Google Drive API get files in specific folder in Laravel - laravel

i am using the following code to get files from folder id. But I am not getting the files id instead empty array returning.
$client = new Google_Client();
$service = new Google_Service_Drive($client);
$optParams = array(
'pageSize' => 10,
'fields' => "nextPageToken, files(contentHints/thumbnail,fileExtension,iconLink,id,name,size,thumbnailLink,webContentLink,webViewLink,mimeType,parents)",
'q' => "'".$folderId."' in parents"
$results = $service->files->listFiles($optParams);
I am getting the following,
Google_Service_Drive_FileList Object ( [collection_key:protected] => files [filesType:protected] => Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile [filesDataType:protected] => array [incompleteSearch] => [kind] => [nextPageToken] => [internal_gapi_mappings:protected] => Array ( ) [modelData:protected] => Array ( ) [processed:protected] => Array ( ) [files] => Array ( ) )
Please help me I have spent one week time for this.But not able to sort it out.

$files_list = $service->files->listFiles(array())->getFiles($optParams);


Get the ordered product size and color in order items admin grid in Magento 1.9.2

I am showing a list of items ordered from all the orders from 'sales_flat_order_item table' in Magneto 1.9.2. I get the name, SKU, and all other values from the following collection.
protected function _prepareCollection() {
$collection = Mage::getModel('sales/order_item')->getCollection();
$collection->getSelect()->join(array('o' => 'sales_flat_order'), 'main_table.order_id = o.entity_id', array('increment_id','created_at'));
return $this;
Now I want to get the size and color of the item ordered. I am new to Magento, so I have no clue where I can get these values from.
You can access them in sales_flat_order_item table collection.
$data = $collection->getData();
$optionsData = unserialize($data['product_options']);
echo "<pre>";print_r($optionsData);
// check the [attributes_info] for the custom options
The data in product_options is serialized, so if you unserialize it you end up with something like below :
[info_buyRequest] => Array
[uenc] => aHR0cDovLzUwLjU2LjIxMy4xNTcvbWVuL3RlZXMta25pdHMtYW5kLXBvbG9zL2NoZWxzZWEtdGVlLTUxNC5odG1sP29wdGlvbnM9Y2FydA,,
[product] => 409
[related_product] =>
[super_attribute] => Array
[92] => 20
[180] => 80
[qty] => 6
[return_url] =>
[attributes_info] => Array
[0] => Array
[label] => Color
[value] => Black
[1] => Array
[label] => Size
[value] => S
[simple_name] => Chelsea Tee
[simple_sku] => mtk004
[product_calculations] => 1
[shipment_type] => 0
[giftcard_lifetime] =>
[giftcard_is_redeemable] => 0
[giftcard_email_template] =>
[giftcard_type] =>

How to merge multiple arrays in PHP and output the values together?

I have a situation while developing an application on Laravel. I have three arrays in the following order. I need to merge them and display their values in the following order too. Here , it goes.
I need to merge these three arrays and display the out put in this order.
stone_info = array(stone_name[0] , stone_weight[0] , stone_rate[0]);
So that the final result will be like :
stone_info = array("ruby",112,1000);
I was in the same situation and I had done it in this way. May be this can help you out.
$stone_name = ['ruby','diamond','catseye'];
$stone_weight = [112,223,445];
$stone_rate = [1000,2500,670];
$result = mergeArrays($stone_name, $stone_weight, $stone_rate);
function mergeArrays($stone_name, $stone_weight, $stone_rate) {
$result = array();
foreach ($stone_name as $key => $name ) {
$result[] = array( 'stone_name' => $name, 'stone_weight' => $stone_weight[$key], 'stone_rate' => $stone_rate[ $key ] );
return $result;
[0] => Array
[stone_name] => ruby
[stone_weight] => 112
[stone_rate] => 1000
[1] => Array
[stone_name] => diamond
[stone_weight] => 223
[stone_rate] => 2500
[2] => Array
[stone_name] => catseye
[stone_weight] => 445
[stone_rate] => 670

