spring batch - how to avoid re-loading(writing) data that was loaded in the previous run - spring

I have a basic spring batch app which is trying to load the data from a csv file to mysql. the program does load the file into db during the first run. However when I accidently re-run the job/app again, it had thrown the primary key violation (for the right reasons).
What is the best way to avoid reloading the data that is present on the target system? when the batch job is scheduled, if for any good reason, the source file has not changed since the previous run, I want to see 0 record processed message rather than a primary key violation error. hope it makes sense.
more information:
Thanks. I have probably not understood the answer. Let me explain my requirement in a better way. I have a file contains the data from external data source (say new hire data) with a fixed name of hire.csv. The file should be updated with the delta changes for every run. As there is a possibility of manual error of not removing all loaded rows, some new hires from previous run would also be present on current run. Is there a mechanism available within itemreader or itemprocessor to skip those records that are already present on the target db? I can do "insert into tb where not in (select from tb)" but this run for every row which I dont want to use. Hope it is clear now. thanks again.

However when I accidently re-run the job/app again, it had thrown the primary key violation (for the right reasons). What is the best way to avoid reloading the data that is present on the target system?
The file you are ingesting should be a (identifying) job parameter. This way, when the first run succeeds, the job instance is complete and cannot be run again. This is by design in Spring Batch for this very use case: preventing accidental job execution twice by error.
Edit: Add further options based on comments
If deleting the file is an option, then you can use a job listener or a final step to delete the file after ingesting it. With this option, you need to add a second identifying paramter (since the file name is always hire.csv) to make sure you have a different job instance for each run. This option does not require having a different file name for each run.
If the file can be renamed to hire-${timestamp}.csv and will be unique, then deleting the file after ingesting it and using a single job parameter with the filename is enough
Side note: I have seen people using a business key to identify records in the input file and using an item processor to query the database and filter items that have been already ingested. This works for small datasets but performs poorly with large datasets due to the additional query for each item.


Spring Batch Metadata Issue

When I am trying to disable Spring Batch Metadata creation with the option spring.batch.initialize-schema=never and then I launch batch, nothing happen and the batch terminate immediately without running the related jobs.
In the other hand when I am trying to enable the Metadata creation, the batch work fine, I am getting the classic SERIALIZED_CONTEXT field size error. I can't always save 4GB of data in the table when I execute the batch.
How to disable definitively the Metadata creation, and have my batch still working?
Edit : I think I found a kind of solution to avoid this issue, and I would like to have your point of view. I am finally working with Metadata generation. The issue occurs when you have large set of data stored in your ExecutionContext you pass between Tasklets (we all know this is the reason). In my case it is an ArrayList of elements (POJO), retrieved from a CSV file with OpenCSV. To overcome this issue I have :
reduced the number of columns and lines in the ArrayList (because Spring Batch will serialize this ArrayList in the SERIALIZED_CONTEXT field. The more columns and lines you have the more you are sure to get this issue)
changed the type of the SERIALIZED_CONTEXT from TEXT to LONGTEXT
deleted the toString() method defined in the POJO (not sure it really helps)
But I am still wondering, what if you have no choice and you have to load all your columns, what is the best way to prevent this issue?
So this is not an issue with metadata generation but with passing a large amount of data between two steps.
what if you have no choice and you have to load all your columns, what is the best way to prevent this issue?
You can still load all columns but you have to reduce the chunk size. The whole point of chunk processing in Spring Batch is to not load all data in memory. What you can do in your case is to carefully choose a chunk size that fits your requirement. There is no recipe for choosing the correct chunk size (since it depends on the number of columns, the size of each column, etc), so you need to proceed in an empirical way.

How to order ETL tasks in Sql Server Data Tools (Integration Services)?

