passing environment variables from build.gradle to custom plugin - gradle

I have a section that defines the environment variables in build.gradle and I want to pass this to my custom plugin.
Snippet of build.gradle as below:
apply "myplugin"
ext {
lombokVersion = '1.18.6'
setEnvironmnetVariables = {
environment -> environment.put{'RUNTIME_ENV', 'test')
I want to see this RUNTIME_ENV in my plugin 'myplugin'. I am new to this gradle plugin development. Could anyone help me out with this? I am using spring-boot project with groovy.

You can't set environment variables from Gradle nor Java in general.
You can however set dynamic project properties which is one way to convey information to your custom plugin.
Since you're already using the extra propeties, you can just set the values you need directly:
// Root project build.gradle
ext {
lombokVersion = "1.18.6"
Then your custom plugin, you access them like so:
import org.gradle.api.Plugin;
import org.gradle.api.Project;
public class MyPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
public void apply(Project project) {
String runtimeEnv = (String) project.getExtensions().getExtraProperties().get("RUNTIME_ENV");
// do something with variable
Gradle has great guides on building plugins, give them a look.
Additional, if you have Gradle installed locally, you can create a skeleton Gradle plugin project with the init task:
gradle help --task init


Gradle7 Version Catalog: How to use it with buildSrc?

I am very excited about the incubating Gradle's version catalogs and have been experimenting with it. I’ve found that the information in my gradle/libs.versions.toml is accessible in the build.gradle.kts scripts for my app and utility-lib projects.
However, I am unable to use the content of the toml file for buildSrc/build.gradle.kts or the convention files.
The only way that I could build was to hard-code the dependencies into those files, as I did before the version catalog feature.
In the buildSrc folder, I created a settings.gradle.kts file and inserted the dependencyResolutionManagement code for versionCatalogs, which is pointing to the same file as for my app and utility-lib projects.
Based on the Gradle7 docs, it seems that sharing a version catalog with buildSrc and modules is possible… I’d appreciate a nudge into getting it to work with buildSrc, if possible.
Here is a simple sample project, which I created via gradle init: my-version-catalog
Thank you for your time and help,
With Gradle 7.3.3, it is possible. Note version catalogs are GA since Gradle 7.4
The code snippet assumes Gradle is at least 7.4, but if you need them prior that version, insert enableFeaturePreview("VERSION_CATALOGS") at the beginning of each settings.gradle.kts.
Using buildSrc
dependencyResolutionManagement {
versionCatalogs {
create("libs") {
dependencies {
implementation(libs.gradleplugin.intellij) // <- the lib reference
You can even use the version catalog for plugins
kotlin-jvm = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm", version.ref = "kotlin" }
jetbrains-changelog = { id = "org.jetbrains.changelog", version.ref = "changelog-plugin" }
jetbrains-intellij = { id = "org.jetbrains.intellij", version.ref = "intellij-plugin" }
hierynomus-license = { id = "com.github.hierynomus.license", version.ref = "license-plugin" }
nebula-integtest = { id = "nebula.integtest", version.ref = "nebula-integtest-plugin" }
plugins {
Note for accessing the catalog within scripts, please refer to the below section, the trick is the same.
Using convention plugins and included build
In the main project include a the Gradle project that holds the convention plugins.
includeBuild("convention-plugins") // here it's a subfolder
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
versionCatalogs {
create("libs") {
} = "convention-plugins"
The trick to enable convention plugins to access the version catalog is split in two part, add an ugly implementation dependency that locate where the version catalog generated classes are located.
Then in the convention plugin refer to the libs extension via Project::the.
val libs = the<LibrariesForLibs>()
This is tracked by gradle/gradle#15383.
plugins {
dependencies {
And in the actual convention plugin
plugins {
val libs = the<LibrariesForLibs>()
dependencies {
detektPlugins(libs.bundles.kotlinStuff) // access catalog entries
The class is generated by gradle is somewhere in local gradle folder ./gradle/<version>/dependency-accessors/<hash>/classes
Quick note that older IntelliJ IDEA currently (2022.3) reports alias(libs.gradleplugin.thePlugin) as an error in the editor,
although the dependencies are correctly resolved.
This tracked by KTIJ-19369, the ticket indicates this is actually a bug in Gradle Kotlin DSL gradle/gradle#22797, and someone made a simple IntelliJ IDEA plugin to hide this error until resolved.
Brice, it looks like a can of worms to go down that path, particularly for my situation, where I'm trying to use a libs.version.toml file from an android project, but the custom plugin is of course from a java/kotlin project. I tried creating the libs file by hardwiring the path to the toml file in the custom plugin. It might work if both were java projects, but I never tried that since that's not what I'm after. The ideal solution would be for the plugin to use the libs file from the project it is applied to, but it looks like the version catalog needs to be created in the settings file, before you even have access to "Project", so that's why you would have to hardwire the path.
Short answer. No, but there are other techniques for a custom plugin to get project version data from the project it is applied to.

How to centralize Gradle build settings?

