How does using paging method in OS justify its overhead? - memory-management

So I was reading about paging in Operative Systems.
One of the biggest pros for using paging as a memory management method(that I've come across) is that it solves the external fragmentation problem(in both operative memory and storage) and allows processes to be allocated in operative memory in a non-continual way.However to implement paging, we would need to keep up and search through page table which could have a large number of entries(millions in some cases). And I imagine there is a big overhead in doing so(both time and space wise).
The thing that I don't understand is why can't we just divide a program into an arbitrary number of segments each time we load it into operative memory.We could divide it in such a way that each segments "fills a hole" in operative memory if needed and therefore solve the problem of external fragmentation.Obviously the program could be loaded in a non-continual way and we would only need to store 2 addresses per segment(upper and lower bound) and maybe some table of segments to keep up the order.
To quote the book I'm reading(OS concepts - Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, 9th edition): "Because of its advantages over earlier methods, paging in its various forms is used in most operating systems, from those for mainframes through those for smartphones".
Am I missing something here? How does using paging justify its overhead? Do we really need to keep track of each page? Do some other things go into consideration when choosing the right method used for Memory Management?

Paging is the basis for various "virtual memory tricks", like:
instead of having to wait while a file is loaded before it can be used; mark the pages as "belonging to a memory mapped file" and then pretend that the file was loaded (and fetch the pages from disk when they're actually needed, possibly with some pre-fetching strategy happening in the background). This reduces RAM consumption and can speed up things like executable start-up times.
instead of allocating actual physical RAM during things like process start-up (for its ".bss section"/uninitialized data, "not used yet" heap space, etc), and instead of literally copying all pages during fork(); use "copy on write" tricks so that you only need to create/copy the data when it's actually modified. This reduces RAM consumption and speeds everything up (especially when a lot of the memory is never modified).
if there isn't enough RAM, then you can just send pages to swap space (e.g. disk) and keep everything running. This is much faster than waiting for something to happen that will never happen (because the process crashed due to not having enough memory).
all of the things above that reduce the amount of actual RAM being used mean that you can use that RAM for file system caches instead. Significantly larger file system caches can mean significantly faster file IO (less "file cache miss", less slow disk IO). Of course if data is in file cache you can map the same pages as "copy on write" into multiple different processes too (without copying the data or using more RAM).
For overhead; CPU manufacturers put a lot of effort into minimizing the overhead (using "translation look-aside buffers", pre-fetching strategies, out-of-order execution to keep CPU busy while it waits for a translation to happen, etc). In the same way, operating system developers also try to minimize the overhead (e.g. reduce the number of task switches between processes, trying to keep processes on the same core, etc). This means that the overhead is fairly small compared to the many large benefits.
Of course without paging you end up having to deal with external fragmentation, which typically devolves into wasting lots of CPU time copying large amounts of data from one piece of RAM to another to "de-fragment" RAM. On top of that, you'd need something else to ensure that different processes are isolated and that any permissions (like "this area is not executable") are/can be enforced; and this "something else" will probably add as much overhead as paging all by itself (unless you want a massive security disaster). With this in mind, even if you ignore the benefits of paging, paging is still likely to be less overhead than not using paging.
The thing that I don't understand is why can't we just divide a program into an arbitrary number of segments each time we load it into operative memory.
Dealing with different segment sizes would be painful (less "shift and mask to find the right index in a table" and more "do a linear search through all segments to find the right segment"). If you use fixed sizes segments it would be much faster; but that's what paging is (a "page" is your "fixed size segment").

Dividing a program into arbitrary segments.
They can't quite be arbitrary; for example I might like to make a very large vector for some application:
#define N 10000000
int v[N];
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
v[i] = ...
The compiler really wants v to appear to occupy successive memory locations. So, your segmenter would need to be aware of these items; but it gets worse:
int *v;
v = malloc(sizeof(*v) * N);
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
v[i] = ...;
Justifying overhead:
Now you need to find a large chunk of physically contiguous RAM at runtime, and since you have no relocation mechanism, you have no way to move around previously allocated chunks. This is the fragmentation problem; and without a page-style mmu, it is very difficult to solve.
You can solve it by turning your compiled languages into pseudo-interpreted languages; but what has more overhead: compiling:
a = v[i];
ld R0,R1+R2*4 ; + overhead of mmu.
mov R0, R1+R2*4
call findseg
ld R0, R0
In the general case, the overhead, in terms of RAM, is in the order of 0.1%; for a concrete example, 10 bytes for a 4k page on an ARM64 or AMD64 architecture., on my linux system, is about 2M of text + 40k data; most programs only use a very small amount of this. Thanks to paging, only the bits of libc that are used need to occupy memory. On a 64G system with 32 processes, the libc savings alone swamps the page table overhead.
