What is the best way to get location of users and show on the spring boot web application - spring-boot

I i have spring boot web application and a react native mobile application, and all of the oprations in the mobile application doing by call APIs that exists in the web application.
Now, in the specific form in the web application, system administrator wants to see the realtime location of users.
What is the best to do this and make communication with mobile application.
I doesn't have enough information about react native and mobile developments.


How to use laravel application as both web application and Rest API

I am implementing a laravel web application and I separately implementing a native mobile application as well. I need to use the same backend which I use for a web application for mobile application as well. How can I implement the backend as a REST API which can be called from a mobile application and also use for the web application as well?
there's a file located in routes/api.php.
You can store your API there like the way you implement your routes at web.php. But return JSON from your controller for your REST API.
you can call it like http://yourdomain/api/yourroute

Spring MVC Support for mobile devices and standard browser

I am designing a dashboard application using Spring MVC Restful APIs. One of the requirements is to support mobile devices and standard browser.
Please let me know if I can implement this in Presentation layer (JSP), if yes, how can we achieve it?

How can i build a connection between an RMI server and a RESTful web service?

So I am trying to understand how to build a connection between a RMI server and a RESTful web service.
My requirement is that , I need to build a web client and a RMI desktop application , which connects to a RESTful web service to conduct crud operation. I only need to use the web application to view the data in the database , but the desktop application needs to be able to conduct CRUD operations.
The above provided diagram is the architecture I need to follow to develop my application.
For the web client I am able to use an asynchronous web application and use jersey or spring as the RESTful web service,
but the problem I have is ,
What kind of application should I develop in the first place to develop the desktop application ?
How can I connect the RMI server and the REST API?

How enable Angular Universal with a Java/Spring backend?

I have an app, where backend implements on Spring using Spring Boot and front-end side use Angular2. Can somebody help me and explain how to integrate Universal using Java becken. Or show me a good example how I can do that.
how to integrate Universal using Java beckend?
You cannot do that directly as universal needs a different server side technology -nodejs
But you have a another (better) solution
Spin off a separate nodejs app for the angular and universal then route all the API calls through the nodeJs to your Spring boot application. Now your spring boot application will be just a (micro)service which will only deal with the data, not the presentation (markup/style etc)

Embedding another web portal inside our application

I need some pointers for embedding an external web portal inside our web application. our web application is built on struts, spring framework. We need to integrate an external tool with our application. We need to pass certain parameters to that external tool and handle the response as well. There requirement is to show external web portal screen inside our application. How can we achieve this?
Could anyone please provide pointers on this?
