USRP X310 not recognized via 1GbE - windows

I possess the USRP X310 with a Basic TX daughterboard installed. My plan is to use it via 10GbE together with LabView with a Win10 host machine.
I have connected the SDR with an Ethernet cable using Port 0 and the included SFP adapter to my host PC's (1GbE) ethernet interface for network testing purposes. The ethernet adapter is configured to use the static IP Furthermore I have installed the UHD (uhd_3.15.0.0-release_Winx64_VS2017.exe). However when the device is connected and powered on, I can neither ping nor detect it running the uhd_find_devices.exe. I have also started the NI-USRP Configuration Utility which I recently updated but it was not able to detect the SDR either. I do observe that none of the LEDs on the back is illuminated (especially not the Port 0 ethernet).
How can I get it working?

If you've worked with other usrps (I have a few), then you'll find the X310 to be somewhat different, to the lower models.
Anyway, there are different fpga loads / images, which corrospond to whether you are trying to connect via a 1G or 10G module.
"The PCIe interface is always available regardless of what FPGA image is loaded. Ettus ships two FPGA image variants, the HG or HGS image which has one 1 GigE interfaces and one 10 GigE interfaces, and the XG image which has two 10 GigE interfaces.
So you need to be sure you have the right image to connect to it via 1GE... or I expect it won't work, as it seems to be.


How to get the underlying network interface used by a VPN connection in Windows

The closest thing to a solution I've found is using Get-NetConnectionProfile to return all active interfaces, which works fine when there's only an active physical interface and the VPN itself. However, this would not work if the user's machine has 2 active physical interfaces (e.g Wi-Fi + Ethernet) along with the VPN.
Ideally, I'd like a solution that works similarly to "ifconfig -v" in MacOS, which tells you the effective interface for a virtual interface:
Unfortunately it seems there is no sure-fire way to get the underlying physical adapter for a VPN using a Windows API. Short of involving a packet sniffer such as Wireshark, the best solution I found involves parsing the output of two PowerShell commands: Get-NetAdapter and Get-NetRoute.
With the information from these commands, I can know which interfaces are virtual and which ones are physical, and I can rank the physical interfaces by 3 different criteria (in case of tie, we move on to the next criteria):
Sorting the physical interfaces by the interface metric + the route metric to the default gateway (
Wired connections over wireless ones (PhysicalMediaType=802.3).
Prioritizing faster adapters.
With this logic all the VPNs I tested appear to reflect the expected network interface, although some VPNs let you force traffic through a particular physical adapter in which case obviously this all goes out the window.
You can install wireshark or some other traffic monitoring tool and capture the relevant packets (filtering using openvVPN protocol or port etc.)
As far as I know there is no hard linking between the virtual network interface and the regular (ethernet, WIFI etc.) interface, at least not in OpenVPN (there are diffrent VPN protocols). The openVPN packets will be routed to the remote server using you OS routing table.
This way if your ethernet interface is your primary default gateway, and it gets unplugged, your VPN service will be able to recover, since it will have a route to your remote VPN-server address using your WIFI interface.

Developing a Mac OSX Network Driver for a Serial Port AT Command Based Modem

First allow me to say that I don't have any experience developing drivers for OSX, nor drivers for Windows. So, there are a lot of things that I don't understand about how drivers work; I'm sure it'll be evident in my question.
I have a modem that is able to open and close TCP/UDP sockets using AT commands. I would like to create some kind of program (kernel extension? driver?) that implements a network driver, converting the network interface calls into AT command serial messages.
That's the basic jist of it. I'm essentially asking if anybody can point me in the right direction / give me a high level overview of how they would approach it and what Apple guides to focus on.
The XNU networking stack -- like most network stacks -- expects network devices to send and receive IP packets directly. It isn't tooled to work with network devices that handle part of the network stack (like TCP or UDP) internally -- it won't be possible to implement a network driver which uses this device.
You might have more luck exposing this device as a SOCKS proxy. You will need to write a userspace daemon which listens on a TCP port on localhost (on the computer) and relays traffic to the serial device; once that's done, you can set the computer to use that device as a SOCKS proxy in the Networking control panel.
(As an aside: most devices that implement this type of interface have a very low limit on the number of open sockets -- often fewer than 10. They're unlikely to be able to handle the network load generated by a desktop OS.)