3: Keeping track.
There are a number of avenues to attack this from. One is multiple page sizes, which are supported on most architectures. The other is that the OS doesn't have to provide the granularity of the MMU. For instance, on a system with 4k pages, it could insist on only surrendering memory in 64K chunks. Thus reducing the management overhead by a factor of 16, while modestly increasing the granularity wastage.


Does anyone have an example where _mm256_stream_load_si256 (non-tempral load to bypasse cache) actually improves performance?

Consider massiveley SIMD-vectorized loops on very large amounts of floating point data (hundreds of GB) that, in theory, should benefit from non-temporal ("streaming" i.e. bypassing cache) loads/store.
Using non-temp store (_mm256_stream_ps) actually does significantly improve throughput by about ~25% over plain store (_mm256_store_ps)
However, I could not measure any difference when using _mm256_stream_load instead of _mm256_load_ps.
Does anyone have an example where _mm256_stream_load_si256 can be used to actually improves performance ?
(Instruction set & Hardware is AVX2 on AMD Zen2, 64 cores)
for(size_t i=0; i < 1000000000/*larger than L3 cache-size*/; i+=8 )
__m256 a = _mm256_castsi256_ps (_mm256_stream_load_si256((__m256i *)source+i));
__m256 a = _mm256_load_ps( source+i );
a *= a;
_mm256_stream_ps (destination+i, a);
_mm256_store_ps (destination+i, a);
stream_load (vmovntdqa) is just a slower version of normal load (extra ALU uop) unless you use it on a WC memory region (uncacheable, write-combining).
The non-temporal hint is ignored by current CPUs, because unlike NT stores, the instruction doesn't override the memory ordering semantics. We know that's true on Intel CPUs, and your test results suggest the same is true on AMD.
Its purpose is for copying from video RAM back to main memory, as in an Intel whitepaper. It's useless unless you're copying from some kind of uncacheable device memory. (On current CPUs).
See also What is the difference between MOVDQA and MOVNTDQA, and VMOVDQA and VMOVNTDQ for WB/WC marked region? for more details. As my answer there points out, what can sometimes help if tuned carefully for your hardware and workload, is NT prefetch to reduce cache pollution. But tuning the prefetch distance is pretty brittle; too far and data will be fully evicted by the time you read it, instead of just missing L1 and hitting in L2.
There wouldn't be much if anything to gain in bandwidth anyway. Normal stores cost a read + an eventual write on eviction for each cache line. The Read For Ownership (RFO) is required for cache coherency, and because of how write-back caches work that only track dirty status on a whole-line basis. NT stores can increase bandwidth by avoiding those loads.
But plain loads aren't wasting anything, the only downside is evicting other data as you loop over huge arrays generating boatloads of cache misses, if you can't change your algorithm to have any locality.
If cache-blocking is possible for your algorithm, there's much more to gain from that, so you don't just bottleneck on DRAM bandwidth. e.g. do multiple steps over a subset of your data, then move on to the next.
See also How much of ‘What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory’ is still valid? - most of it; go read Ulrich Drepper's paper.
Anything you can do to increase computational intensity helps (ALU work per time the data is loaded into L1d cache, or into registers).
Even better, make a custom loop that combines multiple steps that you were going to do on each element. Avoid stuff like for(i) A[i] = sqrt(B[i]) if there is an earlier or later step that also does something simple to each element of the same array.
If you're using NumPy or something, and just gluing together optimized building blocks that operate on large arrays, it's kind of expected that you'll bottleneck on memory bandwidth for algorithms with low computational intensity (like STREAM add or triad type of things).
If you're using C with intrinsics, you should be aiming higher. You might still bottleneck on memory bandwidth, but your goal should be to saturate the ALUs, or at least bottleneck on L2 cache bandwidth.
Sometimes it's hard, or you haven't gotten around to all the optimizations on your TODO list that you can think of, so NT stores can be good for memory bandwidth if nothing is going to re-read this data any time soon. But consider that a sign of failure, not success. CPUs have large fast caches, use them.
Further reading:
Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy - RFO vs. no-RFO stores (including NT stores), and how per-core memory bandwidth can be limited to the latency-bandwidth product given latency of handing off cache lines to lower levels and the number of LFBs to track them. Especially on Intel server chips.
Non-temporal loads and the hardware prefetcher, do they work together? - no, NT loads are only useful on WC memory, where HW prefetch doesn't work. They kind of exist to fill that gap.

How to view paging system (demand paging) as another layer of cache?