I'm a newbie in ETL processing. I am trying to populate a data mart through ETL and have hit a bump. I have 4 ETL tasks(Each task filling a particular table in the Mart) and the problem is that I need to perform them in a particular order so as to avoid constraint violations like Foreign Key constraints. How can I achieve this? Any help is really appreciated.
This is a snap of my current ETL:
Create a separate Data Flow Task for each table you're populating in the Control Flow, and then simply connect them together in the order you need them to run in. You should be able to just copy/paste the components from your current Data Flow to the new ones you create.
The connections between Tasks in the Control Flow are called Precendence Constraints, and if you double-click on one you'll see that they give you a number of options on how to control the flow of your ETL package. For now though, you'll probably be fine leaving it on the defaults - this will mean that each Data Flow Task will wait for the previous one to finish successfully. If one fails, the next one won't start and the package will fail.
If you want some tables to load in parallel, but then have some later tables wait for all of those to be finished, I would suggest adding a Sequence Container and putting the ones that need to load in parallel into it. Then connect from the Sequence Container to your next Data Flow Task(s) - or even from one Sequence Container to another. For instance, you might want one Sequence Container holding all of your Dimension loading processes, followed by another Sequence Container holding all of your Fact loading processes.
A common pattern goes a step further than using separate Data Flow Tasks. If you create a separate package for every table you're populating, you can then create a parent package, and use the Execute Package Task to call each of the child packages in the correct order. This is fantastic for reusability, and makes it easy for you to manually populate a single table when needed. It's also really nice when you're testing, as you don't need to keep disabling some Tasks or re-running the entire load when you want to test a single table. I'd suggest adopting this pattern early on so you don't have a lot of re-work to do later.

Spring Boot application with Postgres: indexes not being used during first use

I have a Spring Boot application that is using a Postgres database. When the application is deployed I need to run a transactional operation that uploads a zip file that is used to populate the database. The application is checking for duplicate rows before inserting them (because users can upload duplicate data that should just be ignored).
The problem I am having is that the first time I upload the file, even thought the indexes are created, they are not being used when checking for the existence of a row. My theory is that this happens because the query plan is deciding not to use the index because it is checking the original statistics, which show that the tables are empty. If I upload a small zip file first, then the problem goes away because the tables now have data.
I have two questions. First, is my theory correct or is there some other reason for this behaviour? Also, if so, is there a way to force Postgres to update the query plan it uses at some predefined interval within the same transaction and can this be done using JPA? Any ideas are appreciated.
Just in case someone runs into this issue, I'll post the solution I found. It appears my theory was correct. The queries will not use the indexes until some statistics are collected. One way to force this is to call ANALYZE after a number of rows have been written to the database. You can do this using a native query like this:
entityManager.createNativeQuery("ANALYZE " + tbl).executeUpdate();
You can wrap this call in a try catch and ignore any exceptions that might occur if you change the database engine. I couldn't find a way of doing this in a database-independent way but this approach works fine and now the initial upload performs as expected.

Magento determine if report script is running

I have created a Magento module that will, based on some filters, create a CSV file with the order data. This report takes anytime from 15–40 min to run depending on the selected filters. Since there is a lot of data, I used straight queries to generate the report.
So what I am trying to do now, is to make sure that when this report is being generated, no one else can run it. So I need to be able to detect that the query is running. Any suggestions on the best approach to this?
create a file called report.lock when you start the report. Check to see if this file exists when you start the report and return an error if it does, otherwise create the file. Delete it once it is complete.

Exporting 8million records from Oracle to MongoDB

Now I have an Oracle Database with 8 millions records and I need to move them to MongoDB.
I know how to import some data to MongoDB with JSON file using import command but I want to know that is there a better way to achieve this regarding these issues.
Due to the limit of execution time, how to handle it?
The database is going up every seconds so what's the plan to make sure that every records have been moved.
Due to the limit of execution time, how to handle it?
Don't do it with the JSON export / import. Instead you should write a script that reads the data, transforms into the correct format for MongoDB and then inserts it there.
There are a few reasons for this:
Your tables / collections will not be organized the same way. (If they are, then why are you using MongoDB?)
This will allow you to monitor progress of the operation. In particular you can output to log files every 1000th entry or so to get some progress and be able to recover from failures.
This will test your new MongoDB code.
The database is going up every seconds so what's the plan to make sure that every records have been moved.
There are two strategies here.
Track the entries that are updated and re-run your script on newly updated records until you are caught up.
Write to both databases while you run the script to copy data. Then once you've done the script and everything it up to date, you can cut over to just using MongoDB.
I personally suggest #2, this is the easiest method to manage and test while maintaining up-time. It's still going to be a lot of work, but this will allow the transition to happen.