CAN bus turns to ERROR PASSIVE state when loopback is turned off

I have connected a PiCAN2 board with raspberry pi running latest Jessie. When I try to send some CAN messages to my PC ( PC is connected via a USB to DB9 CAN interface to the PiCAN2 board) through this PiCAN2 using the can-utils, it runs into ERROR-PASSIVE state as soon as I bring the CAN interface up. But, when I enable loopback mode, I am able to send messages and receive them using two different terminal window on the raspberry pi itself. I enabled loopback mode using
sudo /sbin/ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 loopback on.
Can some one tell me more about the loopback mode? I want to make sure that my hardware setup for PiCAN2 is correct. Is it possible to confirm that my CAN board is configured correctly because I can send/receive messages using loopback mode?Or this doesn't necessarily mean that it is correct?
I also want to know why I get the ERROR PASSIVE mode - does it indicate that the PiCAN2 is not configured correctly OR does it mean that my USB to DB9 CAN interface has some problem? I am new to this area and any help would be nice. Thank you.

LAN Port as controller

i need only to get any voltage out from my laptop to control a relay
how to get a signal from a LAN port from any pin ?
in my laptop there is no com Port or lpt Port
also the usb port needs interfacing circuits which is not nessesary
in my simple project
thats why i choosed the LAN Port
i use (visual basic 6)
any help would much appriciated .
While such things as PoE exist, normal ports do not provide any power to external devices. The USB ports are far more likely candidates since they are designed to support powering external devices, though the amount of current supported varies by adapter/hub (most "ports" are actually internal hub ports).

Can I access the Parallel Port normally when using USB to Parallel Port adapter?

Preliminary story
There is this program which uses the Parallel Port to synchronize with other hardware. It will set the Parallel Port output to a specified (byte) value. This works without problems when using the built-in Parallel Port of a PC. The target platforms are Windows XP to 7, all worked fine so far. Source code is in Delphi, accessible and can be modified.
How it works
In Delphi I can use the io.dll to set the value of the Parallel Port, but there are also other solutions available, like inpout32.dll or port.dll. I call something like PortOut, specify a port number and the byte value and the port is set.
What I now want to do - and where I need help
Now the change: this needs to work on a machine which has no Parallel Port built-in (not even on the mainboard). There are several options available:
use a USB to Parallel Port adapter to add a LPT port to the PC
use a PCI card which adds a LPT port to the PC
use a PCI Express card which adds a LPT port to the PC
I am currently heading for and concentrating on the easiest and cheapest possibility: a USB to Parallel Port adapter.
Main question
There seem to be differences between Parallel Port adapters which are made to connect just a printer and other adapters which seem to be more powerful. Is there really a difference? Or can I just use one of these 5$ printer-adapters, plug in my own hardware and access the port from Delphi code? Or do I need a special adapter? Has anyone experience with this? There is a related question here, but the different adapter types (if existent) are not mentioned there. This page suggests that there are indeed differences:
Contrary to all other USB parallel ports which can connect to printers only, this makes connection to most hardware.
I hope there exists a solution via USB because for this you don't have to open the PC, which means the adapter can be added on demand.
Do you have experience with PCI (Express) solution? I have to use one if the USB approach is not successful.
Since I've been wrestling with this very thing recently here's what I've discovered; If you mean by using IO port addressing (indicated by your reference to inpout32.dll), no. Unless your USB-parallel port driver supports full port emulation or virtualization, which most do not, this is generally not possible. If you need to directly access the port to do normal "bit-twiddling", you should get a separate Parallel port PCI-card. Most of them present themselves as normal IO at the standard address(es). I am presuming you're not planning on using the parallel port to actually communicate with a printer, right?
What is interesting is that USB-Serial adapters are much easier to use since they appear as simple virtual devices where you can merely "open" them using a simple stream; TFileStream.Create("COM1", fmOpenRead) or Windows.CreateFile("COM2", ...);
Here is some devices that purport to do full emulation of a parallel port through USB:
