Sending explicit zeroes in protobuf3 - protocol-buffers

In Protobuf3 zero is the default value for numeric types, and so they are filtered out when serialized.
I have an application where I need to send a value only when it has changed. For example, x was 1, now x is 0, send this value.
It isn't possible to send only the delta, eg -1, because some of these values are floats or doubles, and we do not want to accrue errors.
There are over 200 different variables in some classes I need to serialize, so solutions like "add a boolean to flag which fields have changed" are possible but not fun. Other suggestions that have a large amount of per-field work or processing are undesirable too.
Is there a simple mechanism to tell protobuf3 to explicitly keep a value even though it is the default value?
Possible solutions:
Send the entire class each time. The main downside here is some fields may have a lot of data.
Use a boolean "has changed" in the schema to indicate if a variable has changed, even if it is 0
Use a magic value. Terrible idea, but possible. Not going to do this.

If you need to distinguish 0 and null then you can use proto3 wrapper types:
There are special wrapper types for such case: StringWrapper, Int32Wrapper and etc. All of the wrapper types that correspond to C# value types (Int32Wrapper, DoubleWrapper, BoolWrapper etc) are mapped to Nullable<T> where T is the corresponding non-nullable type.

Since you tagged protobuf-net, you can do this at the field level:
[ProtoMember(..., IsRequired = true)]
// your field
or globally (here I'm assuming you are using the default model, which is a pretty safe assumption usually):
RuntimeTypeModel.Default.ImplicitZeroDefault = false;
and you're done;
Note: if you're interested in deltas, you can also do this conditionally - for a property Foo, you can add:
private bool ShouldSerializeFoo() { /* your rules here */ }
(this is a name-based pattern used by many serializers and other tools; in some scenarios, it needs to be public, but protobuf-net is usually happy with it non-public)
As a non-trivial example of an object that tracks delta state internally:
using ProtoBuf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
static class P
static void Main()
var obj = new MyType
Foo = 42,
Bar = "abc",
Blap = DateTime.Now
ShowPayloadSize("original", obj);
ShowPayloadSize("clean", obj);
obj.Foo = 42;
obj.Bar = "abc";
ShowPayloadSize("set property to same", obj);
obj.Foo = 45;
obj.Bar = "new value";
ShowPayloadSize("set property to different", obj);
ShowPayloadSize("clean again", obj);
static void ShowPayloadSize<T>(string caption, T obj)
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
Serializer.Serialize(ms, obj);
Console.WriteLine($"{caption}: {ms.Length} bytes");
public class MyType
private int _dirty = -1; // treat everything as dirty by default
public void MarkClean() => _dirty = 0;
public bool IsDirty => _dirty != 0;
private bool ShouldSerialize(int flag) => (_dirty & flag) != 0;
private void Set<T>(ref T field, T value, int flag)
if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value))
field = value;
_dirty |= flag;
public int Foo
get => _foo;
set => Set(ref _foo, value, 1 << 0);
public bool ShouldSerializeFoo() => ShouldSerialize(1 << 0);
private int _foo;
public string Bar
get => _bar;
set => Set(ref _bar, value, 1 << 1);
public bool ShouldSerializeBar() => ShouldSerialize(1 << 1);
private string _bar;
public DateTime Blap
get => _blap;
set => Set(ref _blap, value, 1 << 2);
public bool ShouldSerializeBlap() => ShouldSerialize(1 << 2);
private DateTime _blap;


How may I get Kotlin enum same behaviours as cpp ones

I'd like to get the same behaviour as cpp:
enum dxgi_format_gli
where DXGI_FORMAT_R64_UINT_GLI gets 1 and the next gets 2
the closest I got is:
private var counter: Int = 2;
enum class dxgi_format_gli(i: Int = counter++) {
However I'd like it, of course, to be dynamic, that is whenever I call the constructor with a parameter, save that one in counter and all the following constructors increment and get it..
I already made it in java:
public enum Dxgi_format_gli {
public final int value;
private static class Counter {
private static short value = 0;
private Dxgi_format_gli() {
value = Counter.value;
private Dxgi_format_gli(int value) {
this.value = value;
But I didn't make it using Kotlin..
Every enum already has an auto-generated property ordinal:
enum class A {a, b, c}
A.a.ordinal // 0
A.b.ordinal // 1
A.c.ordinal // 2
So technically the easiest way to get what you want is dxgi_format_gli.DXGI_FORMAT_R64_UINT_GLI.ordinal + 1 (I have no idea why don't you want to start with 0 0_o)
You may replace the code in the #griffio's answer with this:
enum class Dxgi_format_gli {
val value = ordinal + 1
I think you just need to set the value and move the increment around to make it work - so the initial counter and value are the same.
enum class Dxgi_format_gli {
val value: Int
private object Counter {
var value: Int = 0
constructor() {
value = Counter.value.toInt()
private constructor(value: Int) {
this.value = value
Counter.value = value

How to map an int to its enum description using AutoMapper during a queryable projection?

Here is the enum extension method to get its description attribute.
public static string GetDescription(this Enum enumeration)
if (enumeration == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
var value = enumeration.ToString();
var type = enumeration.GetType();
var descriptionAttribute =
(DescriptionAttribute[]) type.GetField(value).GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false);
return descriptionAttribute.Length > 0 ? descriptionAttribute[0].Description : value;
Here is the source object:
public class Account {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public int AccountStatusId {get;set;}
Here is the enum:
public enum AccountStatus {
[Description("BAD CREDIT")
Here is the destination object:
public class GetAccountResponse {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public string Status {get;set;}
Here is my attempt to map (using the latest non-static automapper version). Remember this is during an EF queryable projection.
_config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Account, GetAccountsResponse>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Status,
opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ((AccountStatus) src.AccountStatusId).GetDescription())));
Here is the projection where query is an IQueryable<Account>:
This is the exception I get:
Can't resolve this to Queryable Expression
If you check out the signature of the MapFrom method, you'll notice that one of the overloads takes a parameter of type Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>>.
This suggests that you could write a method which builds an expression tree from ternary expressions that can convert any possible value of your enum to its appropriate string. AutoMapper would then convert this into the appropriate SQL expression via LINQ.
Here's an example which just uses the Enum names themselves: you should be able to adapt it straightforwardly to use your Descriptions:
public static class EnumerableExpressionHelper
public static Expression<Func<TSource, String>> CreateEnumToStringExpression<TSource, TMember>(
Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>> memberAccess, string defaultValue = "")
var type = typeof(TMember);
if (!type.IsEnum)
throw new InvalidOperationException("TMember must be an Enum type");
var enumNames = Enum.GetNames(type);
var enumValues = (TMember[])Enum.GetValues(type);
var inner = (Expression)Expression.Constant(defaultValue);
var parameter = memberAccess.Parameters[0];
for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++)
inner = Expression.Condition(
Expression.Equal(memberAccess.Body, Expression.Constant(enumValues[i])),
var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource,String>>(inner, parameter);
return expression;
You would use it as follows:
CreateMap<Entry, EntryListItem>()
.ForMember(e => e.ReviewStatus,
c => c.MapFrom(EnumerableExpressionHelper.CreateEnumToStringExpression((Entry e) => e.ReviewStatus)))

How do I specify the field in an object to update with a string or some other pointer c#

