How to delete files in a location except executable files - windows

I have created a batch script to delete 7 days older files as follows:
ForFiles /p "C:\Users\John.Kapen\Desktop" /s /d -7 /c "cmd /c del #file"
But this is deleting executable files and folders as well.
I tried below command to exclude executable file deletion. But not working:
for /f %%F in ('C:\Users\John.Kapen\Desktop /b /d -7 /a-d ^| findstr /vile ".exe"') do del "%%F"
Could someone help me here?

The forfiles /? "manpage" contains following information:
#ext - returns only the extension of the
FORFILES /M *.txt /C "cmd /c if #isdir==FALSE notepad.exe #file"
You can try something like (not tested):
ForFiles /p "C:\Users\John.Kapen\Desktop" /s /d -7 /c "cmd /c if NOT #ext=="""exe""" del #file"


IF multiple conditions

F.e. there is some folder on user's desktop. I want to remove any files within this folder except shortcuts. There are two types of shortcuts - to some local\network resources and shortcuts to some sites.
"shortcuts on some local\network resources" have .lnk extension
"shortcuts to some sites" have .url extension
I've already found how to do this task separately
forfiles /p "%userprofile%\Desktop\folder" /s /m *.* /c "cmd /c for %G in (#path) do #if /I [%~xG] neq [.lnk] del /F /Q %G"
forfiles /p "%userprofile%\Desktop\folder" /s /m *.* /c "cmd /c for %G in (#path) do #if /I [%~xG] neq [.url] del /F /Q %G"
But how to combine these conditions into one string? Something like if /I [%~xG] neq [.lnk] AND [.lnk] ...
There's absolutely no need to use a for-loop within your forfiles /C command.
Try either;
ForFiles /P "%UserProfile%\Desktop\folder" /S /C "Cmd /C If /I Not #ext==\"lnk\" If /I Not #ext==\"url\" Del /A /F #path"
Or use the hex codes as shown in the help information, available at the Command Prompt by entering, forfiles /?
ForFiles /P "%UserProfile%\Desktop\folder" /S /C "Cmd /C If /I Not #ext==0x22lnk0x22 If /I Not #ext==0x22url0x22" Del /A /F #path"

Deleting old files in Windows 10 using forfiles

I am trying to delete old files and folders in my Google Drive using a bat script on Windows 10 Home.
forfiles /M *.* /P "C:\Users\bruker\Google Drive\" /S /D -180 /C "cmd /c del /F /Q #path"
Gives the error message:
ERROR: Invalid argument/option - '/F'. Type "FORFILES /?" for usage.
Anyone have a solution for this?
The quotes aren't needed. Both forfiles ... /C cmd /c del /F /Q #path and forfiles ... /C (cmd /c del /F /Q #path) should work.

forfiles in certain subfolder in multiple folders

Is there away to only display files in a folder called "Export", when such a subfolder is in multiple locations?
This will display all .xlsx files below where I'm running the batch file from, however I don't want to display all, I only want to display things in a folder called "Export":
forfiles -p "%~dp0\" -s -m *.xlsx -d -365 -c "cmd /c ECHO #relpath"
I have attempted things like:
forfiles -p "%~dp0\*\Export" -s -m *.xlsx -d -365 -c "cmd /c ECHO #relpath"
However it doesn't recognise syntax like this. Says invalid argument/option, but they are valid until I add *\ to the path.
This is an example of the structure I'm working with and what I what results to display:
%~dp0\1\Exports\Excel\ - (Do display .xlsx files)
%~dp0\1\Do Not Delete\Excel\ - (Don't display .xlsx files)
%~dp0\2\Exports\Excel\ - (Do display .xlsx files)
%~dp0\2\Do Not Delete\Excel\ - (Don't display .xlsx files)
The number folders would be a variable somehow, which is why the *\ is in my attempt.
I will then edit this to delete the files when I know it's picking up the right ones.
You could use two nested forfiles loops:
forfiles /S /P "%~dp0\" /M "Export*" /C "cmd /C if #isdir==TRUE forfiles /P #path\Excel /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C 0x22cmd /C echo 00x7840path0x22"
This command line walks through the given root directory (%~dp0) recursively and iterates through all items matching Export* (you might replace this pattern by Export or Exports, depending on your needs); the hierarchy depth is not checked in order to avoid the need of three nested loops. Anyway, if the iterated item is a directory, the sub-directory Excel is enumerated and searched for items matching *.xlsx.
The above command line may display many error messages like ERROR: The specified directory does not exist. or ERROR: Files of type "*.xlsx" not found., depending on your data; to avoid them, redirect STDERR to the nul device:
2> nul forfiles /S /P "%~dp0\" /M "Export*" /C "cmd /C if #isdir==TRUE forfiles /P #path\Excel /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C 0x22cmd /C echo 00x7840path0x22"
The forfiles command returns an empty line to STDOUT, so the above command line will contain many of them; to avoid such too, redirect STDERR and STDOUT to the nul device and redirect only the wished data to the console con:
1> nul 2>&1 forfiles /S /P "%~dp0\" /M "Export*" /C "cmd /C if #isdir==TRUE forfiles /P #path\Excel /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C 0x22cmd /C 1> con echo 00x7840path0x22"
You can send results with | to FINDSTR like this:
FORFILES /P . /S /M *.xlsx /D -365 /C "CMD /C ECHO #path" | ^
FINDSTR "\\Exports\\" | ^
FINDSTR /I /C:Delete /V
So you search every xlsx files located in a certain path (here is current dir) Every xlsx must contain Exports as folder and show every xlsx that doesn't (/V Displays only the non-matching lines) contain "delete" (/I mean insensitive)
In a batch file you can replace /P . by any variable path /P "%~dp0" /P "%CD%" or send as argument /P %1
Also you can do FOR loop to make any command for every match.
In one line to put in console:
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %A in (`forfiles /p . /s /m *.xlsx /D -365 /C "cmd /c ECHO #path" ^|FINDSTR "\\Exports\\" ^|FINDSTR /I /C:Delete /V`) DO #ECHO FAKE-COMMAND %A
In a batch file:
FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%A in (
`forfiles /p . /s /m *.xlsx /D -365 /C "cmd /c ECHO #path" ^|FINDSTR "\\Exports\\" ^|FINDSTR /I /C:Delete /V`
) DO (
SET "myfile=%%~A"

How to use multiple commands in batch using forfiles command?

