TI Inspire CX variable not defined in an if statement - ti-basic

I am attempting to write a modular inverse function based on this c++ version in my TI-Nspire CX.
So far I have the following code:
Define LibPub modinv(a,b)=
Local b0,t,q,x0,x1
If b=1 Then
Return 1
While a>1
If x1<0 Then
Return x1
When I run the program
I get this error:
Error: Variable is not defined
When I "view" the error it shows this line as being problematic (I think), as the cursor goes right to this line.

You didnt define b0, it has symbolic value. Since it is a local variable, you can not leave the scope, i.e. return x1 that contains symbolic b0 within.


Confusing julia behavior. #everywhere macro changes the scope of local variables to global

I just encountered a very confusing julia behavior. I always thought that variables defined inside a function remain local to that function. But in the following example, the scope changes.
I define a simple function as below
using Distributed
function f()
#everywhere x = myid()
#everywhere println("x = ", x)
Executing the following code
gives the result
x = 1
From worker 2: x = 2
From worker 3: x = 3
But since x is defined inside the function, I would expect the variable x to be not defined outside the function. However, upon executing the following code
I get the result
Even more confusing is the execution of the following code
#fetchfrom 3 x
which again gives
This is super confusing behavior. First, how does x become available outside the function? Second, why are all the processors/cores returning the same value of x? Thank you for your help.

In Marie.js how would I go about doing an if statement and loop for the following pseudocode?

max = 0
value = 0
INPUT value
IF (value == 0)
IF (value > max)
max = value
I am using https://marie.js.org/ but i'm having a lot of trouble trying to figure out how to do an if statement. I've attempted to use skipcond. I'm also struggling a bit with the endless loop. Any help to get me started off would be really appreciated.
First, convert the pseudo code to the if-goto style of assembly language & machine code.
if a then
translates into
if !a then goto endif1
Second, translate your pseudo code variables into Marie assembly language/machine code variables.
For example, you have an integer max in the pseudo code, so in the data area put:
max, dec 0
Finally, translate each line of if-goto code into assembly.
Conditional tests if a < b goto are done by comparison using subtraction.  So, load a into the accumulator, subtract b, which sets the condition codes, and then do a SkipCond and goto to skip or not skip code you want to execute.
Marie.js has a number of simple examples.  Look at the multiplication example, to see data/variable declarations, conditional branches, loops, input, output.