I'm just learning visual c# in visual studio
Ok, so I have a ton of data fields in a form, and then I want to write the handlers to all call one main method, update, which then updates a resultsEntry object, which encapsulates a bunch of uint variables with various names.
How do I write an update method to put in either the results object, or the update method that will take the name of the variable in resultsEntry as a string, and the integer to update it with, and then update that field.
Basically, I need to do a
resultsEntry.(inStringHere) = inValueHere;
where resultsEntry is the object being updated, the inStringHere specifies the field to be updated, and the inValueHere represents the integer value to assign to it.
Sam French
You have two challenges,
Setting a field/property in class using a string (the focus of your question). This will be accomplished using reflection.
Converting values to the type in your class (this may not be a problem for you, you may have 'typed' values. I have an ugly solution because this is not the main focus of your question.
Setting a property by name (see comments preceded with '**'):
static class Program
// A 'ResultEntry' type
public class ResultEntry
public int ID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
static void Main()
// some tuples Field1 = Property Name; Field2 = Raw Value (string)
List<Tuple<string, string>> rawEntries = new List<Tuple<string, string>>() {
new Tuple<string,string>("ID", "1")
, new Tuple<string, string>("FirstName", "George")
, new Tuple<string, string>("LastName", "Washington")
ResultEntry resultEntry = new ResultEntry();
// ** Get MemberInfo's for your ResultEntry. Do this once, not for each instance of ResultEntry!
MemberInfo[] members = resultEntry.GetType().GetMembers(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
// Iterate over input
foreach (var raw in rawEntries)
// find a MemberInfo (PropertyInfo) that matches your input 'PropertyName'
MemberInfo member = members.FirstOrDefault(m => m.MemberType == MemberTypes.Property && m.Name == raw.Item1);
if (member != null)
// if you input is typed you will not have to deal with
// conversion of the string to the actual type of the property
object val = raw.Item2.MyConverter(((PropertyInfo)member).PropertyType);
// ** set the value in 'ResultEntry'
((PropertyInfo)member).SetValue(resultEntry, val, null);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Result Entry: ID = {0}, FirstName = {1}, LastName = {2}", resultEntry.ID, resultEntry.FirstName, resultEntry.LastName));
If you need to deal with converting raw string input to type (e.g. string to int), then is just one strategy...
public static class Extensions
public static object MyConverter(this string rawValue, Type convertToMe)
// ugly, there are other strategies
object val;
if (convertToMe == typeof(Int32))
val = Convert.ToInt32(rawValue);
// ... add other type conversions
val = rawValue;
return val;
Hope this helps.

Partition/split/section IEnumerable<T> into IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> based on a function using LINQ?

I'd like to split a sequence in C# to a sequence of sequences using LINQ. I've done some investigation, and the closest SO article I've found that is slightly related is this.
However, this question only asks how to partition the original sequence based upon a constant value. I would like to partition my sequence based on an operation.
Specifically, I have a list of objects which contain a decimal property.
public class ExampleClass
public decimal TheValue { get; set; }
Let's say I have a sequence of ExampleClass, and the corresponding sequence of values of TheValue is:
I'd like to partition the original sequence into an IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ExampleClass>> with values of TheValue resembling:
{{0,1,2,3}, {1,1,4,6,7}, {0,1}, {0,2,3,5,7}, {6,5,4,3,2,1}}
I'm just lost on how this would be implemented. SO, can you help?
I have a seriously ugly solution right now, but have a "feeling" that LINQ will increase the elegance of my code.
Okay, I think we can do this...
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<TElement>>
PartitionMontonically<TElement, TKey>
(this IEnumerable<TElement> source,
Func<TElement, TKey> selector)
// TODO: Argument validation and custom comparisons
Comparer<TKey> keyComparer = Comparer<TKey>.Default;
using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator())
if (!iterator.MoveNext())
yield break;
TKey currentKey = selector(iterator.Current);
List<TElement> currentList = new List<TElement> { iterator.Current };
int sign = 0;
while (iterator.MoveNext())
TElement element = iterator.Current;
TKey key = selector(element);
int nextSign = Math.Sign(keyComparer.Compare(currentKey, key));
// Haven't decided a direction yet
if (sign == 0)
sign = nextSign;
// Same direction or no change
else if (sign == nextSign || nextSign == 0)
else // Change in direction: yield current list and start a new one
yield return currentList;
currentList = new List<TElement> { element };
sign = 0;
currentKey = key;
yield return currentList;
Completely untested, but I think it might work...
alternatively with linq operators and some abuse of .net closures by reference.
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Monotonic<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
var comparator = Comparer<T>.Default;
int i = 0;
T last = default(T);
return enumerable.GroupBy((value) => { i = comparator.Compare(value, last) > 0 ? i : i+1; last = value; return i; }).Select((group) => group.Select((_) => _));
Taken from some random utility code for partitioning IEnumerable's into a makeshift table for logging. If I recall properly, the odd ending Select is to prevent ambiguity when the input is an enumeration of strings.
Here's a custom LINQ operator which splits a sequence according to just about any criteria. Its parameters are:
xs: the input element sequence.
func: a function which accepts the "current" input element and a state object, and returns as a tuple:
a bool stating whether the input sequence should be split before the "current" element; and
a state object which will be passed to the next invocation of func.
initialState: the state object that gets passed to func on its first invocation.
Here it is, along with a helper class (required because yield return apparently cannot be nested):
public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>> Split<T, TState>(
this IEnumerable<T> xs,
Func<T, TState, Tuple<bool, TState>> func,
TState initialState)
using (var splitter = new Splitter<T, TState>(xs, func, initialState))
while (splitter.HasNext)
yield return splitter.GetNext();
internal sealed class Splitter<T, TState> : IDisposable
public Splitter(IEnumerable<T> xs,
Func<T, TState, Tuple<bool, TState>> func,
TState initialState)
this.xs = xs.GetEnumerator();
this.func = func;
this.state = initialState;
this.hasNext = this.xs.MoveNext();
private readonly IEnumerator<T> xs;
private readonly Func<T, TState, Tuple<bool, TState>> func;
private bool hasNext;
private TState state;
public bool HasNext { get { return hasNext; } }
public IEnumerable<T> GetNext()
while (hasNext)
Tuple<bool, TState> decision = func(xs.Current, state);
state = decision.Item2;
if (decision.Item1) yield break;
yield return xs.Current;
hasNext = xs.MoveNext();
public void Dispose() { xs.Dispose(); }
Note: Here are some of the design decisions that went into the Split method:
It should make only a single pass over the sequence.
State is made explicit so that it's possible to keep side effects out of func.