I tried solving the following question
Consider a machine with 128MiB (i.e. 2^27 bytes) of main memory and an MMU which has a page size of 8KiB (i.e.2^13 bytes). The operating system provides demand paging to a large spinning disk.
Viewing this paging system as another layer of caching below the processor’s last-level cache (LLC), answer following questions regarding the characteristics of this “cache”:
Line size in bytes? 2^13 (every page has 2^13 bytes)
Associativity? Full Associative
Number of lines in cache? 2^14 (Memory size / page size)
Tag size in bits? 14 (Number of lines in cache is 2^14 which gives us 14 bits for tag)
Replacement policy? I am not sure at all (maybe clock algorithm which approximates LRU)
Writeback or write-through? write back (It is not consistent with Disk at all times)
Write-allocate? yes, because after page fault we bring the page to memory for both writing and reading
Exclusivity/Inclusivity? I think non-inclusive and non exclusive (NINE), maybe because memory mapped files are partially in memory and partially in swap file or ELF file (program text). Forexample stack of process is only in memory except when we run out of memory and send it to a swap file. Am I right?
I would be glad if someone checked my answers and help me solve this correctly, Thanks! Sorry, if this is not the place to ask these kind of questions
To start; your answers for line size, associativity and number of lines are right.
Tag size in bits? 14 (Number of lines in cache is 2^14 which gives us 14 bits for tag)
Tag size would be "location on disk / line size", plus some other bits (e.g. for managing the replacement policy). We don't know how big the disk is (other than "large").
However; it's possibly not unreasonable to work this out backwards - start from the assumption that the OS was designed to support a wide range of different hard disk sizes and that the tag is a nice "power of 2"; then assume that 4 bits are used for other purposes (e.g. "age" for LRU). If the tag is 32 bits (a very common "power of 2") then it would imply the OS could support a maximum disk size of 2 TiB ("1 << (32-4) * 8 KiB"), which is (keeping "future proofing" in mind) a little too small for an OS designed in the last 10 years or so. The next larger "power of 2" is 64 bits, which is very likely for modern hardware, but less likely for older hardware (e.g. 32-bit CPUs, smaller disks). Based on "128 MiB of RAM" I'd suspect that the hardware is very old (e.g. normal desktop/server systems started having more than 128 MiB in the late 1990s), so I'd go with "32 bit tag".
Replacement policy? I am not sure at all (maybe clock algorithm which approximates LRU)
Writeback or write-through? write back (It is not consistent with Disk at all times) Write-allocate? yes, because after page fault we bring the page to memory for both writing and reading
There isn't enough information to be sure.
A literal write-through policy would be a performance disaster (imagine having to write 8 KiB to a relatively slow disk every time anything pushed data on the stack). A write back policy would be very bad for fault tolerance (e.g. if there's a power failure you'd lose far too much data).
This alone is enough to imply that it's some kind of custom design (neither strictly write-back nor strictly write-through).
To complicate things more; an OS could take into account "eviction costs". E.g. if the data in memory is already on the disk then the page can be re-used immediately, but if the data in memory has been modified then that page would have to be saved to disk before the memory can be re-used; so if/when the OS needs to evict data from cache to make room (e.g. for more recently used data) it'd be reasonable to prefer evicting an unmodified page (which is cheaper to evict). In addition; for spinning disks, it's common for an OS to optimize disk access to minimize head movement (where the goal is to reduce seek times and improve disk IO performance).
The OS might combine all of these factors when deciding when modified data is written to disk.
Exclusivity/Inclusivity? I think non-inclusive and non exclusive (NINE), maybe because memory mapped files are partially in memory and partially in swap file or ELF file (program text). Forexample stack of process is only in memory except when we run out of memory and send it to a swap file. Am I right?
If RAM is treated as a cache of disk, then the system is an example of single-level store (see ) and isn't a normal OS (with normal virtual memory - e.g. swap space and file systems). Typically systems that use single-level store are built around the idea of having "persistent objects" and do not have files at all. With this in mind; I don't think it's reasonable to make assumptions that would make sense for a normal operating system (e.g. assume that there are executable files, or that memory mapped files are supported, or that some part of the disk is "swap space" and another part of the disk is not).
However; I would assume that you're right about "non-inclusive and non exclusive (NINE)" - inclusive would be bad for performance (for the same reason write-through would be bad for performance) and exclusive would be very bad for fault tolerance (for the same reason that write-back is bad for fault tolerance).

Is coalesced memory access a feature or phenomenon?

I'm current writing a smaller project in OpenCL, and I'm trying to find out what really causes memory coalescing. Every book on GPGPU programming says it's how GPGPUs should be programmed, but not why the hardware would prefer this.
