3_086567_01.jpg
I want to move them to new folders with their initial filename such as 0002, 0005, 0007,... 1496, 1500
What I need is a Windows batch file to create new folders & move files quickly without a hassle. I've tried few other answers to no avail.
Something like this should do, as a .cmd/.bat script file:
#rem The DEBUG_RUN variable enables a step-by-step mode, it will cause the
#rem script to pause after processing every file. Remove the DEBUG_RUN (and
#rem the pause instruction) when you are confident it does what you want,
#rem restart the script and enjoy :-)
#set DEBUG_RUN=1
#pushd "G:\train"
#for %%f in (*.jpg) do #(
call :mvToSubDir "%%~nxf"
if defined DEBUG_RUN pause
#set fn=%~1
#set dn=%fn:~0,4%
#if not exist "%dn%" mkdir "%dn%"
move "%fn%" "%dn%"
you can try a series of for loops to accomplish this
for /l %%f in (1,1,12000) do (
mkdir %%f
for %%d in (c:\sourcedir) do (
move %%d %%f
i didn't fully understand how you wanted to sort them but i hope this helps. You can use the "for /?" command and feel free to ask for more help if this isn't enough. I wish you luck with your endeavors.

How to execute an application existing in each specific folder of a directory tree on a file in same folder?

I have some folders with different names. Each folder has a specific structure as listed below:
Folder 2
Folder 2.aaxplugin
There are two files within each subfolder x64. One file has the same name as the folder two folder levels above. The other file is an .exe file whose name is the same in all folders.
Now I need to run file with file extension aaxplugin on each specific .exe file. It would be obviously very time consuming opening each and every single folder and drag & drop each file on .exe to run it on this file.
That's why I am trying to create a batch script to save some time.
I looked for solutions here on Stack Overflow. The only thing I have found so far was a user saying this: When I perform a drag & drop, the process 'fileprocessor.exe' is executed. When I try to launch this exe, though, CMD returns error ('not recognized or not batch file' stuff).
How can I do this?
UPDATE 12/22/2015
I used first a batch file with following line to copy the executable into x64 subfolder of Folder1.
for /d %%a in ("C:\Users\Davide\Desktop\test\Folder1\*") do ( copy "C:\Program Files\Sugar Bytes\TransVST\TransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%a\x64\" 2> nul )
After asking here, I tried the following script:
for /f "delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /s x64\*.aaxplugin') do "%%~dpFTransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%F"
Unfortunately, the output is as following
C:\Users\Davide\Desktop>for /F "delims=" %F in ('dir /b /s x64\*.aaxplugin') do "%~dpFTransVST_Fixer.exe" "%F"
The system cannot find the file specified.
Try the following batch code:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\test" %%F in (*.aaxplugin) do (
set "FilePath=%%~dpF"
if not "!FilePath:\x64\=!" == "!FilePath!" "%ProgramFiles%\Sugar Bytes\TransVST\TransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%F"
The command FOR with option/R searches recursive in all directories of directory %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\test being expanded on your machine to C:\Users\Davide\Desktop for files with file extension aaxplugin. The loop variable F contains on each loop run the name of the found file with full path without surrounding double quotes.
The drive and path of each found file is assigned to environment variable FilePath.
Next a case-sensitive string comparison is done between file path with all occurrences of string \x64\ case-insensitive removed with unmodified file path.
Referencing value of environment variable FilePath must be done here using delayed expansion because being defined and evaluated within a block defined with ( ... ). Otherwise command processor would expand %FilePath% already on parsing the entire block resulting in a syntax error on execution because string substitution is not possible as no environment variable FilePath defined above body block of FOR loop.
The strings are not equal if path of file contains a folder with name x64. This means on provided folder structure that the file is in folder x64 and not somewhere else and therefore the application is executed next from its original location to fix the found *.aaxplugin file.
The line with IF is for the folder structure example:
if not "C:\Users\Davide\Desktop\test\Folder1\Contents" == "C:\Users\Davide\Desktop\test\Folder1\Contents\x64\"
if not "C:\Users\Davide\Desktop\test\Folder 2\Contents" == "C:\Users\Davide\Desktop\test\Folder 2\Contents\x64\"
So for both *.aaxplugin files the condition is true because the compared strings are not identical
Also possible would be:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "delims=" %%F in ('dir /A-D /B /S "%USERPROFILE%\test\*.aaxplugin" 2^>nul') do (
set "FilePath=%%~dpF"
if not "!FilePath:\x64\=!" == "!FilePath!" "%ProgramFiles%\Sugar Bytes\TransVST\TransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%F"
But command DIR is not really necessary as it can be seen on first provided code.
But if the application TransVST_Fixer.exe for some unknown reason does its job right only with directory of file being also the current directory, the following batch code could be used instead of first code using the commands pushd and popd:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R "%USERPROFILE%\test" %%F in (*.aaxplugin) do (
set "FilePath=%%~dpF"
echo !FilePath!
if /I "!FilePath:~-5!" == "\x64\" (
pushd "%%~dpF"
"%ProgramFiles%\Sugar Bytes\TransVST\TransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%~nxF"
There is one more difference in comparison to first code. Now the last 5 characters of path of file are compared case-insensitive with the string \x64\. Therefore the file must be really inside a folder with name x64 or X64. A folder with name x64 or X64 anywhere else in path of file does not result anymore in a true state for the condition as in first two batch codes.
But if for some unknown reason it is really necessary to run the application in same folder as the found *.aaxplugin and the directory of the file must be the current directory, the following batch code could be used:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /R "%USERPROFILE%\test" %%# in (*.aaxplugin) do (
set "FilePath=%%~dp#"
if /I "!FilePath:~-5!" == "\x64\" (
pushd "%%~dp#"
"%%~dp#TransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%~nx#"
The path of the file referenced with %%~dpF always ends with a backslash which is the reason why there is no backslash left of TransVST_Fixer.exe (although command processor could handle also file with with two backslashes in path).
In batch code above character # is used as loop variable because %%~dp#TransVST_Fixer.exe is easier to read in comparison to %%~dpFTransVST_Fixer.exe. It is more clear for a human with using # as loop variable where the reference to loop variable ends and where name of application begins. For the command processor it would not make a difference if loop variable is # or upper case F.
A lower case f would work here also as loop variable, but is in general problematic as explained on Modify variable within loop of batch script.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
dir /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
for /?
if /?
popd /?
pushd /?
set /?
setlocal /?
Your question isn't quite clear, but it seems, something like this should work:
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s X64\*.ext') do "%%~dpfMyExe.exe" "%%f"
Maybe you have to change directory to each folder (depends on your .exe):
for /f "delims=" %%d in ('dir /B /ad') do (
pushd "%%d"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "contents\x64\*.ext"') do (
cd Contents\x64
MyExe.exe "%%f"
The Directory structure is fixed and the files are indeed in a subfolder contents\X64\.
MyExe.exe is the same (name) in every folder.
There is only one file *.ext in every folder.
I'll give you the script I created for doing so, hope it works for you
for /d %%d IN (./*) do (cd "%%d/Contents/x64" & "../../../TransVST_Fixer.exe" "%%d" & cd "/Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins")
Please note that I placed the fixer inside the root folder so I just have to copy it once. You have to place it inside your root folder and execute it. What it does:
iterate over each folder
for each one it enters /Contents/x64, executes the fixer (wich is 3 levels above) and after that returns to the original folder.
If you have your plugins in a different folder, you just have to change this part replacing the path for the one you have your plugins in.
cd "/Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins"
REMEMBER to place the script on that folder. For this example I place my script on the folder "/Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins" and run it (as a .bat).
PS: the fixer will place the fixed plugins in "C:\Users\Public\modified" (just read the screen while executing, it gives you the new files path. If you want to move them to the right path, you can execute this from the new files path ("C:\Users\Public\modified")
for %%d IN (*.aaxplugin) do (mkdir "%%d_temp/Contents\x64" & move "%%d" "%%d_temp/Contents\x64/%%d" & rename "%%d_temp" "%%d")
with that, I iterate over every plugin and create a folder with the same name (I create _temp because of name colision, after moving the file I rename it to the correct one), also with the subfolder "/Contents/x64", and move the plugin inside. Once donde, you can just take the resulting folders and place them in their correct path.
Hope it works, for me it works like a charm.