Introspecting _ENV from coroutines

NB: I am using Lua version 5.3.
This question is motivated by Exercise 25.1 (p. 264) of Programming in Lua (4th ed.). That exercise reads as follows:
Exercise 25.1: Adapt getvarvalue (Listing 25.1) to work with different coroutines (like the functions from the debug library).
The function getvarvalue that the exercise refers to is copied verbatim below.
-- Listing 25.1 (p. 256) of *Programming in Lua* (4th ed.)
function getvarvalue (name, level, isenv)
local value
local found = false
level = (level or 1) + 1
-- try local variables
for i = 1, math.huge do
local n, v = debug.getlocal(level, i)
if not n then break end
if n == name then
value = v
found = true
if found then return "local", value end
-- try non-local variables
local func = debug.getinfo(level, "f").func
for i = 1, math.huge do
local n, v = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
if not n then break end
if n == name then return "upvalue", v end
if isenv then return "noenv" end -- avoid loop
-- not found; get value from the environment
local _, env = getvarvalue("_ENV", level, true)
if env then
return "global", env[name]
else -- no _ENV available
return "noenv"
Below is my enhanced version of this function, which implements the additional functionality specified in the exercise. This version accepts an optional thread parameter, expected to be a coroutine. The only differences between this enhanced version and the original getvarvalue are:
the handling of the additional optional thread parameter;
the special setting of the level parameter depending on whether the thread parameter is the same as the running coroutine or not; and
the passing of the thread parameter in the calls to debug.getlocal and debug.getinfo, and in the recursive call.
(I have marked these differences in the source code through numbered comments.)
function getvarvalue_enhanced (thread, name, level, isenv)
-- 1
if type(thread) ~= "thread" then
-- (thread, name, level, isenv)
-- (name, level, isenv)
isenv = level
level = name
name = thread
thread = coroutine.running()
local value
local found = false
-- 2
level = level or 1
if thread == coroutine.running() then
level = level + 1
-- try local variables
for i = 1, math.huge do
local n, v = debug.getlocal(thread, level, i) -- 3
if not n then break end
if n == name then
value = v
found = true
if found then return "local", value end
-- try non-local variables
local func = debug.getinfo(thread, level, "f").func -- 3
for i = 1, math.huge do
local n, v = debug.getupvalue(func, i)
if not n then break end
if n == name then return "upvalue", v end
if isenv then return "noenv" end -- avoid loop
-- not found; get value from the environment
local _, env = getvarvalue_enhanced(thread, "_ENV", level, true) -- 3
if env then
return "global", env[name]
return "noenv"
This function works reasonably well, but I have found one strange situation1 where it fails. The function make_nasty below generates a coroutine for which getvarvalue_enhanced fails to find an _ENV variable; i.e. it returns "noenv". (The function that serves as the basis for nasty is the closure closure_B, which in turn invokes the closure closure_A. It is closure_A that then yields.)
function make_nasty ()
local function closure_A () coroutine.yield() end
local function closure_B ()
local thread = coroutine.create(closure_B)
return thread
nasty = make_nasty()
print(getvarvalue_enhanced(nasty, "_ENV", 2))
-- noenv
In contrast, the almost identical function make_nice produces a coroutine for which getvarvalue_enhanced succeeds in finding an _ENV variable.
function make_nice ()
local function closure_A () coroutine.yield() end
local function closure_B ()
local _ = one_very_much_non_existent_global_variable -- only difference!
local thread = coroutine.create(closure_B)
return thread
nice = make_nice()
print(getvarvalue_enhanced(nice, "_ENV", 2))
-- upvalue table: 0x558a2633c930
The only difference between make_nasty and make_nice is that, in the latter, the closure closure_B references a non-existent global variable (and does nothing with it).
Q: How can I modify getvarvalue_enhanced so that it is able to locate _ENV for nasty, the way it does for nice?
EDIT: changed the names of the closures within make_nasty and make_nice.
EDIT2: the wording of Exercise 25.3 (same page) may be relevant here (my emphasis):
Exercise 25.3: Write a version of getvarvalue (Listing 25.1) that returns a table with all variables that are visible at the calling function. (The returned table should not include environmental variables; instead it should inherit them from the original environment.)
This question implies that there should be a way to get at the variables that are merely visible from a function, whether the function uses them or not. Such variables would certainly include _ENV. (The author is one of Lua's creators, so he knows what he's talking about.)
1 I am sure that someone with a better understanding of what is going on in this example will be able to come up with a less convoluted way to elicit the same behavior. The example I present here is the most minimal form I can come up with of the situation I found by accident.
local function inner_closure () coroutine.yield() end
local function outer_closure ()
The function make_nasty below generates a coroutine for which getvarvalue_enhanced fails to find an _ENV variable; i.e. it returns "noenv"
That's a correct behavior.
The closure outer_closure has upvalue inner_closure but doesn't have upvalue _ENV.
This is how lexical scope works.
It's OK that some closures don't have _ENV upvalue.
In your example the closure inner_closure isn't defined inside the body of outer_closure.
inner_closure is not nested in outer_closure.
It's impossible.
If a closure doesn't make any use of the global environment _ENV, then it doesn't have that upvalue whatsoever.
A function like
local something = 20
local function noupval(x, y)
return x * y
Doesn't need or have any upvalues, not even to the global environment.
This question implies that there should be a way to get at the variables that are merely visible from a function, whether the function uses them or not.
There really isn't though. You can easily confirm this by looking at the output of luac -p -l <your_code.lua>, more precisely at the upvalues of each function.
If anything, I think using the word visible is somewhat misleading there. Visibility really only matters when creating a closure, but once it has been closed, that closure only has a set of upvalues which it can access.
Exercise 25.3: Write a version of getvarvalue (Listing 25.1) that returns a table with all variables that are visible at the calling function. (The returned table should not include environmental variables; instead it should inherit them from the original environment.)
You may have misunderstood that exercise; the way I understand it is something like this:
local upvalue = 20
local function foo()
local var = upvalue -- Create 1 local and access 1 upvalue
type(print) == "function" -- Access _ENV so it becomes an upvalue
return getvarvalue_enhanced()
and the above would return {var = 20, upvalue = 20, _ENV = <Proxy table to _ENV>}
After all, it asks specifically about the calling function, not one you pass as a parameter.
This doesn't change the fact that you still only get _ENV if you access it though. If you don't use any globals, the function won't have any reference to _ENV whatsoever.

