delete unique rows from table having minimum value using joins - oracle

select a.rowid,a.ta_transaction_at_k,a.ta_approvalid_k
where a.TA_TRANSACTION_AT_K=b.at_transaction_k
and b.AT_GROUP_ID=402
I have this query which gives result in below format. How can I delete records from it
331789 3
331789 4
331789 5
331787 3
331787 4
331787 5
I want to delete ids with minimum values

got the issue resolved using row ids.
delete from OF_TATRANSACTIONAPPROVALS where rowid in(
select rowsid from(
select a.rowid rowsid,a.ta_transaction_at_k trns,a.ta_approvalid_k,row_number() over (partition by TA_TRANSACTION_AT_K order by TA_TRANSACTION_AT_K,ta_approvalid_k) rn
and a.TA_APPROVALROLE_RO = 98 and a.TA_APPROVALTYPE = 'TA' and b.AT_GROUP_ID=402) where rn=1)


How to write correct left Join of two tables?

I want to join two tables, first table primary key data type is number, and second table primary key data type is VARCHAR2(30 BYTE). How to join both tables.
I tried this code but second tables all values are null. why is that?
SELECT a.act_phone_no,a.act_actdevice,a.bi_account_id, a.packag_start_date, c.identification_number,
left JOIN customer c
on TO_CHAR(a.act_phone_no) = c.msisdn_voice
first table
act_phone_no bi_account_id
23434 45345
34245 43556
Second table
msisdn_voice identification_number
23434 321113
34245 6547657
It seems that you didn't tell us everything. Query works, if correctly written, on such a sample data:
SQL> with
2 -- Sample data
3 activations_pop (act_phone_no, bi_account_id) as
4 (select 23434, 45345 from dual union all
5 select 34245, 43556 from dual
6 ),
7 customer (msisdn_voice, identification_number) as
8 (select '23434', 321113 from dual union all
9 select '34245', 6547657 from dual
10 )
11 -- query works OK
12 select a.act_phone_no,
13 a.bi_account_id,
14 c.identification_number
15 from activations_pop a join customer c on to_char(a.act_phone_no) = c.msisdn_voice;
------------ ------------- ---------------------
23434 45345 321113
34245 43556 6547657
What could be wrong? Who knows. If you got some result but columns from the CUSTOMER table are empty (NULL?), then they really might be NULL, or you didn't manage to join rows on those columns (left/right padding with spaces?). Does joining on e.g.
on to_char(a.act_phone_no) = trim(c.msisdn_voice)
on a.act_phone_no = to_number(c.msisdn_voice)
Consider posting proper test case (CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO statements).
You are using Oracle ?
Please check the below demo
SELECT a.act_phone_no, a.bi_account_id, c.identification_number
left JOIN customer c
on TO_CHAR(a.act_phone_no) = c.msisdn_voice;