So is it some special hardware component which merges data transfers? Or is it simply to better utilize the cache? Or is it something completely different?
Memory coalescing makes several different things more efficient. It is usually done before the requests hit the cache. Similar to the SIMT execution model it is a architectural trade-off. It enables GPUs to have a more efficient and very high performance memory system but also forces programmers to think carefully about their data layout.
Without coalescing either the cache needs to be able to serve a huge number of requests at the same time or memory access would take a lot longer as the different data transfers would need to be handled one at a time. This is even relevant when just checking if something is a hit or a miss.
Merging requests is rather easy to do, you just pick one transfer and then merge all requests with matching upper address bits. You just generate a single request per cycle and replay the load or store instruction until all threads have been handled.
Caches also stores consecutive bytes, 32/64/128Byte, this fits most applications well, is a good fit to modern DRAM and reduces the overhead for cache bookeeping information: The cache is organized in cachelines and each cacheline has a tag that indicates which addresses are stored in the line.
Modern DRAM uses wide interfaces and also long bursts: The memory of a GPU is typically organized in 32-bit or 64-bit wide channels with GDDR5 memory that has a burst length of 8. This means that every transaction at the DRAM interface has to fetch at least 32-bit*8=32 byte or 64-bit*8=64 byte at a time, even if just a single byte is required from these bytes. Designing data layouts that lead to coalesced requests helps to use the DRAM interface efficiently.
GPUs also have a huge number of parallel threads active at the same time and rather small cache at the same time. CPUs are often able to use their caches to reorder their memory requests to DRAM friendly patterns. The larger number of threads and smaller caches on GPUs make this "cache based coalescing" less efficient on GPUs, as the data will often not stay long enough in the cache to get merged at the cache with other requests to the same cacheline.
Despite the "random access" name on "RAM" (Random-access Memory), Double-Data-Rate #3 Random-Access Memory (DDR3-RAM) is faster at accessing consecutive positions rather than randomly.
Case in point: "CAS Latency" is the amount of time that DDR3 RAM will stall when you're accessing a new "column", as your RAM chip is literally charging up to serve the new data from another location on the chip.
EDIT: Jan Lucas argues that RAS Latency is more important in practice. See his comment for details.
There's roughly a 10ns delay whenever you switch columns. So, if you have a bunch of memory accesses, if you keep access a bunch of data 'close' to each other, then you don't invoke a CAS delay.
So if you have 20-words to access at a particular location, its more efficient to access those 20-words before moving to a new memory location (invoking a CAS delay). Otherwise, you'll have to invoke ANOTHER CAS delay to "switch back" between memory locations.
Its just around 10 nanoseconds, but that amount of time adds up over time.

How to deal with external fragmentation, how paging helps with external fragmentation?

I know that there is a lot of questions regarding the issue I'm pointing here, but I couldn't find any complex answer (neither on StackOverflow nor in other sources).
I would like to ask about heap (RAM) fragmentation problem.
As I understood there are two kind of fragmentation:
internal - related with difference between allocation unit size (AU) and the size of the allocated memory AM (waste memory is equal to AM % AU),
external - related with noncontinuous areas of a free memory, so even if the sum of the free memory areas can handle the new allocation request, it fails if there is no continues area that can handle it.
This is quite clear. The problems start when the "paging" appears.
Sometimes I can find an information that paging solves the external fragmentation issue.
Indeed I agree that thanks to paging the OS is able to create the virtually continues areas of the memory, assigned to the process, even if physically the parts of the memory are scattered.
But how exactly does it help with the external fragmentation?
I mean, assuming that the size of a page has 4kB, and we want to allocate 16 kB, then of course we just need to find four empty pages frames, even if physically the frames are not a part of a continues area.
But what in case of the smaller allocation ?
I believe the page itself can still be fragmented and (in worst case) the OS still needs to provide a new frame if the old one cannot be used to allocate the requested memory.
So is it that (assuming the worst case) sooner or later, with paging or without, the long working application that allocates and releases the heap memory (different sizes) will fall into low-memory condition, because of external fragmentation ?
So the question is how to deal with the external fragmentation?
Own implementation of allocation algorithm ? Paging (as I wrote, not sure it helps) ? What else ? Does OS (Windows, Linux) provides some defragmentation methods ?
The most radical solution is to forbid using of the heap, but is it really necessary for the platforms with paging, virtual address spaces, virtual memory etc ... and the only issue is that the applications need to run unstoppable for a years ?
One more issue.. is internal fragmentation an ambiguous term ?
Somewhere I have spotted the definition that internal fragmentation points to the part of page frame, that is wasted because the process does not need more memory, but the single frame cannot be owned by more than a single processes.
I have bolded the questions, so the people who are in hurry could find the question without reading everything.
"Fragmentation" is indeed not a very precise term. But we can say for sure that when a running application needs a block of n bytes and there are n or more bytes not in use, yet we can't get the required block, then "memory is too fragmented."
But how exactly does it [paging] help with the external allocation [I assume you mean fragmentation] ?
There's really nothing complicated here. External fragmentation is free memory between allocated blocks that's "too small" to satisfy any application requirement. This is a general concept. The definition of "too small" is application-dependent. Nonetheless, if allocated blocks can fall on any boundary, then it's easy, after many allocations and deallocations, for lots of such fragments to occur. Paging helps with external fragmentation in two ways.
First, it subdivides memory into fixed-size adjacent chunks - the pages - that are "large enough" so they're never useless. Again the definition of "large enough" is not precise. But most applications will have lots of requirements satisfiable by a single 4k page. Since no external fragmentation problem can occur for allocations of a page or less, the problem has been mitigated.
Second, the paging hardware provides a level of indirection between application pages and physical memory pages. Therefore any free physical memory page can be used to help satisfy any application request, no matter how large. For example, suppose you have 100 physical pages with every other physical page (50 of them) allocated. Without page-mapping hardware, the biggest request for contiguous memory that can be satisfied is 1 page. With mapping, it's 50 pages. (I'm disregarding virtual pages allocated initially with no mapped physical page. That's another discussion.)
But what in case of the smaller allocation ?
Again it's pretty simple. If the unit of allocation is a page, then any allocation smaller than a page yields an unused portion. This is internal fragmentation: unusable memory within an allocated block. The bigger you make allocation units (they don't have to be a single page), the more memory will be unusable due to internal fragmentation. On average, this will tend toward half of an allocation unit. Consequently, though OS's tend to allocate in units of pages, most application-side memory allocators request a very small number (often one) of big blocks (of pages) from the OS. They use much smaller allocation units internally: 4-16 bytes is pretty common.
So the question is how to deal with the external allocation [I assume you mean fragmentation] ? So is it that (assuming the worst case) sooner or later, with paging or without, the long working application that allocates and releases the heap memory (different sizes) will fall into low-memory condition, because of external fragmentation ?
If I understand you correctly, you're asking if fragmentation is inevitable. Except under very special conditions (e.g. the application only needs blocks of one size), the answer is yes. But that doesn't mean it's necessarily a problem.
Memory allocators use smart algorithms that limit fragmentation pretty effectively. For example, they may maintain "pools" with different block sizes, using the pool with block size most closely matching a given request. This tends to limit both internal and external fragmentation. A real world example that's very well documented is dlmalloc. The source code is also very clear.
Of course any general purpose allocator can fail under specific conditions. For this reason, modern languages (C++ and Ada are two I know) let you supply special-purpose allocators for objects of a given type. Typically -
for a fixed-size object - these might simply maintain a pre-allcoated free list, so fragmentation for that particular case is zero, and allocation/deallocation are very fast.
One more note: It's possible to totally eliminate fragmentation with copying/compacting garbage collection. Of course this requires underlying language support, and there's a performance bill to pay. A copying garbage collector compacts the heap by moving objects to eliminate unused space completely whenever it runs to reclaim storage. To do this it must update every pointer in the running program to the corresponding object's new location. While this may sound complex, I've implemented a copying garbage collector, and it's not so bad. The algorithms are extremely cool. Unfortunately, the semantics of many languages (e.g. C and C++) don't allow finding every pointer in the running program, which is required.
The most radical solution is to forbid using of the heap, but is it really necessary for the platforms with paging, virtual address spaces, virtual memory etc ... and the only issue is that the applications need to run unstoppable for a years ?
Though general purpose allocators are good, they're not guaranteed. It's not unusual for safety-critical or hard real time constrained systems to avoid heap use completely. On the other hand, when no absolute guarantee is needed, a general purpose allocator is often fine. There are many systems that run perfectly with tough loads for extended periods using general purpose allocators: fragmentation reaches an acceptable steady state and doesn't cause a problem.
One more issue.. is internal fragmentation an ambiguous term ?
The term isn't ambiguous, but is used in different contexts. The invariant is that it's referring to unused memory inside allocated blocks.
OS literature tends to assume the allocation unit is pages. For example, Linux sbrk lets you request the end of the data segment be set anywhere, but Linux allocates pages, not bytes, so the unused part of the last page is internal fragmentation from the OS's point of view.