Basic question from a beginner. Problem with definitions in a bucle. Maple

Let's suppose we are in this case (I'm using Maple)
for j in [1..2]do
return e1,e2;
This program gives me a global variable error. I understand why that happens -- because ej is not defined as local -- but if you define it then the program just doesn't do anything. ) I don't know how to solve it. My objective (in a bigger program) is to call e1,e2 in a for loop.
Maybe I didn't express myself correctly simplifying my problem, there is my Program, it is made with program GAP but it works similar to Maple:
if Weight(sH)<=2 then
return u;
elif Weight(sG)<=2 then
return u;
for i in [1..6] do
for j in [1..6] do
if sG-bi=ej or sG-bi=2*ej then
return u;
elif sG-2*bi=ej or sG-2*bi=2*ej then
return u;
The program dont send me an error but i know it don't work because of the ej,bi and ei. I want to do what it says after the last "else" but i don't know how to solve it to make it work.
Your syntax is invalid. It is proc, not function.
And add is already a Maple command, so it's a protected name and cannot be assigned to. You have to use another name.
And your syntax for the do-loop is likely not what you want. You probably want for j from 1 to 2 do .
And you really should initialize ej with a value before doing the recursive assignment ej:=ej+1 .
And you might as well declare the procedure's local variables.
Personally, I favour using end do instead of od , and end proc instead of just end , in modern Maple. It makes it easier to tell what's being terminated.
For example,
local e1,e2,ej,j;
for j from 1 to 5 do
end do;
return ej,e1,e2;
end proc:
5, 0, 1
There is a Maple Programming Guide, which you can read online or inside Maple's own Help system. It has a nice introduction to writing procedures. And there is a more detailed Help page for the proc command.

Data structure for storing variables in an interpreted language

I am designing my own experimental scripting language for the purpose of embedding it in my bigger application.
Almost everything I wanted to do was programmed smoothly, but the "simple" act of storing variables in memory appeared to be the hardest part here. I don't know how to store them to allow all type checking, global variables and special flags on them. First look at a sample code:
a = 1
b = 2
print(a) --> This should read the global variable and print `1`
a = 3 --> Now `a` should become a local variable of this function
and the global `a` remain unchanged
x = 4 --> `x` should always be local of this function
I call the "locality" of variables their levels so variables in nested blocks have a higher level. In the above code, a and b are level 1 variables. Local variables of someFunction will have level 2. The first line of the function should read the global variable a (level 1) but the second line should create a variable again called a but with level 2 that shadows the global a from that point onwards. The third line should create the variable x with level 2. How to store and keep track of all these in memory?
What I tried so far:
Method 1: Storing maps of variable=>value in array of levels:
level=1 //global variables
a => 1,
b => 2
level=2 //function variables
a => 3,
x => 4
But that will make variable look-up really slow since one has to search all the levels for a given variable.
Method 2: Storing the (variable, level) pairs as keys of a map:
(a, 1) => 1, //global
(b, 1) => 2, //global
(a, 2) => 3, //function
(x, 2) => 3 //function
This has the same problem as before since we have to try the pair (variable, level) with all possible levels for a given variable.
What method should I use for optimal memory usage and fastest access time?
Additional notes:
I know about how variables are managed on stack and heap on other "real" languages, but I find it tricky to do this on an interpreted language. "This mustn't be how Lua and Python do that," I always think. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm trying to store the variable in maps and internal C++ structures.
And finally, this is how I represent a variable. Do you think it's big and there can be more memory-efficient representations? (I've also tried to put the "Level" as a member here but it had the same problem as the other too.)
struct Member
uchar type; //0=num, 1=str, 2=function, 3=array, etc
uchar flags; //0x80 = read-only, 0x40 = write-only, etc
union {
long double value_num;
char* value_str;
int value_func;
An easy thing to do, similar to your array, is to maintain a stack of maps. Each map contains the bindings for that scope. To bind a variable, add it to the top map; to look up a variable, start at the top of the stack and stop when you reach a map that contains a binding for that variable. Search takes a little bit, but starting from the top/end you only have to search until you find it — in most cases, this search will not be very long.
You can also make the stack implicit by encapsulating this logic in an Environment class that has local bindings and an inherited environment used for resolving unknown variables. Need to go into a new scope? Create a new environment with the current environment as its base, use it, then discard it when the scope is finished. The root/global environment can just have a null inherited environment. This is what I would probably do.
Its worth noting that if, inside a function, you don't have access to any variables from the caller function, it lowers the number of levels you need to look at. For example:
variable a;
function one() {
variable b;
// in this function, we can see the global a, local b
function two() {
// in this function, we can see the global a, local c
// we cannot see the local b of our caller
variable c;
while (true) {
variable d;
// here we can see local d, local c, global a
The idea being that function boundaries limit the visibility of variables, with the global scope being "special".
That being said, you can consider removing the specialness of global variables, but allowing the code to specify that they want access to non-local variables
variable a;
function one() {
global a; // or upvar #0 a;
variable b;
// in this function, we can see the global a, local b
function two() {
// in this function, we can see the local c
// and the local b of our caller
// (since we specifically say we want access to "b" one level up)
upvar 1 b;
variable c;
It looks complicated at first, but it's really easy to understand once you get used to it (upvar is a construct from the Tcl programming language). What it allows you is access to variables in your caller's scope, but it avoids some of the costly lookup involved by requiring that you specify exactly where that variable comes from (with 1 being one level up the call stack, 2 being two levels up, and #0 being "special" in saying "the uppermost call stack, the global)