Oracle: Update values in table with aggregated values from same table

I am looking for a possibly better approach to this.
I have created a temp table in Oracle 11.2 that I'm using to pre calculate values that I will need in other selects instead of always generating them again with each select.
create global temporary table temp_foo (
DT timestamp(6), --only the date part will be used in this example but for later things I will need the time
Something varchar2(100),
Customer varchar2(100),
MinDate timestamp(6),
MaxDate timestamp(6),
Filecount int,
Errorcount int,
AvgFilecount int,
constraint PK_foo primary key (DT, Customer)
) on commit preserve rows;
I then first insert some fixed values for everything except AvgFilecount. AvgFilecount should contain the average for the Filecount for the 3 previous records (going by the date in DT). It doesn’t matter that the result will be converted to an int, I don’t need the decimal places
DT | Customer | Filecount | AvgFilecount
2019-04-30 | x | 10 | avg(2+3+9)
2019-04-29 | x | 2 | based on values before this
2019-04-28 | x | 3 | based on values before this
2019-04-27 | x | 9 | based on values before this
I thought about using a normal UPDATE statement as this should be faster than looping through the values. I should mention that there are no gaps in the DT field but obviously there is a first one where I won‘t find any previous records. If I would loop through, I could easily calculate AvgFilecount with (the record before previous record/2 + previous record)/3 which I cannot with UPDATE as I cannot guarantee the order of how they are executed. So I‘m fine with just taking the last 3 records (going by DT) and calcuting it from there.
What I thought would be an easy update is giving me headaches. I‘m mostly doing SQL Server where I would just join the 3 other records but it seems is a bit different in Oracle. I have found and wanted to use the second approach in the answer.
(select curr.DT, curr.temp_foo, curr.Filecount, curr.AvgFilecount as OLD, (coalesce(Minus1.Filecount, 0) + coalesce(Minus2.Filecount, 0) + coalesce(Minus3.Filecount, 0)) / 3 as NEW
from temp_foo curr
left join temp_foo Minus1 ON Minus1.Customer = curr.Customer and trunc(Minus1.DT) = trunc(curr.DT-1)
left join temp_foo Minus2 ON Minus2.Customer = curr.Customer and trunc(Minus2.DT) = trunc(curr.DT-2)
left join temp_foo Minus3 ON Minus3.Customer = curr.Customer and trunc(Minus3.DT) = curr.DT-3
order by 1, 2
set OLD = NEW;
Which gives me an
ORA-01779: cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved
01779. 00000 - "cannot modify a column which maps to a non key-preserved table"
*Cause: An attempt was made to insert or update columns of a join view which
map to a non-key-preserved table.
*Action: Modify the underlying base tables directly.
I thought this should work as both join conditions are in the primary key and thus unique. I am currently implementing the first approach in the above mentioned answer but it is getting quite big and it feels like there should be a better solution to this.
Other things I thought about trying:
using a nested subselect (nested because Oracle doesn’t know top(n) and I need to sort the subselect) to select the previous 3 records ordered by DT and then he outer select with rownum <=3 and then I could just use AVG(). However, I was told subselect can be quite slow and joins are better in Oracle performance wise. Dunno if that is really the case, haven‘t done any testing
Edit: My insert right now looks like this. I am already aggregating the Filecount for a day as there can be multiple records per DT per Customer per Something.
insert into temp_foo (DT, Something, Customer, Filecount)
select dates.DT, tbl1.Something, tbl1.Customer, coalesce(sum(tbl3.Filecount),0)
from table(Function_Returning_Daterange(NULL, NULL)) dates
cross join
(SELECT Something,
FROM Table2 tbl2
WHERE (Something = 'Value')) tbl1
left outer join Table3 tbl3
on tbl3.Customer = tbl1.Customer
and trunc(tbl3.MinDate) = trunc(dates.DT)
group by dates.DT, tbl1.Something, tbl1.Customer;
You could use an analytic average with a window clause:
select dt, customer, filecount,
avg(filecount) over (partition by customer order by dt
rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding) as avgfilecount
from tmp_foo
order by dt desc;
---------- -------- ---------- ------------
2019-04-30 x 10 4.66666667
2019-04-29 x 2 6
2019-04-28 x 3 9
2019-04-27 x 9
and then do the update part with a merge statement:
merge into tmp_foo t
using (
select dt, customer,
avg(filecount) over (partition by customer order by dt
rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding) as avgfilecount
from tmp_foo
) s
on (s.dt = t.dt and s.customer = t.customer)
when matched then update set t.avgfilecount = s.avgfilecount;
4 rows merged.
select dt, customer, filecount, avgfilecount
from tmp_foo
order by dt desc;
---------- -------- ---------- ------------
2019-04-30 x 10 4.66666667
2019-04-29 x 2 6
2019-04-28 x 3 9
2019-04-27 x 9
You haven't shown your original insert statement; it might be possible to add the analytic calculation to that, and avoid the separate update step.
Also, if you want the first two date values to be calculated as if the 'missing' extra days before them had zero counts, you could use sum and division instead of avg:
select dt, customer, filecount,
sum(filecount) over (partition by customer order by dt
rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding)/3 as avgfilecount
from tmp_foo
order by dt desc;
---------- -------- ---------- ------------
2019-04-30 x 10 4.66666667
2019-04-29 x 2 4
2019-04-28 x 3 3
2019-04-27 x 9
It depends what you expect those last calculated values to be.

Oracle Select Query on Same Table (self join)

It seems to simple, but not getting desired results
I have a table with there data
Team_id, Player_id, Player_name Game_cd
1 100 abc 24
1 1000 xyz 24
1 588 ert 24
1 500 you 24
2 600 ops 24
2 700 dps 24
2 900 lmv 24
2 200 hmv 24
I have to write a query to get a result like this
Home_team home_plr_id home_player away_team away_plr_id away_player
1 100 abc 2 600 ops
1 1000 xyz 2 900 lmv
The query I wrote
select f1.Team_id as home_team,
f1.player_id as home_plr_id,
f1.player_Name as home_player,
f2.Team_id as away_team,
f2.player_id as away_plr_id,
f2.player_Name as home_player
from game f1, game f2
f1.team_id<> f2.team_id and
f1.game_cd = f2.game_cd
Alternative to #Radagast81's self-join is pivot, available in your Oracle version:
select home_plr_id, home_plr_name, away_plr_id, away_plr_name
from (select game.*,
row_number() over (partition by team_id order by player_id) rn
from game)
pivot (max(player_id) plr_id, max(player_name) plr_name
for team_id in (1 home, 2 away))
SQL Fiddle
Players have to be numbered somehow (here by ID), it can be done by name, null or even random. This numbering is needed only to put them in same rows. Pivot works also if numbers of players in teams differs.
It is not clear how you want to pair a home player with an away player. But provided that you don't care about that, the following might be what you are looking for:
WITH game_p AS (SELECT team_id, player_id, player_name, game_cd
, ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION BY team_id, game_cd ORDER BY player_id) pos
, dense_rank() over (PARTITION BY game_cd ORDER BY team_id) team_pos
FROM game)
SELECT NVL(f1.game_cd, f2.game_cd) AS game_cd
, f1.Team_id as home_team
, f1.player_id as home_plr_id
, f1.player_Name as home_player
, f2.Team_id as away_team
, f2.player_id as away_plr_id
, f2.player_Name as away_player
FROM (SELECT * FROM game_p WHERE team_pos = 1) f1
FULL JOIN (SELECT * FROM game_p WHERE team_pos = 2) f2
ON f1.game_cd = f2.game_cd
AND f1.pos = f2.pos
The new column POS gives any player of each team a position to pair them with the other team.
The new column TEAM_POS is to get the team_id mapped to the values 1 and 2, as the team_id's can differ per game.
Finally do a FULL JOIN to get the final list. If the number of players are allways the same for both teams you can do a normal join instead...