Application-oriented discussions tend to assume allocation is in "blocks" or "chunks" of arbitrary size. dlmalloc uses about 128 discrete chunk sizes, each maintained in its own free list. Plus, it will custom allocate very large blocks using OS memory mapping system calls, so there's at most a page size (minus 1 byte) of mismatch between request and actual allocation. Clearly it's going to a lot of trouble to minimize internal fragmentation. The fragmentation caused a given allocation is the difference between the request and the chunk actually allocated. Since there are so many chunk sizes, that difference is strictly limited. On the other hand, the many chunk sizes increase chances of external fragmentation problems: free memory may consist entirely of chunks that are well-managed by dlmalloc, yet too small to honor an application requirement.

How does one write code that best utilizes the CPU cache to improve performance?

This could sound like a subjective question, but what I am looking for are specific instances, which you could have encountered related to this.
How to make code, cache effective/cache friendly (more cache hits, as few cache misses as possible)? From both perspectives, data cache & program cache (instruction cache),
i.e. what things in one's code, related to data structures and code constructs, should one take care of to make it cache effective.
Are there any particular data structures one must use/avoid, or is there a particular way of accessing the members of that structure etc... to make code cache effective.
Are there any program constructs (if, for, switch, break, goto,...), code-flow (for inside an if, if inside a for, etc ...) one should follow/avoid in this matter?
I am looking forward to hearing individual experiences related to making cache efficient code in general. It can be any programming language (C, C++, Assembly, ...), any hardware target (ARM, Intel, PowerPC, ...), any OS (Windows, Linux,S ymbian, ...), etc..
The variety will help to better to understand it deeply.
The cache is there to reduce the number of times the CPU would stall waiting for a memory request to be fulfilled (avoiding the memory latency), and as a second effect, possibly to reduce the overall amount of data that needs to be transfered (preserving memory bandwidth).
Techniques for avoiding suffering from memory fetch latency is typically the first thing to consider, and sometimes helps a long way. The limited memory bandwidth is also a limiting factor, particularly for multicores and multithreaded applications where many threads wants to use the memory bus. A different set of techniques help addressing the latter issue.
Improving spatial locality means that you ensure that each cache line is used in full once it has been mapped to a cache. When we have looked at various standard benchmarks, we have seen that a surprising large fraction of those fail to use 100% of the fetched cache lines before the cache lines are evicted.
Improving cache line utilization helps in three respects:
It tends to fit more useful data in the cache, essentially increasing the effective cache size.
It tends to fit more useful data in the same cache line, increasing the likelyhood that requested data can be found in the cache.
It reduces the memory bandwidth requirements, as there will be fewer fetches.
Common techniques are:
Use smaller data types
Organize your data to avoid alignment holes (sorting your struct members by decreasing size is one way)
Beware of the standard dynamic memory allocator, which may introduce holes and spread your data around in memory as it warms up.
Make sure all adjacent data is actually used in the hot loops. Otherwise, consider breaking up data structures into hot and cold components, so that the hot loops use hot data.
avoid algorithms and datastructures that exhibit irregular access patterns, and favor linear datastructures.
We should also note that there are other ways to hide memory latency than using caches.
Modern CPU:s often have one or more hardware prefetchers. They train on the misses in a cache and try to spot regularities. For instance, after a few misses to subsequent cache lines, the hw prefetcher will start fetching cache lines into the cache, anticipating the application's needs. If you have a regular access pattern, the hardware prefetcher is usually doing a very good job. And if your program doesn't display regular access patterns, you may improve things by adding prefetch instructions yourself.
Regrouping instructions in such a way that those that always miss in the cache occur close to each other, the CPU can sometimes overlap these fetches so that the application only sustain one latency hit (Memory level parallelism).
To reduce the overall memory bus pressure, you have to start addressing what is called temporal locality. This means that you have to reuse data while it still hasn't been evicted from the cache.
Merging loops that touch the same data (loop fusion), and employing rewriting techniques known as tiling or blocking all strive to avoid those extra memory fetches.
While there are some rules of thumb for this rewrite exercise, you typically have to carefully consider loop carried data dependencies, to ensure that you don't affect the semantics of the program.
These things are what really pays off in the multicore world, where you typically wont see much of throughput improvements after adding the second thread.
I can't believe there aren't more answers to this. Anyway, one classic example is to iterate a multidimensional array "inside out":
for (i = 0 to size)
for (j = 0 to size)
do something with ary[j][i]
The reason this is cache inefficient is because modern CPUs will load the cache line with "near" memory addresses from main memory when you access a single memory address. We are iterating through the "j" (outer) rows in the array in the inner loop, so for each trip through the inner loop, the cache line will cause to be flushed and loaded with a line of addresses that are near to the [j][i] entry. If this is changed to the equivalent:
for (i = 0 to size)
for (j = 0 to size)
do something with ary[i][j]
It will run much faster.
The basic rules are actually fairly simple. Where it gets tricky is in how they apply to your code.
The cache works on two principles: Temporal locality and spatial locality.
The former is the idea that if you recently used a certain chunk of data, you'll probably need it again soon. The latter means that if you recently used the data at address X, you'll probably soon need address X+1.
The cache tries to accomodate this by remembering the most recently used chunks of data. It operates with cache lines, typically sized 128 byte or so, so even if you only need a single byte, the entire cache line that contains it gets pulled into the cache. So if you need the following byte afterwards, it'll already be in the cache.
And this means that you'll always want your own code to exploit these two forms of locality as much as possible. Don't jump all over memory. Do as much work as you can on one small area, and then move on to the next, and do as much work there as you can.
A simple example is the 2D array traversal that 1800's answer showed. If you traverse it a row at a time, you're reading the memory sequentially. If you do it column-wise, you'll read one entry, then jump to a completely different location (the start of the next row), read one entry, and jump again. And when you finally get back to the first row, it will no longer be in the cache.
The same applies to code. Jumps or branches mean less efficient cache usage (because you're not reading the instructions sequentially, but jumping to a different address). Of course, small if-statements probably won't change anything (you're only skipping a few bytes, so you'll still end up inside the cached region), but function calls typically imply that you're jumping to a completely different address that may not be cached. Unless it was called recently.
Instruction cache usage is usually far less of an issue though. What you usually need to worry about is the data cache.
In a struct or class, all members are laid out contiguously, which is good. In an array, all entries are laid out contiguously as well. In linked lists, each node is allocated at a completely different location, which is bad. Pointers in general tend to point to unrelated addresses, which will probably result in a cache miss if you dereference it.
And if you want to exploit multiple cores, it can get really interesting, as usually, only one CPU may have any given address in its L1 cache at a time. So if both cores constantly access the same address, it will result in constant cache misses, as they're fighting over the address.
I recommend reading the 9-part article What every programmer should know about memory by Ulrich Drepper if you're interested in how memory and software interact. It's also available as a 104-page PDF.
Sections especially relevant to this question might be Part 2 (CPU caches) and Part 5 (What programmers can do - cache optimization).
Apart from data access patterns, a major factor in cache-friendly code is data size. Less data means more of it fits into the cache.
This is mainly a factor with memory-aligned data structures. "Conventional" wisdom says data structures must be aligned at word boundaries because the CPU can only access entire words, and if a word contains more than one value, you have to do extra work (read-modify-write instead of a simple write). But caches can completely invalidate this argument.
Similarly, a Java boolean array uses an entire byte for each value in order to allow operating on individual values directly. You can reduce the data size by a factor of 8 if you use actual bits, but then access to individual values becomes much more complex, requiring bit shift and mask operations (the BitSet class does this for you). However, due to cache effects, this can still be considerably faster than using a boolean[] when the array is large. IIRC I once achieved a speedup by a factor of 2 or 3 this way.
The most effective data structure for a cache is an array. Caches work best, if your data structure is laid out sequentially as CPUs read entire cache lines (usually 32 bytes or more) at once from main memory.
Any algorithm which accesses memory in random order trashes the caches because it always needs new cache lines to accomodate the randomly accessed memory. On the other hand an algorithm, which runs sequentially through an array is best because:
It gives the CPU a chance to read-ahead, e.g. speculatively put more memory into the cache, which will be accessed later. This read-ahead gives a huge performance boost.
Running a tight loop over a large array also allows the CPU to cache the code executing in the loop and in most cases allows you to execute an algorithm entirely from cache memory without having to block for external memory access.
One example I saw used in a game engine was to move data out of objects and into their own arrays. A game object that was subject to physics might have a lot of other data attached to it as well. But during the physics update loop all the engine cared about was data about position, speed, mass, bounding box, etc. So all of that was placed into its own arrays and optimized as much as possible for SSE.
So during the physics loop the physics data was processed in array order using vector math. The game objects used their object ID as the index into the various arrays. It was not a pointer because pointers could become invalidated if the arrays had to be relocated.
In many ways this violated object-oriented design patterns but it made the code a lot faster by placing data close together that needed to be operated on in the same loops.
This example is probably out of date because I expect most modern games use a prebuilt physics engine like Havok.
A remark to the "classic example" by user 1800 INFORMATION (too long for a comment)
I wanted to check the time differences for two iteration orders ( "outter" and "inner"), so I made a simple experiment with a large 2D array:
for ( int y = 0; y < N; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < N; ++x )
sum += A[ x + y*N ];
and the second case with the for loops swapped.