Yammer: get usernames with messages

I was wondering how I could get the usernames, etc. from messages using the API. Calling the GET messages API gives me all the info I need from the message, but I only get the userID. Because of API request limits, I can't afford to do another API request to know for each messages all the needed userinfo.
Am I missing something, or is this simply not possible?
In fact, check the "references" part of the response and you will find the whole details concerning your user.
I dont see where that is? This is my API response from yammer (for one message)
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 544689850
[sender_id] => 1507082247
[replied_to_id] => 544673530
[created_at] => 2015/06/04 13:03:09 +0000
[network_id] => 355014
[message_type] => update
[sender_type] => user
[url] =>
[web_url] =>
[group_id] => 5741341
[body] => stdClass Object
[parsed] => Signed and Approved!
[plain] => Signed and Approved!
[rich] => Signed and Approved!
[thread_id] => 544673530
[client_type] => Web
[client_url] =>
[system_message] =>
[direct_message] =>
[chat_client_sequence] =>
[language] => en
[notified_user_ids] => Array
[privacy] => private
[attachments] => Array
[liked_by] => stdClass Object
[count] => 0
[names] => Array
[content_excerpt] => Signed and Approved!
[group_created_id] => 5741341

Zend Framework Validate field is integer between 1 and 5

I use Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter class for form validation. point field should accept only integers between 1 and 5. But it doesn't work properly it accepts string starting with integers between 1 and 5. For example 1kjhkjh, 2tgfjhgfjhf, 4jhkljg...
What is wrong in my code?
$inputFilter->add (
$inputFilter->getFactory()->createInput (
array (
'name' => 'point',
'required' => true,
'validators' => array (
'name' => 'Digits'),
array (
'name' => 'Between',
'options' => array (
'min' => 1,
'max' => 5,
'messages' => array('notBetween' => 'Point must be between %min% and %max%')
Use the the second parameter of zend validator to break the validators chain and return an error, breakChainOnFailure (documentation) tells the element to stop validating if this error is triggered, so in your case if it is not a digit the user gets an error, when the user has fixed the error the second validator will get triggered too:
$inputFilter->add (
$inputFilter->getFactory()->createInput (
array (
'name' => 'point',
'required' => true,
'validators' => array (
'name' => 'Digits', 'breakChainOnFailure' => true),
array (
'name' => 'Between',
'options' => array (
'min' => 1,
'max' => 5,
'messages' => array('notBetween' => 'Point must be between %min% and %max%')
Another option would be to replace Zend_Validate_Digits with Zend_Validate_Int (docmentation) depending of what error message you prefer to give to the user if he enters non valid data. Of course as suggested in the comments you could also use the Zend_Filter_Int if what you want is to handle any non valid data by fixing it yourself and do not give the user feedback about what he did wrong.
'breakChainOnFailure': true
should be
'breakChainOnFailure'=> true

Magento - How to set media gallery images programmatically?

I try to set a new magento product image e.g. che_3.png with:
$visibility = array (
$product->addImageToMediaGallery( $file, $visibility, true, false);
The product image is moved from the
temporary directory: /media/tmp/catalog/product/upload/sessionid/original/che_3.png
to the
destination directory: /media/catalog/product/c/h/che_3.png
Now, if i want to call the image filepath - that is saved by magento - is wrong. The media_gallery object looks like this:
[media_gallery] => Array
[images] => Array
[0] => Array
[value_id] => 89
[file] => /c/h/che_3_2_1.png //che_3.svg is already in here
[label] =>
[position] => 1
[disabled] => 0
[label_default] =>
[position_default] => 1
[disabled_default] => 0
[1] => Array // why this second item?
[value_id] => 88
[file] => /c/h/che_3_2.png
[label] =>
[position] => 1
[disabled] => 0
[label_default] =>
[position_default] => 1
[disabled_default] => 0
[values] => Array
As you can see the filename is extended by magento and also two items are added to the media_gallery.
My question is how can I reset the product respectively the internal counter so magento is using the original file as it is?
Thanks in advance.
Problem solved: I've saved the product twice with $product->save() and it seems $product->addImageToMediaGallery() is also executed twice.