SET backdir=backup
SET snapshotdir=snapshots
SET worldprefix=world_
SET itdate=%date:~10,4%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%
SET hour=%time:~0,2%
IF "%hour:~0,1%" == " " SET hour=0%hour:~1,1%
echo Current date: %itdate%. Current hour: %hour%. Current Minute:Second: %time:~3,2%:%time:~6,2%
forfiles /m "%worldprefix%*" /c (
echo Copying World: #path
cmd /c xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q #file %snapshotdir%\#file\%itdate%-%hour%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%
cmd /c xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q #file %backdir%\%itdate%D\worlds\#file
echo Copying Plugins
xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q plugins %backdir%\%itdate%D\plugins\
xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q %backdir%\%itdate%D %backdir%\%itdate%-%hour%H\
echo Backup Complete (assuming no errors above). Attempting to remove old files..
forfiles /p "%snapshotdir%" /c "cmd /c rmdir /s /q #path" /d -7
forfiles /p "%backdir%" /m "*H" /c "cmd /c rmdir /s /q #path" /d -2
forfiles /p "%backdir%" /m "*D" /c "cmd /c rmdir /s /q #path" /d -14
I am trying to copy all files with "world_" as a prefix. I run into a problem when I try to use multiple commands in a loop. I have attempted to write the batch script I want above.
The two commands have absolutely nothing in common, so no, you cannot use parentheses like that.
You must execute all the commands within a single CMD /C. You can concatenate commands on one line using &. I've defined a simple XCOPY "macro" to save a bit of typing.
set XCOPY=xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q"
forfiles /m "%worldprefix%*" /c "cmd /c echo Copying World: #path&%XCOPY% #file %snapshotdir%\#file\%itdate%-%hour%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%&%XCOPY% #file %backdir%\%itdate%D\worlds\#file"
If you escape the quotes, then you can use line continuation to split the logical line accross multiple lines. But then you must also escape the &.
set XCOPY=xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q"
forfiles /m "%worldprefix%*" /c ^"cmd /c ^
echo Copying World: #path ^&^
%XCOPY% #file %snapshotdir%\#file\%itdate%-%hour%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2% ^&^
%XCOPY% #file %backdir%\%itdate%D\worlds\#file^"
Or you could put the & in the front of the line so that you don't need to escape it. The line continuation also escapes the first character of the next line:
set XCOPY=xcopy /e /c /h /i /v /r /y /q"
forfiles /m "%worldprefix%*" /c ^"cmd /c ^
echo Copying World: #path^
&%XCOPY% #file %snapshotdir%\#file\%itdate%-%hour%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%^
&%XCOPY% #file %backdir%\%itdate%D\worlds\#file^"
I realize this is an old post, but another way of doing it is to call a batch file and pass it the parameters that it needs. And I do not believe that there is any limitations in what can be in that batch file. For example:
forfiles /M "*.img" /C "cmd /c ProcessFile.bat #file #fdate #ftime"

Delete file longer then 30 days old for long path and long file name

I tried to make batch file in windows by using task schedule once a month to find *.bak. With condition more then 30 old. I create two condition full path name and non-8dot3 path name. For those unable to delete it be recorded to a TXT file.
Here the command I found:
forfiles /P E:\WP /S /M *.bak /D -30 /C "cmd /C del #path"
Here is my command for delete using non-8dot3 file names:
forfiles /P E:\WP /S /M *.bak /D -30 /C "cmd /C for %A in (#path) do #echo del %~sA
For file can't be delete because it to long path and file name, it recorded to a TXT file with long full path file name and non-8dot3:
forfiles /P E:\WP /S /M *.bak /D -30 /C "cmd /c echo #path >> list.txt"
forfiles /P E:\WP /S /M *.bak /D -30 /C "cmd /c for %A in (#path) do #echo %~sA" >> list.txt
These 4 command are working well if I just copy and paste into dos command prompt.
But when I put them into batch file e.g. "del30days.bat", it does not working for non-8dot3 file names:
#echo off
:: Set host computer name
:: Set save list path
set list_path=F:\LogFiles
:: Set min age of files and folders to delete
set file_list=ListCantDeleted-%host%-%date:~10,4%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~4,2%.txt
:: Set target folder path
set target_path=E:\WP
:: Set min age of files and folders to delete
set max_days=30
:: Set what kind files or extension
set file_ext=*.bak
:: Delete files from target path
forfiles /P %target_path% /S /M %file_ext% /D -%max_days% /C "cmd /C del #path"
forfiles /P %target_path% /S /M %file_ext% /D -%max_days% /C "cmd /C for %A in (#path) do #echo del %~sA"
:: Record files from target path
forfiles /P %target_path% /S /M %file_ext% /D -%max_days% /C "cmd /c echo #path >> %list_path%\%file_list%"
forfiles /P %target_path% /S /M %file_ext% /D -%max_days% /C "cmd /C for %A in (#path) do #echo %~sA >> %list_path%\%file_list%"
I got this error on non-8dot3 files name but not on long file name on record to a TXT file, by mean it can't delete file using non-8dot3 file names as well.
~sA" was unexpected at this time.
Any reason why?
The goal I create this is to delete *.bak file more then 30 days without any issue on long path and file name. Anyone got simplify solution for this?
You're going to slap yourself. The problem is that in a batch file, for loop variables need a double percent. %%A and %%~sA.