The slower version ("x first") was 0.88sec and the faster one, was 0.06sec. That's the power of caching :)
I used gcc -O2 and still the loops were not optimized out. The comment by Ricardo that "most of the modern compilers can figure this out by itselves" does not hold
Only one post touched on it, but a big issue comes up when sharing data between processes. You want to avoid having multiple processes attempting to modify the same cache line simultaneously. Something to look out for here is "false" sharing, where two adjacent data structures share a cache line and modifications to one invalidates the cache line for the other. This can cause cache lines to unnecessarily move back and forth between processor caches sharing the data on a multiprocessor system. A way to avoid it is to align and pad data structures to put them on different lines.
I can answer (2) by saying that in the C++ world, linked lists can easily kill the CPU cache. Arrays are a better solution where possible. No experience on whether the same applies to other languages, but it's easy to imagine the same issues would arise.
Cache is arranged in "cache lines" and (real) memory is read from and written to in chunks of this size.
Data structures that are contained within a single cache-line are therefore more efficient.
Similarly, algorithms which access contiguous memory blocks will be more efficient than algorithms which jump through memory in a random order.
Unfortunately the cache line size varies dramatically between processors, so there's no way to guarantee that a data structure that's optimal on one processor will be efficient on any other.
To ask how to make a code, cache effective-cache friendly and most of the other questions , is usually to ask how to Optimize a program, that's because the cache has such a huge impact on performances that any optimized program is one that is cache effective-cache friendly.
I suggest reading about Optimization, there are some good answers on this site.
In terms of books, I recommend on Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective which has some fine text about the proper usage of the cache.
(b.t.w - as bad as a cache-miss can be, there is worse - if a program is paging from the hard-drive...)
There has been a lot of answers on general advices like data structure selection, access pattern, etc. Here I would like to add another code design pattern called software pipeline that makes use of active cache management.
The idea is borrow from other pipelining techniques, e.g. CPU instruction pipelining.
This type of pattern best applies to procedures that
could be broken down to reasonable multiple sub-steps, S[1], S[2], S[3], ... whose execution time is roughly comparable with RAM access time (~60-70ns).
takes a batch of input and do aforementioned multiple steps on them to get result.
Let's take a simple case where there is only one sub-procedure.
Normally the code would like:
def proc(input):
return sub-step(input))
To have better performance, you might want to pass multiple inputs to the function in a batch so you amortize function call overhead and also increases code cache locality.
def batch_proc(inputs):
results = []
for i in inputs:
// avoids code cache miss, but still suffer data(inputs) miss
return res
However, as said earlier, if the execution of the step is roughly the same as RAM access time you can further improve the code to something like this:
def batch_pipelined_proc(inputs):
for i in range(0, len(inputs)-1):
# work on current item while [i+1] is flying back from RAM
The execution flow would look like:
prefetch(1) ask CPU to prefetch input[1] into cache, where prefetch instruction takes P cycles itself and return, and in the background input[1] would arrive in cache after R cycles.
works_on(0) cold miss on 0 and works on it, which takes M
prefetch(2) issue another fetch
works_on(1) if P + R <= M, then inputs[1] should be in the cache already before this step, thus avoid a data cache miss
works_on(2) ...
There could be more steps involved, then you can design a multi-stage pipeline as long as the timing of the steps and memory access latency matches, you would suffer little code/data cache miss. However, this process needs to be tuned with many experiments to find out right grouping of steps and prefetch time. Due to its required effort, it sees more adoption in high performance data/packet stream processing. A good production code example could be found in DPDK QoS Enqueue pipeline design: Chapter Enqueue Pipeline.
More information could be found:
Besides aligning your structure and fields, if your structure if heap allocated you may want to use allocators that support aligned allocations; like _aligned_malloc(sizeof(DATA), SYSTEM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); otherwise you may have random false sharing; remember that in Windows, the default heap has a 16 bytes alignment.
Write your program to take a minimal size. That is why it is not always a good idea to use -O3 optimisations for GCC. It takes up a larger size. Often, -Os is just as good as -O2. It all depends on the processor used though. YMMV.
Work with small chunks of data at a time. That is why a less efficient sorting algorithms can run faster than quicksort if the data set is large. Find ways to break up your larger data sets into smaller ones. Others have suggested this.
In order to help you better exploit instruction temporal/spatial locality, you may want to study how your code gets converted in to assembly. For example:
for(i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
for(i = MAX; i > 0; --i)
The two loops produce different codes even though they are merely parsing through an array. In any case, your question is very architecture specific. So, your only way to tightly control cache use is by understanding how the hardware works and optimising your code for it.