For loop in batch file reading a file of File Paths

I want to write a Windows batch file script that will loop through a text file of FILE PATHS, do some work using data from each file path, then ultimately delete the file.
I started by running the FORFILES command and sending its output (the #PATH parameter is the full path of any file it matches) to a text file (results.txt).
I end up with a results.txt file like this:
What I want to do is:
Use a FOR loop and read each line in the results.txt file
For each line (file path), strip out the directory name that the log file is sitting in (ie: Dir1, Dir2, etc..) and create a directory with that SAME name in a different location (ie. D:/Archive/Backups/Dir1, D:/Archive/Backups/Dir2, etc..) -- assuming the directory doesn't exist.
Move the actual .log file to a zip file in that directory [I have code to do this].
Delete the .log file from its original location. [Pretty straightforward]
I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to accomplish the first 2 steps. My FOR loop seems to stop after reading the very first line:
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 delims=\" %%G in ("results.txt") DO (
You don't want to parse the path with the tokens/delims options because you don't know how many directory levels you are dealing with. You want to preserve each line in its entirety. TO parse the path you want to use the FOR variable modifiers. (type HELP FOR from the command line and look at the last section of the output)
%%~pG gives the path (without the drive or file name). If we then strip off the last \, we can go through another FOR iteration and get the name (and possible extension) of the file's directory by using %%~nxA.
The toggling of delayed expansion is just to protect against a possible ! in the path. If you know that no path contains ! then you can simply enable delayed expansion at the top of the script and be done with it.
EDIT - this code has been modified significantly since Aacini pointed out that I misread the requirements. It should satisfy the requirements now.
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%G in ("results.txt") do (
set "myPath=%~pG"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%A in ("!myPath:~0,-1!") do (
if not exist d:\Archive\Backups\%%~nxA md d:\Archive\Backups\%%~nxA
rem ::zip %%G into zip file in the D: location
rem ::you should be able to create the zip with the move option
rem ::so you don't have to del the file
I wrote this to timestamp files before offloading to SFTP.
Hope you find it useful.
The timestamp coding may seem irrelevant to your issue, but I left it because it's a good example of dissecting the filename itself.
I suggest you put an ECHO in front of the REN command for testing. Different shells may have different results.
In the end, the delayedexpansion command wasn't necessary. It was the sub-routine that fixed my issues with variables inside the loop. That could possibly be because of my OS ver. (Win 8.1) - It wouldn't hurt to leave it.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if %time:~0,2% geq 10 set TIMESTAMP=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
if %time:~0,2% leq 9 set TIMESTAMP=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_0%time:~1,1%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%
echo TimeStamp=%TIMESTAMP%
for %%G in (*.txt) do (
dir *.txt
goto :EOF
echo OldName=%OLDNAME%
You have two minor problems:
The path separator in the file is '/' but you use '\' in the for loop.
The quotes around "results.txt" stop it working.
This works. Don't write quotes to results.txt and you won't get a quote at the end of the filename.
#echo off
FOR /F "tokens=3,4 delims=/" %%I in (results.txt) DO (
REM Directory
echo %%I
REM File
echo %%J
