Spring thymeleaf template engine cannot find the template file - spring-boot

I'm trying to send an inline email using spring boot and thymeleaf. I have added new template file "test-email.html"
And I have following bean configurations
private val templateEngine: SpringTemplateEngine? = null
#Bean(name = ["emailSender"])
fun springTemplateEngine(): SpringTemplateEngine? {
val templateEngine = SpringTemplateEngine()
return templateEngine
fun htmlTemplateResolver(): SpringResourceTemplateResolver? {
val emailTemplateResolver = SpringResourceTemplateResolver()
emailTemplateResolver.prefix = "/templates/email/"
emailTemplateResolver.suffix = ".html"
emailTemplateResolver.templateMode = TemplateMode.HTML
emailTemplateResolver.characterEncoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()
return emailTemplateResolver
Following functions is used to send the resolve template and send email.
fun sendTemplateMessage(to: String, subject: String, text: String) {
val mimeMessage: MimeMessage? = emailSender?.createMimeMessage()
val helper = mimeMessage?.let { MimeMessageHelper(it, "utf-8") }
val context = Context()
context.setVariable("msg", "This is test message")
val htmlMsg = templateEngine!!.process("test-email", context)
helper?.setText(htmlMsg, true)
But this gives a FileNotFound exception.
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: ReactiveWebContext resource [/templates/email/test-email.html] cannot be opened because it does not exist
How can I provide template file path to the templating engine?

Add classpath: as prefix of your file path. The reason behind is that it will take the relative path from where the jar is deployed otherwise it will consider the given path as an absolute path.
So change your code as below:
fun htmlTemplateResolver(): SpringResourceTemplateResolver? {
val emailTemplateResolver = SpringResourceTemplateResolver()
emailTemplateResolver.prefix = "classpath:/templates/email/"
emailTemplateResolver.suffix = ".html"
emailTemplateResolver.templateMode = TemplateMode.HTML
emailTemplateResolver.characterEncoding = StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()
return emailTemplateResolver


How to wire #Configuration files from Unit Test - Spring Boot + Kotlin

I have an application.yml with some configuration properties required by my application.
baseurl: https://xxxxx
recordTypeId: 0124a0000004Ifb
recordTypeId: 0125P000000MkDa
recordTypeId: 0125P000000MnuO
recordTypeId: 0125P000000MnuT
I have defined a configuration class to read those properties as follows:
class SFProperties(
#Value("\${sf.case.recordTypeId}") val caseRecordTypeId: String,
#Value("\${sf.application.recordTypeId}") val applicationRecordTypeId: String,
#Value("\${sf.address.personal.recordTypeId}") val addressPersonalRecordTypeId:String,
#Value("\${sf.address.business.recordTypeId}") val addressBusinessRecordTypeId: String
The class is wired within a service without any issues,
class SFClientManagementServiceImpl( val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder):
ClientManagementService {
lateinit var sfProperties: SFProperties
override fun createCase(caseRequest: CaseRequestDto): Mono<CaseResponseDto> {
var myValue= sfProperties.caseRecordTypeId
When trying to test this service, I get a "lateinit property sfProperties has not been initialized" exception:
The test looks as follows:
#SpringBootTest(classes = [SFProperties::class])
class SalesforceClientManagementServiceImplTests {
open lateinit var sfProperties: SFProperties
fun `createCase should return case id when case is created`() {
val clientResponse: ClientResponse = ClientResponse
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
val shortCircuitingExchangeFunction = ExchangeFunction {
val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder = WebClient.builder().exchangeFunction(shortCircuitingExchangeFunction)
val sfClientManagementServiceImpl =
var caseResponseDto =
var response = caseResponseDto.block()
if (response != null) {
assertEquals(Fakes().GetFakeCaseResponseDto().id, response.id)
I have tried many other annotations on the Test class but without success, I would appreciate any ideas.

Is there anyway to update #Bean at runtime?

For my project I want to download from an API and store this information in a map. Furthermore I want to have the map as a bean in another class. I suspect the API to update regularly so I have set a #Schedule for downloading the XML file from the API.
To the problem... How can I update the map with the information from the API every time the XML is downloaded. I do not want to reboot the application each time.
I am very new to the Spring framework so if there is a more elegant method to do this please let me know.
data class DataContainer(val dictionary: MutableMap<String, String>)
class DownloadRenhold {
var dict: MutableMap<String, String> = xmlToDict("/renhold.xml")
val dataContainer: DataContainer
get() = DataContainer(dict)
fun download(link: String, path: String) {
URL(link).openStream().use { input ->
FileOutputStream(File(path)).use { output ->
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
fun scheduledDL() {
dict = xmlToDict("/renhold.xml")
class Controller {
#GetMapping(value = ["/{orgnummer}"]) // #RequestMapping(value="/",method=RequestMethod.GET)
fun orgNrRequest(#PathVariable("orgnummer") nr: String): String? {
var actx = AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(DownloadRenhold::class.java)
var dataContainer = actx.getBean(DataContainer::class.java)
return dataContainer.dictionary[nr]
I would suggest to not have DataContainer as a bean directly. Instead inject DownRenhold into Controller as a singleton bean. Something along these lines:
// No need to make this class a Configuration. Plain Component would suffice.
// #Configuration
class DownloadRenhold {
var _dataContainer: DataContainer = null
var dataContainer: DataContainer
get() = _dataContainer
#Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
fun scheduledDL() {
_dataContainer = // do your download thing and create a DataContainer instance.
class Controller {
var dataProvider: DownloadRenhold
#GetMapping(value = ["/{orgnummer}"])
fun orgNrRequest(#PathVariable("orgnummer") nr: String): String? {
dataProvider.dataContainer // access the current data container

Spring-fu-Kofu: Unable to wire `NamedParameterJdbcTemplate`

I am playing around with Kofu functional Bean DSL. I am using Spring-Data-JDBC with Spring-MVC and trying to autowire NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. However, I am have been receiving this error that no beans found for it while running tests. In a annotation based approach, we don’t have to supply an explicit NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. My sample app here: https://github.com/overfullstack/kofu-mvc-jdbc. And PFB some code snippets from it:
val app = application(WebApplicationType.SERVLET) {
beans {
val dataConfig = configuration {
beans {
listener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {
val webConfig = configuration {
webMvc {
port = if (profiles.contains("test")) 8181 else 8080
router {
val handler = ref<UserHandler>()
GET("/", handler::hello)
GET("/api", handler::json)
converters {
class UserRepository(private val client: NamedParameterJdbcTemplate) {
fun count() =
client.queryForObject("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users", emptyMap<String, String>(), Int::class.java)
open class UserRepositoryTests {
private val dataApp = application(WebApplicationType.NONE) {
private lateinit var context: ConfigurableApplicationContext
fun beforeAll() {
context = dataApp.run(profiles = "test")
fun count() {
val repository = context.getBean<UserRepository>()
assertEquals(3, repository.count())
fun afterAll() {
This is the error:
Parameter 0 of constructor in com.sample.UserRepository required a bean of type 'org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate' that could not be found.
Consider defining a bean of type 'org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate' in your configuration.
Please help, thanks
Apparently Kofu doesn't pick datasource from application.properties file. Everything is meant to be declarative and no implicit derivations. (Basically no Spring magic 🙂). This worked for me:
val dataConfig = configuration {
beans {
bean {
val dataSourceBuilder = DataSourceBuilder.create()
listener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {

How to use feign interceptor / decoder to log request - response in custom format?