11g Oracle aggregate SQL query

Can you please help me in getting a query for this scenario. In below case it should return me single row of A=13 because 13,14 in column A has most occurrences and value of B (30) is greater for 13. We are interested in maximum occurrences of A and in case of tie B should be considered as tie breaker.
13 30
13 12
14 10
14 25
15 5
In below case where there are single occurrence of A (all tied) it should return 14 having maximum value of 40 for B.
13 30
14 40
15 5
Use case - we get calls from corporate customers. We are interested in knowing during what hours of day when most calls come and in case of tie - which of the busiest hours has longest call.
Further question
There is further questions on this. I want to use either of two solutions - '11g or lower' from #GurV or 'dense_rank' from #mathguy in bigger query below how can I do it.
SELECT , , dv.email_subject AS headline , dv.start_date , dv.closing_date, AS business_name, ls.call_cost, dv.currency,
SUM(lsc.duration) AS duration, COUNT( AS call_count, ROUND(AVG(lsc.duration), 2) AS avg_duration
-- max(extract(HOUR from started )) keep (dense_rank last order by count(duration), max(duration)) as most_popular_hour
FROM deal_voucher dv
JOIN lead_source ls ON = ls.deal_id
JOIN lead_source_call lsc ON ls.PHONE_SID = lsc.phone_number_id
JOIN business b ON dv.business_id =
JOIN users u ON = u.business_id
AND TRUNC(dv.closing_date) = to_date('13-01-2017', 'dd-mm-yyyy')
AND lsc.status = 'completed' and lsc.duration >= 30
GROUP BY , , dv.email_subject , dv.start_date , dv.closing_date,, ls.call_cost, dv.currency
--, extract(HOUR from started )
Try this if 12c+
select a
from t
group by a
order by count(*) desc, max(b) desc
fetch first 1 row only;
If 11g or lower:
select * from (
select a
from t
group by a
order by count(*) desc, max(b) desc
) where rownum = 1;
Note that if there is equal count and equal max value for two or more values of A, then any one of them will be fetched.
Here is a query that will work in older versions (no fetch clause) and does not require a subquery. It uses the first/last function. In case of ties by both "count by A" and "value of max(B)" it selects only the row with the largest value of A. You can change that to min(A), or even to sum(A) (although that probably doesn't make sense in your problem) or LISTAGG(A, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY A) to get a comma-delimited list of the A's that are tied for first place, but that requires 11.2 (I believe).
select max(a) keep (dense_rank last order by count(b), max(b)) as a
, max(max(b)) keep (dense_rank last order by count(b)) as b
from inputs
group by a

Tune oracle query with groupby clause

I have a table with Lots of cost columns for each Key
SK1 SK2 Col1 Col2 Col3..... Col50 Flg(Y/N)
1 2 10 20 30 ...... 500 Y
1 2 10 20 30 ...... 500 N
2 2 10 20 30 ...... 500 N
I need to aggregate(sum) of all values and then check if there are any values with Y then add them to new tableB.
Here table A record combination (1,2) for (sk1,sk2) should be returned.
The i have written query is to select lisr of all cols and add as group by.
We have lots of data so this query is taking too long to run. Any chance to relook into this and do so that it can become faster.
from table A
group by Sk1,
Iam using this as part of large query where in many other calculations are performed on top of this.
Working out whether any of a grouped set of records contains a 'Y' would be as simple as ...
select ...
from ...
group by ...
having max(flg) = 'Y'
For now i have created a temporary table and have loaded all the data into it.
If you are using this as part of large query, did you try WITH option?
It could be like this
WITH SUM_DATA AS (select col1, col2, nvl(sum(col3),0), nvl(sum(col4))0, ..... nvl(sum(col50)) from table A group by col1, col2)
FROM abc, sum_data
WHERE abc.join_col = sum_data.join_col
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