Say I'm using the palantir/gradle-git-version Gradle plugin, and have the following code in build.gradle.kts to determine the project version:
// If release branch, return after incrementing patch version.
// Else, return $lastTag-SNAPSHOT.
val projectVersion: String by lazy {
val versionDetails: groovy.lang.Closure<VersionDetails> by extra
with(versionDetails()) {
if (!lastTag.matches("^(?:(?:\\d+\\.){2}\\d+)\$".toRegex())) {
throw GradleException("Tag '$lastTag' doesn't match 'MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH' format")
// If it detached state, get branch name from GitLab CI env var
val branch = branchName ?: System.getenv("CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME")
if (branch?.startsWith("release/") == true) {
val tokens = lastTag.split('.')
"${tokens[0]}.${tokens[1]}.${tokens[2].toInt() + commitDistance}"
} else "$lastTag-SNAPSHOT"
This works, but the code is duplicated across all the projects, which is difficult to maintain except for a very small number of projects.
This is just one example, the same applies for other Gradle tasks that assume certain conventions within the company/team, like creating a Dockerfile.
What is a good way to centralize such code so that all projects can use them? Note that code like this don't usually stand on their own, but rely on Gradle plugins.
What is a good way to centralize such code so that all projects can use them?
You'll want to create a custom Gradle plugin to hold your project's conventions.
If you have Gradle installed locally, you can use the Build Init Plugin to create a skeleton plugin project. With Gradle installed locally, simple run gradle init in a new project directory and follow the prompts to create the plugin project.
As a concrete example (assuming you generated a plugin project as mentioned earlier), to apply your versioning conventions, a plugin could be:
// Plugin's build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
// Add dependency for plugin, GAV can be found on the plugins page:
Then a versioning conventions plugin could be:
import com.palantir.gradle.gitversion.VersionDetails
import groovy.lang.Closure
import org.gradle.api.GradleException
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
class VersioningConventionsPlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
// Apply plugin to project as you would in the main Gradle build file.
// Configure version conventions
val projectVersion: String by lazy {
// Gradle generates some Kotlin DSL code on the fly, in a plugin implementation we don't have that.
// So we must convert the DSL to the Gradle API.
val versionDetails: Closure<VersionDetails> = project.extensions.extraProperties.get("versionDetails") as Closure<VersionDetails>
with( {
if (!lastTag.matches("^(?:(?:\\d+\\.){2}\\d+)\$".toRegex())) {
throw GradleException("Tag '$lastTag' doesn't match 'MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH' format")
val branch = branchName ?: System.getenv("CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME")
if (branch?.startsWith("release/") == true) {
val tokens = lastTag.split('.')
"${tokens[0]}.${tokens[1]}.${tokens[2].toInt() + commitDistance}"
} else "$lastTag-SNAPSHOT"
// Set the version as an extra property on the project
// Accessible via extra["projectVersion"]
project.extensions.extraProperties["projectVersion"] = projectVersion
I gave a Kotlin example since your sample used the Kotlin DSL. Once you've finished development work of your conventions plugin, then you would publish to a repository such as the Gradle Plugins repository. If it's an internal company plugin, then publish it to an internal Nexus Repository or similar.
Follow the docs for the maven-publish plugin for more details on publishing. Gradle plugins can be published like any other artifact/JAR.

How to add docs to gradle plugin extension variables?

Okay, let's make this question as simple as possible.
I am trying to build a Gradle plugin. I have an extension named MyExt.
open class MyExt {
* <p>This is some sample docs</p>
var myVar: String = "myVar is awesome"
and this is my plugin
class MyAwesomePlugin : Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
val myExt : MyExt = project.extensions.create("my-awesome-plugin",
and when I try to implement this plugin in a project, the IntelliJ is not showing docs for myVar as it shows for other Gradle variables.
Not showing for myVar
But showing for Gradle variables
I've both sources and docs jar in my repo.
Why it's not showing the variable doc? What am I missing?
How to add docs to the extension variables in a Gradle plugin?
TLDR; It's a bug
Make sure you have correct documentation format: refer to Documenting Kotlin Code E.g. for me it works with this comment:
* This is some sample docs
Also make sure you have applied the plugin and re-imported Gradle project:

Adding project resources to Gradle Custom plugin

I am building a Custom gradle plugin which when applied to the projects will use the configuration files in the project resources folder to fill some templates and generate some other configuration files.
But when I read the files in my plugin as classpath resources, it fails with cant find the File.
public class VideoBuildPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
public void apply(Project target) {
String file = "app/config/dev.yml"; // These files reside in the resources of the project folder
VideoBuildPlugin.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(file); // This line fails
Do I have to do, to add the project resources to the classpath of the build plugin to get this working?
You can add explicitly files to the buildscript classpath(in your app where you apply the custom plugin):
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath files("src/main/resources")
Although I'm not sure if this is the best approach.
You can access the "resources" folder in the main sourceSet
def javaPlugin = project.convention.getPlugin(JavaPluginConvention.class)
def mainSourceSet = javaPlugin.sourceSets.getByName("main")
def resources = mainSourceSet.getResources()

Gradle global plugin repository with Kotlin DSL

I am new to Gradle, but need to build an opensource project that uses it, from my machine on the corporate network. The project has recently moved to Kotlin DSL, so some plugins are required.
I need to use our corporate Nexus server to fetch the plugin dependencies, and I would like to set this globally, because I don't want to have to modify the settings.gradle.kts in all the projects (I've tried this and it works)
If I want to do this globally, I understand from that I need to have an init.gradle.kts file in my USER_HOME/.gradle directory. That's what I did, here's the content of the file :
settingsEvaluated { settings ->
settings.pluginManagement {
repositories {
But when I then trigger my build, here's what I get :
* What went wrong:
Script compilation errors:
Line 1: settingsEvaluated { settings ->
^ None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied:
public open fun settingsEvaluated(p0: Closure<(raw) Any!>): Unit defined in Init_gradle
public open fun settingsEvaluated(p0: Action<in Settings!>): Unit defined in Init_gradle
public final fun settingsEvaluated(p0: Settings!.() -> Unit): Unit defined in Init_gradle
Below are my version details, as provided by gradle -v :
Gradle 4.9
Kotlin DSL: 0.18.4
Kotlin: 1.2.41
Groovy: 2.4.12
So it looks likes there's something obvious I am missing.
Any idea what it could be ?
it seems to work with :
settingsEvaluated {
settings.pluginManagement {
repositories {
no settings -> .
I am not sure whether documentation is wrong or if my setup is specific though...