Using Distinct with LINQ and Objects [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post.
Closed 9 months ago.
The community reviewed whether to reopen this question 9 months ago and left it closed:
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Until recently, I was using a Distinct in LINQ to select a distinct category (an enum) from a table. This was working fine.
I now need to have it distinct on a class containing a category and country (both enums). The Distinct isn't working now.
What am I doing wrong?
I believe this post explains your problem:
The content of the above link can be summed up by saying that the Distinct() method can be replaced by doing the following.
var distinctItems = items
.GroupBy(x => x.PropertyToCompare)
.Select(x => x.First());
try an IQualityComparer
public class MyObjEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<MyObj>
public bool Equals(MyObj x, MyObj y)
return x.Category.Equals(y.Category) &&
public int GetHashCode(MyObj obj)
return obj.GetHashCode();
then use here
var comparer = new MyObjEqualityComparer();
myObjs.Where(m => m.SomeProperty == "whatever").Distinct(comparer);
You're not doing it wrong, it is just the bad implementation of .Distinct() in the .NET Framework.
One way to fix it is already shown in the other answers, but there is also a shorter solution available, which has the advantage that you can use it as an extension method easily everywhere without having to tweak the object's hash values.
Take a look at this:
var myQuery=(from x in Customers select x).MyDistinct(d => d.CustomerID);
Note: This example uses a database query, but it does also work with an enumerable object list.
Declaration of MyDistinct:
public static class Extensions
public static IEnumerable<T> MyDistinct<T, V>(this IEnumerable<T> query,
Func<T, V> f)
return query.GroupBy(f).Select(x=>x.First());
Or if you want it shorter, this is the same as above, but as "one-liner":
public static IEnumerable<T> MyDistinct<T, V>(this IEnumerable<T> query, Func<T, V> f)
=> query.GroupBy(f).Select(x => x.First());
And it works for everything, objects as well as entities. If required, you can create a second overloaded extension method for IQueryable<T> by just replacing the return type and first parameter type in the example I've given above.
Test data:
You can try it out with this test data:
List<A> GetData()
=> new List<A>()
new A() { X="1", Y="2" }, new A() { X="1", Y="2" },
new A() { X="2", Y="3" }, new A() { X="2", Y="3" },
new A() { X="1", Y="3" }, new A() { X="1", Y="3" },
class A
public string X;
public string Y;
void Main()
// returns duplicate rows:
// Gets distinct rows by i.X
GetData().MyDistinct(i => i.X).Dump();
For explanation, take a look at other answers. I'm just providing one way to handle this issue.
You might like this:
public class LambdaComparer<T>:IEqualityComparer<T>{
private readonly Func<T,T,bool> _comparer;
private readonly Func<T,int> _hash;
public LambdaComparer(Func<T,T,bool> comparer):
this(comparer,o=>0) {}
public LambdaComparer(Func<T,T,bool> comparer,Func<T,int> hash){
if(comparer==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer");
if(hash==null) throw new ArgumentNullException("hash");
public bool Equals(T x,T y){
return _comparer(x,y);
public int GetHashCode(T obj){
return _hash(obj);
public void Foo{
public string Fizz{get;set;}
public BarEnum Bar{get;set;}
public enum BarEnum {One,Two,Three}
var lst=new List<Foo>();
lst.Distinct(new LambdaComparer<Foo>(
You can even wrap it around to avoid writing noisy new LambdaComparer<T>(...) thing:
public static class EnumerableExtensions{
public static IEnumerable<T> SmartDistinct<T>
(this IEnumerable<T> lst, Func<T, T, bool> pred){
return lst.Distinct(new LambdaComparer<T>(pred));
NB: works reliably only for Linq2Objects
I know this is an old question, but I am not satisfied with any of the answers. I took time to figure this out for myself and I wanted to share my findings.
First it is important to read and understand these two things:
Long story short in order to make the .Distinct() extension understand how to determine equality of your object - you must define a "EqualityComparer" for your object T. When you read the Microsoft docs it literally states:
We recommend that you derive from the EqualityComparer class
instead of implementing the IEqualityComparer interface...
That is how you determine what to use, because it had been decided for you already.
For the .Distinct() extension to work successfully you must ensure that your objects can be compared accurately. In the case of .Distinct() the GetHashCode() method is what really matters.
You can test this out for yourself by writing a GetHashCode() implementation that just returns the current Hash Code of the object being passed in and you will see the results are bad because this value changes on each run. That makes your objects too unique which is why it is important to actually write a proper implementation of this method.
Below is an exact copy of the code sample from IEqualityComparer<T>'s page with test data, small modification to the GetHashCode() method and comments to demonstrate the point.
//Did this in LinqPad
void Main()
var lst = new List<Box>
new Box(1, 1, 1),
new Box(1, 1, 1),
new Box(1, 1, 1),
new Box(1, 1, 1),
new Box(1, 1, 1)
//Demonstration that the hash code for each object is fairly
//random and won't help you for getting a distinct list
lst.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(x.GetHashCode()));
//Demonstration that if your EqualityComparer is setup correctly
//then you will get a distinct list
lst = lst
.Distinct(new BoxEqualityComparer())
public class Box
public Box(int h, int l, int w)
this.Height = h;
this.Length = l;
this.Width = w;
public int Height { get; set; }
public int Length { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public override String ToString()
return String.Format("({0}, {1}, {2})", Height, Length, Width);
public class BoxEqualityComparer
: EqualityComparer<Box>
public override bool Equals(Box b1, Box b2)
if (b2 == null && b1 == null)
return true;
else if (b1 == null || b2 == null)
return false;
else if (b1.Height == b2.Height && b1.Length == b2.Length
&& b1.Width == b2.Width)
return true;
return false;
public override int GetHashCode(Box bx)
#region This works
//In this example each component of the box object are being XOR'd together
int hCode = bx.Height ^ bx.Length ^ bx.Width;
//The hashcode of an integer, is that same integer
return hCode.GetHashCode();
#region This won't work
//Comment the above lines and uncomment this line below if you want to see Distinct() not work
//return bx.GetHashCode();