I'm developing a custom logging framework for springboot to log rest-template requests and response and is working fine. Am trying to implement the same for 'Feign-Client' and am faced with couple of issues.
For request logging, am leveraging FeignRequestInterceptor and it is working fine, only problem here is I cannot retrieve the full request URL.
Below method is giving me only relative URL.
To log the response, only way i could find was the ResponseDecoder. There I'm able to retrieve everything other than the payload. When accessing the payload from
InputStream is = response.body().asInputStream();
String payload = new String(IOUtils.toByteArray(is));
This method works, but the original stream is closed because of which logging happens fine, but client is throwing exception when returning response.
'trying to open closed stream'
I would like suggestions if there are better ways of logging request response in Feign similar to spring rest-template. Or if the method I have adopted is fine, help me resolve the problems above.
You can configure a custom feign.Logger instance to handle this. There are two built in, JavaLogger which uses java.util.logging and Slf4JLogger that uses slf4j. You can create your own logger implementation by extending feign.Logger and registering it as a #Bean.
That logger should be picked up by Spring and registered with your FeignClient. Here is the Logger base class to get you started:
protected abstract void log(String configKey, String format, Object... args);
Create your own instance, implement this method and it will be called before the request and after the response is returned. No need to update the interceptor or create a response decoder.
in your RestConfiguration you need to up default level of logging feignClient and override by #Bean feignLogger like:
#Configuration(proxyBeanMethods = false)
#EnableFeignClients(basePackageClasses = [Application::class])
class RestConfiguration: WebMvcConfigurer {
fun feignLoggerLevel(): Logger.Level {
return Logger.Level.FULL
fun feignLogger(): Logger {
return FeignClientLogger()
and implement your logger (logbook format):
import feign.Logger
import feign.Request
import feign.Response
import feign.Util.*
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
class FeignClientLogger : Logger() {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this::class.java)
override fun logRequest(configKey: String?, logLevel: Level?, request: Request?) {
if (request == null)
val feignRequest = FeignRequest()
feignRequest.method = request.httpMethod().name
feignRequest.url = request.url()
for (field in request.headers().keys) {
for (value in valuesOrEmpty(request.headers(), field)) {
feignRequest.addHeader(field, value)
if (request.requestBody() != null) {
feignRequest.body = request.requestBody().asString()
override fun logAndRebufferResponse(
configKey: String?,
logLevel: Level?,
response: Response?,
elapsedTime: Long
): Response? {
if (response == null)
return response
val feignResponse = FeignResponse()
val status = response.status()
feignResponse.status = response.status()
feignResponse.reason =
(if (response.reason() != null && logLevel!! > Level.NONE) " " + response.reason() else "")
feignResponse.duration = elapsedTime
if (logLevel!!.ordinal >= Level.HEADERS.ordinal) {
for (field in response.headers().keys) {
for (value in valuesOrEmpty(response.headers(), field)) {
feignResponse.addHeader(field, value)
if (response.body() != null && !(status == 204 || status == 205)) {
val bodyData: ByteArray = toByteArray(response.body().asInputStream())
if (logLevel.ordinal >= Level.FULL.ordinal && bodyData.isNotEmpty()) {
feignResponse.body = decodeOrDefault(bodyData, UTF_8, "Binary data")
return response.toBuilder().body(bodyData).build()
} else {
return response
override fun log(p0: String?, p1: String?, vararg p2: Any?) {}
class FeignResponse {
var status = 0
var reason: String? = null
var duration: Long = 0
private val headers: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
var body: String? = null
fun addHeader(key: String?, value: String?) {
headers.add("$key: $value")
override fun toString() =
class FeignRequest {
var method: String? = null
var url: String? = null
private val headers: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf()
var body: String? = null
fun addHeader(key: String?, value: String?) {
headers.add("$key: $value")
override fun toString() =

How can I instruct gradle to monitor `local.properties` to know when a `Gradle Sync` is needed?

I use gradle.properties and local.properties to inject configuration into buildSrc.
// in buildSrc
private val localVersions = LocalVersions.create()
object Versions {
kotlin = localVersions.kotlin
object Libs {
kotlin = "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:${Versions.kotlin}"
// gradle.properties
This works great. But let's say I add this line to local.propeties (which should override the value in gradle.properties).
// local properties
When I build again, Versions.kotlin still returns 1.3.21, because it does not realize that a change to local.properties will affect the buildSrc classpath.
private data class LocalVersions(
val kotlin: String
) {
companion object {
private const val gradlePropertiesFileName = "gradle.properties"
private const val localPropertiesFileName = "local.properties"
private const val kotlinVersionPropertyName = "versions.kotlin"
fun create(): LocalVersions {
val props = Properties().apply {
fun File.asInputStream(): InputStream = BufferedInputStream(FileInputStream(this))
val gradlePropsFile = File(gradlePropertiesFileName).apply {
require(exists()) {
"File does not exist. ${this.absolutePath}"
val localPropsFile = File(localPropertiesFileName)
if (!gradlePropsFile.exists()) {
throw FileNotFoundException("Could not find file: $gradlePropsFile.absolutePath")
if (localPropsFile.exists()) {
fun findProperty(name: String): String {
return props.getProperty(name)
?: throw IllegalStateException("Could not find property `$this` in `gradle.properties` or `local.properties`.")
return LocalVersions(
kotlin = findProperty(kotlinVersionPropertyName)
If I make a change to the value in gradle.properties, Gradle realizes that buildSrc has been modified. If I make a similar change to local.properties, Gradle doesn't realize a sync is needed. How can I instruct Gradle to realize this?
